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Louie – Misery Is Wasted On The Miserable

Biden, Illegals, detained, fail.

BSR says...

"The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand."

Love is not complete without grief.

"You know you got to go through hell before you get to heaven"

newtboy said:

I would grok the meaning and state "thou art god"

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bullshit. Maybe if it was some minor story it could be shunted to page two if there are enough paid adds and sites that pay for preferential treatment. A major revelation like that, with evidence not just crackheads claiming it,could never get off page one of a search. It’s not there because it’s utter bullshit made up by professional bullshit artists to excuse their cohorts from treason and murder....or perhaps because there are a dozen professional fact checks that all debunked it and the original claims have been retracted and taken down by their original posters. (That’s what politifact indicates)
They do not “hide” pages, and they aren’t the only game in town.

The one bit of evidence I can find on the subject is the photo of Trumpsters taking selfies with capitol police that some nut job said proves they are ANTIFA agents working with police to frame Trumpsters....too bad those people have actually been identified as long time trumptards. There was also a claim that facial ID software identified many as ANTIFA, but the company itself said it identified white supremacists and other far right extremists, no ANTIFA. That claim is gone because it was retracted when the truth came out.
Just admit you bought the lie and made it up. If that weren’t the case, you absolutely could have proven me wrong by now, instead you are taking this red herring “it’s been hidden by google” lie as far as you can in hopes you won’t get called out again for just making up bold faced lies, again.

It’s a pure bullshit lie. ANTIFA did not instigate the attempted Trump coup, Trumpsters did, and they planned it online, documented and verified, some for months. Every person asked said Trump directed them to go there and “stop the steal” by “fighting hard” and “not allowing Biden to be declared president” and “getting rid of representatives like Cheney and others that are weak”. Not one said some hipster said attack congress so I did. It’s a transparent, baseless, evidence free excuse for treason. No body is buying it, it’s just so stupid a lie to start with. You need an IQ below 75 to think it MIGHT be true.

bobknight33 said:

I didn't say that.

The can bury down to the 10 or so page.
IF you not on first few you basically dont exits.

Nina Simone: Mississippi Goddam

newtboy says...

Sweet Jesus you dishonest brain dead slug. You are either being as dishonest as possible or have severe brain damage....or both.

I’ve never once denied that Democrats WERE once the party of racism and anti civil rights until the 60’s when they decided it was in their interests to support civil rights and oppose racism. When they did that, they became far more popular and Republicans, to have a chance of winning another election, changed their platform to anti civil rights, pro racism in order to gain the southern white racist vote. That was called the southern strategy that you just deny happened despite all evidence proving it did. This is at least the 10th time I’ve pointed this out with references to prove it, and you still act ignorant. Do you have a severe memory problem, or are you just being a dishonest troll starting the same argument for the 11th time because you might get away with it this time?

Yes, the Democratic south WAS the OG of racism and anti civil rights right up till the 60’s when they, like Iced T, changed their thought process and straightened up. Shortly afterwards, Republicans were losing elections and the party was dying, so Goldwater and Nixon courted those abandoned southern white racist voters. Since then, Republicans have been the party of racism and anti civil rights (for non whites). I expect, like at least 10 times before, you’ll take the first 1/2 of the first sentence of this paragraph, remove the word “was”, and pretend I just said Southern racists ARE Democrats because you are nothing but a dishonest bullshit artist (but a horrendously bad one).

Iced T WAS an OG gangster rapper, now he’s a rich actor. Same for Ice Cube, J Z, etc.

I’ve never denied the truth, or history. If Democrats and Republicans had not switched positions I would be Republican and you would be a Democrat...but they did. When are you going to accept the truth? It’s been over 50 years and you still deny it. We aren’t living in the 50’ seem confused about that.

Again, if Republicans aren’t the party of racism, how do you explain the fact that they get 100% of the racist white supremacist vote and well under 10% of the black vote?
So infantile Bob. You just have to deny reality every time to ever make your point.


bobknight33 said:

You saying

" Republicans switched from supporting civil rights to opposing them in order to win the southern white (mostly racist)" ..
So you are saying Republicans became racist to get more racist Democrat votes.

So you are implicating Democrat south as the OG of Racism. Sweet. About time you admit truth.

Eden Neville - Video Games (Official Music Video)

BSR says...

To be dead, all you need is a broken heart.

So, you are correct. Not only in video games but also music, movies, the arts.

Luckily we all have a spare heart to replace the broken one. The spare heart must be earned because the original is really just training wheels.

You can't get a broken heart without love.

"Don't fear the reaper."

All alone, or in two's
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands
The bleeding hearts and the artists
Make their stand
And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall - Pink Floyd

RedEye9 said:

I knew people were summoning the dead behind me when i played videogames.

Mandolorian Season 2 Trailer

BSR says...

The Outland TIE fighter was first depicted in the mobile app Star Wars: Card Trader as part of the set Illustrated Outlaws released on October 4, 2019.[4] It appears in the final two episodes of the first season of The Mandalorian, a 2019 Disney+ television series.[2][3]

The ship was originally designed by Industrial Light & Magic concept artist Doug Chiang for the 2015 film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens,[9] though it went unused in the film itself. Later, during the development of The Mandalorian, series creator Jon Favreau and his team saw Chiang's concept and decided to incorporate it into their project. To bring the vehicle to life, a physical prop of the ship was built on the show's set, whereas the TIE's folded wings were realized through computer-generated imagery.[10]

bremnet said:

OK, since there's a bunch of experts on this thread, when did the Tie fighters first show that they had folding "wings" (solar array panels) as @ the 1:13 mark. I ain't no Star Wars expert, but this is the first time I've seen this. Help?

Judge Barrett isn't worth considering

vil says...

The justification is simple, really. It does not matter.

I have been noticing this brashness in political appointments of officials on all levels not just in the US and I believe it stems from the advances in marketing in recent decades.

There is an obvious sub-set of obscure qualifications that are now necessary to hold office:

- do you cater to the ruling mob?
- do you have a cult following?
- do you look good on camera?
- are you willing to say anything?
- are you loyal to the grave?

So id say its a pass. An easy pass.

Everything else can be glossed over by manipulation and careful editing. And good make-up artists.

President Trump’s dance moves go viral

newtboy says...

Is anyone surprised Trump is stealing more work product from citizens?
Is anyone surprised he cluelessly chose a gay anthem about wild gay sex at the gym?
Is anyone surprised that, when asked to stop, he not only started using it more but also rewrote it to be about him?

Imagine the vitriol and accusations if Obama had stolen a gay anthem for his campaign.

Stealing from artists should be a disqualifying move, just like being convicted of stealing from veterans and students like Trump was.

Bicycle Ballet at the University of Hohenheim

Jehovah's Witness Receives Applause For Shunning Sister

luxintenebris jokingly says...

yep. loyalty to a figurehead that cares little about them. they are chattel. to be used, abused, and excommunicated when they gain awareness.

explains why nothing deters don's delusion-aires. it's a cult. could be the cult of personality but that would mean his lack of personality is a type of personality.

- scientology's 's.p.'s
- amish's 'english'
- don's 't.d.s.' (or whatever duck they pretend it is - like 40 years of documented criminality/crudeness/creepiness is sudden seduction)

since donnie likes using songs, that artist don't want him to use (neil young! for trucking sake!) they might as well use this one... fits* and the artist might ironically approve.

*"...wanted in, now your here...driven by hate, consumed by fear..." while they watch the death total climb (among numerous other psyche violations) "nothing wrong with me".

newtboy said:

Cults are all alike. They all push you to cut ties with anyone who isn't in the cult so they don't hear anyone tell them that 48 year old church elders shouldn't be having sex with ten year olds, or other obvious truisms....just look at Trumpsters.

The Designoid Dimension - mindblowing 3D fractal animation

FlowersInHisHair says...

Well, the artist who made this video (in Mandelbulb 3D) earns a living as a fulltime fractal artist using this software. He produces music videos and concept art, all kinds of stuff. There's another program out there called "Mandelbulber" that isn't as sophisticated but Mandelbulb 3D is capable of producing stunning results imo. I don't think it's all that limited.

kir_mokum said:

interesting. unfortunately "mandelbulb" looks extremely limited. good for hardcore fractal nerds but not good for serious productions.

The Designoid Dimension - mindblowing 3D fractal animation

FlowersInHisHair says...

This is 100% fractals. It's rendered in a program called "Mandelbulb 3D" with some post-production in AfterEffects. The artist has some nice tutorials on his channel!

kir_mokum said:

lots of aliasing issues but i'm curious about the process. could be standard procedural CG.

Carl Sagan Predicted Trump With Charlie Rose

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Is Success Luck or Hard Work? | Veritasium

BSR says...

In that respect:

"The bleeding hearts and artists make their stand."

newtboy said:

There is but one and I am legion.

The book's message was any sentient being is God, God is one, therefore we are all one, both part of a whole and the whole. It was a confusing book.

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