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How to respond to bigotry with tolerance and integrity.

ChaosEngine says...

Kudos to him for maintaining his cool.

But I don't believe in responding to bigotry with tolerance. Integrity, yes, but there's no way I would have put up with that bullshit.

I lived in Australia for a few years and while most of the people there were lovely, I did have quite a few encounters with racist arseholes who would either tell me they were happy to see Irish immigrants ("not like those OTHER PEOPLE") or people whose racism extended to me as well.

Both groups were told to get fucked in no uncertain terms.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns, Sanders Fans React

ChaosEngine says...

First up, bring back the old quoting system!

"I'm of the opinion that both Hillary and Trump would make bad presidents."


"That being said, I don't really believe the narrative that Trump would be the worse of the two; the "apocalyptic" one to elect. Trump is incompetent and chaotic. Hillary is greasy and corrupt."

Which one has campaigned for a law that flagrantly violates the first amendment? Which one has called an entire demographic of US citizens rapists and murderers?

" I think the system (which is actually pretty well designed at its core..."

The American political system is a complete clusterfuck. You have a two party monopoly, the electoral college is a disaster and then there's Citizens United.

"The DNC had a chance to put in another option that would have easily had as much support from core Democrats as Hillary, but also would have energized younger voters AND been a very attractive option for Republicans who don't buy in to Trump (of which there are many). But instead, they left their fingers on the scales and tipped things in favor of Hillary."

Completely agree. Instead of the excitement of a Bernie running, you have the "ugh, Hillary, I guess" attitude.

"So, I'll vote for one of the 3rd party candidates (I like Stein's stance on Snowden, so probably her) or write in the option that crooked DNC and Hillary denied us. Either of those actions is de-facto more likely to result in President Trump, and I acknowledge that. But like I said, I'm OK with that -- I honestly believe Hillary would be worse, and the main thing is that me and other people like me have to send a message to both parties that they need to present us with more reasonable candidates if they expect us to have any degree of the "party loyalty" that both sides expected / enjoyed in the past. This election cycle shows that they are taking that for granted -- so screw 'em."

And here we have the major issue. I have NO IDEA how people think electing Trump will somehow bring down the system. "Screw 'em"?? As in the dems and the gop? It won't bother them in the slightest.

But it will bother Mexicans, Muslims, LGBT people and em.... damnit, there was another demographic that the Republicans want to fuck over.... oh yeah... women.

Forget Trump. As much of an unconscionable arsehole as he is, look at the GOP platform for 2016:
- tax cuts for the rich
- repeal environmental protections
- an anti-abortion amendment
- oppose stem cell research
- prop up the electoral college
- ignore climate change agreements
- repeal obamacare
- abolish net neutrality
- oppose same-sex marriage
- abstinence-based sex education
- increase military spending
- the ridiculous and wasteful border wall

and finally, appoint a new Supreme Court Judge to push all this through. And THAT is the real reason Trump can't be allowed to be President. Say what you want about Hillary, but at least she won't choose a complete loon for the supreme court. Trump might pick David Duke, for all we know.

MilkmanDan said:

Points addresssed above:

Woman Refuses to Leave Uber Car

ChaosEngine says...

There's a difference between "commandeering a place of business" and expecting a taxi driver to take you to the correct location. It's a pretty unique situation in that you are almost always in an unfamiliar place without transport. It's not the same as staying in a movie theatre.

If I was in a cab and they didn't drop me to where I had asked to go, I would probably get out and refuse to pay. But in an Uber, you've already paid, so staying in the cab is pretty much your only recourse, otherwise, you get dropped on the side of the road somewhere and you can, what... downvote them? Yeah, that's really helpful when you're stuck trying to get somewhere without transport.

That's as a general principle.

In this specific case, I already agreed that she was being an entitled arsehole. She was at the hospital, she should have just gotten out.

My issue isn't that he asked her to leave, my issue is the way he handled it.

You simply don't act like that. Period.

He was borderline violent. That fact that he DIDN'T resort to violence is the only thing keeping him from an assault charge. It's not something to be commended, it's basic civilised behaviour.

He's a taxi driver (Uber = taxi and @Drachen_Jager is right, they should be held to the same standards). His job is dealing with the public. If he can't deal with one annoying person without losing his shit, then maybe this job isn't for him.

Babymech said:

Are you insane? Being a dissatisfied customer doesn't give you the right to commandeer a place of business - that's some crazy level entitled bullshit. If she doesn't get the service she expects, she can down-rate him, she can ask for her money back, she can make a report to the BBB, and she can sue him / Uber for her money back and whatever damages she can prove. She doesn't get to hijack his place of business.

The implications of what you're saying would completely screw over any sane conflict resolution - if I don't like the movie I can stay in the theater until they show me a better one, if my drink was poorly mixed I get to stay in the bar past closing time, if the milk I bought was bad I get to demand that my complaint is resolved by duel in the Kroger dairy section... no. Just because you bought a service does not mean - even if you were screwed over - you get to decide that the place of business now becomes a place of arbitration for your dispute. Take that shit to the proper channels.

As for screaming at her - he terminated their professional relationship at that point, and it was just two private individuals in conflict. Maybe it's 'smart' to kiss up to assholes, but it seems absurd of you to Monday morning quarterback him given that when we didn't see the ride. If he'd used physical violence in any way that would be a completely different story, but you're allowed to scream at people while waiting for the cops or other help.

Woman Refuses to Leave Uber Car

ChaosEngine says...

Except that he didn't deny her service. He'd already accepted her as a paying customer.

And no, you don't act like that to a customer.

First, as I said, just don't fucking act like that. Period.

Second, it's not a smart move. Instead of remaining calm and calling the cops, he went mental and made himself the arsehole instead of her.

You don't even have to be "nice", just not a screaming lunatic.

My_design said:

She has the right to complain but he has the right to deny her service. Which he was doing when he repeatedly said "GET OUT OF MY CAR!"
She's one of those, I laugh at you getting mad and keep pushing your buttons type of people. I fucking hate them and hope she went into the ER and got an accidental enema with an over sized hose.
He is working and she doesn't have any right to piss him off and just because she is paying him.
And you SURE AS FUCK do act like that to a customer if they are pissing you off. Some other asshole can deal with them. You just have to deal with the fall out. Besides, if everybody acted nicely to each other what the hell would I watch on the Sift? Oh yeah, cat and Fail videos. Also anything with Bryan Cranston, a pretty lady, a robot, or some awesome music in it. OK, yeah we can all try to get along better, I'll live...

Woman Refuses to Leave Uber Car

ChaosEngine says...

She's in his property because she's paying for a service. If she doesn't feel that he has fulfilled the service, she has every right to complain.

As for her "making him irate" what, does she have some sort of mind control powers?

The guy's a fucking asshole. He's not giving her a lift in his private property, he's working and she's a customer. I don't give a fuck how rude or condescending she is, you don't act like that towards a customer.

Fuck, you don't act like towards another human being unless they are threatening you or seriously ruining your life in some way.

I've dealt with people way worse than that and never lost my shit like he did.

He had the right idea straight away, which was to call the cops. Screaming like a demented moron helps no-one.

All that said, the customer does seem like an entitled arsehole. She was at the hospital, all she had to do was find out where the emergency room was and walk there.

Still doesn't excuse his behaviour.

newtboy said:

When someone asks, then tells you to leave their property, leave. Don't keep talking, don't keep asking questions, don't chastise, don't act like a fucking idiot, don't be a rude bitch, don't be a brain dead slug and sit there, just shut the fuck up and get out. If you have a problem with that, get your own damn property and stay there.

Come Visit Australia

ChaosEngine says...

As an NZ resident, I am morally obliged to point out that Australia is a horrible place populated by criminals and terrible rugby teams, but I did live there for two years and in reality, it's not actually that bad.

Yes, their government are a shower of complete dickheads both in their own right and in the fact that they have their collective head shoved so far up Americas arse they can practically see the back of uncle sams tonsils. The immigration policy is pretty much barbaric and they seem hellbent on ruining the country as fast as humanly possible. And I haven't even gotten started on how unbelievably racist the country as a whole is (this is a country that only got rid of it's "White Australia Policy" in the 70s).

Border security, while they can be complete arseholes are not nearly as bad as they're portrayed on those TV shows. They do have a lot of idiots flouting the biosecurity laws (Johnny Depp is the least of their problems), but in general as long as you don't make the mistake of not being white, they're far more interested in any fruit you might have than any bills with coke on them. (side note: don't bring cash to Australia, almost every transaction is electronic there).

But the country itself has some great things going for it. Some of the scenery is amazing, the parts of the reef that aren't bleached are stunning, the food in the cities is amazing (as is the coffee, especially in Melbourne and Sydney).

Mordhaus said:

Sadly this seems very plausible after the series I just watched on Netflix , Border Security, Australia's First Line. If people think we treat incoming people rough, they should watch that show. Almost every episode they show some poor sad sack that committed a crime or something 20+ years ago that just wants to come and visit. Most of the time the response is gtfo and don't come back for 3 years, except for one guy who did 12 years in prison for drug trafficking. He just happened to be Sugar Shane Mosley's trainer, so they were like "We should by all rights deny his visa, but we have to weigh the benefit to Australia's citizens that might have bought tickets to the fight....yep, let him in." Or they have a sniffer scanner that picks up what seems to be infinitesimal amounts of any sort of drug residue, which means you get body searched and they go through every thing you have with a fine toothed comb.

I turned to my wife and said, "We are never going to Australia." She asked why and I told her that every bit of the US cash anyone comes into contact with is inundated with multiple types of drug residues. We would probably show up and get cavity searched for 14 different types of drugs. Anyway, after watching the show, I felt it was clear that the government of Australia is very comfortable with the "Come here, spend shitloads of money, and then gtfo because we don't want you here" attitude.

Liberal Redneck tells off Am Family Assoc Target boycott

They F*ck You at the Drive-Thru!

Chairman_woo says...

Going only off of that vid, I'm inclined to take the managers side on this one.

The couple filming set off my arsehole detector straight away. Far more than he did anyway, though I have nothing to go on other than my experience with such people.

I'm willing to bet the couple instigated it at any rate. There's an air of entitlement about the way they handled the whole thing.

Though as I say, I'm basing this largely on intuition rather than facts. That manager doesn't come across like a guy being an asshole for the sake of it & I've certainly thought about telling customers to fuck off in just such a way in previous jobs. (though I'm a coward and never actually did)

If so, he's a braver man than I and should be commended for putting his self respect ahead of a mere job!

If not then fuck knows, maybe he's an asshole too.

Either way the two filming should probably try to find a little perspective.

Robot Tries to Escape from Children's Abuse

Jinx says...

Kevin over at Boston Robotics is just trying to prepare their robots to survive in a hard knock full of heartless arseholes and kids.

At least that's what my Dad told me.

That was a joke. My Dad is lovely. Domestic violence isn't funny. I'm sorry.

Anyway, tick ageist robot off the list. Next up is sexist, then racist... before long we'll have AI indistinguishable from humans!

Payback said:

Ya, Kevin over at Boston Robotics proves it doesn't end there...

Drunk Man's Everest - Limerick Student Race Day

tuck frump-teaming up to tell off trump

ChaosEngine says...

Yep, fuck this stupid video.
While we're at it, fuck the racist arsehole in the rebuttal too.

and finally, fuck Trump.

Januari said:

Ugh... my distaste for Trump is rivaled by my distaste for people who use children in propaganda videos...

Thermite from a toy, is it possible?

ChaosEngine says...

Jesus, thunderf00t is such an arsehole, even when I agree with him, I still want to punch him.

What was the point of the digression about pressure waves?

And as for getting the aluminium powder from an etch a sketch... I dunno, maybe if you're engaged in a criminal enterprise you don't want thermite ingredients showing up on your amazon history?

Or maybe because "let's order the ingredients online" IS A FUCKING BORING STORYLINE.

enoch (Member Profile)

radx says...

The mixture of valid points, exaggerations, ignorance of context and completely false information makes it a bit... difficult to digest.

Generally speaking, a lot of errors were made regarding Cologne.

The police fucked up entirely and basically was unable to maintain control of the square in front of the central train station where shitloads of theft, sexual harassment and even a few rapes were committed.

The public media did not report on it properly. They did, in fact, refuse to report it at all at first. But that doesn't stem from an obession with PC nor is it special treatment for refugees/immigrants -- it's good old-fashioned pro-government bias. A few days later, they were all playing the same tune again: bad immigrants, bad muslims, need more law-and-order, close the borders, need new laws, etc. Same shit as always.

And yes, you cannot expect all these refugees to be model citizens from the get-go. Different culture, different language, segregation, no work permit, no familiy, maybe first-hand experience with war -- they are bound to commit crimes, assuming otherwise would be naive.

And accepting a million refugees might have been a bad idea after cutting down public personnel and services for two decades straight. But what's done is done. The question now is what can be done to improve the situation for everyone involved. What doesn't help is further segregation (refugee camps), private security (aka mobs hunting brown people, happened in Cologne already) or downplaying the massive problems.

As for that wierd tirade from 1:07 onwards about true Germans: except for all the people from Bohemia, Prussia and Silesia, aka Poland; or the millions of immigrants from Italy and Turkey; or the folks from former Yugoslavia; etc. Two thirds of the bloody country has family names that mark them as n-th generation immigrant. Half of my extended family is from what is now Russia (Kaliningrad) while my family name is distinctively Dutch. "Paid German taxes" gives a hint to his motivations. Folks in East Germany didn't pay German taxes: do they count? Refugees from former German enclaves ("Russlanddeutsche") didn't pay German taxes, nor did they speak proper German: do they count?

All in all a very misguided rant, too eager to abuse real fuck-ups for his own ideology. Rape culture, SJW, PC -- doesn't apply in this case. It's small government, media with establishment bias, a general inability for open discussion of problems, and a shitload of incompetent arseholes in positions of power (e.g.: chief of police in Cologne, gone now).

By the way, he forgot to mention the hundreds(!) of refugee shelters that were set on fire during the last few months. Bands of immigrants committing crimes are a problem, bands of Germans committing crimes are a problem.

We had a six digit number of prime suspects for trouble already: young, male, unemployed, un(der)educated, no fucking hope. It's the main cause for the persisting problems with Nazis in East Germany: no hope. Adding a million additional people, lots of them with equally bad prospects, without any serious effort to integrate them is bound to blow up in our faces eventually.

The best thing that can happen for the entire Eurozone would be a massive integration program in Germany. And by massive I don't mean a meagre billion Euros. We're talking 15-20 billion a year, for at least five years. The more the better. Even in the current economic regime, it would be much cheaper than the repercussions from staying the current course: doing fuck all.

enoch said:

i love this guy.he is sooo pissed and is an absolute rage machine,but i was curious your take on this situation.
is this guy making valid points?
i know that an influx of 1 million refugees in a country with 60 million has to have changed the demographics of germany substantially,but since i am not there and naked ape does have a point in regards to media tap-dancing around the harsh realities.

so i would love your input on this dudes rage induced rant:

"Snakes...why did it have to be snakes?"

Monsters beware

modulous says...

It's funny how language works really. 'Ass' is not a nice word? In my UK experience we tend towards 'ass' being the PG version of 'arse' - when we are using Americanisms such as 'kick my ass'. I thought this might be because we don't use 'butt', but we do have 'bum'. 'Kick my bum' just has no impact with that round b - u- m ending. At least the 'tt' in butt give it a sharp ending.

Incidentally, I don't think I've ever heard a Brit unironically say 'kiss my ass'. If it is sincere it is always 'arse'. But Assholes are generally less unpleasant than arseholes. Assholes are when your mates are dicks. Arseholes are strangers that are cunts.

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