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Kid Ballses Up His Over-Skype Interview

Reefie says...

I really need to get my arse in gear and publish my experiences with Asperger's online. So many things that NT people take for granted that us aspies need others to spell out for us, I figure the sooner I share everything I've written down over the years the sooner others might benefit from it. Ultimately though as any aspie will tell you, it's one thing to be told something - but nothing beats first-hand experience.

I found it painful to watch this video because it's familiar territory.

How Much Does a Shadow Weigh?

Beyond Scared Straight - This Guy is Scary!

Deano says...

Sure we can't add this to Comedy? I'm laughing my arse off. Part of me wishes I had a job in which I could shout at people like this.

But no, shortly I'm about to visit a client and plaster on my fake smile...

What is the point of the down vote system? (Blog Entry by ZappaDanMan)

bareboards2 says...

Hey, I don't think that is a fair comment.

In fact, I really appreciated that shiny attempted to take a conversation that was devolving into a two person confrontation out of the comment stream. That is new for shiny, and I think he should be applauded for the attempt rather than ridiculed.

I say good on shiny.

>> ^Deano:

>> ^VoodooV:
I don't think you even read my post, which is another reason someone might feel compelled to downvote you. What's you're doing now is the equivalent of covering your ears and going LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALAA"
I'd be willing to argue at this point that religion has VERY little to do with why people downvote you.
shiny's got the five D's down pat: dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge!

He's getting his arse kicked again in a public forum and would rather it not go any further ("msg me with a topic ").

What is the point of the down vote system? (Blog Entry by ZappaDanMan)

Deano says...

>> ^VoodooV:

I don't think you even read my post, which is another reason someone might feel compelled to downvote you. What's you're doing now is the equivalent of covering your ears and going LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALAA"
I'd be willing to argue at this point that religion has VERY little to do with why people downvote you.
shiny's got the five D's down pat: dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge!

He's getting his arse kicked again in a public forum and would rather it not go any further ("msg me with a topic ").

Can't embed a video due to dupe? (Geek Talk Post)

ant says...

>> ^radx:

Long story short: code is at the bottom.
Either I'm too blind to see the obvious or embedding a Rutube clip is, pardon my French, a fucking pain in the arse.
The iframe code you can get through the respective button on Rutube doesn't work. The video ID itself, injected into a template, doesn't work. Although, the latter at least produces a working player, just no valid video code to use it on.
What you have to do is get the proper video ID for embeds.
Open the site's source code and look for the following entry:
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
That's a link for the thumbnail image Rutube used, and since it was taken automatically from the original video, it includes the proper video ID, as marked in bold.
Now take the ID and inject it into a working template, eg:

<object width="640" height="360">
<param name="movie" value="$ID"></param>
<param name="wmode" value="window"></param>
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
<embed src="$ID" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="window" width="640" height="360" allowFullScreen="true" ></embed>

Replace $ID with your actual video ID and you should be good to go.
So here's your code:
<object width="640" height="360">
<param name="movie" value=""></param>
<param name="wmode" value="window"></param>
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="window" width="640" height="360" allowFullScreen="true" ></embed>

Hopefully, that shit works.

Edit: fixed two HTML characters.

Thanks. I will try it when my queue has an empty spot unless someone beats me.

Can't embed a video due to dupe? (Geek Talk Post)

radx says...

Long story short: code is at the bottom.

Either I'm too blind to see the obvious or embedding a Rutube clip is, pardon my French, a fucking pain in the arse.

The iframe code you can get through the respective button on Rutube doesn't work. The video ID itself, injected into a template, doesn't work. Although, the latter at least produces a working player, just no valid video code to use it on.

What you have to do is get the proper video ID for embeds.

Open the site's source code and look for the following entry:

<meta property="og:image" content="" />

That's a link for the thumbnail image Rutube used, and since it was taken automatically from the original video, it includes the proper video ID, as marked in bold.

Now take the ID and inject it into a working template, eg:

<object width="640" height="360">
<param name="movie" value="$ID"></param>
<param name="wmode" value="window"></param>
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
<embed src="$ID" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="window" width="640" height="360" allowFullScreen="true" ></embed>

Replace $ID with your actual video ID and you should be good to go.

So here's your code:
<object width="640" height="360">
<param name="movie" value=""></param>
<param name="wmode" value="window"></param>
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="window" width="640" height="360" allowFullScreen="true" ></embed>

Hopefully, that shit works.

Edit: fixed two HTML characters.

Charlie Brooker's Daily Mail Island

Double Ended Di-L-Do

Double Ended Di-L-Do

Scientific Weight Loss Tips

Scientific Weight Loss Tips

Scientific Weight Loss Tips

LarsaruS says...

I guess that is because they look at it as a temporary diet (Yoyo dieting) and not a change in their diet for the rest of their lives... I'm a (self-described) "carbaholic" and as such when I "fall of the wagon" I eat carbs like nobodies business (as in 4 doughnuts, a pound of chocolate, about a gallon of soda and energy drinks, 3-6 candy bars and ~2 pounds of assorted pick-and-mix candy every single day). As it is now I will never return to a carb heavy diet because I cannot handle it, in the same way that an alcoholic can't handle drinking just one beer. And not to go all Ad-Hominem on you but as an MD you are specialised on disease and not health.

I recommend that you look at this page as it has 17 links to 17 RCT studies on the effects of LCHF diets.

Also from the mayo clinic which I assume is a pretty good source: "There have been a number of studies comparing weight loss with these two types of diets [LCHF/HCLF - My clarification]. In general, low-carb diets may result in a little more weight loss in the first 3 to 6 months. However, after 1 to 2 years there isn't much difference. What's interesting is that the amount of weight loss varies widely among people following either diet. So which type of diet you choose may matter less than whether you stick to it."
On an LCHF diet where you are full all and have a stable blood sugar level all the time it is a lot easier to stay on the diet and not splurge... (Kind of an anecdote... see my previous post in this thread)

Also some more science posts here
1 LCHF vs. HCLF diet (I recommend reading all of it)
2 (A full text from 2002 that might not be available for all [I logged on my Uni resources to search databases for the it] and it is a decade old but still a bit interesting. Name of the study is: Very-low-carbohydrate weight-loss diets revisited. Authors: Volek JS; Westman EC in case you need to search for it on Google scholar or the like)
3 Long term (1 year +) effects

I'm drunk right now so can't be arsed to find more sources.. it is Friday Damn it!!

>> ^DocDarm:

>> ^pyloricvalve:
In "Why we get fat", Gary Taubes argues very persuasively that the above is almost entirely wrong. Increasing exercise will have have the effect of increasing hunger or reducing your activity at other times through tiredness. Eating less will likewise reduce your activity level or lead to levels of hunger that are intolerable in the long term. The way to lose weight according to him is the Atkins, South Beach, Primal method of reducing sugar and carb intake to something very low. Personally I found it very convincing and I strongly recommend the book.

As a medical doctor, I call bullshit on this guy. Look at Atkins/South Beach's effect on peoples weight 1 year AFTER the diet. I see people go on diets all the time. They almost universally fail after 1 year. (Remember, we're talking about LONG-TERM weight loss, not SHORT-TERM weight loss...Atkins/South Beach perform very well in the short term!) My patients that go to the gym to lose weight do much, much better....but only if they KEEP going to the gym.

Crazy: Stealing Pizza Is Worse Than Stealing $1B Dollars

Mauru says...

>> ^bobknight33:

Sounds like the current Administration / DOJ protects the bankers more that the last bank loving President.
Bush prosecuted I believe around 1 thousand Banker type crooks. Obama rate is near zero.

Oh boy... someone's been ringing the imaginary unicorn bells... Even ignoring that you pulled your númbers out of your arse and establishing that I'm fine with stating that Obama is a tool of kinds...
... but trying to use that to white-wash the guys involved in the blackwater (now "Academi"-) scandal, the iraq/post-katherina reconstruction "inconsistencies", not to mention the establishment of the biggest and most "public" political prison in the western hemisphere is a tad far-fetched of an effort.

Let's just settle with both parties are made of similar material when it comes to employing the judicial apparatus and leave it at that, ok?

Secret of the Sexes - "Perfect Female Body"

dannym3141 says...

>> ^chilaxe:

Was this junk science really aired on the BBC? Smart folks they've got working there.

I don't think people are going to gok wan's tv show for their reliable science facts updates. It's good enough for what gok wan wants it for, because he's only going to use it as a tool to make the fat women on his show feel better about being fat. If anything, it is preferrable if the tools are skewed to make the men choose a pear shape with a huge flabby arse, because persons of that description appear on his show exclusively.

I'm all in favour of taking it off the air completely, instead of just improving the science. In context of the show though, i think you'd know it wasn't meant to be very sciency, because this is the first 3 minutes i've seen of gok wan where he wasn't either making high pitched noises and gushing over an ugly woman, or reminding me about what we saw in the previous episode/part, whilst looking ahead to what was about to come in the next part/episode. The latter takes up about 70% of the show anyway.

Also, i'd say that personality is the "decider" for me. Without that, i'm just not interested beyond the timespan of a week. I guess that doesn't get us any closer to the perfect female body though. But is it ever really just the body anyone goes for, and is the test worthwhile to begin with - perhaps we have body ranges we find ideal instead?

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