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Jim Jeffries' Star Wars story

Man Builds Rocking Chair Using No Power Tools

Black Range Rover Runs Over Bikers in NYC

Chairman_woo says...

I think he might well have started subtly fucking with a small group of bikers that was actually much larger and more aggressive than he anticipated. Tempers and ego's do deeply irrational things to peoples behaviour and 2-5 tonnes of SUV can have a similar effect to several years of steroid abuse.

I know this because I have had cars/SUV's packed with whole families pull out on me, deliberately block lanes, shout abuse etc. because dad's subconscious knows he's driving a 3T death machine and that makes him feel invincible etc.

You are in no position to guarantee anything here any more than I. I'm not saying you are wrong either, Bikers can be absolute cunts in gangs (especially full on sports bikes and harley's who I generally don't get on with).

Things escalate and while I'm not saying no-one ever got victimised I'm also saying most altercations don't just fall out of the sky.

I'm not for a moment disputing that the bikers largely acted like arseholes, but I am suggesting the SUV driver likely at least did something to garner their ire. Maybe it was just over him calling the police. Maybe he was shouting "i'll show you" etc. and deliberately getting in their way as some of the bikers claim.

Maybe, just maybe....the us vs them mindset many people are displaying in this thread is exactly the same behavioural force that ultimately created the incident in this video . "I hate Bikers they ride like aggressive dicks" "I hate Cagers cause they drive with their head up their arse".

I'm very much trapped in the middle over a lot of things here but I think it's better to try and understand something rather than feeling the need to take sides. It was the unchecked human need to take sides and throw objectivity out of the window that facilitates this kind incident in the 1st place after all.

budzos said:

Do you really think the guy driving around with his wife and 2 year-old started deliberately fucking with a group of bikers? Guarantee you the bikers crowded and intimidated him to start this thing off. That's the whole point of what they're doing... to create a large intimidating mass that removes people from their sense of personal responsiblity. I personally loathe bikers (ones with "patches"). I tend not to get along with them. Can you tell?

Patrick Stewart sups hot lead. I think.

oritteropo says...

Aunt Annie's poem is along the lines of:

I were sitting on me arse last evening,

Me Mother and Father were off,

Cuz they'd heard, me old Nan Susanna were laid up in bed with a cough

She has some brasses me old Nan Susannah;

That's reason she's looked after so

If they've nought, well they're nought but a bother.

Here's an example - me old Uncle John.

Worst Twerk Fail EVER - Girl Catches Fire!

World's largest container ship Mearsk Triple E in Rotterdam

Police arrest woman after request to see warrant

EvilDeathBee says...

"You only get this apology if you agree to not sue us" Woooooow, they really seem genuinely sorry... I'd tell them to stick their forced apology up their arses, and sue them. Cunts like that need to be taught a lesson

Dog Complicit But Not To Blame

George W. On PRISM

A10anis says...

You say; " He's satisfied that history shall continue to be manipulated in a favorable light for himself and his ilk."
It is getting so tiring reading the opinions of you, and the likes of you, who do nothing but glibly criticize politicians, their policies, actions and personalities.
Instead of childish "terminator" jokes why don't you, for our edification, enlighten us as to how YOU would run things if you could be arsed to do the necessaries, and become an instigator of change. Of course you can't, because you wouldn't have a clue about policy, instigation of policy, ramifications and, well, anything. Constructive criticism is necessary, and can change things, but simply sitting at your comfortable desk spewing bile, discontent, and vitriol, is not.

chingalera said:

Don't believe the hype-He's satisfied that history shall continue to be manipulated in a favorable light for himself and his ilk. Just imagine him saying everything in the Terminator voice, "Your gradditude iz nod-regwired. I am programd to fallow deah commandz."

Now say the same thing with the Obama voice....

Star Citizen Extended Trailer

Microsoft's response to the PS4 not having DRM

ChaosEngine says...

Unpopular opinion incoming!

First, full disclaimer: I am not a game developer, but I do write software for a living I'd prefer to be paid (and paid well) for my skills.

Ok, here's the thing. Sorry, but not your stuff. You didn't make it and you don't own it. You own a licence to use it. End of.

I know I'm in the minority here, but I believe not only is a certain amount of DRM acceptable, it's actually unfortunately necessary. I am possibly crazy, but I believe in paying the fucking writer.

Now DRM as it stands is fucking bullshit. *I* paid to watch this motherfucking movie. *i* paid to play this fucking game. Every time you cunts force me sit through a fucking anti -piracy message, it makes me more inclined to pirate your fucking content.

And I don't want to. If I'm buying your game/movie/book, I've already decided your artistic output is worth my time and energy that I put into working. Fuck it, I could have stayed at home and learned to play drums. I've wanted to do that for years, but I don't have the fucking TIME! So you get my time/work/energy.

How fucking dare you waste my precious free time on your sanctimonious fucking ads targeting the very people who don't give a shit about your message, and who, by some perverse twist of natural justice, don't have to put up with your bullshit.

That said.....

"wah, I don't like your DRM" is not a valid excuse to pirate content. If you don't like the way company X distributes your favourite book/game/movie/tv show.... don't consume that content.

No, seriously, (and I'm well aware I'm going to engender a lot of hate for this) if you feel you are entitled to the fruits of someone else's hard work because you don't agree with how it's distributed, then seriously, fuck you. Yeah, I'm not kidding. I don't care if it's WB or HBO or EA or whatever undeniably fucking idiotic big media conglomerate. At some point, a bunch of hard working, talented people created something you want to consume.


Or find another way to let those creators know you want their content but not as it's currently available.

If it's awesome, find a way to let them know. If it's shit, don't consume it.

So back to games and drm and copying.

It boils down to this. Buy the games you want. Support the people who are working their arses off because they love what their doing. If you think the new COD is shit (and you're in good company), then don't buy it, don't pirate it and for the love of FSM, don't play it. Your time is valuable. Buy a cheap PC and play FTL or Monaco or Fez or Walking Dead or Mark of the Ninja.... all great games, none of which need a "next gen" (aka 3 or 4 gens ago on the pc) console. Hell, go kickstart Star Citizen.

Fuck it, this is now so long I don't know where or why or how I started.*

Pay the people who make the things you love. They deserve it. They'll make more cool shit. Don't borrow it, don't pirate it. Just, pay them. They get fuck all enough as it is.

* kids! don't write posts drunk after midnight on Saturday after watching the All Blacks crush the French! You will write unpopular opinions and most likely excommunicate yourself from online communities you enjoy!

ant said:

Hence, I try to avoid these DRMs. MY stuff. I keep! I sell if I want to.

Alex Jones Disrupts BBC's Sunday Politics

ChaosEngine says...

In some ways, I do feel sorry for him.
It feels like he genuinely believes this nonsense and just wants to warn people.

For all his deranged lunacy, I think his heart is probably in the right place. It's just a shame his head is so far up his arse.

Incompetent ATF Agent Confiscates 30 Airsoft Guns

Idiot almost breaks his Friends neck on fountain

Skydiver's Lucky Escape - Parachute Failure

oritteropo says...

Not exactly a parachute failure, more of a parachutist failure in a sticky situation... he's fortunate it wasn't worse. He says he hit the ground

with enough force to 1. make an 8 inch divot in the ground with my feet, (which hit first) 2. Make a 3 inch divot with my arse (which hit second) and 3. knock my camera helmet off my head and smash my Cx12 off it's flatlock mount, tearing the guts out of the camera. I bounced up about 6 feet and forward about 10 feet and ended up on my chest (cracking my sternum and breaking 3 ribs).

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