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Woman pepper sprays couple eating outside without masks

diego says...

well this hits me close.

I live in chile, in a rural area that was one of the few not in quarantine in the area. i have a bakery and since march even before govt mandate we shifted to takeaway and closed off the shop to customers, and reduced our shift to one person on site for only 4 hours, with PPE. a week ago, a guy from out of town came (taking advantage there was no quarantine here and thus notaries like the one next to me are open) and asked to use the bathroom, my employee refused and the guy then made a one minute video showing 2 people show up without masks, he walks up and starts berating them for not respecting the law and everyone there (mostly old ladies) basically got too scared to defend themselves, so the video looks bad. we ended up on the news, shut down, huge fine, for customers' behavior outside our shop- all because of a video that intentionally made it appear like we were serving people normally when that wasn't the case.

so im now more sensitive to the corona righteous as well as these short viral videos in general. unless those people eating outside were following her around and intentionally coughing on her, there is nothing to justify her using mace on them, but i agree that the video doesnt show enough to establish that. people everywhere need to adapt to the new reality and im all for prevention including hard quarantines where necessary, but we also have to be reasonable about how we approach one another and understand there are acceptable risks, such as having picnics or playing tennis, and unacceptable ones like not wearing a mask indoors or in groups.

How it Starts

Drachen_Jager says...

IMO this is all part of the game plan.

Pre-Covid, I said that if it appeared Trump were going to lose the election he'd do his best to come down hard on protests ultra hard, so much that the American people would feel forced to get out and protest harder. Just watch, he's going to keep pushing right up to September, then 'oops, I guess we can't hold a free and fair election now things are too chaotic... maybe we can try again next year?'

I know he technically can't call the election off, but there are a lot of things he 'can't' do that he's getting away with anyhow because Republican enablers don't care.

newtboy said:

Police departments and federal agencies have both determined nationwide that the riots, arsons, shootings, assaults with vehicles, bombings, etc are being perpetrated by right wing extremists, not by antifa. They've said so both publicly and privately.

The violence is largely being CAUSED by federal agencies and local law enforcement...not stopped by them. They instigate violence by attacking non violent protests repeatedly. Americans know it, and are overwhelmingly on the peaceful protesters side.

If this was some brilliant strategy to prove federal intervention is needed, why hide who they are? No identification at all is not how you sell the idea that the feds are above board, helping. It's great evidence of the opposite, that they're doing so much damage they don't even want their department identified, much less the thugs themselves.

I can only imagine the outrage if Obama sent in the troops against the wishes of the governor and mayor, unidentifiable troops in unmarked vehicles rounding up right wingers and dragging them away to who knows where. You would be calling for another civil war.
Just duh.

Joe Biden Burns Out In His Corvette Stingray

Jesusismypilot says...

I love how people are trying so hard to show how virile and with it VP Biden is by showing old clips of him doing manly things. Sadly, it only shows how far mentally he has fallen so quickly. This appears to be from Oct of '16. I feel badly for the guy, Joe has always been ok with me.

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

bcglorf says...

Please enlighten me then. The only evidence I have seen so far that the guy in the video is a "well known Nazi figurehead" is your statement of such, and the crowd in the video accusing him of it. The articles I've looked up and an admittedly short/half hearted google search have turned up no evidence either save for his appearance again in the video. Do you have a better link or reference for me?

newtboy said:

Context matters. Truth matters.

Knowing now that he's a well known Nazi figurehead, a spokesman for the pro Nazi gallery being protested, do you see how the title and description are both utter bullshit lies, a 100% misrepresentation of the truth here?

He is not called a Nazi for supporting free speech. That's a blatant, disgusting, Nazi sympathizing lie he hoped you would repeat. I wish you were ashamed of that, but you just defend it.

His sentiment on his sign aren't the unacceptable sentiments he's removed for, they are the cover for the Nazism he espouses and supports, and the red herring he hoped would distract you from them...It worked, even though you know the truth it still works. *facepalm.

I'm ashamed for you that you got suckered into defending Nazis because for two minutes he managed to appear reasonable and you're willing to completely ignore context, just like he planned.

I'm more ashamed for you that you bought it so deeply that you repeated the bullshit, totally false descriptions without considering you are being duped by a nazi into supporting their cause.

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

newtboy says...

Context matters. Truth matters.

Knowing now that he's a well known Nazi figurehead, a spokesman for the pro Nazi gallery being protested, do you see how the title and description are both utter bullshit lies, a 100% misrepresentation of the truth here?

He is not called a Nazi for supporting free speech. That's a blatant, disgusting, Nazi sympathizing lie he hoped you would repeat. I wish you were ashamed of that, but you just defend it.

His sentiments on his sign aren't the unacceptable sentiments he's removed for, they are the cover for the Nazism he espouses and supports, and the red herring he hoped would distract you from them...It worked, even though you know the truth it still works. *facepalm.

I'm ashamed for you that you got suckered into defending Nazis because for two minutes he managed to appear reasonable and you're willing to completely ignore context, just like he planned.

I'm more ashamed for you that you bought it so deeply that you repeated the bullshit, totally false descriptions without considering you are being duped by a nazi into supporting their cause.

bcglorf said:

I openly admit I’m plenty ignorant on the background to all this.

Apollo 10 Source Code Listing: The Art of Commenting

StukaFox says...

There's two kinds of Devs in this world: those who comment their code and those who need to be kicked down a stairwell, then punched repeatedly in the head, then kicked down ANOTHER stairwell before being punched in the head, socked in the guts, kicked in the nads, then hauled back up the stairs to be kicked down a third time before being thrown out a window to the rousing cheers of all the poor cunts who'll now have to figure what in the hell he was doing with 6,000 lines of C# that only appear to print the phrase, "Help! I'm being kicked down the stairs for not commenting my code!"


newtboy says...

Brother? Really? Yeah, you aren't a bit racist, just stuck in the 70's (when that would still be considered racist, but at least contemporarily racist).

One bad apple.....spoils the bunch is the rest of that sentence.
We see nothing but bad apples. There are no good apples in the bunch, because they left those bad apples in the bunch for decades, actually recruiting them in many cases (see Florida, who recruits cops fired for violence).

Pablo Escobar did nice things, he was a bad apple. Not being the most racist, accusatory, disrespectful, violent assholes possible at every turn does not make a good apple. Turning in, and testifying against his fellow thuggish cops whenever they get violent, racist, or abusive until those cops are in prison instead of on the force, that makes a good apple. They don't exist.

The agreement between law enforcement and citizens starts with law enforcement's obligations.
First is to enforce the law evenly and fairly, not use it as a club for their personal prejudices. Second is their obligation to police themselves with greater zeal and less leeway than they give citizens.
Until they fulfil these obligations, citizens have no obligation to be civil to them. They shirked their obligations first, and theirs came with authority and benefits they retain even though they fail at their obligations every single time.
Civility with police in no way protects you from often does nothing but give them excuses to violate citizens further. Any first year lawyer can tell you, there's no benefit to speaking with them at all.

Funny how you think finding one instance where being friendly ended with just a ticket and search you insist it works every time despite the numerous, uncountable examples proving that's simply not true shown to you daily.

"The race issue" (as if it's only one issue) if at the forefront because Republicans have become so outrageously overtly racist with support from the top down that the entire planet has had enough and are marching against the racist, murderous police. We know who is on who's side. It's clear. No one is accepting your word on the subject. We know you have said clearly that you support lying if it helps your cause or proves your point.

BTW, thanks for getting last night's bobknight33 off the keyboard. That one really needs more practice before being put in rotation, he didn't sound like the bobknight33 group in any way. Edit:oops, I hadn't read your other post this morning. These do not appear to be the same person posting in your name 1 1/2 hours apart....shift change comrades?

bobknight33 said:


Sorry NEWT no brother was harmed. Nothing to see here. I realize ALL you post is bad cop vids because of your derange mind is to intolerant to accept that not all cops are bad.

Take solace newt, you will find something to bitch about this.

This is the example of the social compact between society and its law enforcement.

Funny when one is cordial, open dialog, legal, and complies with request form officers things go pretty well.

However this is NOT the narrative that FAKE news pushes day in day out, sowing the seeds of discontent just for the up coming election. If Dems win then race issue pushed to the back burner again.

"can't take back no hurt"

scheherazade says...

The scale of sensitivity has changed.

Back then, if a white dude beat up a black dude for being black, people would just say some shit about it and move on.

Today, name calling can land you in jail.

What qualifies as terrible has a lower threshold in today's social psyche.

As racism becomes rarer and milder, any remaining form sticks out that much more, and is that much more offensive.

(Same with violence. We're in the safest time in human history, but people are more worried about kidnappings and shootings than ever)

Basically, it's all relative.

I had a coworker that said to me 'this place is really racist', and I asked why. He said 'because nobody says hi to me as I walk down the hall'. My response was 'So? I never say hi to anybody'. So, I started forcing myself to say hi to people, just to maintain appearances. Otherwise, I'd just be going about my day minding my own business, and people could be getting the wrong impression.


bobknight33 said:

It was wrong then and today.

But pulling up hate from 44 years ago and and trying to imply racism of 50 years ago is the same/ worse today is laughable.

Judge Rules White Girl Will Be Tried As Black Adult

Payback says...

I suddenly had a vision of the future of trials. Where you could pay to have a "more sympathetic and charismatic" person appear in court for you. After the realization that most people have already decided if you're guilty of murder, innocent of rape, or if they were going to sleep with you, within the first 20 seconds of first seeing you.

Buffalo Police Push 75 Year Old To The Concrete

vil says...

There appears to be no police training or vetting of police work candidates at least in some parts of the USofA.

Also objectives? Orders? Do they know why they are there? Are they just pissed off and ready to hit anyone?

This is the establishment sending its troops out. Every time an old man gets knocked to the ground like that without being a threat to anyone, it is Trump and his administration that is knocking him down.

Norway landslide sweeps homes into sea

newtboy says...

No doubt. It appears to be going back to it's original site at the end.

Side note, now that you've demonstrated your abilities, Gaia, can you please push another white house into the sea for me?

BSR said:

Was that one white house built on a raft! Totally refused to succumb.

When the 101st Airborne Saved Friend and Foe

StukaFox says...

I've been to this church in the Normandy countryside. It's remote, removed from the beaches, and from all outward appearances unremarkable. It's not until you walk in and realize how small it is inside, unlike the grandiosity of Notre Dame in Paris or Cathédrale Notre Dame in Reims: it's narrow and confined. How so many wounded soldiers fit in the little space is beyond me. I can't imagine the stone floor slicked with blood, the moans of pain, the smells of wounds. Even the pews seem too narrow to accommodate a human body laid lengthwise.

Even with all that said, if you stand inside that little church it's impossible not to feel the touch of history. Of everything I saw in Normandy, nothing made a bigger impression on my than the little church in Angoville-au-Plain.

Police Who Murder Man In Public On Camera Fired

newtboy says...

Yep, all that evil media's fault for reporting facts and exposing murderers, not the racist murdering cops, not the racist hyper divisive president that makes every single thing that happens a divisive issue. God Damn you get dumber every day, you ignorant welfare queen.

You mean IS it justifiable? Absolutely.

What happened was wrong, and the norm. Usually it only ends in hospitalization, permanent injury, and unjustified incarceration with zero consequences for the criminal cops thanks to their gang culture they call the blue wall of silence.

Cop(s) should be punished by law, but without looting and additional unrest, they never are. Without the media exposing them, they never are.

Trump told them to do this, "don't be so nice", he said, "don't protect their head, smash them on the car", he said. I'm on your side, go forth and conquer, he said (not in those exact words). I think you've forgotten you are on the criminal murdering cop gang side. Trump calls these protesters "THUGS", not "good people" like he says about NAZIS who riot and murder citizens. Trump sent in the national guard not to keep the peace, but to shoot the thugs.

Umbrella man, who single handedly turned the peaceful protests into rioting, is white, and sure appears to be a police officer.

bobknight33 said:

Agreed. This is because the SJM media need to stoke the flames of division and discontent.

Does all the looting and additional killing justifiable?

What happened was wrong. The cop should be punished by the law.

Michigan dam failure caught on video

eric3579 says...

Juan Browne (blancolirio) breaks down the dam failures and situation

In addition from Juan as of 5/20 3pm est.
"According to Midland County officials as of ~3pm (EST) 5/20/2020, the Sanford dam may still be somewhat intact but they can't tell because it's underwater (they're using the term "failed" because it's spilling over, not necessarily because the structure has collapsed). Latest images of the Sanford dam appear to show overflow limited to the emergency spillway area. The current hope is that the dam itself will hold long enough for the upstream flow from the Wixom lake breach to recede. If the Sanford dam fails, areas downstream are looking at 500-year flood levels. Local and state police have already begun staging in a number of downstream areas, presumably to facilitate evacuations if the dam fails."

Dolphins swim in bioluminescent waves in Newport Beach

noims says...

I think I might have seen this myself.

I was sailing in a race half way around Ireland (Dun laoghire to Dingle), which takes 2-3 days. We were coming into Dingle at about 4am with hardly any wind, and heavy wind the previous evening had got me out of bed early.

There's a famous dolphin in Dingle, and I distinctly remember a glowing green dolphin shape appearing a few times, swimming along with the boat. However, in the state we were in, our reactions and motivation were so low that I never managed to call it out to the others in time.

So either I was the only one to see the glowing green outline of an otherwise invisible dolphin, or I was enjoying a pleasant side-effect of sleep deprivation. Either way it was really really cool.

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