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11714 (Member Profile)

Your milk on drugs

Tracon says...

Just got an email back from one of them and he said that only California and a few southern states actual still use it. Not only that but he is in on a study for the university of Wisconsin. The study trained the cows to come in when they want to be milked not on a set schedule. They replaced half of the milkers with electronic ones that are warmer and measure everything. Not only do they come in when they want the over all production is up by at least 15%. The only thing they used was some basic antibiotics and alcohol wipes on the machinery. He is buying all the equipment when they are done he is so impressed.

Come on, e'rybody! Let's see your pets! (Pets Talk Post)

Issykitty says...

This is Miss Isobel, aka: Issy, or maybe I should say Queen Isobel? She is my strikingly beautiful girl, and she'll be 4 yrs old this October. I also have a new plucky little kitten (about 10 wks old) named Dr. Franklin Timothy, or Frankie for short. You can see what he looks like in my blog. Both of them had pretty rough starts, and they were both rescued from certain death. Issy fell very ill with a severe kitty flu at about 8 weeks old, the day after I brought her home. I had to nurse her back to health by having her rehydrated at the vet's and giving her antibiotics and eyedrops. She is just the picture of health now, and she is so supercool and smart, opening doors, and fetching and bringing things to me all the time. She and I have an extra special bond, and she enjoys talking to me.

Frankie is really starting to settle in, and he is still very young. If you check out my blog, you can read about his raccoon attack when he was only 6 weeks old. He's already more than doubled in weight since we had him at 7 wks old. He just got his first set of vaccinations, and he went from previously weighing just one pound to 2&1/2. His leg has healed nicely, and he's gaining strength in it everyday. He's only recently just started to climb, and we have a rad cat tower for him to play in. He has a wonderfully loud purr, and he loves Issy and thinks she is soooo cool. DFT and I are lucky ones to have the both of them as they are endless joy and amusement.

Religulous Movie Trailer

jimnms says...

>> ^thepinky:
Didn't see it.
The thing that I find amazing is that atheists take it for granted that no one could possibly give a compelling argument that atheism is irrational. Can you tell me what happened 3 millionths of a second before the big bang?

What does being an atheist have to do with the big bang?

So...has the universe always existed and will it always exist?

Well, yes and no. The universe as we know it has not always existed, but the matter has, in some form or another, and will always exist, even after the universe as we know it ceases to exist.

Alright, then. Did it come from nothing? NO WAY! That's an uncaused event and irrational. Well, then, what is the only solution left to us? An unmoved mover is the only other possible solution. In other words, a supernatural cause. In other words, we're all searching for answers to questions that we cannot possibly answer with our infantile understandings of the cosmos.

I don't know where the matter came from, but there are scientists working on figuring that out.

Are you saying we just give up and accept that it's some supernatural force at work? There was a time when people thought that diseases were caused by supernatural forces, but thankfully there were people who didn't accept that as fact and looked for the real reasons that caused them. That led to germ theory, which led to antibiotics, then microbiology and many more medical advances.

Imagine all of the things that we wouldn't have today if people just said, well we can't possibly understand this, therefore it must be supernatural and leave it at that.

Flobots - Handlebars

eric3579 says...

I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handlebars
No handlebars

I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handlebars
No handlebars

Look at me, look at me
hands in the air like it's good to be
and I'm a famous rapper
even when the paths're all crookedy
I can show you how to do-si-do
I can show you how to scratch a record
I can take apart the remote control
And I can almost put it back together
I can tie a knot in a cherry stem
I can tell you about Leif Ericson
I know all the words to "De Colores"
And "I'm Proud to be an American"
Me and my friend saw a platypus
Me and my friend made a comic book
And guess how long it took
I can do anything that I want cuz, look:

I can keep rhythm with no metronome
No metronome
No metronome

I can see your face on the telephone
On the telephone
On the telephone

Look at me
Look at me
Just called to say that it's good to be
In such a small world
All curled up with a book to read
I can make money open up a thrift store
I can make a living off a magazine
I can design an engine sixty four
Miles to a gallon of gasoline
I can make new antibiotics
I can make computers survive aquatic conditions
I know how to run a business
And I can make you wanna buy a product
Movers shakers and producers
Me and my friends understand the future
I see the strings that control the systems
I can do anything with no assistance
I can lead a nation with a microphone
With a microphone
With a microphone
I can split the atoms of a molecule
Of a molecule
Of a molecule

Look at me
Look at me
Driving and I won't stop
And it feels so good to be
Alive and on top
My reach is global
My tower secure
My cause is noble
My power is pure
I can hand out a million vaccinations
Or let'em all die in exasperation
Have'em all grilled leavin lacerations
Have'em all killed by assassination
I can make anybody go to prison
Just because I don't like'em and
I can do anything with no permission
I have it all under my command
I can guide a missile by satellite
By satellite
By satellite
and I can hit a target through a telescope
Through a telescope
Through a telescope
and I can end the planet in a holocaust
In a holocaust
In a holocaust
In a holocaust
In a holocaust
In a holocaust
In a holocaust

I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handle bars
No handlebars

I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handlebars
No handlebars

Flobots Handlebars Video

eric3579 says...

I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handlebars
No handlebars

I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handlebars
No handlebars

Look at me, look at me
hands in the air like it's good to be
and I'm a famous rapper
even when the paths're all crookedy
I can show you how to do-si-do
I can show you how to scratch a record
I can take apart the remote control
And I can almost put it back together
I can tie a knot in a cherry stem
I can tell you about Leif Ericson
I know all the words to "De Colores"
And "I'm Proud to be an American"
Me and my friend saw a platypus
Me and my friend made a comic book
And guess how long it took
I can do anything that I want cuz, look:

I can keep rhythm with no metronome
No metronome
No metronome

I can see your face on the telephone
On the telephone
On the telephone

Look at me
Look at me
Just called to say that it's good to be
In such a small world
All curled up with a book to read
I can make money open up a thrift store
I can make a living off a magazine
I can design an engine sixty four
Miles to a gallon of gasoline
I can make new antibiotics
I can make computers survive aquatic conditions
I know how to run a business
And I can make you wanna buy a product
Movers shakers and producers
Me and my friends understand the future
I see the strings that control the systems
I can do anything with no assistance
I can lead a nation with a microphone
With a microphone
With a microphone
I can split the atoms of a molecule
Of a molecule
Of a molecule

Look at me
Look at me
Driving and I won't stop
And it feels so good to be
Alive and on top
My reach is global
My tower secure
My cause is noble
My power is pure
I can hand out a million vaccinations
Or let'em all die in exasperation
Have'em all grilled leavin lacerations
Have'em all killed by assassination
I can make anybody go to prison
Just because I don't like'em and
I can do anything with no permission
I have it all under my command
I can guide a missile by satellite
By satellite
By satellite
and I can hit a target through a telescope
Through a telescope
Through a telescope
and I can end the planet in a holocaust
In a holocaust
In a holocaust
In a holocaust
In a holocaust
In a holocaust
In a holocaust

I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handle bars
No handlebars

I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handlebars
No handlebars

House Season Finale (1sttube Talk Post)

Bill Maher must be close to insanity at all times

moodonia says...

Yeah I remember thinking he sounded a bit far out on the whole western medicine thing. He may have a point about over reliance on treatment and not enough prevention but he didnt stop there.

Just wait until you are seriously ill, then choose between antibiotics or rubbing tea tree oil and essence of petunia on the affected area.

Jason Alexander is great as usual!

This new queue system is balls (Sift Talk Post)

Sarzy says...

And I don't want to hear anyone reply with the old "oh, videosift didn't used to have requeues and it worked just fine!" BS. You know what else we didn't used to have? The internet. TV. Antibi-freakin-otics. People used to die of infections just like that. These things are called progress. The requeue was progress for the sift, and getting rid of it is like banning antibiotics. It's lunacy, plain and simple.

History Channel Admits Anthrax Attacks are an Inside Job

rembar says...

gotcha! well thanks for answering dumb questions Rembar, you must be used to it by now!

No dumb questions have been asked yet and, believe me, I know dumb questions when I see them.

On a side note I remember being even more uninformed than I am now and voicing my concern about it as I was clapping out a shag wool rug purchased from Poverty Barn or Ikea or somewhere. My ex the Dr pointed out that I stood a better chance of getting anthrax doing that. Haha. I feel the same now as I did then. ;-)

Poverty Barn? ....yikes, lol.

And anthrax isn't as totally dangerous as people make it out be. It can be to the people attacked, but it's basically non-transmissible between humans, and it's generally treatable by antibiotics, usually with high rates of success (with a few specific exceptions, the 2001 attacks not really being amongst them). I am against fearmongering in all its forms, and the media hype during and after the 2001 attacks is certainly a prime example.

History Channel Admits Anthrax Attacks are an Inside Job

rembar says...

Okay you're right, it's way deep and this video is very alarmist.
Yes I am, yes it is, and yes it is.

Rembar could you tell us if it's true that they concluded it was all the Ames type, and if in fact this is "almost" entirely controlled by the pentagon?
It was the Ames strain (not type), although that's poor reporting on this video's part by implying that it is one of many. Although this is true, basically any lab worth its salt doing research on anthrax pathology uses the Ames strain, so that tells people precious little. And no, it is not almost entirely controlled by the Pentagon. It is under national regulation, and not anybody can get their hands on it, but it's a BSL-3 agent, not BSL-4. And that doesn't even cover the samples not held in the US.

People forget that anthrax is a bacteria. Unlike nuclear and chemical weapons, new samples of pathogenic bacteria can be grown from a small sample, and how exactly do you keep inventory of that?

The new work also shows that substantial genetic differences can emerge in two samples of an anthrax culture separated for only three years. This means the attacker's anthrax was not separated from its ancestors at USAMRIID for many generations.'(9 May 2002, New Scientist)
So it wasn't "on the street" for long.

That's what it seems like at first glance, but that conclusion is faulty. Three years of cultivation is a long, long time, especially if you're only collecting material to use in an attack, rather than trying to improve the strain's lethality or resistance to antibiotics or anything in that vein. In certain forms and methods, anthrax can be properly stored in stasis for decades, without necessity of reproduction. Thus, you could keep a sample viable for close to a century, but genetically your strain will be the same generation. In effect, this knowledge instead points to somebody doing a grow-and-throw - in simplified terms, acquiring the anthrax sample, storing it for however long, then growing some, collecting spores, and sending them, then rinsing and repeating as necessary. This means it was not specifically weaponized, contrary to what the newspapers love to tell you, nor would the actual process require very high-level knowledge of microbiology or anthrax in order to perform.

And lol, Constitutional_Patriot, cry more. I'll gladly put a silly video about breast-watching (which is both entertaining and healthy, as the video demonstrates) into my channel over something that's factually inaccurate, something you don't seem to understand as you've demonstrated a number of times that you wouldn't know real science if it bit you in the ass. Don't try to take it out on me with your little passive-aggressive downvoting. Sack up.

Roast IV Begins Monday! (Parody Talk Post)

MINK says...

My opening speech: *stand up *clearthroat

I am not accustomed to the tradition of "roasting".
Where I come from, a "roast" is a tortured and sickly bird, stuffed with antibiotics throughout its miserable life, plucked, frozen, and then shoved in an oven.

I was relieved to hear that this is not the way a Sift Roast is carried out.

However, I am still confused, because dotdude explained to me that a roast is where friends gather round and poke fun at one of their company, and honestly, pretty much none of you are my friends. Not even on myspace.

Anyway I look forward to reading what the five people I kinda care about have to say about me, and I hope the rest of you enjoy converting your hippydippy passive aggression into honest unfiltered words, just this once. Get it all out. Gooood. There ya go.

I will be inspecting your queues, but if I downvote your whole collection, please be assured it is purely because all your videos are shit and I don't like them.

If I enjoy the roast I will be revealing a little more about my actual real self, and providing a musical finale of my own creation.

May the farce be with you!

edit: on monday.
edit: noobed up the place, sorry siftbot. now u can all take tha piss even more.

Shirts Away! (Blog Entry by dag)

George Carlin: Germs

spoco2 says...

All of the people selling and buying antibiotic this and antibacterial that need to watch this.

People are becoming MORE and MORE susceptible to minor infections and allergies are skyrocketing because people spend all their time wiping down everything with stuff that kills every last microbe from our homes.

I am SO with George on this one, I HATE the trend, BAN all such products from my house and preach this line to those who are doing this to their children.

Let them get dirty, let them eat dirt, let them become strong, robust kids.

Penn & Teller: Bullshit -- Intelligent Design

9338 says...

I think people should receive medical treatment based on what they believe. If someone believes that viruses and bacteria can evolve resistance to treatments, they should be treated accordingly. If someone doesn't believe that microorganisms can evolve resistance to drugs, they should be given some posey, a jar of leeches, and sent on their way.

Survival of the fittest - save the vancomycin for people who aren't going to pass rampant stupidity on to the next generation. Natural selection will let MRSA and other germs that have evolved resistance take care of the rest.

Let me say this one more time - viruses and bacteria EVOLVED into forms that are resistant to antibiotics and antivirals. Tuberculosis, staphylococcus, HIV, influenza... they have all EVOLVED resistance. By going through the process of EVOLUTION they have gained adaptations that make them more virulent and more dangerous.

Not sure how many more times I'll have to say EVOLUTION and the varying forms of the word to drive the point home.

People can believe whatever the hell they want to believe, but if they intend to be passionate about it and make a shitstorm about it that pisses everyone else off, they should at least practice what they believe. By rejecting evolution, one is essentially saying that they reject the PROVEN FACT that drug resistant strains of TB, staphylococcus, influenza, HIV, and other suberbugs exist. Why waste the effective drugs on people who don't even believe the disease they have exists?

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