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Zero Punctuation - The E3 Trailer Park

Condoleezza Rice still "Proud Of Decision" To Invade Iraq

Soliders blow up some random guy's sheep

Bidouleroux says...

>> ^NinjaFish:
i believe bidouleroux has made the largest post here with the smallest amount of actual content in it. A large uninformed rant straight from the heart of your horrible misconceptions and ego. The worst part is there is no point to any of it. It is one long ignorant rant filled with hot air and angst. I hope you are just trolling with that post, otherwise i'd say you are seriously stupid.

Smallest amount of factual content maybe, but highest in ideas and concepts surely. That you do not understand said ideas and concepts is partly my fault I suppose, lack of writing skills and a bit of rush-headedness, but calling me stupid because of it only shows your lack of understanding and judgment, if not outright idiocy.

If you care to call what I posted trolling, then you have yourself a very wide category here my friend: use it well, as with great power comes great responsibility!

No seriously, trolling? Have you never heard of guys like Richard Dawkins and the four horsemen? Oh, I see. That's what you mean by trolling! Excuse me, here I thought you liked being shaken in your beliefs and challenged intellectually. My bad.

Soliders blow up some random guy's sheep

11714 says...

i believe bidouleroux has made the largest post here with the smallest amount of actual content in it. A large uninformed rant straight from the heart of your horrible misconceptions and ego. The worst part is there is no point to any of it. It is one long ignorant rant filled with hot air and angst. I hope you are just trolling with that post, otherwise i'd say you are seriously stupid.

laura (Member Profile)

Zero Punctuation - The World Ends with You

gwiz665 says...

>> ^RhesusMonk:
STOP FUCKING SAYING JRPG. Why the fuck does there have to be a distinction there? I fucking hate "gamers".

Because there is a distinction. It's like an RPG is like an FPS, and a JRPG is like an FPS + suckage, wonky hair and teenage angst.

Universal Studios Employee Video, Directed by Matt Stone and Trey Parker

Zonbie says...

*NSFW for angry teen angst! This is great *comedy and I guess a *parody of the vintage infomecials

I want to call this *cinema because It's universal, has porcelain deers, big stars AND sly stallone! (with sub-titles LOL)

L7 - Pretend We're Dead

Das Präparat - Tanz mit deinem Gefühl (2003)

Eklek says...

Liebe! (Love)

Sklaventanz der Emotionen, (Slave dance of emotions)
Liebe Hass im Wechselspiel (Love, Hate, interchange)
Sei bereit, wenn sie dich holen... (Be prepared, when they get you)
Tanz mit deinem Gefühl (dance with your feeling/dance susceptably)

Meine Liebe, Meine Lust, Meine Gier (my love, my lust, my avarice)
Meine Angst, Meine Sucht (my fear, my addiction)
Mein Herz sehnt sich nach dir (my heart desires you)

Meine Sehnsucht, Meine Qual, Mein Verlangen (my want, my pain, my desire)
Meine Seele, Mein Geist (my soul, my ghost)
Beherrscht durch mein Gefühl (guided by my feelings)

So schön, so kühl (so beautiful, so cool)


How many examples of douchebaggery can you spot?

dag (Member Profile)

residue says...


In reply to this comment by dag:
It was just a small attempt at humor- please don't take offense. Allow me to explain and thereby neutralise it:

Choggie has a reputation for cryptic, some would say incoherent comments. Your silver star indicates that you are an experienced sifter and have been around for awhile. So the humor lies in the conundrum that you are an experienced Sifter but are unaware that most of Choggie's comments are difficult to understand.

Man, you know when I explain it like that- it's hilarious.

In reply to this comment by residue:
There's no angst in my comment, Choggie's comment just seemed really strange to me and I thought that I might have missed something.

As far as the silver star, I noticed that I had it with only 24 sifts. Does the star have something to do with choggie or an applauded comment? If so, is there any way to figure out which one?

In reply to this comment by dag:
^ Confusing comment from Choggie you say?

Where did you get that silver star from young one?

residue (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It was just a small attempt at humor- please don't take offense. Allow me to explain and thereby neutralise it:

Choggie has a reputation for cryptic, some would say incoherent comments. Your silver star indicates that you are an experienced sifter and have been around for awhile. So the humor lies in the conundrum that you are an experienced Sifter but are unaware that most of Choggie's comments are difficult to understand.

Man, you know when I explain it like that- it's hilarious.

In reply to this comment by residue:
There's no angst in my comment, Choggie's comment just seemed really strange to me and I thought that I might have missed something.

As far as the silver star, I noticed that I had it with only 24 sifts. Does the star have something to do with choggie or an applauded comment? If so, is there any way to figure out which one?

In reply to this comment by dag:
^ Confusing comment from Choggie you say?

Where did you get that silver star from young one?

dag (Member Profile)

residue says...

There's no angst in my comment, Choggie's comment just seemed really strange to me and I thought that I might have missed something.

As far as the silver star, I noticed that I had it with only 24 sifts. Does the star have something to do with choggie or an applauded comment? If so, is there any way to figure out which one?

In reply to this comment by dag:
^ Confusing comment from Choggie you say?

Where did you get that silver star from young one?

How many examples of douchebaggery can you spot?

spoco2 says...

I seriously doubt you can get to 100 without just minute differentials on the same themes. There really are only a few main ones which have all been stated. Basically, the fact that he seems to amazingly angst ridden that idiots actually watch him do anything on video, and then actually thinks that people can be stuffed making video responses to tell him why they watch him so he can inflate his somehow already inflated ego is pretty much it.

And yeah, the 'here's a gripmaster I'm using (so you know my grip is TIGHT), but it's not mine 'because these things are so lame' ' is terrible.

How many examples of douchebaggery can you spot?

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