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Democracy Now Sarah Palin and Global Warming

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Amy Goodman Democracy Now' to 'Amy Goodman, Democracy Now, palin, alaska, polar bear, wildlife, climate change' - edited by my15minutes

Media takes a hit from Obama - Silencing Public Opinion

Amy Goodman Speaks About Being Arrested at RNC

davidraine says...

Amy Goodman seems to have become the poster woman for the police misconduct at St. Paul, but I think her case is probably the least heinous and mildest of most of the cases I've read about. To my knowledge the producers of Democracy Now have since been released, but the crimes perpetrated by St. Paul police have not been answered. In my opinion the public should demand the resignation of the mayor, police commissioner, and all other leaders who were in charge of police conduct during this time, but I haven't heard a peep suggesting any of those actions.

UPDATE: Hey, those are some pretty inflammatory comments up there, huh? I stand by them, but not without evidence. I don't have access to a Sift Blog and I wasn't sure if dumping links into a Sift Talk post is really appropriate, but the links springing up in the comments of a recent Ars Technica article have some pretty good information in them. Link to the comments page:


Police arrest Amy Goodman at RNC (what police state)

rougy says...

>> ^SDGundamXeople who are claiming the U.S. is a police state or fascist nation need to go spend some time in North Korea and learn what a real police state looks like.

Ah, the always useful false analogy, the statist's best friend.

Since political oppression isn't as bad in the USA as it is in North Korea, it doesn't really exist, and shouldn't even be remarked upon.

Since we've seen, time and again, police brutalizing and arresting people - people who were often not even involved with the protests - only to see those people released by a juge without charges 36 or 48 hours later - it's no big deal.

Bunch of whiners. What's a little false arrest and police brutality?

It's American as apple pie.

Police arrest Amy Goodman at RNC (what police state)

MINK says...

>> ^deedub81:
Police state? Have you ever been to China or Russia?

have you?

>>I believe we need to be mindful of legislation that impedes on our freedoms and reverse the downward trend, but we can't break the law to do it.

even if the law is fucked up? what do you suggest?

i guess the american revolution never should have happened because it was illegal, right?

>> Stop whining.

who's whining here?

Police arrest Amy Goodman at RNC (what police state)

joedirt says...

>> ^deedub81:
I believe we need to be mindful of legislation that impedes on our freedoms and reverse the downward trend, but we can't break the law to do it.
Stop whining.

Yeah! Take that Boston Tea Party. Take that George Washington. Take that American Revolution. Take that Suffragettes. Take that Civil Rights whiners. Take that Underground Railroaders.

Just STFU and stop whining. It's all ok because this guy says nothing is wrong.

Police arrest Amy Goodman at RNC (what police state)

SDGundamX says...

>> ^joedirt:
You are a fool, "we do not live in a fascist police state and that freedom of speech is alive and well"
Freedom of assembly? blah blah.. something about grievances? Oh nevermind, because your white ass knows better. It's not like you've ever tried to march in the streets or even attend a protest. I mean things look fine to you from YouTube, so clearly all is well and good. Some day you will have one of these paramilitarized stormtroopers with their boot on your throat confiscating your computer in a preemptive raid because of your thoughtcrimes or FISA snooping, and I hope to God at that moment you realize how foolish your statements were.

First off, I live in San Francisco where we protest something just about every day. I've been to the war protests--never saw anybody getting arrested that didn't deserve it (ie started disrupting traffic by sitting in the street, etc.). So before you start talking smack about people you don't even know maybe you should just ask them a point blank question--like, have you ever been to a protest? I would have happily answered you without resorting to name calling.

Second off, you need to rein in your paranoia. You know how many people have been arrested at the RNC protests? Less than 300. You know how many people are protesting? Over 10,000. So I fail to see how your delusion of us living in a fascist country holds up. The vast majority of people who went to protest at the RNC got to get their message out peacefully.

Now, those 300 or so that have been arrested weren't just randomly targeted. The cops didn't just say, "Hey let's grab that guy." Those arrested were parts of crowds that were engaged in violent acts including the smashing of windows and the slashing of tires. That's not peaceful demonstration; that is by definition rioting.

Was everyone arrested guilty? No. Some asshat anarchists started it and obviously some people who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time got caught up in the sweep. The courts will view the evidence and decide who did what. I imagine most of the charges will be dropped--something that would not happen in your imaginary fascist state.

Look, you're entitled to your opinion. You think America is becoming a police state? Great. I think you have the right to voice your opinion. But if you're going to go out there and shout that the sky is falling and that we're all fools because we don't agree with you then you shouldn't be surprised that you're met with total apathy or downright hostility in return.

Police arrest Amy Goodman at RNC (what police state)

choggie says...

uhhhhhhh, background?? What occurred??? Amy Goodman occurred, and continues to raise the hackles of the Nazis in control..
She started her career as just another , easily labeled "liberal" public radio nobody, now in the national spotlight beginning to peel layer after layer of the onion of dark forces behind the facade, is beginning to expose the people behind the people you think is running the show, and it makes these non-humans want to sacrifice children and and drink the blood of innocents....
some of Amy's work that has caused her to be put on several "lists":

She sees the forest for the y'all???

She has become braver and stronger, but you can see the toll it has taken on this soldier, in her eyes is much pain and frustration-she's on the front lines of exposing the hidden power structure and their ultimate agenda, and this is more evidence, we are getting close to some major event in the time-line of NWO, and major power grab-Look to the Asians and their cabals as well to flex,...they know full well the determination and will of the elite white boys, and the lengths they will go to secure empire has no moral or spiritual compass guiding the We's all caught in the middle???....well, chess was a game played by kings in the past, still is, and there are more pawns on the board expendable than needed for end game....

Wake the fuck up...

Police arrest Amy Goodman at RNC (what police state)

dgandhi says...

>> ^joedirt:
Technically trying to usurp and violate the Constitution used to be considered at the least a violation of Oath of Office, and more likely an attempt at treason.

In that case, I suggest that protesters start arresting riot cops for treason, no-violently of course.

Police arrest Amy Goodman at RNC (what police state)

dgandhi says...

>> ^charliem:
Man...arresting Amy Goodman is like arresting fuckin walter kronkite, you just dont do it.
Those assholes are in for a supprise when they find out who she is.

They don't care. Their job during the RNC is to harass and detain people. The courts will "sort it out" and all the citizens will be sent on their way AFTER they have no more opportunity to exercise their rights.

Moral of the story: The only rights you have are the ones you are willing to take by force.

Police arrest Amy Goodman at RNC (what police state)

charliem says...

Man...arresting Amy Goodman is like arresting fuckin walter kronkite, you just dont do it.

Those assholes are in for a supprise when they find out who she is.

Police arrest Amy Goodman at RNC (what police state)

Enzoblue says...

This is a huge mistake, arresting Amy Goodman of all people. I think maybe the cops didn't know who she was - I mean the woman has interviewed Chomsky, Nader, Wesley Clark, Naomi Klein... She's got friends.

Cenk Interviews Amy Goodman

Cenk Uygur Interviews Amy Goodman

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