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Jeff Ross - No Offense - Larry the Toll booth operator

Fixperts - A Button Fastener for 82 year old Tom

bremnet says...

I continue to be amused by the long lines of "inventors" of new gadgets, gizmos and things that go bing that are very simply re-discovering items that already exist. Case in point, the button hook, the button loop, the fastener loop or other names as it was known being rediscovered here. The original button hook, serving the same purpose as this device, was patented in 1851, with many variants following. Give yourself a pat on the back kids, and don't forget to pick up your trophy.

Zatoichi vs Akatsuka

poolcleaner says...

Better than skinemax -- not to say I haven't watched plenty of those movie late at night hahaha!

Funnily enough Zatoichi is a masseuse because of his affiliations with the zakuza and being blind; essentially he can't find any other work due to social stigmas and is picked on for the nature of his lower class status. The lower class status which thrusts criminality and an association with sexuality upon him.

Being a masseuse is associated with being a prostitute, therefore he is disregarded even more so.

So your natural inclination to be amused and associate that profession with sex is almost proof of a portion of Zatoichi's struggle.

The struggle against those whose tendency is to mock rather than perceive.

TheFreak said:

"Blind Masseuse" sounds like Cinemax late night movie.

Bill Maher - President Crazypants

entr0py says...

The tiny hands stuff has an interesting history though, I like spy magazine's original framing as "short -fingered vulgarian, Donald Trump". The sole reason this trolling has gone on for 30 years is he reacts to it in such amusingly childish ways.

MilkmanDan said:

I've said I don't like the "tiny hands" stuff before because it isn't in any way a legitimate or meaningful criticism. Trump does all kinds of legitimately crazy shit, and so much energy is spent on making fun of his hands?

...That being said, Maher brilliantly segued a sarcastic "tiny hands" jab into a very legitimate (and funny) jab in this one.

Weird Al" Yankovic - Amusement

poolcleaner says...

Wait, that's just life though right? Are you not amused?? *BLAM -- the sound of a hammer hitting a nail that feels like a nerve and bleeds like a nose smiling back up with a thousand screams* And don't you dare step off that teacup. Don't you ever. Just open your mouth and HURL into the face of an onlooker. Enjoying yourself by the sidelines? Wait until I step off the ride and throw you into the way of an oncoming teacup. Now you're strapped in for the amusement. Ahaha ehehe

Aliens: HUDSON!

poolcleaner says...

I was amused but mostly watching out of respect for everyone involved in this groundbreaking movie -- but then the credits killed me. I guess I'm easily amused by comedic fonts and text, I thought the funniest parts of Lego Batman were the opening title gags.

RedSky (Member Profile)

Thor is a Sh*tty Roommate

Navy SEAL on real martial arts

What Happened to America Online? [LGR Tech Tales]

A Bad Lip Reading - "INAUGURATION DAY"

If your New Year's resolution is to quit smoking...

00Scud00 says...

The smokers seemed more amused than anything else really. Maybe they could make a better one that detects what brand you're smoking and makes pithy comments. Or one that detects weed and starts to get stoned.

Cop Engaged In Traffic Stop Leads To Life Sentence

newtboy says...

If that's the case, that he's off duty, isn't this a much more serious crime? Improperly using the cop car, lights and siren, badge, weaponry, and authority of his position to pretend to be an officer preforming his duties when he's really harassing and pranking someone as a private citizen? That should definitely be a felony.

Actually, no. He has his badge displayed prominently, and his cuffs, pepper spray, and gun on his belt. He may be off duty, true, but there's nothing about his uniform that would indicate that. Not all officers wear blues. I've seen many officers on duty wearing similar clothing and gear.

No matter what, it's an abuse of his power and equipment for his own personal amusement.

dalumberjack said:

Just my .02 since I'm in this field of work.

He is most likely off duty. Looking at his uniform (he isn't wearing one) and the fact he has no gear on his duty belt tells me this was done off hours. Another possibility is this was done by a training facility / academy where most training Officers/Deputies wear the polo style shirt / khakis and do not wear much gear.

Either way, more than highly likely not on duty.

Now you may all proceed to rant about all other aspects of this video.

OSIS+ Finest Micro Survival Kit PERIOD!

hazmat22 says...

I figured you meant there was a mirror in the kit, since those are actually useful for trying to signal aircraft during the day. The fact that it turned out to be a comb amused me even more, thanks!

nanrod said:

At least your hair will look good when they find your corpse.

LIFE - Official Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

Seriously? Have none of these people ever seen a sci-fi movie before?

The "cute alien thing turns out to be deadly" was an amusing trope a few decades ago, but it just feels so bloody stupid these days.

Honestly, how stupid does hollywood think scientists are?
If we happened to find non-terrestial life, there is NO WAY IN HELL we would let humans interact with it without quarantining it for months if not years.

People need to listen to Worf

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