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Captain Kirk Wields a Giant Penis - Star Trek

newtboy says...

I note, Kirk had no idea how to use that rock hard phallus….almost like he had never had one of his own in his hands before.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Remember the leak of the Roe reversal? Remember how outraged the right was, how the leaker MUST be removed from the court and prosecuted to the fullest extent?
Turns out it’s almost certainly Alito, who has leaked other decisions like the Hobby Lobby case according to The NY Times.
I’m willing to bet any amount that you no longer think the leaker should be removed from the court…because you aren’t a serious or adult person and don’t think the rules you would apply to others apply should to you and yours.

Can you explain why so many Republican led legislatures have failed to pass, even blocked so many Democrat sponsored laws requiring priests, clergy, and pastors to report child sexual abuse? Of course you can’t.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Kind of odd how, the day after the election, Righty media suddenly stopped their “crime coverage”, don’t you think?

I mean the nonstop crime coverage where for over a year they lied and claimed some huge increase in crime under Biden, ignoring that most of the rise in murder rates happened before 2020, with murder increasing 30% 2019-2020 (and 4.3% under Biden, still bad) but all other violent crime is actually falling slightly.

Almost like they thought their audience was ignorant and gullible rubes they could gaslight, then use the outrage to scapegoat their enemies.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You were warned…

3 weeks and Twitter has closed its doors and is likely soon to be gone.
Forced loyalty pledges.
Employees locked out, the very few left that is.
Verification, gone.
Advertisers, gone.
Parody, gone.
Freedom of speech, gone.
Misinformation teams, gone….but that was the reason he bought it, to remove fact checks of conservatives.
Safety, gone.
Design teams, gone.
Functionality teams, gone.
Building maintenance teams, gone.
Twitter employees tweeted each other goodbye because they see it’s dying. Even most of the few that signed the loyalty pledge to become “hard core Twitter” say it’s temporary, they just didn’t want to lose their jobs right before the holidays. Good luck automating everything and pleasing your customers. He already drove off almost all advertising and revenue.

$45 billion of Tesla cash down the drain, down over 55% ytd and still plunging, and still burning money by the truckload, possibly into bankruptcy, and under multiple congressional investigations….OUCH!…all because Elon couldn’t stand even 2 days of free speech and started perma banning people over nonsense he created.
All in on Tesla must not be looking as bright and shiny today. You can’t say you weren’t warned.

As a bonus, Florida’s moronic infantilizing “stop woke act” law is on hold. Poor baby snowflakes might have to hear actual history for a moment, not white washed “slavery was just a voluntary migration for work just like we see on the southern border and benefited the slaves greatly” nonsense. The judge quoted 1984 in his ruling, calling the law “positively dystopian”.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Chevron Ad

luxintenebris jokingly says...



...necessity is the mother of invention.

just the plethora of inventions the Nazis came up with to appease their desire for war, serves as examples [i.e. SERIOUS Government edict].

bad examples - but still.

also, why is the average soccer mom driving vans that outmuscle classic muscle cars? mandating higher MPG made for lighter cars. the drive for better fuel efficiency led to more power. more power in lighter vehicles.

almost like the popular conservative belief: things will work themselves out - if they have to - is halfway true.


...the idea is if the U.S. taxes carbon emissions, companies will find a way to reduce them. the oil industry agreed it would work.

so there's that...if you like to be more knowledgeable after you leave the room than when you came in.

bobknight33 said:

Idiots -- all who believe this shit. Oil is the life blood of any economy.

Change to Green is coming. But it has to come when market forces make it mainstream. Not by Government edict.

Judge Locks Up Parkland Shooter for Life, Throws Away Key

newtboy says...

Oh no!!!

If you haven’t noticed, I’m not Bob. I decide my positions on my own, and while I’m socially liberal, that doesn’t mean I agree with the “liberal” positions at all times. I’m not insulted at my position being called “conservative”….I’m not tribalistic that way.

EG-I’m pro gun….but very pro regulation.

I’m actually a fiscal conservative, but unlike the right I know that doesn’t really mean the government should only pay for the military and nothing more. I agree with any spending that saves billions or trillions overall, even when it means some people get a free ride.
I think police are a good idea, although I believe they need serious reforms because they have lost their mission completely.
I think public roads are a good thing, as are public water and power systems.
I think national health care is a no brainer that works well in almost every country and saves trillions per year.
I think a safety net is a good idea...give people something to lose so they don’t turn to crime because they have nothing to lose.

Edit: I’ve said most of my adult life that I would be a Republican if only they would. Today’s Con has no resemblance to the Republican party I thought I grew up with (my entire family was hard core R).
Fiscal sanity, gone. Caring about the environment, gone. Supporting facts and science, gone. Supporting small government, gone (except with lip service). Strong and enforced gun regulations to protect gun ownership rights, gone. Strict supporters of law and order, not anymore. Government out of private life, so incredibly gone. Separation of church and state, gone. Fans of democracy, gone. Honesty, not even a memory.
I’m only a “blue liberal” by default. I might be libertarian if they weren’t crazed anti government extremists and almost MAGA.
Dems are the only ones left that really believe in democratic government.

I agree that 40 years+ without parole is cruel, but certainly not unusual or excessive. I never understand why excessively long prison sentences are considered less than the death penalty…I’m claustrophobic, to me it would be 40+ years of panic. I would give myself the death penalty fairly quickly because I’m not brave enough to face that. Swallow my tongue or bite it off, either works just fine and can’t be stopped. I’m really shocked that’s not the norm, but I’ve (clearly) never had to face it.

bcglorf said:

Careful @newtboy, you're sounding a bit like a conservative on this one from the Canadian POV.

A terrorist that shot 12 people in a mosque, killing 6 was sentenced under new Conservative law that allowed sentences like murder to be applied consecutively. More details in the link below, but our liberal dominated Supreme Court ruled the 40 years without a parole chance was "cruel and unusual".

So our gov. will be giving them a chance at parole in 2039.

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

newtboy says...

Immediately explained because there is no question whatsoever that’s what it was.

You have all this fake information…but from where? I know you won’t answer because it’s embarrassing….because the answer is Twitter.
None of it resembles the official reports from police, not one detail is close to correct. It’s pure unadulterated lies you bought hook line and sinker because you want to, or that you made up yourself, not because you have a scintilla of evidence, and it’s all 100% opposed by the reality that an armed MAGgot drove to Pelosi’s house with weapons and zip ties, broke in, and beat an 82 year old man he pulled out of bed with the hammer in front of police, fully dressed, screaming “where’s Nancy”.

I think you people took the fact that he’s a nudist and pretended he was nude at the failed assassination….no, that’s almost rational, I now see Musk just made it up, tweeted it out to millions, then quietly retracted it once he planted the seed of insanity in your fertile skulls, and it grew like a weed in the manure you keep there. Every accusation you make is an admission.

Depapi is pure, undeniably MAGA. You have no evidence otherwise. Police have tons to back that up.
He is far right politically, not all over the place. There were no guards, no dogs, no cameras, no alarm, no third person, no tall wall, no attacker in his underwear. Every bit of that is made up by far right liars like yourself to try to hide from the fact that he’s absolutely one of you, just like you, a splitting image of yourself, believing every crazy conspiracy theory you believe. No evidence he’s a “doper” although that would mean nothing, most republicans are dopers, rush Limbaugh was the biggest heroin addict in recent history, Trump likes speed.
Mr Pelosi called him “friend” to calm him down, not because he was his friend you tool.
Was a failed political assasination by the far right, with prodding from politicians for years up to the “fire Pelosi with a rifle” add on the day before the failed assassination.
Funny, every place your alternative facts were put up is down, not those my info came from. Derp

You just don’t like who you are and seeing yourself in the mirror disgusts you, so you came up with a story from your own life when your gay lover beat you up. It’s so incredibly stupid, and shows you are not a bit serious, just ranting and blaming anyone but terrorist maggots.

Only the completely insane like you believe everything in the universe is on their side at all times…. all truth, all facts, all ideas, all goodness, even god….but somehow you just keep losing constantly, bigly. Maybe it’s just you!

But to recap, you don’t get to ask questions until you answer one….and you can’t.

bobknight33 said:

This bizarre story was immediately explained in the liberal media as being MAGA attack:

Bla bla bla- I can’t answer questions, and don’t listen to answers, now let me waste your time with more nonsense I made up because


moonsammy says...

Oops this turned into a semi rant. But I am legitimately open to discussion here, and am curious to get your thoughts on a few points Bob. That is, IF you're willing to actually think about them beyond the level of repeating talking points.

I find it interesting how divergent the two overall "sides" are in this country, in terms of where they focus. None of the issues brought up in this video are really on the radar of most progressives, beyond being aware some on the right are talking about them. And I'm guessing a lot of the concerns progressives discuss rarely come up in your chosen media landscape. A lot of the issues in the video are largely off of my radar, and I have to wonder how you feel they should be addressed - like, actual proposed solutions rather than just complaining about / worrying about them.

We only dedicate one day to remember our fallen soldiers

How many should there be? Arguably we have more than one already: there's Memorial Day and Veterans Day, and it seems that Sept 11th is often used for the purpose as well.

I'd argue we should spend more time acknowledging and understanding the principals behind WHY our soldiers died in the various conflicts which caused them to fall in the first place. Let's make sure our citizenry appreciates what we collectively rejected in the Revolutionary war. Why it was important that we kept the country together rather than allowing the south to split off in the mid-1800s. Why we chose to honor our diplomatic agreements and support our allies in WW1. Why we fought against the countries and governments we did in WW2. What our goals were in Korea and Vietnam, and what lessons we learned from those conflicts and from the Cold War in general. Commemorating and remembering those we've lost absolutely matters, but if we're ONLY doing that while forgetting why they fought OR ignoring what we learned then we're doing them an equal or greater disservice. Remember that America was built on the idea of forming "a more perfect union" - not a perfect one, a MORE perfect one - a work in progress. We're striving towards an ideal, not assuming we're already there. Learning from our past successes, failures, and our struggles around both outcomes is vital. If our self-analysis is no deeper than hero worship we'll never make real progress towards that theoretical perfect union.

The only mask that's gonna save us is duct tape on their mouths

Yeah, sound medical advice and evidence-based science is terrifying. Better to shut up those whose words we dislike, because we're reactionary authoritarian babymen. I truly do not understand being more afraid of reasonable safety measures than of a virus which has been shown to cause serious harm in the short and long terms. The only reason this "masks = liberal / maskless = conservative" crap came about is because politics has devolved to the level of team sports in the US, and one party has chosen "the opposite of whatever our political opponents say" as their entire governing philosophy. (And yes, ONE party - research and understand the GOP's 2020 platform if you want to argue the point.) This video even seems to reach a reasonable conclusion at the end, while coming up just short of that final logical leap to "maybe I should question what the public faces of MY side have been claiming in this Us vs Them madness." Seriously - keep going friend, you're almost there! George Washington was 100% right in wanting to avoid political parties being a force in the US, and it makes me immensely sad that his fears came true.

Big oil runs the world / the only wars to get fought are with the countries who have natural resources they want

Solid point here, no sarcasm. The US military has long been a tool of our profit-driven form of "free market" imperialism. A really great way to combat this, specifically with an eye to ending Big Oil's goddamn death grip on our foreign policy goals, would be an aggressive implementation of renewable energy projects. Remember the space race? America can be an absolute beast at clever engineering solutions when we dedicate ourselves to it. Fuck the petrostates, we have the available land and resources to absolutely kick ass in the realms of solar and wind power, and be leaders in the the post-hydrocarbon reality. We can certainly agree on that, right Bob? Left / Right nonsense fully aside, I think any reasonable American can agree on at least two points: let's stop sending heaps of cash to buy oil off of the Saudis (etc), and Fuck Cancer.

But if a white man acts too white he's white trash / he's a racist he's a bigot he's a monster

What the fuck is this horseshit? What does "acting too white" even fucking look like? Watching NASCAR on a sailboat while listening to polka? Typically when I see racism from white people it's in the form of denying that brown-hued people deal with any additional difficulties in life due to their skin tone, or denying that there have been structural obstacles for them through history, or lamenting that their white children are being burdened with a broader lens on culture or with (gasp! shock!) an accurate accounting of actual US history, including the ugly bits that we shouldn't be proud of (but MUST learn from). I'm progressive / lefty as fuck and there is no aspect of "white culture" or "acting white" which upsets me in the slightest. UNLESS one counts "denying racism exists / has ever existed" as a fundamental value of being white. Which... why would anyone want to claim that nonsense? If you want to listen to classic country music in a rusty pickup truck while driving to an evangelical church, then discuss hockey over Buds after 18 holes with the rest of your tractor pull team, then absolutely go nuts my fellow caucusoid! Just recognize and understand that your life experiences may not be the same as those of others. Further, if we care about trying to avoid unnecessary, avoidable unfairness in life (recognizing that life will never truly be fair, for anyone), then it might be reasonable for some governmental / legal / structural recognition in furtherance of that notion. There is absolutely room for legitimate policy disagreement here without being accused of racism. It's denial of others' reality which tends to garner the label of racist (sexist etc) - steer clear of denying the lived experiences of other people, allow for the possibility they may have encountered difficulties you haven't / won't, and we've room for further discussion.

Edit / final point: I voted the video back up to 0 from the -1 where I found it. Because while I disagree with a lot of the positions taken by the performer, they may have reached them through no fault of their own and with no true malice. Misinformation / disinformation is a devious shit of a motherfucker, and the rot it causes can run deep. It is painful to abandon deeply-held beliefs, on a fundamental level. If nothing else, the video gives us room to discuss some specific viewpoints held by people who think of themselves as good, but which can lead to harm.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s Republican election fraud…. right-wing political activists Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman who tried to intimidate Black voters with a robocall ahead of the 2020 election claiming that voting would expose their personal information to police, bounty hunters, debt collectors, etc, charged with multiple felonies in multiple states, required to send out follow up robocalls explaining that the previous call was full of misinformation designed to intimidate voters, who the FCC is pushing for the largest fine for robocalling ever, $5 million.
They both just plead guilty in Chicago, just one of the states they pulled this fraud.

Crazy how there seems to be another one almost daily not just discovered, but usually plead guilty to….always MAGA republicans, the anti democracy, anti freedom, anti reality party overflowing full of racists and child molesters.

What if Akira Was Animated At 60 Frames Per Second

newtboy says...

You thought it was worse?
I barely noticed a difference, so I agree the extra work and expense is largely wasted.

My eyes aren’t good enough anymore to justify even 4K, I’m still happy with my almost 10 year old 1080 plasma tv (although 4K would be nice for games).

kir_mokum said:

so it would have tripled the cost and made it look worse.

people's obsession with 60+ FPS needs to stop. it looks bad and it's a shit-ton of work. its purpose is to sell more TVs. same with 8K+. even 4K is pretty overkill for most people's viewing habits.

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

newtboy says...

Being a normal person, I nearly forgot every accusation you make is an admission, especially personal accusations/insinuations.
Your admission that you are a “groomer” (of the far right pedophilic nut job definition) almost got past me.
You sick fucker. If I knew who you were, CPS would be on its way.
Once again, you admit to being a child abuser. Party of debauchery, despots, death, destruction, and dumb shits.
Now go get caught jerking it to preschoolers like your party leaders.

bobknight33 said:

….Or are you a Groomer?

Trump Signed Order-Immediately Withdraw Afghanistan Troops

luxintenebris jokingly says...

no election fraud. that was the deal.

the BIG LIE was that there was.

onesided as in "it didn't happen".

keep at it. you're almost there.

(hint: the 'nothing' is painted orange: easy to spot)

bobknight33 said:

No election fraud going on in this clip. just nothing.

Yet more one sided nothing -- Just nothing

Bodycam Moment Deputy Suffers Panic Attack While Armed

newtboy says...

This is why it’s correct to say ALL cops are criminals.
The department didn’t do a background check or would have known he was fired twice.
The department never investigated this attempted murder by a cop.
The cop was never charged, not for attempted murder, not for filing false police reports, not for reckless endangerment, not even for lying on his application to be a police officer. He walked with the departments blessing.
He’s probably a cop somewhere today.

The cops charged the couple with class C felonies, lied about what had happened, and hid the officers actions until court where they were forced to provide evidence (which they likely tried to withhold), evidence that completely contradicted every claim they had made against the couple.
The DA went along with those false charges despite having this evidence.
They were held 42 days in the jail run by the same cops making up false charges before their court case was heard, not a maximum of 10 which is Tennessee state law.
If their lawyer hadn’t gotten the body cam footage, those innocent people would be spending 15 years in prison for crimes everyone involved knew were false charges based solely on the lying cop’s word and his superiors support….not one cop came forward to say so. Every single one was complicit.

Every cop is a violent thug that kidnaps and tortures the innocent, or one that stands between them and justice, protecting their criminal cohorts. Every single one, not one good apple in the country or they would stop their gang from being the worst violent murderous criminal gang in the country.

Proof you don’t need to “fuck around” with cops to be their victim, @bobknight33. EMT almost died twice for helping the cop.

Murdering Cops Murder Cyclist For Crossing The Street

newtboy says...

Thanks for being consistent if not sane or rational…consistently inconsistent.
You say that invariably when it’s a non white victim, but consistently defend the citizen if it’s a right wing white person violently attacking the cops like on Jan 6 or the Bundys….consistently inconsistent.

You consistently justify this hyper escalation to murder for any color except white MAGA color. When you guys murder cops, permanently disable cops, and try to overthrow democracy, you think there should be absolutely zero consequences. Not for stabbing them, beating them, pepper spraying them, trampling them, nothing is bad enough to require prosecution of your group, nothing minor enough that deadly force isn’t required for others. Consistently.

Again, we’ve seen hundreds of innocent victims and bystanders shot in the back, some while sleeping in their own homes, but there’s nothing you won’t excuse deadly force for….unless it’s against a Maggot. Recently police fired dozens of shots into a crowd of unsuspecting victims trying to shoot one man who was unaware of their presence and not fighting or being a danger to anyone, and they shot at least 5 innocent victims. Calling 100% bullshit on “ Don't fuck around with cops and you wont get shot.”, many many victims are shot not fucking around….just last week a kid was shot with a full clip for moving when a cop asked for his ID, a white kid in his parent’s car, not a car thief the cop just assumed he was. This is not abnormal, it happens almost daily. The ex-cop is facing attempted murder and a dozen more charges.

Jan 6 was heavily armed, with bombs, Molotov cocktails, tons of guns (from pistols to AKs, verified by secret service before the coup), knives, spears, gas, pepper spray, fire extinguishers, and literally truckloads more guns staged nearby, some of which was intercepted, the rest blocked from deployment by DC police. You really are intentionally ignorant as fuck, bob. This is proven public knowledge admitted to in court by Trump’s racist militias (proud boys etc).
It was poorly planned by MAGA morons who think themselves great tacticians but are really total incompetents…thank Jebus.

Jan 6 was an attack on democracy by the ex president in an effort to take control of America by force. It cannot be overhyped, and has not been.

Democrats want Trump to run in 24, because it would be a lock for Democrats across the board. He’s a loser, bigly, and would be a loser again. He has no independent votes, and no Bernie boy vote, and the Republican Party has shrunk significantly. Also, he’s clearly committed multiple crimes that invalidates him as a candidate, and will likely be in prison and court for the rest of his life….you can’t lead from solitary.

Trump is a bad joke, a feeble old con man that decimated America, destroyed the robust economy, deferred any infrastructure maintenance, is responsible for over 1 million American deaths by negligence, destroyed any faith in law or validity of the courts, and created a rift between Americans so wide that one party now includes dissolving the American Union as part of their official platform (your party). I know you would vote for him in 24….twice….and still lose….again.
Yes, I would absolutely would vote for Dank Brandon again if the choice is him vS Trump or a Trumpster which is any Republican left. I would much prefer Buttigieg given my druthers.

Now, let’s hear you answer @bcglorf, coward. Hypocrite. Liar. I know what you said for months after she was shot in self defense. I expect you will just slink away again and ignore your own blatant hypocrisy, like normal….but get ready to be asked again and again until you admit your racist hypocrisy.

bobknight33 said:

Sadly justified at any color. Don't fuck around with cops and you wont get shot.

If Jan 6 was truly an insurrection it was poorly planned and un armed.

Jan 6 is over hyped just to continue to jump on Trump hoping to not to run in 2024 or at least not have the votes.

Biden is a Joke, feeble old man.

Would you would vote for him in 2024?

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