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Ghomert Asks If Forestry Department Can Change Earth's Orbit

newtboy jokingly says...

You know Santa comes from the tradition of Kris Kringle, who himself came from early Christianity and was supposed to represent baby Jesus, so....since Jesus was almost certainly black according to sparce biblical descriptions, Santa is black.

So, did I ruin it or make it better now?

BSR said:

Facts. You're always going on and on about facts. Don't ruin Santa Claus for me too.

QAmom - Confronting my mom's conspiracy theories

00Scud00 says...

I'm surprised that she actually paid up. And if the earth was flat then cats would have knocked everything off it by now. At least according to the shirt a guy at work was wearing.

Mordhaus said:

People believe the earth is flat, the moon landing was faked, and that Trump actually won the election. I lost my ability to be amazed at what people will believe a long time ago.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

I Remember .

They are going up a lot. Not due to global warming .

Rates most likely going up due to dollar losing 50+% of value since 2000.

from the Herald Tribune

"Property owners throughout Florida are seeing their insurance rates soar, as companies had rate increases approved ranging from from 12% to 31%. Insurers point to high rates for reinsurance, which is basically insurance to back up insurers, and claims for water damage from leaks that are not hurricane-related.

Another factor cited was that claims still were rolling in from Hurricane Irma in 2017 and Michael in 2018. Policy holders have a three-year window to submit wind damage claims. Insured losses from Irma totaled $17.44 billion while Category 5 Michael generated $7.9 billion in claims for insured losses, according to FOIR."
NOAA data goes up 2004.
Hurricane rated not more no less over last 100+ years.

newtboy said:

Remember that time you said if climate change and sea level rise were real, insurance in places like Florida would skyrocket or disappear. Guess what.

Not only has it skyrocketed like I told you was happening back then, but many companies have now just left places like Florida altogether because it costs them far too much to payout over flooding and extreme weather events that are now regular occurrences.

My'll ignore what you claimed, ignore what the companies say, and ignore the data that's undeniable and blame liberals for faking the insurance fiasco and faking constant repeated flooding and extreme weather decimating many areas, especially coastal and low lying areas....or you'll just deny things are demonstrably worsening.

What I know for certain, you won't admit you were/are wrong, and won't accept any responsibility for dragging your feet and obstructing vital progress with unending stubborn denial of reality and making the situation exponentially worse and the time to mitigate it exponentially shorter.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Covfeffe. Let's look at the oranges of that.

You are such a ridiculous idiot. Biden's brain is exponentially better than yours. He speaks FAR more clearly and without flubs despite a diagnosed severe speech impediment than you can even write.

Compared to Trump's drug addled sub par dementia riddled brain, Biden is an Einstein in his prime. Trump couldn't even speak in complete sentences, much less drive a golf cart, Biden safely hot rods million dollar prototypes while making jokes that are actually funny, not just nasty ignorant personal attacks beneath children while sitting in the truck seat pretending to drive like a two year old on the ride in front of the grocery store.

Funny, when he speaks publicly you've been forced to admit he spoke well, intelligently, intelligibly, and was totally rational while Trump fumbled, complained, stumbled over simple words, stumbled over simple concepts, and wasn't honest... then within days forget what you said and revert back to "Trump smart, Biden has dementia".

What you cannot grasp is America saw them both non stop for 6 months then chose and, despite numerous Republican voter frauds, serious postal interference, and a purported billion dollar war chest, trump lost in a MASSIVE landslide in the most secure election ever according to Trump's election anti fraud department....and you decided to listen to his little tantrums instead of the millions of professionals his administration hired to safeguard the election, or the dozens of Republican judges who heard the "evidence" and tossed the cases, or every single republican governor, or his own people who eventually admitted there really was no fraud, it was all pure hyperbole, and you had to be a braying moron to believe it.

I say, based on what's been said and claimed, your brain is gone, was gone well over 5 years ago.

It had to be mush to support a clinically narcissistic repeatedly convicted con man, fraud, and self described rapist, incestuous father, tax cheat, mob tied, hard core long time certified racist, white nationalist, and pedophile as the best Republicans have to offer. Seeing what you idiots have elected since him, you may have been right, he might be YOUR best, he certainly is one of America's worst citizens.

So sad and delusional you are, little Bobby. Cry us some more delicious tears over your messaih's MASSIVE failures across the board....then send Broke Donny more money, he needs it for criminal defense attorneys.


bobknight33 said:

Biden brain is gone, was gone few years ago.

Psaki Shows How To Handle "People Are Saying" Questions

newtboy says...

A bit off topic, but Yeah. How dare Biden remove all those operational safeguards Tiananmen Trump put in place!?....
....what....Trump never tried to protect digital infrastructure and denied Russia ever tried to hack them, contradicting his own DOJ, NSA, and FBI?! D'oh!
Guess it was Trump who "allowed" this for the last 4 years while now it's Republicans blocking any upgrades Biden has tried to implement.

Remember, according to Trump's own DOJ and NSA, Russia hacked into almost every single part of our digital infrastructure, gaining unfettered access nationwide during his administration, and he completely ignored it while kissing Putin's cock lovingly.
Biden has made strengthening our digital security across all infrastructure a priority, and Republicans still want none of it and oppose every single upgrade.

🤦‍♂️ so sad, bobknight33.2.0. Just delusional and sad.

TangledThorns said:

Psaki and the media puppies protecting Beijing Biden. He allowed Russia to hack our oil pipeline.

Chauvin Guilty of Murder as Calls for Police Reform Grow

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahaha. Too late. He might have been dismissed had it been brought up before deliberation started, but not now, it's over. Chauvin is convicted. You don't get a mistrial after a verdict, and a mistrial isn't exoneration, he would be tried again, with more witnesses and evidence. Even your video only claims it might help an appeal, not a mistrial. That cracker jack box law license isn't working, Bobby.

Chauvin's attorney is barely more competent than Giuliani. He put experts on the stand that hadn't examined the facts or evidence but came to conclusions anyway. His gawdawful defense is a MUCH better case for an appeal than a jurist that once wore a t shirt.

He may have a point that it's not proper to mislead on a questionnaire (although you support it, remember. Lying under oath is the smart thing to do if it helps your cause, according to you when Trump lied under oath in his depositions), but attending one MLK March doesn't disqualify a person from being a jurist, just like having a nice interaction with police or a decent estimation of them doesn't.

Edit: sounds like the jury question was had they participated in a blm protest, the rally he was filmed at was an MLK get out the vote rally Floyd's family happened to speak at, so he didn't lie.

It's a nothing burger brought up too late. He will appeal, and will bring this up, but it is far from meeting the standards to grant a new trial at this point. Even if he gets an appeal on other grounds, the evidence is overwhelming, he will simply be convicted again, possibly of harsher charges.

If he's not for some unfathomable reason, he will wish he was, because he will have a target on him and those with him for life. Prison is the safest place for him, and the only chance of safety his family has.

Sorry Charlie.

Edit: Funny how you are on the side of the murdering white cop and not the black murder victim here....and you still claim you aren't racist....but when a cop hurts a white woman or a violent white power MAGA moron you can suddenly see they're going too far.

bobknight33 said:


Chauvin Juror CAUGHT Having LIED On Questionnaire, Attended BLM Protest, MISTRIAL Could Be Declared
What other baggage from the jurors will come out?
Who knows this information will be used by Chauvin attorney.

Where BLM co founder spends their money

newtboy says...

TLDW, so if she answered it in the video forgive me, but....
Are you sure it was $120k per year?
According to the Snopes article.....
Since the organization’s inception in 2013, the Foundation said Cullors received compensation totaling $120,000 for work that included serving as spokesperson and engaging in political education. Since 2019, Cullors’ role with the Foundation has been voluntary and unpaid.

Mordhaus said:

She didn't use illegal funds from BLM. She is a hypocrite of the highest order though. Of course, most rich people are, regardless of race.

1. She never took a salary from BLM: False. BLM stated they paid her 120k a year.

2. There is no proof she bought the houses or owns them: False, she admitted in interviews and statements she bought them for her family and herself. I question also that she is giving these homes to family, since she said herself that they disowned her and kicked out at 16 when she came out as queer. I can't find proof to counter that she gave them to family members, so that is just an opinion.

3. She is an avowed Marxist and Socialist, yet she is pursuing capitalist ideals hardcore. She tries to worm her way around this in her interview, but the Left themselves are criticizing her for doing this.

4. Wherever there is a white-dominant space, deep racism exists as well - no matter how progressive. If you cut too far into that progressive, if you do something that's too radical, white racism will emerge. - Patrisse Cullors: Also buys 1.4 million expansive property in Topanga Canyon district, which is 88% white and 1.8% black. Why would she want to live someplace where, per her previous quotes, deep racism exists?

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

StukaFox says...

I have a friend who is very, very, VERY rich. Years ago, he married a total psycho chick, realized his mistake, and bailed out of that marriage a couple of years later.

He told me later that after the dust settled, he did the math and it worked out his marriage cost him about $2,500 an -HOUR- in immediate losses. When he worked out the long term costs in investment appreciation, compounded interests, real estate values and a slew of other "sundry" losses that alone were worth more than we'll see in 10 lifetimes, he would have needed to add another zero.

It gets better/worse.

He plays online poker and is very good at it. Just for fun, he went into business with one of the early online poker site's founders and helped write the security for the site. Because of a bunch of legal shit, he was paid in BTC, which was selling for about $50 a "coin" then. His now-wife freaked the fuck out and made him sell it. His estimate of THAT little loss, according to him (he told me this when BTC was at around $40k) would have been enough to offset his divorce settlement by a factor of about 2.5.

Do the math.

‘This is not a zoo’: Biden administration blocks filming

newtboy says...

I mean what I said. Trump (and his subordinates at his direction) made up new regulations, New laws, New restrictions, New limits, new procedures, and new rules that combined made it not just harder but often impossible for people who, before Trump under any administration would have been quickly granted asylum in accordance with the law. He also slowed the process for legally applying, limited the number allowed to apply in a way never done before, and created new systems where instead of waiting in the country they had to wait in another country with no services in crime ridden refugee camps if they're lucky, sometimes sent south of Mexico, many instructed to go home and wait, homes they fled under direct and credible threats of death or worse....many after having their children taken.

Trump did not simply "enforce current laws". He changed them, misinterpreted them, ignored them repeatedly and flagrantly, then enforced those he liked. Consistently the intent was to minimize any immigration as much as possible from countries that aren't predominantly white. Not once was the intent to streamline the system so it would improve, every step was designed to slow the process and deny entry to as many people as possible, even those with legitimate life or death reasons for asylum. He even changed those rules to exclude narco terrorism death threats to be a reason for asylum, not because they aren't valid but because there are too many.

When you personally create the "law" you're enforcing by (often illegally) changing the rules and established interpretation of long standing law and policy to make following the law near impossible and often deadly, you don't get credit as if that's being a humanitarian just enforcing the law. Duh.

Edit: BTW Mr law and order, Trump never followed the law in his business dealings nor with his taxes or his loans (hyperexagerated his property values on loan documents, while minimizing their value on tax forms). His best excuse? His claim that he's not a real businessman and didn't even bother to read the loan and tax documents he swore were correct because he had no idea if they were.....His claim that everyone does that, everyone is a tax cheater and bank fraud perpetrator, is asinine.....but exposes him as the criminal fraud we all know he is, not a man who respects the law.

bobknight33 said:

you state ..added more restrictions and insurmountable...

You really mean Trump enforced the LAW.

Making Spherical Tanks Through Explosive Hydroforming

eric3579 says...

From YouTube videos description..

Explosive hydroforming, also known as HERF (High Energy Rate Forming) or exploform, is a striking alternative to the more traditional process of metal hydroforming. Unlike this older method, which shapes metal using pressurized hydraulic fluid pumped into a forming chamber, HERF techniques utilize an explosive charge to create the necessary pressure. Although the charge is relatively small, it is capable of generating enough force to mold the associated metal into the die.

The explosive charge is typically positioned at a specific distance from the workpiece, and both are immersed in fluid, usually hydraulic fluid or simple water. Certain facilities may also use oil, gelatin, liquid salts, or regular air as the transmission medium. However, water is the most commonly used medium as it is the least expensive, excellent for creating uniform peak pressure, and readily available. Once the charge and workpiece are properly positioned, the charge is detonated, pressing the workpiece into a die. The part is then removed and the process is repeated if necessary.

Explosive Hydroforming Methods
Explosive hydroforming techniques fall into two basic categories. Although both methods function according to the same general principles, they rely on very different placement of the explosive charge within the forming chamber.

Standoff Method: With the Standoff Method, the explosive charge is used in conjunction with an intervening medium. In most hydroforming applications, the intervening material is typically water, oil, or air. The required deformation level dictates how far the explosive charge is placed from the piece of metal to be formed. When the charge detonates, the ensuing force is transmitted through the fluid and pressures the metal into the die. Detonations used in the Standoff Method can often reach several thousand pounds per square inch (psi).

Contact Method: In the Contact Method, an explosive charge is placed in direct contact with the forming metal. This process generates far more pressure than the more conventional Standoff Method. By placing the explosive charge in close proximity to the surface material, the detonation can result in as much as several million psi.

Nika uses Esper Hand. By Esper Bionics

00Scud00 says...

Make sure it's the one that also shoots lightning, the only way to make it better is to put tits on it and set it on fire. (according to Yahtzee at least)

newtboy said:

I'm on pre-order for the one that shoots ninja stars. I'm waiting until it ships to cut my arm off.

What’s Driving California’s Mass Exodus?

newtboy says...

It bears noting that more people are born here than left, even when you subtract deaths the population is still growing. Note, there's a housing shortage of near 4 million according to them, if California was the failed state they pretend it is, there would be a housing glut.

It also bears noting that with all the "anti business" regulations California remains the fifth largest economy in the world. Note how many billionaires that made their fortunes here are in the exodus crowd, California produces billionaires like a product.

I lost count how many times they mentioned Austin as a main destination, but I know Texans, and especially Austonians, HATE Californians and for decades have complained that Californians have ruined Austin, over regulated everything, and made it nearly uninhabitable. It also bears mention that one reason the state went dark and dry is they privatized their utilities with little oversight and predictably those companies deferred repairs and upkeep. That's pretty bad for is the less skilled and educated workforce.

Don't let these dishonest people fool you, San Francisco is not representative of the state, and using it as a measure of housing costs is as dishonest as can be.

I noticed, most people leaving make under $100000 per year and can expect to make less where ever they go, while most moving here make over $100000 a year and can expect their earnings to rise.

This piece was incredibly biased.

Realistic Face Mask Prank

lucky760 says...

I thought it was funny until I saw his reaction to the employee.

He shouldn't act so appalled at the guy asking him to pull up his mask. He knows he's intentionally fooling the guy into thinking his mask is pulled down.

He should respond accordingly, like "Haha, yeah, looks like it's pulled down, but look, it's a joke!" rather than "What the fuck is your problem asshole, it's already pulled up, you stupid idiot."

Trump Defends Sedition Speech, Support for Impeachment Grows

newtboy says...

72 million, plus or minus, supported the man who attempted the coup...mindlessly. According to polling, over 50% still support the coup outright, the other near 50% still support the man and party and want to ignore the coup or blame it on political enemies despite all evidence to the contrary.

Only a few thousand participated, millions still think it was a good thing that didn’t go far enough. In fact, indications are there are similar actions planned in all 50 states and more in DC before, during, and probably after the inauguration.

If your club decides it’s going to break the law and murder people to complete its goals and you stay in the club, continue to pay your dues, and vocally defend it with zeal but won’t kill anyone yourself, and perhaps most importantly you don’t tell police they’re planning murders, you’re complicit, part of the crime, and deserve to be lumped in with the murderers.

I haven’t heard of any right wing whistleblowers that warned police that the murderous threats were being acted on. The FBI had to find out for itself at the last minute by sifting through encrypted right wing chat rooms on the dark web and their warnings went mostly ignored. They are still finding more planning for more attacks, yet no one on the inside is telling them. That puts all 72 million square in the membership of a domestic terrorism organization.

How do they want terrorists treated? Treat them like that. Rendition, torturous interrogation, and life in gitmo is what they think should happen to anyone belonging to an organization that attacks America, and their families. They should all fear their own criteria and punishments will be applied to them.

I definitely think that’s appropriate for any law enforcement officers that participated, gitmo or firing squad, loss of all benefits, and fines in the millions that their families have to pay.

vil said:

Dont go there, newt.

For one thing 72 million did not support the coup, only a few thousand did. You cant force people not to make bad choices, if you do that you lose free will and good choices too.

Hey, Republicans Who Supported This President...

newtboy says...

Absolutely untrue. There was plenty of condemnation of the rioters and arsonists, and how they were hurting the equality movement. Also discussion of the concerted effort by right wing extremists to kill, burn, and bomb pretending to be BLM in order to spark a race war according to their manifestos.

Also, it's a false equivocation. There's a big difference between the crimes of looting and arson in the effort to gain equal treatment under the law and the treasonous crimes of trying to take over congress by force to, somehow, steal the presidency....Also called a coup.

I cannot decipher the second sentence, your translator broke again.

It's your turn to eat shit for a minimum of two years.

bobknight33 said:

You all were mute when the leftest burn looted killed last 4 years.

No you care to hey this is wrong.

Eat Shit.

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