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Shocking Accident That You're Definitely Not Ready For

jubuttib says...

Granted on a highway that'd be suicidal and stupid. Just curious about the situation abroad since we do indeed have such a law. A piece of 2-by-4 on a blind corner is murder for bikers.

blankfist (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

Thanks man, that's the plan. And yeah, fuck breaking bones.
In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Very awesome. Good luck with that. And pursue it doggedly! If you stay at it, you will find others opening the doors for you.

Breaking bones sucks.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
I think it's more about the terminology (just saying "military industrial complex" triggers reactions, despite the fact that it's really just a convenient term for describing a complex issue because of the negative meaning that has been put on the word), personal ideas of what is good/bad, and a whole lot of ignorance on the issue of America's (and other nations') acts abroad and the facts/results behind them as opposed to just the surface reasons and the outwards political debate. I mean, hey, you can get away with a lot of questionable acts (I consider forcing other nations into your web of "influence" and basically stripping them of the ability to control their own destiny via CIA and other such methods wrong, but since morals are human constructs, unless enough of us agree that it's wrong and force our government to change its ways, those who make their own reasoning as to why it's okay will continue to do so) if you do them within the framework of an generally accepted "good" act. Different paradigms paint different realities, all you can do for people is try to point them to literature and info that can help them get over misinformation and hope their personal views do in fact align more with yours once they know more.

I still don't use a smartphone, but that app looks like it could be pretty amusing to play with for sure.

As for music, I've got a broken finger on my left hand that's gotta be in a cast for three more weeks, so it's somewhat on hold, but I need a reliable lead guitarist eventually and this gives me more time to look for one before i start trying to play shows. Got a short 30 minute set scheduled for mid-late May on campus, so that's something I'm really looking forward to. I've finally settled completely on trying to go for it with music, so after I graduate things will be pretty busy with that, but that's what I love doing, so hopefully I can find a decent-paying job that won't interfere too much. We'll see, lol.
In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Ha. You know me, always against the wars and the military industrial complex. I guess I cannot say the same for everyone on here.

I've been good. Just finished an app for the android market. None too shabby.

How's the music going?

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Ahoy there sir. I saw your discussion with dft on Lybia and it reminded me of why I like you two, lol. How's life been going?

JAPR (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

Very awesome. Good luck with that. And pursue it doggedly! If you stay at it, you will find others opening the doors for you.

Breaking bones sucks.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
I think it's more about the terminology (just saying "military industrial complex" triggers reactions, despite the fact that it's really just a convenient term for describing a complex issue because of the negative meaning that has been put on the word), personal ideas of what is good/bad, and a whole lot of ignorance on the issue of America's (and other nations') acts abroad and the facts/results behind them as opposed to just the surface reasons and the outwards political debate. I mean, hey, you can get away with a lot of questionable acts (I consider forcing other nations into your web of "influence" and basically stripping them of the ability to control their own destiny via CIA and other such methods wrong, but since morals are human constructs, unless enough of us agree that it's wrong and force our government to change its ways, those who make their own reasoning as to why it's okay will continue to do so) if you do them within the framework of an generally accepted "good" act. Different paradigms paint different realities, all you can do for people is try to point them to literature and info that can help them get over misinformation and hope their personal views do in fact align more with yours once they know more.

I still don't use a smartphone, but that app looks like it could be pretty amusing to play with for sure.

As for music, I've got a broken finger on my left hand that's gotta be in a cast for three more weeks, so it's somewhat on hold, but I need a reliable lead guitarist eventually and this gives me more time to look for one before i start trying to play shows. Got a short 30 minute set scheduled for mid-late May on campus, so that's something I'm really looking forward to. I've finally settled completely on trying to go for it with music, so after I graduate things will be pretty busy with that, but that's what I love doing, so hopefully I can find a decent-paying job that won't interfere too much. We'll see, lol.
In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Ha. You know me, always against the wars and the military industrial complex. I guess I cannot say the same for everyone on here.

I've been good. Just finished an app for the android market. None too shabby.

How's the music going?

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Ahoy there sir. I saw your discussion with dft on Lybia and it reminded me of why I like you two, lol. How's life been going?

blankfist (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

I think it's more about the terminology (just saying "military industrial complex" triggers reactions, despite the fact that it's really just a convenient term for describing a complex issue because of the negative meaning that has been put on the word), personal ideas of what is good/bad, and a whole lot of ignorance on the issue of America's (and other nations') acts abroad and the facts/results behind them as opposed to just the surface reasons and the outwards political debate. I mean, hey, you can get away with a lot of questionable acts (I consider forcing other nations into your web of "influence" and basically stripping them of the ability to control their own destiny via CIA and other such methods wrong, but since morals are human constructs, unless enough of us agree that it's wrong and force our government to change its ways, those who make their own reasoning as to why it's okay will continue to do so) if you do them within the framework of an generally accepted "good" act. Different paradigms paint different realities, all you can do for people is try to point them to literature and info that can help them get over misinformation and hope their personal views do in fact align more with yours once they know more.

I still don't use a smartphone, but that app looks like it could be pretty amusing to play with for sure.

As for music, I've got a broken finger on my left hand that's gotta be in a cast for three more weeks, so it's somewhat on hold, but I need a reliable lead guitarist eventually and this gives me more time to look for one before i start trying to play shows. Got a short 30 minute set scheduled for mid-late May on campus, so that's something I'm really looking forward to. I've finally settled completely on trying to go for it with music, so after I graduate things will be pretty busy with that, but that's what I love doing, so hopefully I can find a decent-paying job that won't interfere too much. We'll see, lol.
In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Ha. You know me, always against the wars and the military industrial complex. I guess I cannot say the same for everyone on here.

I've been good. Just finished an app for the android market. None too shabby.

How's the music going?

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Ahoy there sir. I saw your discussion with dft on Lybia and it reminded me of why I like you two, lol. How's life been going?

An Idiot Abroad - Congress Tart!

Yogi says...

>> ^robbersdog49:

Karl Pilkington is a comedy genius, it's as simple as that. I've never seen anyone so apparently inadvertently funny. He doesn't seem to think about it, he just is hilarious.

Yes he is and watching the Ricky Gervais Show I wanted Ricky to Shut the Fuck Up most of the time. He would constantly stop Karl thinking and saying things and it was soo amazingly annoying I couldn't take it.

CGP Grey - What Is The United Kingdom Explained

Quboid says...

Very informative. I'm Northern Irish and I typically just tell people I'm Irish when abroad, rather than explaining the whole Northern Ireland situation. If I say I'm British, people reasonably assume I'm from Britain and, most of the time, unreasonably assume I'm from England. Once people assume I'm from England, they assume I'm ... well, all the bad things that the video mentions about how the English are seen. If they think I'm Irish, I'm automatically adorable, which is a nice starting point for any relationship (seriously, I've had people, always Americans, buy me drinks just because I'm Irish! Awesome!).

Try Enlast Personal Male Lubricant Risk Free For Sex (Commercial Talk Post)

Try Enlast Personal Male Lubricant Risk Free For Sex (Commercial Talk Post)

blankfist says...

Enlast Personal Male Lubricant is made from the pelts of baby seals. The entire company is dedicated to green technology funded by Nazi war profits, and all proceeds are used to fund terrorist activities domestically and abroad. Do you like to sodomize little schoolboys? Then Enlast Personal Male Lubricant is right for you. If you order today they'll throw in at no extra charge a vial of the tears they've collected from thousand of children working in one of their sweatshops. So order now!

Bank of America defensively buys 100s of domain names

mxxcon says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

On the contrary, I think Russia's conflict with the US puts them in a better position to understand and critique American corruption. They have no patriotic blinders to cloud their view, no nationalism to justify censoring harsh critiques and they've suffered more against the American propaganda machine more than any other country in the world. We still, to this day, have an fictionalized, fairy tale understanding of the former Soviet Union. Google Edward Bernays.

>> ^mxxcon:
1 hit peace with no relevance whatsoever on a company that has a name of that country's biggest opposition is hardly considered to be a quality news source.

while true, "Russia Today", a tv channel sponsored by Russia's gov't is hardly an objective source of information.
Their own description is "RT sets out to present the Russian point of view on events in Russia and its 'near abroad' and give the viewers an opportunity to get acquainted with Russian views on world and domestic events."
So most of their content is presented with a pro-Russia spin. And in this case they couldn't pass up an opportunity to dump on a bank with "America" in its name.

Cleavage cosplay...erm, I mean Elvira cosplay.

dannym3141 says...

>> ^davidraine:

>> ^dannym3141:
I was introduced to this vacuous tart a week or so ago, and she embodies the majority of what i dislike about weeaboos. The japanese bullshit (MASSIVE pet peeve)

While I understand disliking Minxy for ahem playing to her strengths, I don't think "that Japanese bullshit" is a valid complaint. It's not like she's just throwing some anime BS in there for the hell of it - she's actually a student of Japanese and knows what she's talking about when it comes to the language (even if her JWOW videos are at a very low level). She started the blog during a study abroad program in Japan, after all.

I know all of that, my friend told me when he linked the video, and i'm honestly very sorry that my response is - i don't care, i hate it and i hate her.

Cleavage cosplay...erm, I mean Elvira cosplay.

davidraine says...

>> ^dannym3141:

I was introduced to this vacuous tart a week or so ago, and she embodies the majority of what i dislike about weeaboos. The japanese bullshit (MASSIVE pet peeve)

While I understand disliking Minxy for *ahem* playing to her strengths, I don't think "that Japanese bullshit" is a valid complaint. It's not like she's just throwing some anime BS in there for the hell of it - she's actually a student of Japanese and knows what she's talking about when it comes to the language (even if her JWOW videos are at a very low level). She started the blog during a study abroad program in Japan, after all.

An Irishman abroad tells it like it is

Psychologic says...

These businesses should have been allowed to fail and damn the consequences.

I can't really disagree. The immediate consequences would be extreme, but beyond that I can only guess. Eventually some government will let it happen and, if nothing else, we'll learn something.

But progressive/liberal philosophies always run governments into unsustainability because the model cannot sustain itself. [...] They are on the brink of collapse because they promised trillions in social benefits that they NEVER had the ability to supply.

<sigh> The second statement here is the kind that initially makes me want to upvote your posts, but then you inevitably imply that all progressive policies are unsustainable and/or that all unsustainable polices are associated with progressives.

No offense to specific individuals, but as a collective the citizens of Western civilization have behaved (with exceptions of course) like a bunch of spoiled brats. [...] he's totally whining about not getting to keep his precious benefits.

I agree, but only under the admission that tax cuts are benefits as well.

geo321 (Member Profile)

radx (Member Profile)

An Irishman abroad tells it like it is

handmethekeysyou says...

When abroad, I'm an American. When someone asks me stateside what I am, I'm Irish/Italian. It's just a matter of context.

When an American asks an American "what are you?", you would draw a rather queer glance if you replied "American." "What are you" means "what's your heritage" when working under the presumption that you're both American.>> ^kronosposeidon:

Yes, at least in America there are. There are some people who might have one great great grandfather from County Kerry, but when asked what they are they'll say "I'm Irish!" It's just the way some Americans are. Ask a lot of 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. generation Americans what they are (not what their ethnic heritage is, but who they themselves are) and they'll say "I'm Irish/Italian/Chinese/Iranian/Polish/Bengali...." That's probably why that reporter specified "real" Irishman.
My dad's parents were right off the boat from Ireland, which makes me about as Irish as Ravi Shankar. So I'll tell you now, the colleens enjoy a wee dram before tantra. More floothered = more kundalini. I learned that from Guru McGillicuddy. >> ^dannym3141:
What on earth does he mean "a real irishman"? Are there fake ones?

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