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What Are Your Top 5 Books? (Books Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

* "slapstick" kurt vonnegut

* "all my friends are going to be strangers" larry mcmurtry

* "american gods" neil gaimen

* "the monkey wrench gang" edward abbey

* "the captured : a true story of abduction by indians on the texas frontier" scott zesch

coincidentally, the first 4 should be read by any runaway, or aimless traveler. and it probably helps if youre from tx with #2 and #5.

London Sift-Up? (British Talk Post)

London Sift-Up? (British Talk Post)

Porcupine Tree - Blackest Eyes

Fermi Paradox and Keanu Reeves (Blog Entry by dag)

French pilot has brown flightsuit moment

The Stupid, It burns!!! "The view" crew talks about creation

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^messenger:
That said, as human books go, the bible is massive. There is so much wisdom to be found there, if these literalists would just STFU and go away. If it weren't for swizzlesticks like this making religion --especially Christianity-- look like a convention for chimp retards, it would be acceptable and normal to hear an intelligent, rational, forward-thinking person say the bible is their favourite book, because it's got such great stories, and because there's so much to learn from it. And it does, and there is.

There's no original wisdom in the bible. The OT, is full of fear mongering, alien abduction, dining suggestions, and who to beat to death when they piss you off. And most of Jesus's teachings are the same as the Buddhas, only Buddha said them 600 years before. In fact I always thought that Jesus (if we assume he was a real person) was a student of the Buddha.

SUV driver's revenge on a tow truck

Drachen_Jager says...

Beezelrob: It doesn't need to be FWD, 4wd would do that if the front/rear differential lock is off.

Abducted: It's called a slim-jim, anyone with a bit of knowledge can open a car door in about 15-30 seconds (less if you know the make/model well) they just pop it out of gear or take the break off to tow. I used to own a Honda Civic when I was a student and left my keys in there all the time by accident, you can open it with a three ring binder if you know how.

Eyewitness Account of Hell: A Warning for Atheists!

gwiz665 says...

This has fucking happened to me once! I was awake, but completely paralyzed. I could slowly clench my jaws together, which brought me out of it. Weirdest thing that ever happened to me.

Now that I think of it, there may have been a noodly appendage touching me in places...

>> ^rottenseed:
Sleep paralysis.
It's the same condition that explains a lot of "alien abduction" cases. Pretty much your mind fabricates your hallucination based on your beliefs, obviously. More proof on how lack of knowledge can lead people to perpetuate their own stupid beliefs.

Eyewitness Account of Hell: A Warning for Atheists!

Anonymous: Let "The Complex" be sold at Amazon

Kerotan says...

>> ^Abducted:
Anyone considered that this could be a video made by the author to make the book sell?
Don't believe me?
You should because, well... We are anonymous, we do not forgive, and anyone can claim to be one of us because we are not an organized group damn it.

It does look fairly professional yes, and on a lighter note, I'm still glad that I can openly call Scientology a cult.

Beware the Doghouse - Brilliant Ad!

MaxWilder says...

>> ^Abducted:
"In French cuisine, a quiche (IPA: [ki:ʃ]) is a baked dish that is made primarily of eggs and milk or cream in a pastry crust"

Really? You've never heard the phrase "Real men don't eat quiche"?

That and the Chai Lattes are insults to their masculinity.

Stewie Crushes Grapes

Antigravity working! Beaty-tchison Effect

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