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oritteropo (Member Profile)

Boise_Lib says...

I think your graphic artist is very talented and has a great carrier ahead.

I hope you can work it out--that is sooo cute

In reply to this comment by oritteropo:
Thanks, I'll let my graphic artist know :

I was hoping to use it, unaltered, as my Christmas avatar... unfortunately it is too faint and too pink when used this way. I'm now considering what I need to do to it to make it suitable. I suspect using the antlers and Christmas hat on my current avatar is going to be the easiest approach, requiring only three or four layers. It's possible that some colour massaging and clever downsampling might make it "just work" but I am not holding my breath.
In reply to this comment by Boise_Lib:
Great pic!

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Thanks, I'll let my graphic artist know

I was hoping to use it, unaltered, as my Christmas avatar... unfortunately it is too faint and too pink when used this way. I'm now considering what I need to do to it to make it suitable. I suspect using the antlers and Christmas hat on my current avatar is going to be the easiest approach, requiring only three or four layers. It's possible that some colour massaging and clever downsampling might make it "just work" but I am not holding my breath.
In reply to this comment by Boise_Lib:
Great pic!

Woman Races Derptastic Camel

gwiz665 says...

Scarlet-crowned harlot eh? I bet I could get partially through her eye of the needle.. she'd not even feel it...
>> ^hpqp:

>> ^AdrianBlack:
It's ok to reference camel toes if you're female...and a ginger bitch. >> ^Fletch:
Oh great... the inevitable "cute" and base sexual references whenever a video contains an attractive female. You hear her voice and only just kinda see her, yet that's all it takes to massage the man muscle for some of you. And it's not even about her, people. It's about the camel. Yes, the camel. How do you think he feels, his moment in the spotlight waylayed by sophmoric sexual innuendo and ancient memes? To risk injury by running in a manner that is very likely hazardous to camels and other even-toed ungulates just to entertain us, and then see his risk rendered moot by such off-topic and immature comments must be disheartening, to say the least.
After all, he pwn'd that soulless, ginger bitch.

"And again I say unto you, It is easier for a spastic camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a soulless scarlet-crowned harlot to enter into the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:24

Woman Races Derptastic Camel

hpqp jokingly says...

>> ^AdrianBlack:

It's ok to reference camel toes if you're female...and a ginger bitch. >> ^Fletch:
Oh great... the inevitable "cute" and base sexual references whenever a video contains an attractive female. You hear her voice and only just kinda see her, yet that's all it takes to massage the man muscle for some of you. And it's not even about her, people. It's about the camel. Yes, the camel. How do you think he feels, his moment in the spotlight waylayed by sophmoric sexual innuendo and ancient memes? To risk injury by running in a manner that is very likely hazardous to camels and other even-toed ungulates just to entertain us, and then see his risk rendered moot by such off-topic and immature comments must be disheartening, to say the least.
After all, he pwn'd that soulless, ginger bitch.

"And again I say unto you, It is easier for a spastic camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a soulless scarlet-crowned harlot to enter into the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:24

Woman Races Derptastic Camel

AdrianBlack says...

It's ok to reference camel toes if you're female...and a ginger bitch. >> ^Fletch:

Oh great... the inevitable "cute" and base sexual references whenever a video contains an attractive female. You hear her voice and only just kinda see her, yet that's all it takes to massage the man muscle for some of you. And it's not even about her, people. It's about the camel. Yes, the camel. How do you think he feels, his moment in the spotlight waylayed by sophmoric sexual innuendo and ancient memes? To risk injury by running in a manner that is very likely hazardous to camels and other even-toed ungulates just to entertain us, and then see his risk rendered moot by such off-topic and immature comments must be disheartening, to say the least.
After all, he pwn'd that soulless, ginger bitch.

Woman Races Derptastic Camel

Fletch says...

Oh great... the inevitable "cute" and base sexual references whenever a video contains an attractive female. You hear her voice and only just kinda see her, yet that's all it takes to massage the man muscle for some of you. And it's not even about her, people. It's about the camel. Yes, the camel. How do you think he feels, his moment in the spotlight waylayed by sophmoric sexual innuendo and ancient memes? To risk injury by running in a manner that is very likely hazardous to camels and other even-toed ungulates just to entertain us, and then see his risk rendered moot by such off-topic and immature comments must be disheartening, to say the least.

After all, he pwn'd that soulless, ginger bitch.

I refuse to use the "sarcasm" button.

Borat and the Masseuse

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'massage, with benefits, awkward, boner, opportunism, anus' to 'massage, with benefits, awkward, boner, opportunism, anus, anoos, hram, started him' - edited by calvados

Score one for a Customer Rebellion: Banks to Drop $5 fees!

Sagemind says...

NO - They said Bank of America is "Refining" their program (making it easier to avoid paying fees)
It didn't say, they are "Canceling" the fee.

Refining means they will massage the rules a bit to satisfy customers, but they will move the fee around and institute it in a different way - rest assured, they will find a way to get you on their side AND get their money.

(Don't count your chickens...)

Karl Pilkington - An Idiot Abroad - "China Best Bits"

longde says...

@Enzoblue What!? The massages in China are divine. The workers are very service oriented and know what they are doing. Also, a spa treatment is probably cheaper than the US equivalent. The tourists you talked to must have gone to the wrong places, maybe tourist traps. Next time ask your concierge or an expat, or peruse an expat thread on the subject.

Trader on BBC News says Eurozone Market will crash

SpaceOddity says...

If you people would get off your reactionary, self-righteous high horses for a second you would realize he is one of the good guys, relatively speaking. A bit dramatic perhaps, sure.

The subtle, if somewhat awkward manner in which he phrased his position is where you're getting hung up, methinks.

"Personally? It doesn't matter - I'm a trader. I don't really care about that kind of stuff. If I see an opportunity to make money, I go with that."

"Personally?" - Perhaps better read as "Honestly?" instead. He's leading with a qualifier because he knows what he says next is not likely to be corroborated by his peers in the mainstream press- precisely because it would generate the type of reaction seen in this very thread. Where others would "massage" their message to make the profession seem more noble, he doesn't. Its honestly quite baffling to me that there's even a perception problem stemming from the relevant parties acting in their own self-interest. (As an aside, I'm quite aware of the rampant corruption that occurs - indeed, often when that very spirit of self-interest collapses into blind greed. My statements only consider those who are above board.)

Also, don't interpret "Personally?" in a literal sense that he "truly doesn't care about that kind of stuff" in his own, personal moral fiber. In order to illustrate his point, he's speaking from the point of view of "every trader." That certainly includes him, but doesn't speak to his individual conscience. "Not caring" whether the market rebounds doesn't mean he feels no sorrow for those who've lost everything, he means it has no bearing on his bottom line because every trader with a functioning brain hedges their bets. Present company seems to find that idea morally repugnant, but to not do it would outright crazy. In addition, there's no moral implication anyway - the market's gonna do what it does whether there's systemic hedging or not.

I could break down the rest about how you should all calm down over the "dreaming of another recession" comment or the fact traders literally couldn't be the ones to fix things if they tried, but I think y'all get the idea.
He then goes on to give people what sounds to me like sound advice in taking advantage of a down market, and goes so far as to suggest that Goldman Sachs has more influence over the world economy than the governments themselves - which is, of course, completely true. (BTW, I'll take 2:1 that he's found dead from auto-erotic asphyxiation by Halloween.)

tl;dr version: Don't hate the Player. Hate the game.

Shaking The Twins

"Observations About Relationships" Tales Of Mere Existence

shagen454 says...

I want him to do an observation where when he gets in bed with his girl she asks for a massage. These are serious massages that last for a while and expend much energy since they include, intricate eye tickling, gentle hair play, just a lot of gentle precision & of course massage.... He says, "ok, but you have to massage me afterwards." Then she says, "That's not fair because then you get to go to sleep while I'm massaging you." Then he says, "ok, but tomorrow you have to massage me until I fall asleep." She considers it a deal and this situation occurs every night for six more years.

That was my last relationship in a nutshell. I almost never got the last massage. What a cruel, selfish lady

Thoughtcrime is a Christian Concept

shuac says...

>> ^marinara:

Bald guy is correct that Jesus offers salvation from guilt.
absolution from guilt usually goes like this:
admit you're wrong
commit to paying the price
change your behavior
get forgiven
this is how it is. period.
forgiving people doesn't make the act of forgiveness into an amoral act. Obvious to me. You can say God is amoral because he allowed it (but this is a different distortion)
I suppose if you had a corrupt judge who forgave the sentences of murderers, that would be a example of amoral behavior. is it christian forgiveness? Never.

It's amoral because that's exactly how Christianity is set up. Murderers, rapists, and child molesters (not unlike those found in the Catholic church) can be "saved" and be spared sentencing. Did you not listen to the whole vid? You might want to watch it again.

Plus, regular, law-abiding, decent, moral people have no wrongdoing to admit.

What about original sin, you say?

So it's perfectly cool to condemn the child for the crimes of the father? Just dandy, is that right? That's okie-dokie, am I understanding that correctly? Scapegoating, I believe that's called. That's perfectly moral, is it?

And what crime are we talking about? Violating the law, you say? The law of "do not eat from this tree." So no laws are unjust? Walking your pet squirrel on the first & third Saturdays of the month will result in a $500 fine. You think that's peachy, do you?

God was the one who supposedly set this whole system up. Couldn't he have just provided forgiveness WITHOUT the sadistic torture of a fellow human being? WITHOUT blood sacrifice? Just a simple: "you're forgiven" and be on our way? That might've approached something similar to morality.

It baffles me that you people can look at this and massage your brains into believing this to be a moral system.

Baffled. <- Me.

Wage disparity? (Equality Talk Post)

Wage disparity? (Equality Talk Post)

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