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Is Donald Trump a Fascist? | Robert Reich

luxintenebris says...

am aware of the adage 'can't make it drink' & y'all being one dehydrated horse

but, does anything ever quiver - shake - hum in your cognizance? as if something is trying to get attention?

most folks like to look at themselves in a mirror before they go out in public. check for stains - zippers - or anything that might give others the impression they're careless or slovenly.

y'all are acting like a vampire looking in a mirror.


- don is full-blown mentally ill. he isn't driving. forget everything else...he is balls-to-wall sunk-in insane

- don is lip-syncing Adolph

- IS a Fascist

that 'peace' is torpid acuity.

bobknight33 said:

I walk in peace knowing that there are a very stupid and gullible people like you walking around.


BSR says...

You can never be sure it's still not on you. Before you know it, you're all wrapped up in silk with no buttons or zippers.

Lady Calls 911 On Cops Trying To Pull Her Over...

newtboy (Member Profile)

Charles Barkley's CRAZY answer...

noims says...

Me too, but I figured it out:
If a man's zipper breaks at church, what does he use to cover it up?

Sagemind said:

I had to listen to this 10 times just to hear what the question was. I can't understand a thing that man says

How to Zipper Merge

jmd says...

This logic is just plain wrong... if you have a single lane x yards long (first scenario, merge early), then you told all the cars to spread into 2 lanes that were zippered and READY to merge into one would STILL BE X YARDS LONG! Traffic is still slow going and still x yards long, but in scenario 2 they all have a car lengths space in them.

The only reason scenario 2 is best is because it STOPS idiots from running down one side until they get to the front of a line that is NOT ZIPPERING. Thus now the first line has to stop before an idiot in the merging lane causes an accident waiting till the last minute.

If you ever think you will be able to maintain speed when merging busy lanes, you are deluding yourself.

Scientists Invent 2x Faster, Heatless Clothes Dryer

Louis C.K. Walked Around NYC With His Fly Gaping Open

bareboards2 says...

Well, we each have our different personalities. Usually in my interactions, we all end up laughing, which to me is the highest good.

Although I am going to use your technique if the occasion arises when I'm not actually in a convo with someone. "Zipper." "Nose." "Spinach." Although now that I write this, Nose and Spinach is something I wouldn't bother with. They are on their own with those.

Payback said:

If it's not someone I know, I just look them straight in the eye and say "zipper". I then look away and go about my business. I don't point, don't look down, don't use any euphemisms. I find even your idea to be too much.

Louis C.K. Walked Around NYC With His Fly Gaping Open

Payback says...

If it's not someone I know, I just look them straight in the eye and say "zipper". I then look away and go about my business. I don't point, don't look down, don't use any euphemisms. I find even your idea to be too much.

bareboards2 said:

I have a thing I say to folks in situations like this and similar:

"Are you someone who would want to know if you had spinach in your teeth?"

They always say yes.

Your fly is down. You need a kleenex. There is a schmear on your cheek.

It's not just for terrorism.

If you see something, say something.

CGP Grey: The Simple Solution to Traffic

CGP Grey: The Simple Solution to Traffic

poolcleaner says...

If following the always in the middle rule, this should follow, but if you don't want to be a perfect driver, at least when merging, follow what is called the "zipper rule".

The zipper rule looks like it sounds: Allow one person to merge in front of you and one person behind you, like a zipper. If you're merging with one car in front of you and one car behind, allow one car already on the freeway to pass between you and the car merging in front of you. The person behind you should do the same for you and any car behind them.

This is something both cars on the freeway and cars merging onto it have to agree to though, as one asshole spoils it. Of course, if someone is tooooo slow (another problem) the zipper rule doesn't work perfectly either.

But the spirit of the zipper rule remains, despite how it is modified. If someone hogs the road, tailgating the car I should be merging behind, I simply follow the zipper rule after that asshat driver. If I were to fight over my true zipper position, I'd cause an even bigger problem than was already present -- and I gain.. what? One car's distance. That's nothing.

Not even 30 cars distance means a damn (a couple seconds?), so there's zero reasons to constantly weave in and out of a congested road, because you risk your vehicle for mere seconds. A terrible bet to make given the odds, no matter how skilled you are, because the lanes slow down at random intervals based on the random number of idiots weaving through traffic causing phantom intersections. Meanwhile, the lane you weaved out of has cleared and the guy being patient passes you by. Just fucking stay in your goddamn lane until you don't need to be there.

I learned this over time, after deciding to be patient and observe the distance traveled by impatient drivers compared to myself staying in one lane. I find that I will often pass the impatient driver by because they're making so many choices and fewer lane choices are ever more optimal than simply waiting for your lane to clear up, so rather than slowly gaining ground, they make a couple gains and then lane change into a briefly cleared lane that then halt once they zoom up to tailgate the person who has no more distance to travel. If I don't end up passing these impatient lane changers, the minimal distance they gained is only seconds, as when they reach their off ramp, they will be waiting idly by, as I catch up and pass them. If they had simply stayed in the same lane the entire way, they often would have arrived at the same time as if they hadn't changed lanes at all.

Tailgater vs Brake Checker

AeroMechanical says...

There has been a lot of construction around my city lately, so I've come to get pretty pissy about people not leaving enough room. We would all go faster if everyone left a gap ahead of them wide enough for another car to merge into all the time and you should always make extra room for another car that has to merge.

With a few other things, like polite zipper merging, I call this the "Aggressively Cooperative" driving style, and if you aren't driving that way, you're doing it wrong and messing it up for the rest of us.

Hello - Walk off the Earth + Myles & Isaac (Tap Dance Cover)

"Cum-aoke" - (EXTREMELY NSFW Japanese Game Show)

SDGundamX says...

This is on a late night satellite TV pay channel called BSスカパー. BS = Broadcast Satellite; スカパー = Scupper (?).

The show's title is 徳井義実のチャックおろさせて~や, which roughly translates to "Make Tokui Yoshimi's (the host's?) zipper come down!"

It is probably most akin to the soft core porn that airs late night on Cinemax or other pay channels in the U.S. (anyone remember HBO's "Real Sex" series?).

Nothing this raunchy is ever shown on broadcast TV anymore. 20 years ago it was a completely different story though... man that was a great faptastic time to be a teenage boy in Japan!

BTW, this show won BS Scupper's 2015 Adult Show Award.

EDIT: Turns out Scupper is actually an abbrieviation of the channel's orginal title: Sky Perfect. I guess the proper way to write it would be SkyPer.

TSA: please verify that your used cane is not a sword

bremnet says...

I am often befuddled by the logic of what's allowed and what's not, and the seemingly arbitrary choice of same by different TSA employees... The cane that Ms. Robotcow is holding in the opening sequence looks like it might be able to inflict some serious damage by anyone skilled in the art of baseball. On a flight to Canada three weeks ago, we were not allowed to carry on a short (fits in the measuring device) 4 piece fishing rod with spinning reel attached, in a soft sided, zippered travel bag. Seemed they thought it could be weaponized. Thankfully, our driver was close enough to retrieve the offending package and take it back home. Oddly, on the return to USA, my fingernail clippers were confiscated as they had a fold out file - these were just good old Walgreen's, have carried them for 7 years and approx. 100 flights. I could do more damage with a key, a pen, a plastic knife or a wooden pencil. I also carry a beautiful blue machined aluminum pen/kubaton from Smith & Wesson, which is pointy, but hey, it's just a pen. I do give the TSA high marks for consistency in the application of inconsistent policies. Well done everybody.

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