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Zero Punctuation: Portal 2

Xaielao says...

>> ^Jinx:
Oh, and I love Yahtzee all the more for his comment on TF2 hats. I remember when Valve went on and on about restricted colour palettes, instantly recognisable silhouettes and setting...then they went on to add a bunch of hats that shat all over that philosophy and my framerate.

QFT I hate the hats in TF2. It completely ruined the game. Valve indeed set that game out to have clear class silhouettes and color palettes indeed and when everyone started running around looking so odd you couldn't tell what was what until you were fired upon, it completely ruined the game. I used to play so much TF2, played probably about as much as I did the original TF. But now I never touch the game and I hear the community is quite a bit smaller as others have left the game. If they would release a server option to remove all that hat fluff, I'd hop back on and set the browser to only find servers with that option.

Zero Punctuation: Portal 2

Jinx says...

Portal was the indy game I knew was going to be huge before anybody else did

Portal 2 was the blockbuster sequel that I knew was going to be underwhelming before anybody else did.

Boy was I surprised. Totally amazing, loved every minute. It never took me long to find those tiny patches of white 100 metres above me, so all that focus testing totally worked. Made me feel all kinds of smart too. The original had more charm, but the sequel is a better game.

Oh, and I love Yahtzee all the more for his comment on TF2 hats. I remember when Valve went on and on about restricted colour palettes, instantly recognisable silhouettes and setting...then they went on to add a bunch of hats that shat all over that philosophy and my framerate.

Zero Punctuation: Portal 2

Croccydile says...

>> ^NetRunner:

I loved playing Portal 2, and I enjoyed it with the new pure-comedy tone, but I did kinda miss that creepy ominous vibe from the first game.

Since I was late to the Portal party (I admitted to having never played/seen the first game) I did manage to finish Portal 2 in both SP and Co-Op.

My biggest regret was first of all how easy the game was to me, and as Yahtzee states... there is practically zero replay value. Unless you are going for achivements or speed runs.

I'm usually quite poor at puzzle games and for this one to be easy to me (finished SP in 6 hours) it must have been a ummm... cakewalk... for everyone else.

EDIT: I should probably state that the game was still very enjoyable. I did not mean to intend that the game sucked because of said shortcomings.

Zero Punctuation: Nintendo 3DS

Pandora: probably the best game emulator ever made

Zero Punctuation: Crysis 2

Zero Punctuation: Dragon Age II

dannym3141 says...

>> ^entr0py:

It always baffles me how Yahtzee often chooses to play the console versions of games when there is a PC version available the same day. That would have taken care of the gripes about auto targeting and mashing the attack button. And since the control is so much better, it does allow you to concentrate on tactics and positioning. I guess maybe he knows most viewers will be playing on consoles as well, and wants to share their pain.
Ultimately I thought the game was worthwhile because it's about 70% of what you'd expect form a Bioware game, and that's still better than most RPGs. Disappointing, but an enjoyable sort of disappointment.

I'm surprised you say that.

I felt that Dragon Age Origins was not quite there, but the best RPG released since baldur's gate/fallout (proper fallout, not oblivion wasteland fallout) days. I was very disappointed by Dragon Age 2. Felt completely rushed. If they had released more of the same (same engine) then i'd have accepted that and been happy to have it. If they improved on it, i'd be impressed. Instead, it seems they rushed out something which went counter to the brilliant setup they made for themselves with Origins.

I felt that Dragon Age Origins was 200% of what i'd expect from a "modern bioware" game, which made the game enjoyable. I felt that Dragon Age 2 was about what i'd expect from a modern bioware game, which is why i didn't play it past about 15 minutes.

By modern bioware, i mean past about 2005. Sorry, i'm not a console player, i have much higher standards and i do not accept mass effect as a good rpg. I'm a bit snooty about my rpgs, you can blame that on being spoiled by an extremely high standard of bioware/interplay rpgs when i was a kid.

Zero Punctuation: Dragon Age II

entr0py says...

It always baffles me how Yahtzee often chooses to play the console versions of games when there is a PC version available the same day. That would have taken care of the gripes about auto targeting and mashing the attack button. And since the control is so much better, it does allow you to concentrate on tactics and positioning. I guess maybe he knows most viewers will be playing on consoles as well, and wants to share their pain.

Ultimately I thought the game was worthwhile because it's about 70% of what you'd expect form a Bioware game, and that's still better than most RPGs. Disappointing, but an enjoyable sort of disappointment.

Zero Punctuation: Dragon Age II

Zero Punctuation: Dragon Age II

NetRunner says...

Yahtzee's mad because the story...wasn't good enough? He's right, that's just not usually his style. Usually he bitches about how much a game with a good story won't just shut up and let him randomly murder people. Here he's saying the opposite.

Oh, and he's wrong about the combat, that's the saving grace of DA2, the combat is way more fun than the first one, even if it probably doesn't translate very well to a console controller.

Zero Punctuation: Kirby's Epic Yarn

Zero Punctuation: Killzone 3

PHJF says...

Yahtzee my dear boy, that's because the controls are identical to those in Killzone 2. Right, they weren't the most sensible controls then, either, but changing them at this point would induce much wrath.

Zero Punctuation: Bulletstorm

Zero Punctuation: Two Worlds II

kceaton1 says...

I agree with dismissing magic, it was a very interesting system to screw with for quite a few levels, but once you know two magic schools the "hard" factor that was in the game initially (like forcing you, as a mage, to find high ground and develop some useful tactical spells) became a complete slaughter. Then if I summon 8 guys to defend me I might as well sit down until their timer wears out (summoning needed to be powerful, but with a much longer casting time, longer shelf life, and a "slot" system depending on what you summon).

Don't get me started on Earth magic being completely overpowered and buggy to hell and beyond.

The item system, while at first seems neat, but even by level ten you realize that every RPG I've ever played extended and amplified their item systems over time. In Two Worlds you can metallurgically upgrade it then add crystals/stones to it to enhance it. This would have allowed for an amazing system, but again they spent minimal time and effort doing it--so it sucks.

The A.I. is a mixed bag. They do well at first, but have HUGE clipping and line-of-sight issues (archers and mages are happy to stand behind a rock and shoot at you: hitting the rock. Then many enemies get stuck in planer or clipping joint areas that have small gaps and IT HAPPENS A LOT! Most engines have dealt with this issue in some form (as it's been ten plus years to learn how to stop them; programmers still screw it up; yes, I know the engine is complicated, but give me the same game on Crytek's engine and I'll be much happier)...

The trade skills are alright have a little promise with them at least starting in the right direction, but as you level up they become useless except for ones you can do on the fly (mostly, metallurgy and fusion).

The rest of what Yahtzee said is correct. The game is buggy. The multiplayer is a let down (where the hell is open roaming or campaign playthrough?) The spell system is terribly broken in some areas (I'm looking at you Fire and Earth) and weak in others: Necromancy or as I call it Necropansies--you're forced to learn another magic or you'll die, unless you really love summoning and waiting the required 5 minutes per fight for a MINOR fight... But, again, the spell card system with maybe Magickas combo system together would make spell-casting an AWESOME experience.

Anyway, I would only suggest this game if you desperately need an RPG to play. If you've yet to play Torchlight play that instead. Otherwise, get Bulletstorm as the comic value and writing (Duke Nukem type one-liners and more) make it worth buying alone.; I hope Duke can live up to this--if it has full Physics I think it will. BTW, the Unreal Engine sucks, bad... There are a lot of games I've liked on it and it looks pretty, but the physics and map abilities leaves A LOT to be desired, BUT it is also a good engine in the manner that it's easy to develop for and very flexible in what it can do (Deathspank is an excellent example; same with Dungeon Defenders on the iPad). At this point though it is by far more a console engine than a PC one.

/My two cents and review for Two Worlds II, with a small peppering of Unreal Engine talk that has nothing to do with the review...

//No grammar check just spell; Deal...

Zero Punctuation: MindJack

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