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Zero Punctuation: Battlefield 3

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^Deano:

Personally I disagree. Single-player is very important to me with only a very few exceptions.

Given that the BF series was founded on multiplayer, and has always been about multiplayer, I think it might qualify as one of those exceptions.

Now, don't get me wrong, if you release an SP campaign and market it as heavily as EA has, it's fair game for criticism. But it's kinda like going to a steak house, having a fantastic steak, a great bottle of win and then complaining about the garlic bread. The bread shoulda been better, but it's not why you went out in the first place.

Anyway, Yahtzee has a well-known dislike for online multiplayer, given that he is a "jaded, friendless misanthrope" (his words).

Zero Punctuation: Battlefield 3

Deano says...

>> ^moodonia:

Reviewing single player in a battlefield game is kinda missing the point. Spent a week trying to get this to run on PC, then played multiplayer for a bit before realising that its actually a bit crap.

Personally I disagree. Single-player is very important to me with only a very few exceptions. I think he's on record as saying he's concerned with reviewing the core game that is actually available to everyone on the disc. This makes sense. Believe it or not, not everyone is going to play online. That constitutes a large number of the overall sales.

Finally it's interesting that commenters get upset by this when clearly his reviews are more tongue-in-cheek and not really intended to be a fully comprehensive breakdown. Those people have probably worked out whether they're buying or not and mostly read the reviews to debate the number it gets. This is something that Yahtzee doesn't do so they complain about his single-player focus, all the while ignoring the core reason for his reviews - entertainment.

Zero Punctuation: Gears of War 3

dannym3141 says...

>> ^EvilDeathBee:

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^EvilDeathBee:
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^EvilDeathBee:
At least when the Mr Plinket reviews rip apart movies I like (like the Next Gen Star Trek movies and Ep 2 and 3) they're entertaining and rather pertinent. Yahtzee just nitpicks about inconsequential things the whole time, rarely saying anything of any worth and in the end comes across as an over opinionated dick (even when I agree with him), which wouldn't be so bad if it was just an online persona, and not his actual personality.
After watching a Plinket review: "Ha ha ha! You know you're right, but I'll still watch them. Is that the time? Man that review was long."
After watching a Yahtzee review: "We get it, you dislike brown and anything not Silent Hill 2, Portal or Sands of Time."
I think the initial appeal from the first several videos has long since worn off me.

I agree he nitpicks but I've wanted to say this to someone all day. Fuck Off.

Grow up


Then at least never let yourself succumb to using phrases like "fag" and "noob". This is the one bastion on the internet free of such "discourse"

Fuck Off

Zero Punctuation: Gears of War 3

EvilDeathBee says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^EvilDeathBee:
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^EvilDeathBee:
At least when the Mr Plinket reviews rip apart movies I like (like the Next Gen Star Trek movies and Ep 2 and 3) they're entertaining and rather pertinent. Yahtzee just nitpicks about inconsequential things the whole time, rarely saying anything of any worth and in the end comes across as an over opinionated dick (even when I agree with him), which wouldn't be so bad if it was just an online persona, and not his actual personality.
After watching a Plinket review: "Ha ha ha! You know you're right, but I'll still watch them. Is that the time? Man that review was long."
After watching a Yahtzee review: "We get it, you dislike brown and anything not Silent Hill 2, Portal or Sands of Time."
I think the initial appeal from the first several videos has long since worn off me.

I agree he nitpicks but I've wanted to say this to someone all day. Fuck Off.

Grow up


Then at least never let yourself succumb to using phrases like "fag" and "noob". This is the one bastion on the internet free of such "discourse"

Zero Punctuation: Gears of War 3

Yogi says...

>> ^EvilDeathBee:

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^EvilDeathBee:
At least when the Mr Plinket reviews rip apart movies I like (like the Next Gen Star Trek movies and Ep 2 and 3) they're entertaining and rather pertinent. Yahtzee just nitpicks about inconsequential things the whole time, rarely saying anything of any worth and in the end comes across as an over opinionated dick (even when I agree with him), which wouldn't be so bad if it was just an online persona, and not his actual personality.
After watching a Plinket review: "Ha ha ha! You know you're right, but I'll still watch them. Is that the time? Man that review was long."
After watching a Yahtzee review: "We get it, you dislike brown and anything not Silent Hill 2, Portal or Sands of Time."
I think the initial appeal from the first several videos has long since worn off me.

I agree he nitpicks but I've wanted to say this to someone all day. Fuck Off.

Grow up


Zero Punctuation: Gears of War 3

EvilDeathBee says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^EvilDeathBee:
At least when the Mr Plinket reviews rip apart movies I like (like the Next Gen Star Trek movies and Ep 2 and 3) they're entertaining and rather pertinent. Yahtzee just nitpicks about inconsequential things the whole time, rarely saying anything of any worth and in the end comes across as an over opinionated dick (even when I agree with him), which wouldn't be so bad if it was just an online persona, and not his actual personality.
After watching a Plinket review: "Ha ha ha! You know you're right, but I'll still watch them. Is that the time? Man that review was long."
After watching a Yahtzee review: "We get it, you dislike brown and anything not Silent Hill 2, Portal or Sands of Time."
I think the initial appeal from the first several videos has long since worn off me.

I agree he nitpicks but I've wanted to say this to someone all day. Fuck Off.

Grow up

Zero Punctuation: Gears of War 3

Yogi says...

>> ^EvilDeathBee:

At least when the Mr Plinket reviews rip apart movies I like (like the Next Gen Star Trek movies and Ep 2 and 3) they're entertaining and rather pertinent. Yahtzee just nitpicks about inconsequential things the whole time, rarely saying anything of any worth and in the end comes across as an over opinionated dick (even when I agree with him), which wouldn't be so bad if it was just an online persona, and not his actual personality.
After watching a Plinket review: "Ha ha ha! You know you're right, but I'll still watch them. Is that the time? Man that review was long."
After watching a Yahtzee review: "We get it, you dislike brown and anything not Silent Hill 2, Portal or Sands of Time."
I think the initial appeal from the first several videos has long since worn off me.

I agree he nitpicks but I've wanted to say this to someone all day. Fuck Off.

Zero Punctuation: Gears of War 3

EvilDeathBee says...

At least when the Mr Plinket reviews rip apart movies I like (like the Next Gen Star Trek movies and Ep 2 and 3) they're entertaining and rather pertinent. Yahtzee just nitpicks about inconsequential things the whole time, rarely saying anything of any worth and in the end comes across as an over opinionated dick (even when I agree with him), which wouldn't be so bad if it was just an online persona, and not his actual personality.

After watching a Plinket review: "Ha ha ha! You know you're right, but I'll still watch them. Is that the time? Man that review was long."

After watching a Yahtzee review: "We get it, you dislike brown and anything not Silent Hill 2, Portal or Sands of Time."

I think the initial appeal from the first several videos has long since worn off me.

Zero Punctuation: Resistance 3

direpickle says...

@NetRunner: I personally can't stand the new style of shooter with regenerating health, cover systems, and two-weapon loadouts. So news of a shooter (a CONSOLE shooter, at that) that returns the old-style mechanics is pretty exciting to me.

I could go on exhaustively about why I feel that way, but I won't.

I don't always agree with Yahtzee, but I've watched enough of his videos to know which of the complaints he makes about games will drive me up the wall, which ones I won't care about, etc.

Zero Punctuation: Resistance 3

EvilDeathBee says...

>> ^NetRunner:

I'm starting to feel like Yahtzee is a bad reviewer of games. I haven't played Resistance 3 yet, but all I got from this was that he loves it because its mechanics are old-fashioned.
Maybe all of us gamers are starting to get a bit long in the tooth, but I've not become particularly nostalgic for "the good old days" of gaming. I mean, do most gamers spend a lot of time wishing old game mechanics would come back from the dead? I've played enough remakes of "classic" games I loved to realize that most of them don't hold up in comparison to modern games. Gaming has largely moved on.
I for one love the addition of cover and regenerating health to shooters, and don't really like the idea of going back to health pickups and strafing in and out of cover.
Oh, and maybe I just don't play a lot of shooters, but are any of the top-tier series really still all/mostly brown? The only ones I know of are Gears and their first iteration only. From hearing Yahtzee, you'd think this was some mistake developers are still making, but I can't recall the last game I played that didn't make use of a healthy portion of the color wheel.

I'd like to experience some of the good old days of shooters again not because games were better back then, much of the design has moved on, but now days there is just a flood of games all using the same mechanics as each other with no variety or substance.

Resistance 3 was a breath of fresh air, old school style gameplay mixed with modern mechanics. The health system, however was imbalanced. They could've done more to make it work better, but overall though, i really enjoyed Resistance dispite a few questionable design decisions. The fact that you can carry all the weapons at once nearly made me tear up.

DNF is a good example of totally cocking up the "old school" approach by implementing the WRONG modern features. Firstly the regenerating health. This right away causes a problem; you can regenerate your health, so for some challenge we need to make the enemies do a lot more damage to keep the player from abusing the system. What happens? You are almost always sitting back behind cover while waiting for your health to regen before firing again. That's not Duke Nukem! I heard other ideas were that you needed to kill an enemy to regain health, THAT is Duke.
Then there's the 2 weapon limit. George Broussard in all his game design incompetence said they couldn't find a way to implement a weapon wheel effectively on consoles... Resistance 3 seemed to do it fine. So did HL2 years back. Moron.

Regen health and 2 weapon limit can and do work for some games like Call of Duty, Halo and Gears of War, but FFS let's try something a little different once in a while. But some developers use them as a development crutch; less testing, balancing and design required. Less effort in other words. Or they use it to make the game less complex, which is a bad thing. Ninja Gaiden is a good example. It seems to be going down a path of less and less substance, there's only the combat. This is terrible. The original game's store, upgrades, potions, rewards for exploration, non-linear main world all helped to pace the game better rather than an exhausting trudge through constant unrelenting combat seen in Ninja Gaiden 2 and from the sounds, even more so for the third game.

Zero Punctuation: Resistance 3

jmd says...

>> ^NetRunner:

I'm starting to feel like Yahtzee is a bad reviewer of games.

Yahtzee is as much a games reviewer as the waynes brothers were movie critics in Living Color. They focused less on details (unless it was called for) and made funny comparisons instead.

And as an avid long time gamer, I DO miss the old days! I am itching to get into the new Tribes 4 game, and would love to see a new Unreal Tournament! Halflife 2 part 3 on the other hand, maybe if valve picked up one of the new cutting edge engines then yes, please. But the source engine is really dated for a standered shooter. I only accepted it in portal because portal wasn't a shooter.

Zero Punctuation: Resistance 3

NetRunner says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

I don't think yahtzee dislikes the idea of cover, just the stupid, context-sensitive, stuck-to-wall style of cover.
And as for regenerating health, it has a number of problems. First, it rewards not playing the game. Pinned down? Instead of making a tactical decision about the risk of a fraught run to get that health pack, you're waiting. It robs the game of tension.
And the devs hate this. So how do they counter? With endlessly respawning enemies until you reach a certain point. So you frequently end up making a frantic dash to what you hope is the next checkpoint instead of engaging the enemies.

I like the *cough* "stupid" context-sensitive style of cover. Rather than strafing back and forth, I just pull the left trigger. Instead of stupidly exposing my entire profile to fire, I only expose part of it.

Health packs don't result in me making a tactical decision to grab them during firefights. It makes me backtrack and search for health packs I passed by because I didn't need them at the time, but now need after my last firefight.

Also, the kind of tension you're talking about isn't about health packs, it's about death being some sort of big deal. Most games these days dying doesn't rewind you much, and they almost never just boot you back to the main menu and tell you to restore from your last save.

I think that's a good thing, because I find big death penalties to be a really lazy way for developers to try to get you emotionally involved in the gameplay. It can also easily backfire, and frustrate people to the point where they stop having fun, and decide to never buy another game in that series again.

Zero Punctuation: Resistance 3

Asmo says...

>> ^NetRunner:

I'm starting to feel like Yahtzee is a bad reviewer of games. I haven't played Resistance 3 yet, but all I got from this was that he loves it because its mechanics are old-fashioned.
Maybe all of us gamers are starting to get a bit long in the tooth, but I've not become particularly nostalgic for "the good old days" of gaming. I mean, do most gamers spend a lot of time wishing old game mechanics would come back from the dead? I've played enough remakes of "classic" games I loved to realize that most of them don't hold up in comparison to modern games. Gaming has largely moved on.
I for one love the addition of cover and regenerating health to shooters, and don't really like the idea of going back to health pickups and strafing in and out of cover.
Oh, and maybe I just don't play a lot of shooters, but are any of the top-tier series really still all/mostly brown? The only ones I know of are Gears and their first iteration only. From hearing Yahtzee, you'd think this was some mistake developers are still making, but I can't recall the last game I played that didn't make use of a healthy portion of the color wheel.

I think Yahzee isn't technically a reviewer of games, he's oped'ing about games with humour. His reviews aren't particularly objective but they never claim to be.

And yeah, a lot of us do spend time wishing for old mechanics to come back. Winning a fight with a few % health left against all odds is far more satisfying than hunkering down behind a wall, regen'ing, popping out to shoot, regen'ing etc. Leaning around corners (rather than sticking to the wall and suddenly getting a huge panoramic as far as the camera can scan) is another example. No, we don't generally want verbatim copies of old games to come back, but some of the meatier bits would be nice.

I'd humbly submit that older games don't hold up against modern games because they aren't supposed to. That doesn't mean older game concepts don't hold up. eg. Dead Island doesn't have regenerating health or a cover system, which really do help ramp up the 'survival horror' factor.

Zero Punctuation: Resistance 3

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^NetRunner:

I for one love the addition of cover and regenerating health to shooters, and don't really like the idea of going back to health pickups and strafing in and out of cover.

I don't think yahtzee dislikes the idea of cover, just the stupid, context-sensitive, stuck-to-wall style of cover.

And as for regenerating health, it has a number of problems. First, it rewards not playing the game. Pinned down? Instead of making a tactical decision about the risk of a fraught run to get that health pack, you're waiting. It robs the game of tension.
And the devs hate this. So how do they counter? With endlessly respawning enemies until you reach a certain point. So you frequently end up making a frantic dash to what you hope is the next checkpoint instead of engaging the enemies.

Zero Punctuation: Resistance 3

NetRunner says...

I'm starting to feel like Yahtzee is a bad reviewer of games. I haven't played Resistance 3 yet, but all I got from this was that he loves it because its mechanics are old-fashioned.

Maybe all of us gamers are starting to get a bit long in the tooth, but I've not become particularly nostalgic for "the good old days" of gaming. I mean, do most gamers spend a lot of time wishing old game mechanics would come back from the dead? I've played enough remakes of "classic" games I loved to realize that most of them don't hold up in comparison to modern games. Gaming has largely moved on.

I for one love the addition of cover and regenerating health to shooters, and don't really like the idea of going back to health pickups and strafing in and out of cover.

Oh, and maybe I just don't play a lot of shooters, but are any of the top-tier series really still all/mostly brown? The only ones I know of are Gears and their first iteration only. From hearing Yahtzee, you'd think this was some mistake developers are still making, but I can't recall the last game I played that didn't make use of a healthy portion of the color wheel.

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