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Welcome to America (Cop vs German Tourist)

Drachen_Jager says...

Doing his part to promote Tourism America.

The guy driving the car sounds like he's in his twenties. For all you Americans (who probably don't know this) upon entering the United States, he had to sign a document saying he did not commit any war crimes during World War II to be allowed entry.

And Americans wonder why they're having trouble attracting top talent from overseas like they used to.

A rarely known dirty trick of war: Spiked Ammo

Bizarre Dennis Rodman Interview About North Korea

bcglorf says...

Bad argument. When you trot out a trite statement like that it sounds as though you doubt how bad it really is over in North Korea. That makes you look almost as ignorant as Rodman does in the interview.

I'm all for not compromising in expectations for American leadership. It's worse somewhere else doesn't excuse anything, and I agree.

At the same time I can also observe that by comparison, America looks like the pinnacle of freedom, equality and opportunity beside North Korea. That's just how bad North Korea is. That still leaves room for me to chime in on the calls for a war crimes tribunal for Cheney, and demanding Kissinger's name be on the list too. I can still decry American detentions without due process, and American AG's denying the right of Habeas Corpus is granted to all under American law.

North Korea is bad, it is bad in the extreme way that we have rarely seen since the likes of Hitler and Stalin.

zor said:

That's what the DPRK leaders tell their people, too: 'Yeah, we got problems but you can imagine how bad it is over there.'

I think like a Nader about this; I'm not willing to compromise.

The only CIA officer to go to jail for torture is...

Stormsinger says...

Yeah, how dare he take action to stop unlawful orders and war crimes.

A10anis said:

Maybe he should have checked to confirm the guy had retired before outing him. Maybe he should have thought of his family before breaking, what he admits was, the law. He seems to be in denial when he says; "I didn't have any intent." He actually comes across as a rather naive ex CIA operative.

Low Cost Solution To Landmine Clearance.

Single Marine Salutes Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Riders

Yogi says...

>> ^Payback:

>> ^westy:
...aside from this if there was a legitimate reason to fight a war and I was in it I would not feel that I need anyone to recognize my efforts, the reward would be the outcome of peace that was achieved the best payback would be for people to live as free and normal life as possible...

There's a problem in there Westy. Most of those riders weren't merely "ignored" they were spit on, derided, insulted, and disrespected all because of a few bad seeds in Vietnam. Much like the way a large portion of the Sift regard police.
And no, I honestly don't believe you would think that the "job is the reward" if you had gone through it yourself.

I'm sorry but that's bullshit. They weren't spit on and derided because of a few bad seeds. They were treated badly because MOST of the country, not just hippies but a Majority of the public believed that the war was fundamentally unjust and immoral. Then you just need some assholes who are going to spit on some guys coming back, and there's a lot of hatred and miscommunication on both sides, it's a nightmare.

Vietnam was a horrific war crime that we inflicted on the people of South Vietnam, we killed them with no just cause, put them in camps, and poisoned them and the effects of that are still seen today in unborn fetuses. Westy is a cunt, but it's absolutely stupid how people defend American wars and Army culture. I'm not going to spit on a soldier but when they said "I fight for your freedom" I'm going to fucking correct him because he simple doesn't. He fights to maintain the Empire, and that is his fault, and my fault. We should all work towards dismantling our Empire and stopping crimes committed in our name.

Joss Whedon On Mitt Romney

Yogi says...

>> ^VoodooV:
WTF? Did Obama visit Yogi and do a Sandusky on him or something? Talk about taking it personal.
I agree both parties are shitty, but it's demonstrable that one is worse than the other. Yeah, I'm not exactly a fan of drone strikes and dead civillians. But you honestly think the other guy is any better? Or hey, you want to go back to Bush the lesser and not only have a bunch of dead civillians, but have a bunch of dead Americans too because of wars of deception? Romney's beating the war drums for Iran. Yeah...SO MUCH BETTER!! lets have MORE dead people wooo!! I'm sorry, but cherry picking drone strikes is pretty bad tunnel vision, when in reality, it's actually drastically reduced the death toll because they are strikes instead of another occupation where even more people would be killed.
I'm sorry, but we are never going to live in a world where our politicians are squeaky clean. Even in a utopia, our politicians are going to have to, by necessity, do shitty things. In the real world, people have to get their hands dirty.
It's great that you're idealistic, really, I applaud it. But here in the real world, we really do have to choose between the lesser of two evils. Take your pick or stfu.
Edit: sorry, I always mix up Kofi and Yogi for some reason.

Here's the thing, I can't even argue this with you because you don't know fucking anything.

1. We're not going to War with Iran...never will we go to war with Iran. They don't meet the fundamental requirement for being a helpless nation. We might bomb their nuclear facilities but that won't do shit.

2. Both parties aren't shitty they're different wings of the SAME PARTY.

3. Cherry picking Drones strikes isn't about tunnel vision it's a War Crime. It's also destabilizing Pakistan, which has Nukes and people in it who are a serious threat. That might actually happen, Iran never will.

4. It's got nothing to do with me being Idealistic (I'm far from it) it's got everything to do with me taking it upon myself to become educated in this shit. I KNOW MORE BECAUSE I WORK FOR IT.

5. I'm not gonna pick the lesser of Two Evils again. I did it once for Obama when it was a serious historical event, something that hopefully would've moved us forward. I'm not in a state that matters so I'm not gonna vote for him again.

6. He's Black.

CNN and House Intelligence: Warmongering?

Yogi says...

>> ^Kofi:

Was Pearl Harbour very selective and targeted?
Plus, 30,000 tonnes?!?!?!?! Think about it for a moment. Tonnes, pounds, whatever.

Pearl Harbor is an interesting case. It's on one hand a horrific war crime, and on the other well within the standards in which the US operates. Hawaii was a colony which we stole and placed military bases there to control the pacific. Bombers were being produced and put there with the expressed intention, literally this was put in the paper, to bomb the shit out of Japan.

It would be like China setting up on Cuba and sending planes there that they brag can bomb all US cities on the eastern sea board. We'd probably go insane and start nuking everything if that happened.

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al Found Guilty of War Crimes

dannym3141 says...

>> ^shuac:

>> ^dannym3141:
...I would estimate that it is only within the lifespan of the oldest person on earth (less than, but whatever) that politics has become a dirty job...

Yes, because the senators of Rome were all squeaky clean.
And if you pull a "but that wasn't a democracy" shit on me, then I'll...I'll...I'll give you such a pinch!

For a given definition of dirty job. I think there's something particularly sinister about modern government as you might have gleaned

There's plenty of tyrants to speak of, but the modern way.. it's like being a tyrant without anyone knowing. They've managed to work their way up the system within the law and steal more money than they ever could outside of it. In the past, tyrants etc... it was a different world, harder to control. But i feel like they have a firm choke hold on everything now. Legally.

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al Found Guilty of War Crimes

shuac says...

>> ^dannym3141:

...I would estimate that it is only within the lifespan of the oldest person on earth (less than, but whatever) that politics has become a dirty job...

Yes, because the senators of Rome were all squeaky clean.

And if you pull a "but that wasn't a democracy" shit on me, then I'll...I'll...I'll give you such a pinch!

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al Found Guilty of War Crimes

jonny says...

Become common knowledge? ahahahahahaha like that hasn't been known for thousands of years...

And while the terms sociopath and psychopath are "technically" interchangeable, in layman's terms, psychopaths are generally considered more violent, instead of simply oblivious to others' suffering. (i.e., psychopath is probably best reserved for the true tyrants like Pol Pot, Cheney, and Aidid).

Guess what... you can't stop them - unless you yourself are a sociopath with an equivalent or greater will to power. Suck it up or stick em up.
>> ^dannym3141:

It has become a matter of common knowledge that politicians disobey laws and rules, cheat, steal and bare faced lie their way to power, and to remain in power. We know they're going to lie, we say they're going to do it and ask them to give us assurances that they won't - and then they do anyway.
How can anyone stop them doing what they're doing?
I'm becoming increasingly concerned that i (or we) are run at least in part by psychopaths.

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al Found Guilty of War Crimes

shuac (Member Profile)

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al Found Guilty of War Crimes

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al Found Guilty of War Crimes

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from '13 may 2012, kuala lumpur, malayasia, guantanamo bay, gitmo, war crimes, obama' to '13 may 2012, kuala lumpur, malayasia, guantanamo bay, bagram, war crimes, obama' - edited by jonny

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