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Wasp Nest Trapped in a Bowl

skinnydaddy1 says...

>> ^rottenseed:

Your pain is my amusement. Oh well, you did get a pretty badass story out of it >> ^skinnydaddy1:
Found a nest of those the hard way. Was helping a guy prepping a house for painting. I was on the roof prepping some over hangs. When I got stung the first time. No biggie I thought I'll swat it and go on. I looked down and saw about 10 of the fuckers on my stomach and more streaming out of a hole in the roof. Then as more and more landed on me they all stung about the same time. I screamed, rolled, fell, landed on top of a fence, pinwheeled and landed on the guy. (All the while getting stung again and again) we both screamed. We are now both being stung. Scrambled and dove in to a near by pool. 80+ stings. 3 cracked ribs and 2 broken fingers. (No idea how I broke them) I decided no to work outside anymore after that.
Mother nature does not like me and I've not found enough money to buy a flame thrower so I could fight back.

Well the old saying it true. "“Comedy is tragedy plus time.” -Carol Burnett
and thanks to the internet that comedy gets to the public even faster.
I feel we shall be laughing at the maker of these videos soon. The act of using glass bowls over wasp spray or more efficient means will provide the general public with pain and comedy soon.

Wasp Nest Trapped in a Bowl

rottenseed says...

Your pain is my amusement. Oh well, you did get a pretty badass story out of it >> ^skinnydaddy1:

Found a nest of those the hard way. Was helping a guy prepping a house for painting. I was on the roof prepping some over hangs. When I got stung the first time. No biggie I thought I'll swat it and go on. I looked down and saw about 10 of the fuckers on my stomach and more streaming out of a hole in the roof. Then as more and more landed on me they all stung about the same time. I screamed, rolled, fell, landed on top of a fence, pinwheeled and landed on the guy. (All the while getting stung again and again) we both screamed. We are now both being stung. Scrambled and dove in to a near by pool. 80+ stings. 3 cracked ribs and 2 broken fingers. (No idea how I broke them) I decided no to work outside anymore after that.
Mother nature does not like me and I've not found enough money to buy a flame thrower so I could fight back.

Wasp Nest Trapped in a Bowl

geo321 says...

Thanks for the reminder. I was curious what the result of the second bowl would be he put on last night. He said on reddit he has a third larger bowl to put on top of the other two bowls, and might do some peripheral bowls. lol. I don't know. With all the attention it looks like he might drag this experiment out. >> ^mxxcon:

>> ^geo321:
Apparently the youtube poster has been doing video updates on his wasp experiment overnight.
he posted some additional videos and it's becoming a pretty interesting event

Wasp Nest Trapped in a Bowl

Wasp Nest Trapped in a Bowl

Wasp Nest Trapped in a Bowl

Wasp Nest Trapped in a Bowl

Parasitoid wasp ovipositing in ants with a twist at the end.

Parasitoid wasp ovipositing in ants with a twist at the end.

Parasitoid wasp ovipositing in ants with a twist at the end.

Wasp eating flesh

Wasp eating flesh

L0cky says...

I once saw a wasp get trapped in a spiderweb; then shortly afterwards another wasp came, appeared to munch on it, then took it's head away.

Now when I see a wasp I just tip my hat and be on my merry way, thank you sir.

Japanese Bug Fights - Round the 2th

Spider versus Wasp

Garden Spider vs. Giant Wasp

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