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How To Draw A Crocodile

Giant Lizard Greets Man Like a Dog

newtboy says...

He looked to be a healthy weight to me. I've seen footage of wild one's that looked even fatter, for instance most marine iguanas in the Galapagos that I've seen looked fatter, but he's certainly well fed and happy.
I did anoles too, in a 200 gal terrarium with tiger salamanders. Every now and then I gave one to the Savana monitor, I figured a lizard has everything in it that a growing lizard needs, so they should make a good supplement.

MilkmanDan said:

I've only had small anoles and stuff in terrariums, but this fella looks awesome. I'm definitely no expert, but it certainly looks like he is well fed -- don't usually see a reptile that fat in the wild. Not that I think he looks TOO fat -- just very healthy.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Climate Change Debate

Bug Likes to Stay Fit

Atheist professor converts to Christianity

SFOGuy (Member Profile)

Obama's secret plan for nuclear war with Russia

bobknight33 says...

The pot that @VoodooV stirs is only to puff his own ego.

Who was the heckler?

All Americans know that Obama has no spine so nuclear options.This is way off his list.

Worst yet the has drawn many "lines in the sand" and did nothing when the opposition went over them.

Obama is a paper tiger.

Zawash (Member Profile)

Zawash (Member Profile)

Tiger Shopping

tellier (Member Profile)

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Tiger Shopping

Don't kick snow on a stray cat, or else

How attached cats are to their owners?

shatterdrose says...

My cat, Kahlan, was a dog.

Honestly though, she was very attached. When she heard me come home, she would run to the door, jump on the couch, then jump on me. She chose to sleep in bed with me, not my girlfriend, who was the one who brought her home. She'd sit on my shoulder or arm when I was on the computer, and would go walking with me.

Then I had Casey who wouldn't let anyone but me pet him. My friends called I'm the Devil Cat. He'd hiss, growl, claw etc at everyone else. He once tore my dad's arm up. I walked over, picked him up, and he acted like an ashamed child to me.

But then I had Bagheera, he was a slut. He didn't care who you were, so long as you were giving him attention.

Tony (the Tiger) . . . well, he was el suavé. He was the typical cat. He defined cat. It was always on his terms, and if you wanted to pet him, it was up to him if that was ok. Kahlan would come to me when I chirped at her, but Tony . . . yeah, you should fire off a shotgun and he wouldn't even bother acknowledging your existence.

So yeah, it really depends on the cat and owner.

Tiger attacked the man (Asia Talk Post)

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