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Sex Catapults: How to Avoid Cannibalism When Mating

ant (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I’m confused. Do you see a new photo? I tried to update, but I still see my yellow dog. I’m guessing you see my Viking princess?

My wife had that made on Etsy for Xmas a few years ago….we just had to put her down 2 weeks ago. Edit: the dog, not my wife.

ant said:

Well, that too. I meant your dog. Hehe. Did you make that?

Official Trailer | She-Hulk: Attorney at Law | Disney+

I Changed Astronomy Forever. He Won the Nobel Prize for It.

dahauns says...

@vil: Well, it's actually Bell herself that has a similar opinion:

It has been suggested that I should have had a part in the Nobel Prize awarded to Tony Hewish for the discovery of pulsars. There are several comments that I would like to make on this: First, demarcation disputes between supervisor and student are always difficult, probably impossible to resolve. Secondly, it is the supervisor who has the final responsibility for the success or failure of the project. We hear of cases where a supervisor blames his student for a failure, but we know that it is largely the fault of the supervisor. It seems only fair to me that he should benefit from the successes, too. Thirdly, I believe it would demean Nobel Prizes if they were awarded to research students, except in very exceptional cases, and I do not believe this is one of them. Finally, I am not myself upset about it – after all, I am in good company, am I not!

And that doesn't mean she was ignorant to the issue - she *did* tear the sexist media a new one, with gleeful wit:

When the paper was published the press descended, and when they discovered a woman was involved they descended even faster. I had my photograph taken standing on a bank, sitting on a bank, standing on a bank examining bogus records, sitting on a bank examining bogus records: one of them even had me running down the bank waving my arms in the air. Look happy dear, you've just made a Discovery! (Archimedes doesn't know what he missed!) Meanwhile the journalists were asking relevant questions like was I taller than or not quite as tall as Princess Margaret (we have quaint units of measurement in Britain) and how many boyfriends did I have at a time?

2020 Politics

luxintenebris jokingly says...

- healthcare for all citizens
- inflated drug costs
- American infrastructure
- living wage
- etc, etc, etc....nuthin' is RED TERRITORY!!!

Shirley you can give one example of a Democratic idea to counter any of these problems, but ONE from the GOP side? if'n y'all can find ONE reasonable action, to excuse their non-action, then the next easiest search would be for Bigfoot. (leave the insect repellant, West Nile and Lyme are myths)

c'mon lady! 4/6 of yer complaints have 0 to do w/Democrats. 3/6 are easily researchable and easy to understand. sister, you need to get rid of the yoga pants, put on some blue jeans and get to work!

as far as slanted media - please! it's up to an individual to screen cull, analyze any data they regard. it's like a body walking across a pasture w/o paying heed to bossy's expended feed - don't get to complain about yer boots when it was your decision.

'tho points for watching CNN MSNBC and other outlets (obviously you viewed these to inform the damning opinion? yes?) as it is good to have inputs from many sources. can't say personally spend much time on those sites, or any of the hard-wired right-wing cracker factories (churning out brittle and salty fodder that the infantile find tasty).

ain't no mushroom, princess.

bobknight33 said:

-Border crisis
-High unemployment
-Gas prices up
-Churches and schools still closed
-Tax increases coming

And what are Democrats doing about it? Nothing.

They’re busy obsessing over President Trump.

i'm a princess

newtboy says...

If everyone is a princess it kind of dilutes how special princesses are.

Q: Was this song run through Google translate or something?

Disney's Mulan - Official Teaser

lucky760 says...

I don't know who Halle Bailey is, but I'll be happy if she can sing. I get the disappointment if people feel this was supposed to be Disney's ginger princess and would be unhappy if any non-redhead was cast.

The most heartbreaking remake for me was Beauty and the Beast. I love the original and I've seen it many dozens of times in the last 20 years, and it wrecked me when I watched it full of Emma Watson's badly auto-tuned robotic singing... hurts me now even just describing it.

Massive 107 Point Buck

T.I. has Melania Trump...

newtboy says...

I guess she's also the most elegantly proper, and most American FLOTUS too?
Ignoring she's a clear gold digger and soft core porn model, it's an astonishing lack of self awareness to announce her anti bullying movement isn't about kids being bullied, it's about herself, the biggest victim of bullying ever! She's not even the biggest bullying victim of her husband, who's a professional bully.

Compared to the hyper racist, constant, even institutionalized bullying Michelle endured with calm and grace, Melania is treated like a Disney princess constantly. Michelle got everything Melania gets X5, but got (still gets) all the racial attacks as well. You just didn't hear her whine about it or start a national movement backed by the Whitehouse to try to stop her personal issues with trolls.

Consider, "people" like you insist a foreign nude model with little education, no degree like she lied and claimed to have from various universities (now proven false, she left after 1 year) and horrible English skills (almost as bad as her husband) who married the internet troll in Chief for money is a better spokeswoman/speaker than a well educated lawyer who's public speaking prowess is above reproach, head and shoulders above any person on the right, elected or not. Recall, Melania thought Michelle spoke so well, she plagiarized Michelle's speech.

Consider, you could not mention Michelle without calling her names, bullying her is so ingrained in the right's psyche it doesn't even register to you. I'm impressed you thought and changed "gorilla" to "dog". That's actually an improvement, which is an incredibly sad demonstration of how low the right has sunk, completely lacking civility while whining they aren't coddled enough.

bobknight33 said:

Most bullied FLOTUS.

If this was Michael Obama the media would be losing its mind and blowing its stack. The outrage of outrage.

Then again Michael Obama is a dog and could not pull this off.

Of Course I'm Trying To Indoctrinate You In My Beliefs

newtboy says...

Bullshit. Christians can and do wear religious iconography in jewelry, tattoos, clothing, and display stupid slogans, posters, statues, etc at workplaces.
They can't hold prayer services in some workplaces, and can in others. But why would you want that anyway? To be fair and legal, we would have to allow anyone and everyone to do the same. Do you want Satanists, minions of Mot, Soldiers for Shiva, Pagans, Norse, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindu, Pastafarians, Rastafarians, Wikans, Jedi, etc to all spend the day praying with a legal right to ignore work to do so?
This is about as rational as claiming there's a "war on Christmas" because some people don't say Merry Christmas reflexively two dozen times a day all December.

Really? Trumpeteers get beaten up for hat wearing? I seriously doubt it, please post the video.

Insulted, well, calling people in MAGA hats (not MEGA, can't even get your own slogan's acronym right) idiots, ignorant, or just brain dead morons isn't pure insult when it's so often just statement of fact. I've never met one willing to wear the hat in public with an IQ greater than 100 (paid talking heads don't count, since they so often turn on Trump as soon as he stops paying them), and I know plenty with an IQ seemingly well below 80 that won't leave the house without it.

Compared to those wearing an Obama or Clinton hat/shirt in the south over the last 9 years, MAGA morons are treated like princes and princesses.

bobknight33 said:

Liberals have been marching loudly past 30 years not tip towing.
So much so a Christian can not show faith at work, they are shamed in public. One could argue the opposite, Its time for Christian to stand up.

Also same to politics. Trump supporters get beaten up, insulted in public. One can't wear MEGA hat to events ( except Trumps) , or Starbucks.. That's not Liberals tip toeing around its full on frontal assault.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Louder than Words

Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 Official Trailer

The Best Movie Kisses

Vox: The new US tax law, explained with cereal

Jane Sanders will be advising Bernie Sanders in2020 campaign

notarobot jokingly says...

Election 2020.

Title: A New Hope.

Slogan: “Hindsight is 2020.”

The rich will choose between voting for tax breaks for themselves, and tax increases and net neutrality. Unless they are rich because of NN, they will be able to afford the new high-prices for the internet to be open to them. They won’t care about NN.*

The poor will likely prefer the guy they can relate to the easiest.

Big words don’t draw a crowd of people who couldn’t afford university. The… undereducated voters will remember a lifetime of corporate media telling them “socialism is bad,” perhaps un-American. It will be difficult to convince this group otherwise. Indeed, “les deplorables” might (again) vote against their own best interests.

The middle class will be divided. Some will have been licking boots as hard as they can for a long time. These “senior boot-lickers” have been entrenched in the ideas of “capitalism” and are looking forward to their next promotion where they will finally get to have their own boots licked by the next chump below them. This sub-group will vote for tax cuts. There will be no promotion. Just a ribbon and thank-you card upon retirement.

The lower part of the middle class will fall for the trap that socialism is for commies. And “they’re not commies! They’re American!” They will vote for their own social security to be cut.

Finally, there is the group that remembers Debbie Wasserman Schultz—senior bootlicker, and professional lapdog—for her actions during the last election. They remember the emails. They remember how the Clinton Cash Club sowed corruption from within the party to stop the rise of a ‘so-called socialist’ outsider. This group will remember how Trump was handed the keys to the Oval Office after the party was fractured. They will fight hard to convince their neighbours not to vote against their own interests. They will be on guard for further corruption.

*Footnote: Among the ‘rich’ will be the ‘old establishment’ of the democratic party. Former Hillary supporters. This group will feel that their position of ‘corporate lapdog’ could be threatened by the prospect of a ‘socialist’ at the helm of their party. There will be an attempt to sabotage anyone who might upset that status quo from WITHIN the party. it has happened before. It will be attempted again. (DWS has not retired from her position on the bootlicker pyramid, and she has friends...)

Bonus: The Disney Princesses.

Now that the House of Mouse has 40% of all American media within it’s walls, you can bet that anyone who refuses to play ball wearing mouse-ears will have a harder time scoring. Just sayin’.

(And if NN is truly undone--you'll only ever see what 'they' want you to.)

2020 will be an interesting race.

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