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police drones clearing the streets before the royal wedding

Sagemind says...

Charlie Veitch, the founder of the peace activist group ‘The Love Police’, was pre-emptively arrested on Thursday the 28th of April 2011, around 1615h, on an allegation of a conspiracy to cause public nuisance. As the video evidence shows, Charlie was not read his rights, and no warrant was presented for his arrest or for the search of his living space.

He was held for 16 hours at Parkside Police Station in Cambridge. Outraged locals, students, and activists protested outside the station, and concerned citizens from around the world inundated the station with phone calls to voice their concern of this totalitarian police behaviour. Parkside police were obstructive to his lawyer, family, and partner, let alone friends and supporters, by not providing any information of his wellbeing or whereabouts.

At around 1000h on Friday the 29th of April 2011, Charlie was collected by the Metropolitan Police from Parkside and taken to an undisclosed police station in London for 8 hours. Efforts by his lawyer, family, and partner to locate him were made in vain – he had effectively been ‘disappeared’ into the police system. Charlie was denied his right to a phone call from London, again continuing the obstruction of his access to his lawyer, family, partner and supporters. He requested that the police telephone his partner to inform her of his whereabouts, which was promised but not performed. With his family in the dark as to his whereabouts, concern was considerably growing.

Charlie was eventually released on bail 23 hours and 45 minutes after his arrest at approximately 1600h on Friday 29th April from Edmonton Police Station, London – just within the 24 hour limit that a person can be lawfully arrested and detained without charge. -

blankfist (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

All you do not want to know about White craft glue.


Manufacturer's Name:
PO Box 15009
Portland, OR 97293

Product: Poly Vinyl Acetate (PVA) Glue

Date prepared: 7/09/97 Emergency telephone no. 503/235-1945

Preparer's Name: R. Gamblin

Chemical name: Ethlyene/Vinyl Acetate Coplolymer

Chemical names CAS# Wt% OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV
This product contains no hazardous
materials under the current OSHA standard.

Boiling range: 212 F Specific gravity: 1 - 1.4
Vapor pressure: 17 % volatile (volume): 45%(water)
Vapor density: 0.62 Evaporation rate (BuOAc = 1): 1

Solubility (specify solvents): Soluble in water. Insoluble in solvents.
Appearance and odor: white liquid; slight odor.
SECTION IV—FIRE & EXPLOSION DATA----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flash point: >220 degree F
Extinguishing media: CO2 , dry chemical, water fog
Special firefighting procedures: water or foam may cause frothing if directed into
container of burning material. Use water to cool containers exposed to heat.

Unusual fire & explosion hazards: Immerse in water after use.
Reactivity: product is stable
Hazardous polymerization: will not occur
Conditions to avoid: avoid extreme heat

Hazardous decomposition products: Stable under normal pressure.

Route(s) of entry: Eye contact, ingestion of paint
Acute health effects: Eye contact may cause redness or irritation
Poly Vinyl Acetate (PVA) Glue MSDS Page 2

Inhalation: N/A
Ingestion: No known adverse health effects.
Skin contact: No know adverse health effects.

Eye contact: Wash with clean water for at least fifteen minutes. If irritation persists,get medical attention.
Inhalation: If swallowed, induce vomiting.
Skin contact: Flush with water; use soap if available.

Not listed as a carcinogen by the NTP, IARC, or OSHA; no adverse long-term
effects are known.
Steps to be taken in case material is spilled: Soak up spill with absorbent materials and place in containers.
Waste disposal method: Spill area can be washed with water; collect wash water for approved disposal. Do not
flush to storm sewer or waterway.
Respiratory protection: none normally required
Ventilation: none normally required
Protective gloves: none normally required
Eye protection: safety glasses if eye contact is likely; eyewash fountain should be accessible.
Precautions to be taken in handling and storage: store away from high temperature. Read and observe all
precautions on product label.

Other precautions: wash hands after use.
The information contained herein is based on the data available to use and is believe to be correct. However,
Gamblin Artists Colors Co. makes no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy of these data or the
results to be obtained from the use thereof. Gamblin assumes no responsibility for injury from the use of the product
described herein.

Sam Harris on the Science of the Brain vs. Soul Proposition

jmzero says...

Well, if you have a soul then obviously the brain isn't the center and it doesn't really matter what happens to it.

Well, that's just the point - it sure does seem like the brain matters. If you damage a certain area of the brain, you forget, say, the names of animals. Does your soul remember the names of the animals? If so, then how come you don't? If not, then why do you know the names of animals again when you die?

I'll put this simpler: somewhere, you (your brain, mind, soul, whatever) recognizes Grandma. It seems like the part doing this is your brain, since we can make you fail at it by breaking the brain. But, if you still remember Grandma when your brain is completely dead, then it must be in the soul.

And it's not just remembering things. People have had their personalities changed, and pretty much everything about them changed through brain injury. And you can even turn some of these functions on and off at whim with powerful magnets.

The "damaged receiver" theory doesn't really make sense either. I mean, sure we can imagine the soul being on the other end of a broken telephone line - but the way people behave doesn't fit this model unless the "soul" is forgetting stuff too. We could imagine all sorts of ways we could distinguish between "not communicating perfectly with someone who's still all there" and "communicating OK with someone who is not all there" - and they all point towards the latter.

Now of course God could still manage. He could let your brain do it while you're alive, but then move these functions to your soul when you die. He could simulate things such that things behave just how they would as though your brain was in control, but really your soul is. He could do anything I guess.

But, unless we already believed in God and souls, we'd never come to that kind of conclusion because it's much simpler (and more fitting with all the evidence we have) to believe that this stuff is all done by the brain.

Obama On WikiLeaks Source Bradley Manning:"He Broke The Law"

rottenseed says...

>> ^Morganth:

This was supposed to be a fund-raiser. Then someone jumps him with an unexpected question and everyone whips out their camera phones to put this on the internet. If you think Obama is being short and blunt, it's because he is and it's intentional. His every word will be scrutinized by CNN, FOX, MSNBC and plenty of foreign news agencies.
Imagine being invited to a party and while you're there someone pulls out a camera to ask you your position on controversial issue x. You have no prep time and what you say can't be taken back because it's going to be available for the world to see within minutes.
As for Manning, he's not being held indefinitely and he's not in some secret holding cell. He's in Kansas. And his pre-trail hearing is in May. For those of you who think he's some sort of reincarnated Rosa Parks, here are his own words, "If you had unprecedented access to classified networks 14 hours a day 7 days a week for 8+ months, what would you do?" or how about, "listened and lip-synced to Lady Gaga’s Telephone while exfiltratrating possibly the largest data spillage in american history...i could’ve sold to russia or china, and made bank?"
He did it simply because he was bored, he could, and he hated his crappy job with the Army sitting in front of a computer all day in the middle of a freaking desert. He ended up getting caught because he bragged about it wanting hacker fame.
Assange hasn't broken any US law. Manning's lucky that the prosecution isn't seeking the death penalty, which 'Aiding the Enemy' (one of the 23 charges against him) carries.

Well...he was a constitutional law professor. You'd think he'd know a little something about the presumption of innocence.

Obama On WikiLeaks Source Bradley Manning:"He Broke The Law"

westy says...

He is the president its a pritty simple question you dont need prep time thats the whole issue with polatics is that polatitoins can just say smarmy bullshit and get away with it. noone has a clue as to what or who abama is or what he realy wants to do .

>> ^Morganth:

This was supposed to be a fund-raiser. Then someone jumps him with an unexpected question and everyone whips out their camera phones to put this on the internet. If you think Obama is being short and blunt, it's because he is and it's intentional. His every word will be scrutinized by CNN, FOX, MSNBC and plenty of foreign news agencies.
Imagine being invited to a party and while you're there someone pulls out a camera to ask you your position on controversial issue x. You have no prep time and what you say can't be taken back because it's going to be available for the world to see within minutes.
As for Manning, he's not being held indefinitely and he's not in some secret holding cell. He's in Kansas. And his pre-trail hearing is in May. For those of you who think he's some sort of reincarnated Rosa Parks, here are his own words, "If you had unprecedented access to classified networks 14 hours a day 7 days a week for 8+ months, what would you do?" or how about, "listened and lip-synced to Lady Gaga’s Telephone while exfiltratrating possibly the largest data spillage in american history...i could’ve sold to russia or china, and made bank?"
He did it simply because he was bored, he could, and he hated his crappy job with the Army sitting in front of a computer all day in the middle of a freaking desert. He ended up getting caught because he bragged about it wanting hacker fame.
Assange hasn't broken any US law. Manning's lucky that the prosecution isn't seeking the death penalty, which 'Aiding the Enemy' (one of the 23 charges against him) carries.

Obama On WikiLeaks Source Bradley Manning:"He Broke The Law"

Morganth says...

This was supposed to be a fund-raiser. Then someone jumps him with an unexpected question and everyone whips out their camera phones to put this on the internet. If you think Obama is being short and blunt, it's because he is and it's intentional. His every word will be scrutinized by CNN, FOX, MSNBC and plenty of foreign news agencies.

Imagine being invited to a party and while you're there someone pulls out a camera to ask you your position on controversial issue x. You have no prep time and what you say can't be taken back because it's going to be available for the world to see within minutes.

As for Manning, he's not being held indefinitely and he's not in some secret holding cell. He's in Kansas. And his pre-trail hearing is in May. For those of you who think he's some sort of reincarnated Rosa Parks, here are his own words, "If you had unprecedented access to classified networks 14 hours a day 7 days a week for 8+ months, what would you do?" or how about, "listened and lip-synced to Lady Gaga’s Telephone while exfiltratrating possibly the largest data spillage in american history...i could’ve sold to russia or china, and made bank?"

He did it simply because he was bored, he could, and he hated his crappy job with the Army sitting in front of a computer all day in the middle of a freaking desert. He ended up getting caught because he bragged about it wanting hacker fame.

Assange hasn't broken any US law. Manning's lucky that the prosecution isn't seeking the death penalty, which 'Aiding the Enemy' (one of the 23 charges against him) carries.

Star Wars: "E ti Ris, Furabolos"

blankfist says...

Using Google Translate, I translated "laugh it up, fuzzball" from English to Spanish, and got this: "reír hasta que, bola de pelusa." I then translated that back to English and got this: "laugh until, fuzzball"

No, google, this isn't a game a telephone.

People in movies display poor phone etiquette

lucky760 says...

I've always been bothered by this. I used to think that I never used the telephone correctly, but now I think it must be some kind of cinema gag like the Wilhelm Scream.

This video isn't a very good compilation because in most all the snippets, the people say something that can legitimately sound like the end of a phone call, especially without hearing the other end of the line. E.g., "Okay, I'll see you in 5 minutes." "I'm on my way." "Don't go anywhere." "See you soon." "I love you too." "I'll get back to you." "Thank you."

A better compilation would include just all the extremely inappropriate hang-ups that are even in contemporary TV shows and movies where they are really in the middle of a conversation.

Casey Heynes' Bully Richard Gale says HE was bullied first

GenjiKilpatrick says...

I remember clinging to a telephone pole for dear life while gettin' punched in the kidneys for about 45 seconds when I was about 6.
The End.

This is way too much hype for a fucking quarrel between normal, immature brats.

What Happens When 500 People Trace the Same Line?

redyellowblue says...

The experiment looks reasonable to prove a point. Kinda like a game of telephone with scribbles. But I don't get why it jumps so much all of a sudden. I would say, do this experiment again a few times. show video of people drawing in time lapse, with a digitized version of drawing on the side.

Electric Light Orchestra- Telephone line

Charlie Sheen Says He's 'Not Bipolar but 'Bi-Winning'

Porksandwich says...

Sounds like the illness in general goes along with what I've seen my brother do. I guess mono-polar means they are in a constant manic state or vice versa and never come off that. My brother is most prominent when he's manic....because frankly he's just annoying as can be. He can do everything better than you, but he never finishes anything. You can't talk him out of things, blah blah... He got locked up for a bit due to the drug possession and being on house arrest because of his outbursts in court. No one could stand to leave him in the house due to his constant yammering and then he started spending all his money on frivolous crap....canceled his health insurance that he wasn't even paying. My parents had me kill the internet connection to his room, the phone line, and started me on terminating his cell phone so he couldn't fuck up anything else. And before they got the cell phone away from him, he called the police on my parents. He was ordered by the judge to take medication, he eventually refused to comply and when my parents finally admitted he was not taking his meds...they took two days to come get him. During which he didn't believe it, thought my parents were screwing with him. He was shocked to see the police at the door and refused to leave the house for them because he was on house arrest. I mean it's like a comedy skit if you didn't realize that he was so totally twisted in his thinking that everything he did was perfectly correct. And it wasn't but maybe 2-3 days in jail after being removed from the house and held until trial, 5-6 guys kicked his ass. They broke his shoulder badly enough that they had to get a surgical consult and multiple scans to determine if it needed operated on. His arm was essentially useless for almost 2 months...he couldn't lift it much beyond his waist. And they knocked him out, split his head open on the floor..... he's still trying to get his case heard....that he should haven't been put in the public population since they had never had him in there before when he was acting in the same irrational manner.

Even now with treatment, none of what he did above is wrong in his eyes. He was in jail because the police decided to put him in jail without provocation. He had the right to spend all his money because he earned it, never mind he had a lot of bills due to all of this plus a tow and storage bill he still owed for getting caught with drugs in a vehicle that was my parents. He had the right to cancel his insurance, because it wasn't doing anything for him anyway. And keep in mind the insurance is what covered the majority of his therapies to deal with his arm...the jail would not repay anything but the initial visit/consult. He still won't admit that it was stupid as hell to cancel his insurance with everything going on and them wanting him to get medical treatment on his mental disorder by court order. Calling the cops on my parents for cutting off his net access, cell phone and telephone in his room......that was my parents fault because they violated his "civil rights". Never mind the fact that they didn't have to consent to house arrest to get him out of jail or that he was a TOTAL asshole during that whole period and for months prior. It was never his fault......and still to this day isn't his fault. Even for a lot of the dumb shit he does now, but at least you can convince him to stop doing it.

It's literally like trying to deal with a child or delusional elderly person, but he has all the rights of an adult and the physical strength to really hurt someone if it came to that. The police won't/can't act unless you have guardianship over a person in this circumstance or they pose an immediate threat to others or themselves. I saw the cops trying to help, they would try to insult him and push him toward action instead of words. To the outside observer it would seem like they were picking the fight because they are bullies, but the choice was "get him help" or "remove him from the house with no where to go in a really fucked up mental state". It was clear he would be dead within a month if he was left to his own devices, and the jail beating was just an example of that. People wouldn't tolerate his bullshit, and he couldn't comprehend any of it.

>> ^Sagemind:

Also to note: There is no cure for this this.
You don't wake up one day and think clearly - this is something that will follow him around for the rest of his life.
Yes, there are prescriptions that can be taken to help balance out the brain chemistry. And only if you can get him to take them. Even once he is accepting treatment, it can go sideways at any time. And when it does, it's an awful chore to get back to square one. He may never "Look Back" on this and see what we see.
Sad but true....

joedirt (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I'll stand by that statement. Although I'm using it more - and I understand its utility. It still feels like an incomplete experience.

In reply to this comment by joedirt:
In reply to this comment by dag:
You're probably right, but just like Mylie Cyrus, I've soured on Twitter. I think it's going to blow over eventually. It's like the telegraph right before the telephone was invented.

Heh.. I just saw this again.. 18 months is a long time in internet years. Twitter is now taking down gov'ts.

dag (Member Profile)

Happy 5th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

paul4dirt says...

I heard telephones, opera house, favourite melodies
I saw boys, toys, electric irons, and TVs
My brain hurt like a warehouse
It had no room to spare
I had to cram so many things
To store everything in there

We got five years, stuck on my eyes
We got five years, what a surprise
We got five years, my brain hurts a lot
We got five years, that's all we've got

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