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The Star Wars Retrospective Episode IV

GameTrailers Top 10 Years of Gaming

8296 says...

1997 was definitely the pinnacle year in portraying what video games could become. Like someone said, GLQuake was a breakthrough in 3D graphics card support (obviously meaning that before it - the 3d engines were rendered in SOFTWARE mode), Quake II came out, Fallout was one of the most intelligent, dark and humorous games ever released - even to this day AND - the original Grand Theft Auto came out - so obviously 1997 should be 1.

There were so many great games from 1997 - here's an incomplete list of games from 1997 via Wikipedia:

* February 10 - Mario Kart 64 (N64)
* February 28 - Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (N64)
* March 20 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS) (Sega Saturn)
* April 30 - Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (PC)
* May 31 - MDK: (PC) (PS)
* June 26 - Dungeon Keeper (PC)
* July 1 - Star Fox 64 (N64)
* July 30 - Carmageddon (PC)
* August 25 - GoldenEye 007 (N64)
* August 31 - HeXen II (PC)
* September 7 - Final Fantasy VII (PS), (PC)
* September 19 - Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (PS), (PC)
* September 30 - Fallout (PC)
* September 30 - Total Annihilation (PC)
* October - Grand Theft Auto (PC)
* October 9 - Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II (PC)
* October 26 - Age of Empires (PC)
* October 29 - Riven (PC) (Mac)
* October 31 - The Curse of Monkey Island (PC)
* November 14 - Postal (PC)
* December 6 - Quake II (PC)
* December 19 - Wing Commander: Prophecy (PC)
* December 23 - Gran Turismo (PS1)

GameTrailers Top 10 Years of Gaming

budzos says...

I can wax nostalgic about video games for hours every day. My personal best years in gaming:

1983 - We got Intellivion for Xmas 82.. Played a lot of Lock & Chase, Astrosmash, Night Stalker, Sea Battle, etc.
1989 - The year I bought myself a NES.. Played Bionic Commando, Contra, Castlevania.. First job mowing lawns gave me income in addition to my allowance which went up to $10/wk. to blow on gaming magazines and the occasional game, as well as a decent budget for arcade games which were in their heyday... Golden Axe, Robocop, Narc, Hard Drivin, Stider, that was 1989 for me. Probably the single best year.
1992 - Now working one full-time and one part-time job for the summer, as soon as I wrote my final exams I I bought myself Genesis, then SNES the next day. Played a lot of Super Contra, Street Fighter 2, Castlevania 4, Super Battletank (first game with photo-real graphics on home systems imho), Populous, Strider, etc.
1994 - The year I bought my first PC.. played a lot of Doom 2, Alone in the Dark 2, Ecstatica, Tie Fighter, and countless demos from PC Gamer and other magazine pack-in discs
1998 - The year I got into multiplayer... played insane amounts of Quake 2
2000 - The year I bought my first true custom-built gaming PC.. played Quake 3, Deus Ex, Aliens Vs Predator, and in 2001 played tons of Tribes 2
2002 - At end of 2001 I bought another even better gaming box... played tons of RTCW, Medal of Honor, and ended the year playing BF1942 about four hours per day
2006 - The year I bought my first bleeding-edge custom-built gaming PC (dual GPUs, 30 inch 4 megapixel monitor, $150 mouse, etc.)... played BF2, Quake 4, Call of Duty 2, Prey, HL2: Ep1

2007 was a decent year, might look like a stand-out once I get some distance and perspective.

The Star Wars Retrospective Episode IV

The Star Wars Retrospective Episode IV

Crash Test

Michael Winslow does sound effects for Star Wars IV

What is your favorite genre of game to play? (Videogames Talk Post)

uhohzombies says...

^ UFO: Enemy Unknown is X-Com: UFO Defense, they just renamed it for the USA market, unless you mean part 2 "Terror From The Deep".

I love adventure games, RPGs, strategy, and lately more FPS games

My favorite games of all time are:

All-time favorites:
Fallout 1 & 2
Final Fantasy III (Part VI in Japan)
Ultima Online (at least from '98 until '03, it sucked after that)

Other favorites:
Wing Commander I-IV, Prophecy, Privateer I & II
Day of the Tentacle
Full Throttle
The Dig
Sam and Max Hit The Road
Star Trek 25th Anniversary & Judgment Rights
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Police Quest I & III
Space Quest I, II, III, IV, & V
Kings Quest IV & V
EcoQuest: The Search For Cetus
X-Wing, Tie Fighter, X-Wing: Alliance
Star Wars: Rebellion
Star Wars: Dark Forces I & II
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Civilization IV
Ultima VII: The Black Gate
Deus Ex 1 & 2
Half Life 2 and its Episodes
and I'm still probably forgetting a handful...

The Star Wars Videogame Retrospective Part 2

ant says...

I saw both episodes. No computer games only like Jedi Knight, Outcast, Academy, KOTOR, TIE Fighter, X-Wing, X-Wing Alliance, etc.?

Part 3 is in about two weeks.

Optimus Maximus keyboard - the most awesome geeky Keyboard!

The 10 Greatest Sounds from Star Wars

Star Wars - The Battle of Yavin

jmd says...

What kind of idiot pilot would set their deflectors to double front while passing stationary pivoting turrets, and KEEP them double front when tie fighters are on your rear allowing for one shot one kills from the back?

Star Wars - The Battle of Yavin

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