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Dedicated to the Youraaagh! (The other famous movie scream)

Death Star Suspense - 'A New Hope' Extended Ending Scene

newtboy says...

Lame obvious fake. It's pieced together from short clips of the attack, repeated ad nauseam. One clip has Darth Vader seated in the background on the death star after his tie fighter has been knocked into space by Solo. Lucas screwed up this clasic already with remakes, why pile on more insult to a once great movie? It's certainly NOT what YT describes.

The Simpsons Star Wars Intro

swope says...

I was disappointed by the crappy video quality. And it bothers me that all the spacecraft make TIE fighter sounds. Any true fan would spend the extra ten minutes required to rip the right samples.

Krupo (Member Profile)

Zero Punctuation: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

10438 says...

I like the people who haven't even played the game but find time to bash it. And i even more like the people who have "Trouble with the controls" (Also known as "I suck at gaming so the game sucks syndrome") The game is great, and the best game LA has made since it's Tie Fighter/Full Throttle/Grim Fandango era. And the story line (which is canon btw) fits in nicely. I'm a huge star wars fan, and it doesn't bother me at all, people need to stop crying.


Zero Punctuation: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

NetRunner says...

I'm trying to think back to the last Star Wars game that I truly liked.

Tie Fighter is probably the best ever made.

I thought Jedi Knight Academy was entertaining.

I bought Star Wars: Galaxies, but I should've known that combining the sadomasochists who developed EQ and George Fucking Lucas was never going to produce a game that people might actually enjoy playing.

They didn't really give me much reason to think Star Wars: Force Unleashed would be any better, despite the breathless hype. Based on the reviews, I think I'm perfectly okay with missing out on it.

Yahtzee's gonna be busy in the next few weeks, what with Little Big Planet, Fable 2, Gears 2, Fallout 3, Resistance 2, Wrath of the Lich King all coming out in the next 5-6 weeks.

Zero Punctuation: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

davidraine says...

>> ^MaxWilder:
Nice review as usual, but I really wish he'd done the PS3 and Xbox360 version. The game royally sucks. It is an incredibly difficult button-masher, where all the bosses have to be invulnerable to 7/8ths of your attacks because you're so overpowered. And when an enemy knocks you down, which is often, you are unable to move and vulnerable for several seconds. Talk about frustrating.

Yeah, the PS3 version is not that great. I haven't finished it yet, largely because Disgaea DS came out, but I am constantly irritated by the massive delay in between when Starkiller gets knocked over and when he can move again. He has to fall on his ass, rest for a moment, get back up, dust himself off (almost literally; there's a short gap in between when he's standing and when you can move him again), and then he's good to go. Naturally, the enemy AI (at least on Hard) knows exactly how long it takes Starkiller to get up, and just about every action has a delay before it actually executes, so there's a 50% chance that you will be seriously injured or killed after any random enemy manages to knock you down.

So it's not altogether horrible, but it's just a little disappointing. Yes, Starkiller has crazy force powers that can throw Tie Fighters around like popcorn, destroy reinforced titanium doors, and electrocute everything within a fifty foot radius. However, it's really annoying that he neglected more utilitarian force powers like force jump or at the very least force get-your-ass-up-off-the-floor. And having the lightsaber be about as useful as a letter opener is just insulting. The thing does crap for damage, leaves you wide open to attack, and makes you wish after a few minutes that Starkiller would just say "to hell with all this Jedi crap" and pick up a damn blaster.

Nightfall - Actionpacked CG Space War Awesomeness!

This Trinity's Goin to War

gwiz665 says...

This song is pretty funky and caught me off-guard when I saw Bender's Big Score. It's grown on me though; I think it's awesome now. *woohoo

Btw, chanukah zombie is voiced by Mark Hamill, which makes the TIE-fighter joke made of awesome.

Freespace 2 Intro Cinematic

9619 says...

I enjoyed it, though my penchant was always for the more hardcore privateer series, and xwing vs Tie fighter.

Dam they were good games

Stars Wars - Blue Harvest Darth Stewie Sithed His Pants

Stars Wars - Blue Harvest Darth Stewie Sithed His Pants

The Star Wars Retrospective Episode IV

The Star Wars Retrospective Episode IV

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