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Yogi (Member Profile)

Hugh Herr: The new bionics that let us run, climb and dance

nanrod says...

In the last couple of years I've become bored with many of the TED talks but the *quality of this one is what TED is all about. Some amazing technology that is way overdue.

Why is ketchup so hard to pour? - George Zaidan

grinter says...

..maybe if it were a TED talk?
but, yeah in general, the quality of TED talks has plummeted. That could have something to due with all of the TEDx talks, and with people trying to emulate the 'TED style'.. which has just become annoying.

artician said:

This is the biggest waste and worst excuse of a TED talk ever.

Why is ketchup so hard to pour? - George Zaidan

How Wolves Changed Yellowstone National Park

David Blaine Freaks Out Ricky Gervais

dannym3141 says...

I have a lot of respect for Blaine since i saw his TED talk. I don't like the stuff he used to do that was on british TV, where he'd basically look googly eyed at people the entire time. This was really enjoyable though.

Going to the Doctor in America

chingalera says...

@Sniper007 Quite the road less-traveled pardner but worthy of the task you've set before yourself. Ruperts' a maverick, snake-oil tinctured with hard science, faith fueled by invisible cosmic forces and brass balls. He used to be a regular on the old Art Bell Flour Hour-

He apparently, has been asked by the TED talk's cabal short of a recant, to please, "never come back," which is here on the Videosift, what you are being presented with in the realms of "health"and.....ahem, "science" by the armchair enthusiasts who fancy themselves experts on all subjects above mundane. You are now in the company of the marginally successful Disrupticons of the site whose ulterior M.O. is that of "Ointment Fly."

I commend and salute you, noble sir!

Remove all the plastic from our oceans in 5 Years

aaronfr says...

You would if you were using a TED talk to attract venture capitalists!

charliem said:

Super misleading.
The group commissioning the feasibility study for this are only about 10% the way through it. I wouldnt be making those kinds of claims just yet.

Eddie Huang exposes TED Conference

Deano says...

Interesting. The one bit that made me think "yeah..." was the ovation manipulation which even after the edit after looks a bit weird on TED Talks.


Why the abundance of choice is actually making us miserable

Phil Hansen: Embrace the shake

Phil Hansen: Embrace the shake

oritteropo says...

His anecdote about being paralysed by choice reminds me quite a bit of the studies that Sheena Iyengar has done into choice:


What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains

oritteropo says...

We adapt slowly, and given too much choice tend to become paralysed:

Not sure whether to mark that post as related, it's more of a tangent.

criticalthud said:

this video is retarded.

only good results from an increased access to information.
information is sifted and refined. More information leads to increased logical associations, which is the essence of invention and understanding.

As for the amount of information; we are an adaptive species. so fucking adapt already.

Monkey Protest

What it feels like to have a Stroke

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