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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Not true, you used to praise them…especially Yertle….but your memory has never been your strong suit.
Not Cheney? Or did you just forget who to hate?
Sad for you the (anti) freedom caucus that I know you love is likely going to be ineligible to hold office…Cawthorn only escaped by redistricting the plaintiffs out of his district and technically invalidating their lawsuit….another is probably in the pipeline. MTG’s was given the green light in court yesterday….bye Felicia.

You might be shocked to hear….Pelosi….and any others over 70. That should be forced retirement time, for judges and presidents too….no control over a society when you won’t have to see it deal with the consequences of your actions, says I.

Senima and Manchin too… neither of which have ever been Democrats, they’re secret Q nut jobs and on the take big time.
Edit: literally minutes after writing that I found Senima’s latest poll numbers in her district….17% approval, 75% disapproval! It looks like I’ll get that wish at least.

Also, Al Frankenstein needs to be replaced…re-placed back in office. He should never have left. He wasn’t just funny, he’s smart as fuck and knowledgeable too.

bobknight33 said:

Never cared for him. Rino like Lindsey Graham, Mit Romney, Susan Collens, and about 4 others. All needed to be replaced.

His only good deed is pushing supreme Court nominees.

What Democrats in your opinion needs replacing?

Poimo is an inflatable electric scooter that

Last Week in the Republican Party

noims says...

To be fair, he has a point about evolution. Has anyone checked if certain republicans are actually australopithecus with suits and decent haircuts?

(Cheap dig for a cheap laugh, I know. My apologies to my noble ancestors.)

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

My wife has a journalism degree but can't do any meaningful math.

So much your stupid argument.

Everyone is different, grammar is not my strong suit.

You know so much that just ain't so. You in a bubble. Are you 1 of the 30% that think Biden is doing a great job?

You sit here thinking up on you high horse but you are so often wrong is it laughable

Trying to put the failed OBAMA on some grand master of a POTUS truly shows how much shit for brains you have.

Truly I bet you think Bidens 2 hour press conference today was pretty fucking all right.

80% failure where you most likely 80% success. This is how shit you are.

You, like Obama, Biden Clinton are good at speaking BS. Just keep giving your failed ideas of what makes America better.

newtboy said:

You claim to be an engineer that couldn’t pass 6th grade English. Knowing many engineers, actually being raised by one (dad was a chemical engineer by trade, creating new molecules for specific purposes) I do understand that language is sometimes not a strong suit, but I’ve never known one with half your struggles in that area, including the maintenance and disposal engineers at the company lab.

Passing basic English is a requirement for a degree, even an engineering degree, at every reputable university in America.

You’ve shown not only a severe deficiency in language skills, but also in math. For instance, recently deriding Obama, lamenting the nation returning to what you were told was an appallingly low GDP of near 2% but you are unable to realize it was near double the often negative GDP under Trump, who finished his single term with a GDP of 1% per year….basic and simple math. (So you know, if Biden’s first year has a GDP of 2%, that’s an increase of 5.5% from last year, and double Trump’s 4 year average).
It’s impossible to be an engineer without good math skills, and you have not demonstrated any over the years.

It begs the question, did you get your degree from a Trump (or similar) school? (You know, the ones closed for being diploma mills with no accreditation, the ones Trump had to pay students back from and admit they were cons, fraudulent schools).
Something doesn’t add up.

Let's talk about altering the Supreme Court....

newtboy says...

That’s called politicizing the court, packing it with obviously hyper partisan activist (drunkard rapist) judges, then bringing otherwise completely invalid lawsuits so they can improperly rule in your favor based on political affiliation, not the law. Their cases had no chance in a fair or balanced court because they have no merit. That is a bastardization of how the law works, and a recipe for the end of the union.
(And your idea that the right doesn’t bring obviously losing cases to court is hilariously ignorant, for just one glaring example, look at the 62 election cases laughed out of court, tried as political theater, never having a snowball’s chance in hell of winning without complicit, partisan judges ruling solely based on who appointed them.)

WRT “the abortion issue” (and the nation destroying ploy to end run the courts rulings),remember, states claiming they can overrule federal law (specifically contradicted in the constitution btw) is EXACTLY what caused the civil war. It’s astonishing trying to overrule federal law with a state law isn’t a felony, it’s definitely unconstitutional.

Previous rulings have been overturned, but never before just ignored with the OK from the highest court. They just ruled themselves out of power, because if their ruling can be circumvented so easily or just ignored by states outright, they might as well close shop and go home….ending the USA.

Newsom is proving that by enacting the same measures against guns in California. If you think that will stop at ghost guns and assault rifles, or that other states won’t follow suit, you’re dumber than I give you credit for.

bobknight33 said:

The fact that cases are now before the court is because some conservatives feel there is a chance to have their cases win.

Why bring these case before the supreme court if you know you would have a high likely to loose. All the cost time and effort.

WRT to the abortion issue .If overturned it just means that the decision goes back to the states.

Overturning a previous opinions has occurred and will occur in the future .

newtboy (Member Profile)

The FBI failed America

US sues to block TX abortion law

bobknight33 says...


Yep I'm shitty with grammar and spelling But I can fix anything and hold my own in front any Dr. or C suite within my field of expertise.

Personal experience? BSEET Penn State.
33 years as a medical Field service Engineer.

28 years working for Global conglomerates and 5 years in house at UNC Chapel hill NC.
I’ve been with Siemens Medical and General Electric most of my career.
I’ve serviced/ install Cathlabs, Vascular labs, Rad/ RF rooms and Mammo rooms. Plus others.

Last 20 years installing / servicing Medical Ultrasound.
This includes Cardiac, Radiology ultrasound and Woman’s health, OBGYN
I’ve seen more ultrasounds hearts and heartbeats than you can imagine..
Being Hippa compliant, I look at images for quality and for servicing.

All the Techs I talk to say the same . Heartbeat starts about the 6 to 10 week of pregnancy
And yes there are images that capture this along with all the other images and measurements. Doppler is used for this.

Per quick Google search
When does the heartbeat show on ultrasound?
A fetal heartbeat may first be detected by a vaginal ultrasound as early as 5 1/2 to 6 weeks after gestation. That's when a fetal pole, the first visible sign of a developing embryo, can sometimes be seen. But between 6 1/2 to 7 weeks after gestation, a heartbeat can be better assessed.

Your fucking up the wrong tree today. Go back to being the big guy at you high school.

You can even do this at home

newtboy said:

Now, again I ask…what’s your personal experience on this topic? I’m absolutely certain it’s less, there’s no way an 8th grade dropout works in medicine. You have no experience and no education, no understanding, no knowledge at all, just what bubba dun told you down to da boars nest.

It’s what there is at 6 weeks. The whole thing is less than a newt in the egg, no limbs, 1/2 the size of a pea….the heart isn’t formed at all. Get someone to read for you, watch a film, this isn’t hard info to find if you remove your head from your anus. Look at real medical sites, not anti abortion propaganda sites, they lie, exaggerate, and obfuscate.

US sues to block TX abortion law

newtboy says...

Jane you ignorant slut…..MY tangent straw men!?! Lol!!! You mean like how many ultrasound techs I’ve known!? Or what my personal hands on experience is….as if one can only have an opinion on abortion or knowledge of the stages of development if they are ultrasound techs. Aaaaaahahahaha. That must be good meth.
Ok, here….again…. Illiterate Fool: you aren’t so blatantly hypocritical that you are both anti choice and anti mandatory vaccination, are you?

No one said it makes one a doctor besides you. Another paper tiger you set up for yourself. It’s not clever, you aren’t “winning”, you need your Ritalin.

My degree is general science, so I’m actually qualified to answer general science questions like this one. What’s your degree in again?

Bob, if you won’t or can’t read, there’s no point repeating myself again….Your question, replete with grammatical errors, was answered multiple times above. Reading comprehension is obviously not a strong suit for you.

In short, my hands on knowledge is decades of science education well beyond biology, necessarily including basic medical education (like topics like this), a continuing curiosity about how things work that keeps me up to date on most mainstream science including medical breakthroughs and quackery like your arguments, and ties to the Stanford medical community because my mother edited all their publications for decades, forwarding me the most interesting advancements they made, often before they were published.

Now, again I ask…what’s your personal experience on this topic? I’m absolutely certain it’s less, there’s no way an 8th grade dropout works in medicine. You have no experience and no education, no understanding, no knowledge at all, just what bubba dun told you down to da boars nest.

It’s what there is at 6 weeks. The whole thing is less than a newt in the egg, no limbs, 1/2 the size of a pea….the heart isn’t formed at all. Get someone to read for you, watch a film, this isn’t hard info to find if you remove your head from your anus. Look at real medical sites, not anti abortion propaganda sites, they lie, exaggerate, and obfuscate.

bobknight33 said:

What was you question of me? One gets tired of you tangent straw man arguments and can get lost in you incoherent gibberish.

Also reading some books and tagging along with you mom at the hospital does not make you a Doctor or any medical official.

Your medical degree is in what?

Yet you haven't responded to this simple question...


Elitist Tool:
What actual hands on knowledge you you fucking have about this topic?

Or is this you response...
You saw a 6 week old cell clusters twitch ..

Was this a YouTube or your spent jizz left in the fridge as a "scientific" study?

Removal of Asian giant hornet 'murder hornet' nest

Asian giant hornet nest destroyed in Washington

Victorian Gents Toilets at Rothesay Isle of Bute Scotland

This Electrician rigged his van to stop tool thieves

noims says...

Presumably in at least parts of the US it would be ok to just shoot the thief, but setting a trap is grounds for a suit.

I'm sure there's logic there. Somewhere.

spawnflagger said:

hope this guy gets to keep his shocker installed (assume UK). In USA that's a lawsuit waiting to happen... sadly the thief could sue the vehicle owner for their injuries, even if they admit they were trying to break in and steal stuff.

GOP Try to Rewrite the History of the Jan 6th Insurrection

newtboy says...

Accidental Upvote, screen jerked. Someone please downvote the lie above for me.

Yes, rewriting with lies and false, ever evolving stories they can't keep straight.
If you're going to be a liar, you better be smart or you won't be able to remember the you.
Your life is nothing but lies and false stories. We all saw what happened live on tv, but you trust liar Trump over your own eyes and ears and the Everest of evidence you Maga morons left online...months of planning. Not one Antifa member has been arrested, not one BLM member, (the guy who once said black lives do matter doesn't count, I know it's all you've got) but hundreds and hundreds of stupid short bus Trumptards are awaiting prison because Trump told them to overthrow the government and make him president again. They said this repeatedly on camera. This was not business as usual, these were not peaceful protesters nor peaceful visitors, it was an armed, violent, quite deadly attempted coup. When you try a coup, you are an insurrectionist. As part of the mob rioting inside the capitol building, every single one is complicit in 5 deaths and should go away for life. If they WERE BLM or Antifa, you would agree.

You are the liar. You only tell false stories....constantly, and then hide like a baby when they are proven to be lies time and time and time again.

Your failed election/insurrection lies so far....
Trump won an election....that has never happened.
There was massive election fraud by democrats.
There was no attack on the capitol.
Trump wasn't involved at all.
Trump didn't tell them to attack.
Trump did everything possible to stop them.
There wasn't any violence.
It was really all BLM and Antifa, not Trumpists.
It was led by BLM and Antifa, who tricked Trumpists.
No one was armed.
It was planned by Pelosi.
It was planned by McConnell to please Pelosi.
It was a normal day and just some normal visitors acting appropriately.
Trump isn't so stupid that he stared directly into an eclipse on national television.....sorry, I guess that's unrelated, but still a failed lie.

Your idiotic bullshit is never ending....just saying baseless factless nonsense until people are so sick of it they ignore you, then calling that winning. Hint, that's losing like a spoiled baby everyone dislikes, not winning.

For you....Barry Morphew was charged with first-degree murder for the death of his wife Suzanne Morphew, but that didn't stop him from casting a ballot in her name for Donald Trump. Republicans actually murdered their loved ones to commit voter fraud for Trump, and he still lost in a historic landslide. Remove all the cheating, frauds, road blocks, voter purges, etc, Biden would have 75% of the vote, loser.

Second one for you....Trump is charging his secret service detail almost $200000 a year, $400 a day every day for one small room at Maralago to be near enough to protect him. No other ex president has EVER charged their security detail to stay on their property, I guess Trump is either so broke he really needs every tax payer penny he can squeeze out or so unpatriotic he just wants to keep sticking it to America....most likely both. Your hero, convicted fraud and charity thief who raised the debt in 4 years of a recovered economy as much as Obama in 8 years of recovering from the last Republican recession/depression....Your "financial genius".

And a third Trumptard snowflake story for today....7 republican majority counties in Oregon that make up 2% of the population voted to secede from Oregon and join Idaho because they hate the liberal majority but think they shouldn't move, the state needs to change to suit them, giving up over 75% of the state, most of which doesn't want this, so they can not live in a liberal state. Talk about whining little bitches. Your party is Benjamin Buttoning back into this rate, by 2022 we can just abort you. Lmfahs!

bobknight33 said:

Not rewriting, Just correcting the lies/ false stories.

Pike County Sheriffs Beat And Mace Man In Restraint Chair

C-note says...

Fired is not enough.
Arrest, Trial, Conviction and Sentencing should follow.
Then the Civil suit should make him pay monetary damages to his victim.
His broken hand and the video showing how he broke his hand is more then enough to make any lawyer 6 figures.

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