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Engine Trouble

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Have Some Fear Salad

Have Some Fear Salad

JustSaying says...




Not clicking that video.

Spiders are bad enough. Just typing the word makes me check that sudden feeling on my leg. Nothing crawling there. For now.

But Salad on top of that? Now you're pushing it...

Have Some Fear Salad

StukaFox says...

Yo, fuck those Golden Orb Spiders! We don't have them here in the US, but we do have these huge Argiope spiders -- commonly called Orb Web Spiders -- and the damned things are both huge and easily walked into at face height. Despite being allegedly 'docile', the only time I've been bitten by a spider (twice) is by one of those bastards. So yeah, those bastards are born free: free to go fuck themselves!

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Huntsmen are lovely little fellows - it's the golden orb spiders that eek me out.

Have Some Fear Salad

Have Some Fear Salad

Science Superlatives of 2015

newtboy says...

How long before someone designs a space elevator made of limpet teeth? Are we going to be seeing limpet-spider-goats next year? They'd be right at home on a farm with man-bear-pigs.
The new AFMs sound amazing. I wonder, how many assumptions will be proven wrong just by seeing what's actually happening?

A Hole Full of NOPE!

SDGundamX says...

That gave me goosebumps all the way up my back... and I like spiders, too! But man, just seeing that big crawling mass of black brings out some kind of instinctual recoil in me.

The surgical process for male to female sex reassignment

JustSaying says...

Tried to watch it a second time. Yep, nope. Nope, nope, nope. Not gonna happen.
I'm gonna go and watch some videos of spiders now to calm me down.

How to Repair a Wobbly Toilet Seat

No One Confuses Smeagol & Gollum On Stephen's Watch

ant jokingly says...

Yeah, wipe those spiders out. Ants hate them!

JustSaying said:

You shouldn't name a spider anything, you should kill it. With fire. While screaming like a girl.

No, wait! That's wrong.

'like a girl' is insulting to females. I'm sorry. I should've known better. Scream like a panicing individual.

No One Confuses Smeagol & Gollum On Stephen's Watch

JustSaying jokingly says...

You shouldn't name a spider anything, you should kill it. With fire. While screaming like a girl.

No, wait! That's wrong.

'like a girl' is insulting to females. I'm sorry. I should've known better. Scream like a panicing individual.

Spider's dance moves for life

Peacock Spider Dances to YMCA

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