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Spider-Man: Homecoming First Trailer

Guy dresses up as dog's favorite toy

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Spawn - The Rise of Image Comics

shagen454 says...

I had all of those comics. Not even that, I had multiple versions of many of them, cover variations, different bags with different cards. All the first appearances, Amazing Spider Man this, X-Factor that, New Mutants up the ass - my favorite was the first appearance of Cable. I don't even know what happened to all of those comics. The only comics I still have are all of the first Akira comics and Sin City and my friend Aaron Shunga 's shit ( because those are actually good. But yeah, go make some shit.

She's so big she makes a noise when she moves

She's so big she makes a noise when she moves

When your art is too realistic

Babymech says...

If they're going to coach actors on anything they should start with "don't freak out after the guy has turned around, when you would literally be unable to see the scary spider." It's like they're scared because the spider disappeared.

Still, the spider on his back - that's real right? Looks pretty convincing.

poolcleaner said:

Why is he scribbling all over an optical illusion? At least coach the actor in the concept of drawing lol

Portia Spiders Are Capable of Learning and Problem Solving

Engels says...

I agree. Genius may be overstating things. That said, knowing that you have to drop in on the prey in their blind spot is something I'd think wolves or cats would do, but wee little spiders? That's adorable and scary!

Portia Spiders Are Capable of Learning and Problem Solving

ChaosEngine says...

Amazing photography, but....

Ok, the jumping and the eyesight is impressive, but mapping the world in 3 dimensions... I would have said almost any animal is capable of that, otherwise, they would spend their time bumping into things.

As for learning and problem solving, the video doesn't really give any indication as to how we know that. Sneaking up on your prey and avoiding the potentially dangerous parts of it is something almost all predators do. It hardly qualifies as "genius".

I'm not saying the spider isn't clever (well, clever for something with a brain the size of a pinhead), but this doesn't really give a good example of that.

Portia Spiders Are Capable of Learning and Problem Solving

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

My God, It's Full of St...Spiders

Angua1 says...

It's the reflection of light off the back of their eyes. When I walk the dogs or run early in the morning I wear a cap with led lights on the brim - exactly the right spot for this kind of reflection to shoot back so I can see it - different angle than if I was holding a flashlight. Anyway, with this light I noticed the reflection off deer eyes is greenish, more muted with rabbits, very bright with raccoons and foxes. And then one day I thought i noticed some bright tin foil or something sparkly on the ground - nope spider eyeballs! In the fall the sparkles on the ground are amazing. I highly recommend experimenting with using a led flashlight in the fall. It's very cool to find critters, including spiders, this way.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

My God, It's Full of St...Spiders


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