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Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

newtboy says...

It’s what he is trying to stop the FBI from looking at (3 weeks after they seized it-HA). Sorry, do you think the public will get to see the unredacted list of exactly what secrets they found there? Good luck, that’s classified. What we do have is a list of how many, and what classification was found, and that includes the highest level of classification never allowed outside secure locations (nuclear secrets would be in that category).
Be clear, nuclear secrets covers a ton, not just the launch codes some suspect.
P.s. based on past behavior, he may still have nuclear secrets too.
Also be clear, Trump’s legal team has made no moves at all to ask for more openness or less secrecy, the media has. Trump’s team has made a half assed attempt to keep even the FBI and DOJ from reviewing them with clearance in secure locations, trying to hide what he stole from anyone. Lol.

Where is it? Either the FBI or DOJ.

If being curious enough to investigate the things I don’t know AND the things I do know to be sure I’m correct in my memory is elitist, fine.
If calling out made up nonsense and liars is elitist, I’ll accept that gladly.
If debating using facts from reliable cited sources and reason is elitist, mea culpa.

Can you define the mindset, or would any definition suit you more than me so it’s better to not define your insult?
Elite-the most powerful, rich, gifted, or educated members of a group, community, etc. I am none of those, I might be one of the better researchers with a decent, not great education. The internet makes us all equal in knowledge if you know how to research….hint, it’s not by reading one article that tells you only what you already believe. I’m not the most rich, powerful, or educated here…are you calling me gifted?
…and you say you’re rich, educated, and I bet you think gifted….aren’t you elitist? You definitely think you know it all despite being demonstrably wrong near 100% of the time on any subject.

No, sorry friendo, you are an immense asshole constantly to nearly everyone, both personally and politically. I’m an asshole to you, because I believe that’s what liars deserve, and you lie constantly and absolutely never admit you were mistaken (why I say you lie and weren’t just incorrect).

bobknight33 said:

Trump HAD nuclear secrets????????????
Sorry where is this information ?

Don't need to be rich to be an elitist. Its a mindset and you , my friend have the disease.

I'm rich and only a small fraction of the asshole you are.

Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

bobknight33 says...

Trump HAD nuclear secrets????????????
Sorry where is this information ?

Don't need to be rich to be an elitist. Its a mindset and you , my friend have the disease.

I'm rich and only a small fraction of the asshole you are.

newtboy said:

Talk about being delusional. Trump HAD nuclear secrets (and/or other national secrets of the same highest possible level secrecy classification and danger levels never to be kept or read outside secure facilities designed to safeguard such sensitive information.) and thinks it’s fine he stole them. That’s delusional.

If he still any, he should absolutely be shot for treason at first sight by any and every patriot regardless of party, right?

What can’t he hold? Anything not actually officially declassified on Jan 20, 2020.
This includes all top secrets and nuclear secrets he cannot declassify himself, and 700 pages of classified documents he did not declassify before stealing them on his way out the door. His claim “anything I took was automatically declassified” is nonsense. That’s not how declassification works at all….you know that.

Where can’t he hold it? In boxes in the hallway outside the unlocked basement in his club where foreign nationals are allowed to wander freely, where Chinese and now Russian spies are KNOWN to have penetrated carrying bags of surveillance and recording equipment, spyware ready to install, etc. Even frat boys have just wandered in off the beach to these areas. It makes Clinton’s server look like Fort Knox.

There’s no enlightening you. You prefer to live in the dark. It’s easier to make up lies and convince yourself of nonsense if you never look at reality. Any facts you dislike you simply discard, thinking your magic mantra, “fake news”, protects you from reality. Any lies you find comforting you simply believe and absolutely refuse to consider reality. It’s a serious mental issue, and if Reagan hadn’t defunded national mental health care, you would be institutionalized, but the right prefers the insane to be among us because they tend to vote Republican.

This answer has nothing to do with the Majestic Spaghetti Monster….I don’t know what you mean….

…but stupid elitists are on the right, they’re the ones who took millions in ppp loan forgiveness (often for fraudulent ppp loans for employees they didn’t have) but claim $10k to poor people trying to become educated will ruin the nation, turn us communist, bankrupt us, etc.. It’s fine if billionaires get handouts of multiple trillions, not a peep of concern then, but not those struggling with crushing debt from fake schools like Trump’s that stole their money for a completely worthless piece of paper and zero education….the same millionaires up in arms over the poor getting $10k took hundreds of thousands to millions despite making the equivalent of over $250k (and millions if they cheat, which the ALL did, insider trading is the norm from the right).

Elitist?! 😂 again, we live with 2 people on under $40k in California….near poverty level. Hard to be elitist and in poverty at the same time. Elitists are people making $250k, another million in insider trading profits, and $3 million in forgiven loans who complain poor people shouldn’t get $10k rebates, but they should get more tax breaks. That’s an elitist stupid answer, it came directly from your Republican representatives like MTG.

I’m not rich, I’m stable. We have no debts, property taxes of only $1250, and I grow over 50% of our food. We live better than most middle class, including international vacations almost yearly, 4 cars, all the top notch organic produce we can eat, a swimming pool size koi pond, Solar, an orchard, no government handouts, etc. all on poverty level income. I’ve never shirked a debt, not once. I’ve never even walked away from an obligation. If you were capable of taking in new information, you would know all that because I’ve told you repeatedly.

Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

newtboy says...

>50% chance of sterility and other lifelong severe health issues, 10% chance of death…EVERY FUCKING TIME they deny this type of medical necessity abortion, with zero chance of the fetus surviving to term under any circumstances, not that that would benefit anyone to torture a baby with an excruciating pain filled minimal temporary life of suffering like that would cause.
Proof it’s never been about saving life, it’s all about forcing their religious dogma on everyone, seizing power over people’s lives.

Forget the fact that there’s no chambered heart to beat until around 12 weeks, and not a functional heart with working muscle tissue able to pump any fluid until after 20 weeks, so the entire premise is based on lies, intentional misidentifying a nerve twitch as a “heartbeat” despite there being no heart at all to beat….almost like they think they thought the con through despite not possessing a functioning brain.

Waiting for @bobknight33 to say he knows better because he does routine maintenance on ultrasound machines (but has no biology or anatomy education). Sorry, Slingblade, that doesn’t give you knowledge.

It’s not hard to be a Republican with a heart and a mind, it’s absolutely impossible.


newtboy says...

Sorry Bob, THIS is what indoctrination looks like, not one anecdotal edited man-on-the-street interview where they make it SEEM like one guy can’t answer their question so claim no one can, but policy espousing one demented, delusional, ignorant take on the founding fathers created by people who clearly never read what the founding fathers actually wrote on the subject.

bobknight33 said:

Infantile Memes

Beto O’Rourke “It May Be Funny To You, Mother F*#ker”

Fed charges four officers in death of Breonna Taylor

newtboy says...

Yes, shot 5 bystanders as I recall, then they had a press conference where they minimized by saying “some bystanders were injured during the arrest”, never mentioning it was only police who shot….and they shot directly into a crowd of bystanders.
This is why I despise police. They’re often much worse than the “criminals”, do more damage, and walk away without so much as a “sorry” for shooting 5 people, much less accountability….in fact I recall the same chief, after hiding the details failed, blaming the victims for being on the public sidewalk after dark (in a nightclub/bar area) when police opened fire without warning.

I’ve still NEVER seen this mythological “good apple”.
It’s maddening.

luxintenebris said:'s the situation where a person doesn't burn down the house to get to the cockroaches...unless the house is condemned...and there are fire folks at the ready...and the vegetation isn't too dry...damn it...just want some sense when lives are in the balance.

where it'd be like shooting into a crowd to get a perp. akin to the recent event - where cops shot into a crowd to get a perp!

Conservatives VS KKK : Spot The Difference

newtboy says...


Bongino….what did he say about the ongoing successful raid on Maralago, where Trump previously admitted taking boxes and boxes of top secret classified documents he stole from the whitehouse and kept them unsecured in unlocked, unguarded rooms but refused to turn them over to investigators?
He parroted Trump, saying “Third world bullshit.”. Sorry, but in the third world, they don’t get warrants and wait over a year for disgraced politicians to turn over top secret documents they stole and were directed by the courts to produce. They just murder him and his family and take them.

Courts demanded in 21 that every document be produced for examination and any secret or top secret documents must be returned immediately without copies being made. Trump and his team produced a few pages and claimed they were still looking for the other 15 boxes of classified documents they had misplaced (handed to Russia?).

It should be noted, the FBI has already said they found at least some of those classified documents in this raid and recovered them….meaning not only was the raid by the book, but the stolen property was in fact recovered from Trump’s residence. D’oh!!

Unauthorized removal or retention of classified documents is a federal crime punishable by up to five years in prison per offense. Ask Snowden, or Manning. Trump had over 15 boxes of these stolen secrets….lemme guess…nothing burger, right? But Clinton retaining some sensitive (not secret or classified) documents should be a life sentence.

The only third world bullshit is the disgraced ex president that tried to turn America into a third world dictatorship and the anti American cultists that are still helping him do it.

bobknight33 said:

Nice to see you watch fox.

Here some more.
Democrats are the party of racism.

Thoughts and Prayers - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

cloudballoon says...

Don't need to add the "sarcasm" check though. You, no, WE better mean every word of it.

I had a raging LMAO moment reading what BS that Hungary's Viktor Orban's said at Dallas' CPAC yesterday: "A Christian politician cannot be racist."


Right.... it's exactly racists, far-right fanatics like these people that organized religions of any significant size should be eliminated in the eye of a decent person, reglious or not.

Even though the current Pope Francis (very progessive for a Catholic) recently came up here in Canada for a “penitential pilgrimage” to say "sorries" to the natives that were forced into boarding schools for decades that tried to erase their history, culture, language, ripping children away from their parents by force and caused thousands upon thousands of unrecorded deaths, his actions & tangible response for reparation & restoration amounted to very little. He didn't have the courage to call it a genocide in public, but caught saying so in a hot mic in his plane ride back to Italy... NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

newtboy said:

Their intolerance must not be tolerated.

Color video of Albert Einstein actually explaining E=mc2

BSR says...

Sorry. I slept in math class. Boooring.

newtboy said:

K.E. = 1/2 m v2
E = m v2 (only when v=c)
Does equation 2 include equation 1 or not?
Does total system energy E = 1.5m v2 (kinetic energy + mass-energy) or is the equation really E = 1/2m c2 + (K.E.)?


luxintenebris (Member Profile)

Good Liars are really sorry - really, they are :)

luxintenebris (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ok Bob. Do you want to admit you are a number of agents who post nonsense as bobknight33, or that you are a single person with the memory of a gnat, because I’ve told you a few dozen times what I do. Those are the only two reasonable explanations for you needing to ask. I won’t bother repeating myself again, you won’t remember in an hour anyway.

I’ve got time for news, and the right’s slanted/fake alternative facts…. “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles….”….sorry, thoughtless of me to think you would appreciate Sun Tzu. I’ll simplify, I get the better of you every time because I’m informed, you fail every time because you don’t even understand your own positions, you’re just regurgitating what you were fed.

I see enough of the hearings to have a clue. I record them. I know you haven’t watched a second as you were instructed not to so your “leaders” can spin it as they choose and you won’t know better. God forbid some evidence or testimony opens your eyes.

bobknight33 said:

Wow Dick Tracy on the watch.
Thanks Dick.

You don't work do you ?
You have way too much time that you waste on slanted/ fake stories.

You must be glued to the Jan 6 hearings.
Stupid but still better than any TV show.

Good parenting

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

newtboy says...

Jesus… Where do you get your fake statistics? 40 during Trump’s tenure? What asinine nonsense.
Sorry buddy, there were 323 mass shootings (4 or more shot) in 2018 alone. 434 In 2019. 614 in 2000.

Or are you saying Trump was not really president then…or ever?

693 in 2021 under Biden, an increase but massive slowdown in the increase…what cons call a cut when talking about the military budget.

It’s telling that you never…NEVER cite your sources…obviously because you are embarrassed to say who suckers you into believing nonsense.

Wait…did you just claim GOD gave you your civil rights and constitutional freedoms? Then why do you oppose his long standing decision that abortion was a constitutional …and moral, ethical, God given right?

Edit: Also, the Christian God absolutely undeniably prohibits you from killing others, so what gives you the idea he also gave you the right to carry around instruments of death and use them at the slightest perceived provocation?
You must worship some other god…or do you contradict god’s commandments because you know better? Does your god also give you the right to a secret Ashley Maddison account? To covet and take your neighbor’s property and family? Clearly your god allows you to lie. You probably work on Saturday, the sabbath mentioned in those commandments, don’t you?
Bob, what god are you talking about? It’s not the Judeo/Christian god.

bobknight33 said:

Mass shootings/presidents in office
Reagan- 31
Bush- 18
Clinton- 54 *
Bush- 49
Obama- 132*
Trump- 40
Biden- 147 (so far)
...Mass shootings" comprise about 1% of all gun-related homicides in America. Just noise. Not worth targeting with legislation.
According to 0bama's own CDC study, guns are used to prevent crimes between 750K and 1.5 million times per year.
Mass sh*oting fatalities: About less than 900.
Mass k*l l ings of unarmed citizens by socialist governments in the last 100 years: Bbetween 100 million & 260 million DURING PEACE TIME.
Allowing ANY government to begin the process of UNVERSAL registering and confiscating your g u n s through monetary pressures is the beginning of total tyranny, SUBJUGATION, slavery and Mass S l a u g h t e r of the non-elite class, which is most people.
the question is, do most people care enough to protect & fight for their God given freedoms of self-defense against evil??

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