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newtboy (Member Profile)

Tom Hardy Aggressively Responds To Sexuality Question.

Bruti79 says...

Yeah, yeah, yeah, *shakes head* Toronto media goes two for two on mucking up Tom Hardy questions. It was a Toronto reporter that asked him the Mad Max "chick flick" question in Cannes.

Man, our media is terrible. =(

Most Entertaining Satanist

A tanker captain threads the needle...

Soylent Commercial

Soylent Commercial

AeroMechanical says...

The thing is, there are already well established nutrition supplement shakes that have been around for years with lots of clinical data to support their effectiveness, and moreover they cost less than half as much as Soylent. You can find them at every grocery story and pharmacy. I myself tend to keep a 12 pack of the generic equivalent of Ensure Plus around for when I oversleep or get home too late to cook or something and it's better to slug one down than to miss a meal.

Magician Shin Lim Fools Penn and Teller

lucky760 says...

I've watched much of the clip at 1/4 speed and learned a little. SPOILER ALERT.

The marker vanishes are now definitely obvious. The first time he slips it into his vest. The second time he flips it to the back of his fingers then drops his hand behind him and discards it.

So, the vest definitely does come into play a lot. He also pushed a card into the lower opening in his vest at about 3:45 while misdirecting by spinning a card in his other hand.

That's all good and fine, but other things are not simple sleight of hand.

At 5:10 with his back turned he shows us the signed card with the hand behind his back. Then in full view he simply turns the card against his back. Then his other hand raises up from the other side of his body to reveal the "same" signed card. (The one that was in view, btw, he tucks up into his vest at this point, keeping in hand the blank that was paired with it.) The only possible explanation for the same card being in two places at once is there must be multiple copies of each signed card, which means he has stooges who sign the exact same way every time or he has a technological advantage like others have mentioned (tiny scanner and printer).

The other thing that confounds is how he has a signed card in one hand and a stack of cards in the other. Then in full view the tall stack shrinks down to (approximately) one card and the single card grows into a stack instantaneously. I guess there must be some kind of technological solution to this as well, but I don't know how a functional stack of cards (and not just the appears of a stack of cards) could collapse and appear... unless they aren't functional and it's a trick deck that can easily expand or shrink to look like a deck or single card.

At 6:00 when he just shakes the bag and the signed card inside changes to the other signed card, I think he just flips the bag around with his shake motion and that the single card is printed on the front with one signature card and the other signature card on the back.

That's the only thing that makes sense... which again requires a special scanner and printer setup... I guess.

enoch (Member Profile)

NASA | Laser Focus

fallout 4 trailer

poolcleaner says...

Man, that movie is so good as a comedy. Wahlberg is pretty funny, but dude, John Leguizamo cracks me up the entire time. Literally every look on his face is "Did I just pee in my pants a little?"

And the way his hair shimmy shakes while he's realizing his demise, with a back lit calming sun... brilliant. Brilliant comedy.

Almost as funny as the scene in Pet Cemetery when the little boy is run over by that truck and his shoes go rolling off into the middle of the road with his little feet still inside. That'll give some nightmares, but wow, the way the dad reacts with his epic "Noooooooo-Noooo-Noooooooooooo" with his hair wiggling in slow-mo with a beautiful sheen, I can't help but laugh out loud every time!!

Oh, here's the clip:

JustSaying said:

Can I play as the 'The Happening' Version of Mark Wahlberg?

Smarter Every Day - The Archer's Paradox

jimnms says...

I don't see fist bumps much, but when I do, it's like @eric3579 said, they're usually between friends, after accomplishing something to express how awesome it was and a high-five just won't cut it. I've never personally seen anyone substitute a fist bump for a hand shake, but I have heard that people that have a fear of hand shakes and/or germs do substitute fist bumps for hand shakes.

As for your story, if the guy had been changing oil on cars all day, he may have offered the fist bump as an alternative to a high-five or hand shake out of courtesy because his hands were dirty.

lucky760 said:

I don't tend to see anyone fist-bumping anyone in real life.

Funny story (that my wife and I often chuckle about): I was fist-bumped exactly once that I can remember, but it's the why that's so funny. Employee at an oil change shop was talking to me and asked about my kids. I told him I have two boys. He then told me he had two boys. Then he, with all of his Hispanic machismo glory, nodded with a knowing grin and said these exact words: "That's right. Real men know how to make boys." Then he reached his fist out to me and as I guffawed with laughter inside and was perplexed by his infant-like nonsensical logic hesitantly reached up to allow the fist-bump to happen so as not to leave him hanging.

Now every time we discuss the fact that we have two boys either I or my wife will say with a straight face "That's right. Real men know how to make boys." and we'll give one another a deadpan fist-bump before we simultaneously bust up with laughter.

Smarter Every Day - The Archer's Paradox

lucky760 says...

If that's a problem for him, he shouldn't be initiating physical skin-to-skin contact with other people. Or, he *could* give him a pat on the back.

I'm not a fan of the fist bump. I feel it's too ghetto and impersonal. I haven't taught my kids to do that. Every time someone tries to give them a fist-bump I explain they don't do that and to please shake their hand instead if they must do something.

I wouldn't want my boys entering a board room and greeting the CEO with a fist-bump. [Feel free to exchange "board room" with "operating room" or "courtroom" and "CEO" with "patient" or "judge."]

newtboy said:

What if it's done as a health issue? Shaking hands is a major disease vector, and if altering that social behavior just slightly can help us all stay safer, isn't that worth it?
I only fist bump these days. I'm not quite at Howie Mandel level, but I understand him. I always feel that if I'm going to shake your hand, I might as well go ahead and just give you a hug (and probably a pat on the back too), no?
But maybe that's just weird old me. ;-)

Smarter Every Day - The Archer's Paradox

newtboy says...

What if it's done as a health issue? Shaking hands is a major disease vector, and if altering that social behavior just slightly can help us all stay safer, isn't that worth it?
I only fist bump these days. I'm not quite at Howie Mandel level, but I understand him. I always feel that if I'm going to shake your hand, I might as well go ahead and just give you a hug (and probably a pat on the back too), no?
But maybe that's just weird old me. ;-)

lucky760 said:

That seems to me a very inconsiderate way of interacting with someone else "I'm comfortable with this behavior and despite that you almost definitely have never done this in your life, I'm going to make you do it as if it's normal because I don't give a shit what you are comfortable with."

That's not a pat on the back. A pat on the back is a pat on the back.

But maybe that's just cantankerous old me.



eric3579 says...

It be feelin' like the life that I’m livin' man, I don't control
Like every day I’m in a fight for my soul
Could it be that my medicine’s the evidence
For pigs to stop and frisk me when they rollin' round on patrol?
And ask “why you’re here?”
I just tell 'em cause it is what it is
I live here and that’s what it is
He chimed “you got a dime?
I said “Man, I’m tryin' to smoke and chill
Please don’t lock me up in front of my kid
And in front of my wife
Man, I ain’t got a gun or a knife
You do this and you ruin my life
And I apologize if it seems like I got out of line, sir
Cause I respect the badge and the gun
And I pray today ain't the day that you drag me away
Right in front of my beautiful son”
And he still put my hands in cuffs, put me in the truck
When my woman screamed, said “shut up”
Witness with the camera phone on
Saw the copper pull a gun and
Put it on my gorgeous queen
As I peered out the window
I could see my other kinfolk and
Hear my little boy as he screamed
As he ran toward the copper begged him not to hurt his momma
Cause he had her face down on the ground
And I’d be much too weak to ever speak what I seen
But my life changed with that sound

Get out, get out, get out, get out
Feeling this, feeling this too early
Get out, get out, get out, get out
Feeling this way, feeling this way
Feeling this, feeling this too early
Feeling this, feeling this early

It be feelin' like the life that I’m living man, I don’t control
Cause every day I’m in a fight for my soul
All hands below, high seas in a rickety boat
Smoke o’s, so the kid might cope
You want cash or hope, no clash, matter fact get both
Go without get turnt to ghosts
You know that's the law, deal done by the shake of claws
It ain't a game if the shit don’t pause
And I find you odd, so convinced in the truth of y’all
That the true truth’s truly gone
And yes there's a they, any time a man say there's not
Then you know that he lost the plot, what can I say?
Truth’s truth when denied or not, like its true crews ride the cock
Fair enough, the way that the beat bump do sound tough
I made it in the dark like Civil War surgery
Woke up in the same air you huff, early
By twelve o’clock the whole Earth felt dirty
Street Lamps stare when you walk watch the birdie
They’ll watch you walk to the store they’re recording
But didn’t record cop when he shot, no warning
Heard it go pop, might have been two blocks
Heard a kid plus pops watched, cop make girl bleed
Go to home, go to sleep, up again, early

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

bobknight33 says...

I don't think you like me very much.

How do you know that I am not a black person? Hint -Al Sharpton I'm not.

Racist? Disagreement of policies does not infer this .
Bigot? Look in the mirror.

So you are saying only white people are racist?
Chinese, Asian, Spanish peoples and Africans can't be racist?

I get it only White American can be racist.

as you say (I) "... have no idea "what's good for" black people."

Sure I do. It's the same thing we all want. A fair shake in life, to have a decent living and to have you children to do better than you.

Debasing yourself to name calling. Sad, very sad.

GenjiKilpatrick said:

You are not a black person.

You have no idea "what's good for" black people.

You're a racist.

You're a bigot.

You think that Republicans & the "Conservative Agenda" are the answer to EVERY question.

You're such a dolt, you think that just because White Racist of one political affiliation started the KKK..

That somehow White Racists from every other political affiliation are absolved from their bigotry & racism.

Ignorant, Already-Made-up-their-mind people like you and @lantern53 and @quantumushroom are the problem.

Privileged, Foolhardy, Uncultured, Willfully-ignorant, Hypocritical humans..
who will scream murder if the ANYTHING interferes with the pretty picture you have painted in your minds...

.. are the fucking problem that all minorities have to deal with.

Not liberalism or conservatism. Not Democrats or Republicans.

STFU. Go away. Please and thank you.

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