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When lighting a match goes wrong

fuzzyundies says...

This is literally EIA. He did almost everything wrong you could possibly do:

1. Drop the lit match into a pile of garbage while focusing on the burning box of matches.
2. Piling dry cardboard onto the burning garbage as if somehow that would smother it.
3. Repeatedly fanning the flames with a heavy blanket instead of trying to smother the flames and cut off oxygen.
4. Hitting a large uncontrolled pile of burning materials with a small amount of water that really just served to scatter the burning materials instead of putting them out.

I need to buy a new fire extinguisher. I actually just bought one for the kitchen (which specifically smothers without scattering grease or oil) but the package was stolen out of the mail room before I could pick it up. /rant

Jury Finds Kim Potter Guilty Of Manslaughter

Let's talk about altering the Supreme Court....

newtboy says...

Democrats are denied even a hearing for even their centrist picks (Garland) outrageously unconstitutionally, then Republicans pick FAR RIGHT politicos to replace moderate leftist judges. That was new, never before seen in our history.
Sotomayor and Karen are centrists, dumb shit. Kavenaugh and Barrett are extremist far right wingers….Barrett is barely even a judge, rushed in by a lame duck traitorous seditionist and his lackeys, directly contradicting their own excuse for not hearing Obama’s nomination. They actually admitted they rammed her through as fast as possible with the barest minimum of examination in order to pack the court in anticipation of them contesting the election results….admitted it before the election.
Kavenaugh and Barrett are both extremist Far right wingers, political activist judges, who lied in their confirmation, one is a multiple rapist, never investigated, the other a religious extremist with zero experience who said she would recuse herself on any issue of faith, but hasn’t recused herself from any.
Throw down the gauntlet?! Opposition to his nomination centered on his perceived willingness to roll back the civil rights rulings of the Warren and Burger courts, and his role in the Saturday Night Massacre during the Watergate scandal. On October 23, 1987, the Senate rejected Robert Bork's nomination to the Supreme Court by a roll call vote of 42—58. Bork's margin of rejection by the Senate remains, by percentage, the third-largest on record and broke a 142-year record for largest defeat of a Supreme Court nomination. A historic immediate bipartisan rejection because he was totally unsuited, and had undeniably tried to help Nixon cover up Watergate as acting AG by firing the special prosecutor at Nixon’s direction (the AG and deputy AG had quit when Nixon insisted)….*.
Absolutely nothing similar to Obama being denied a hearing for his picks for a year until his term ended….*. Holy shit! What stupidity.

There are far fewer “conservatives” today, the Republican Party is 26% of the population, not a majority.

Yes, they are throwing cases to the packed court as fast as possible before their stolen majority evaporates. I support a 15 justice Supreme Court with a constitutional amendment halting any further additions without a 2/3 majority….add 6 hyper liberals…no judicial experience necessary or even preferred…AOC would be great.

Why bring a case you might lose? Because cases are supposed to be heard on their merits, not based on political affiliation you ignorant cow. You think the Supreme Court should be a political wing of the right, choosing and deciding cases based on political affiliation, not the law, science, common sense, ethics, or precedent….but only when it serves you.

So, gun rights should be up to states? That’s the next step if you win that fight…the constitution dies and states decide everything….as civil war erupts. Great plan, so patriotic. Remember, California is big enough that when they require fingerprint scanners on all guns sold in the state, manufacturers will add them to all guns….when semi auto guns are banned, manufacturers will move to single shot guns….just like auto manufacturers changed their cars to meet our requirements. Is that your plan? Had you even considered what individual states being in control means? It means California becomes the leader of America, controlling the other states by means of our size, wealth, and international clout. Enjoy.

Not like this, it hasn’t. Never in American history has the court been politicized and weaponized against the will of the majority to ignore precedent (contrary to their oaths and confirmation statements) in order to overturn established law and constitutional rights as a political act. Never.

bobknight33 said:

To say that Republicans are politicizing the supreme court is nonsense. Democrats pick left leaning and Republicans pick right leaning. This is not new. Where were your complaints of politicizing when Sotomayor or Kagen were appointed?

But if you want to go there it started with Senator Ted Kennedy within minutes of Bork being picked by POTUS Reagen to be appointed took to the floor of the senate and thrown down the gauntlet.

They may be lean more conservative today however Its been leaning left last 50 years.

The fact that cases are now before the court is because some conservatives feel there is a chance to have their cases win.

Why bring these case before the supreme court if you know you would have a high likely to loose. All the cost time and effort.

WRT to the abortion issue .If overturned it just means that the decision goes back to the states.

Overturning a previous opinions has occurred and will occur in the future .

We're Not Gonna Take It - Mariah Carey Christmas Special

'Dead as a doornail' expression explained

LesliGmomran says...

The main thing is that this door will not serve for 3-4 years like the others, but it will last for many years, 10 years, and maybe it will be enough for a quarter

Mom Reads Sexually Explicit School Library Book to Board

BSR says...

So now you're an expert on deviants? You make it sound like a bad thing.

"Structural functionalism argues that deviant behavior plays an active, constructive role in society by ultimately helping cohere different populations within a society."

Perhaps "perverts" would serve you better.

bobknight33 said:

You know it Everyone knows it except deviants.

US sues to block TX abortion law

noseeem says...

Hee Hee.

It's just good fun. You pretend to know facts, so why not fight mud with mud?

Look, you're answer is no answer. Calling it murder makes you look unconscionably devoid. It has no merit. Also is an insult to the whole matter.

If life - other people's unformed, potential children - matter that much...then why not support Democrats?

They are the only ones seriously taking about national healthcare. NO GOP PLAN - isn't that true?

If you w/the holy staff, want children to be carried to full term, then prenatal care is a necessity. Data shows that the bulk of terminations are single parents with children. As a citizen of the USA, you KNOW that's tough enough. But no guy, no religious fart, that talks about "personal responsibility" yet offers no aid is sewer fodder.

Even adoption is a lie. Poll anyone at your church (if you do that sort of thing and are not independently enlightened) how many have adopted, bet it's not that much...if any.

It's a hard sell, amigo.

But do know there are foreseeable unintended deaths coming because of this bill if left in place - GO DOJ!!! Blissful Bob and his ilk will claim it did no such thing either.

Mean you no ill will (the devil you say) but your intent isn't being served by this notion that banning means solving.

[BTW: do you remember when the state of FL and Jeb Bush lost ~10,000 children in the foster care system? Sometime later he glowingly said they accounted for 99% of them? Meaning 100 kids could have been sex slaves, dead, or dating Matt Gaetz.]

bobknight33 said:

Using my words? from some other posted Video.

Fake news personnel also at this site?

Why should I be surprised.

Toxic Victimhood

newtboy says...

Let me educate you, John, if that's possible.
Why now?
Because now is when minorities have a voice and some power to back it up. Now is when the populace has finally decided that blatant racism is not just wrong, they should and can do something to counter it.

So ignorant. The same arguments racists have made for my entire lifetime....acknowledging and confronting racism make things worse for the victims. Just utter self serving nonsense from racists who don't like being called out.

Stossel lost his mind in the 80's and became a shill for the right.

Many Police Unions Pushing Back On Covid Vaccine Requirement

Dying in the name of freedom

noseeem says...

There's a good boy.

A failure of the previous president serves to cover the SNAFUs of the leadership of the present president. So it was ANOTHER FAILURE of Orango the Mango?


So what is distracting you from...

- the buffoonery of Chumpy's deal with the Taliban?
- seeing the irony of calling anyone a clown?
- your effrontery of being critical of 'distractions' (2016 - 20?)?!'s like you're making things up?

I.E. big talk from Cirus People.

TangledThorns said:

COVID is a distraction from buffoon Biden's fuck ups in Afghanistan. He is a complete clown.

Afghanistan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

luxintenebris says...

...and why is that necessary? are Democrats supposed to defend anything any party member does? right or wrong? it's too weird - acting as if this is some 'reality show'?

if anything, there is little connection between what americans, and what the Rs & Ds, wanted or signed up for.

it's a paradox that in the US we have wanted better systems for education, health, or elections that reflexed our true needs...and the government thought they could do it there...while we are STILL waiting to get it here?!!

dude, the truth is what matters. maybe alternative reality is your gig, but some of us rather deal in the IS and not blind faith.

If...and that is a huge 'if' want some real light on the subject...try this;

we were there to win hearts and minds, and we had a Republican administration to leave that charge?

see the example of a member of t͟h͟a͟t͟ glee and chess club above ˣ

signed up for rubbing out Bin Laden [and his pals], and after he was 'sleeping w/the fishes', our attention should have turned to the problems at home.

EX: again, see the comments above ˣ

didn't jump on the bandwagon for 'nation building' - especially when our nation is/was in need of repair at all most every level imaginable.

EX: like repeat, referred to the example of the commentator above ˣ

Finally, to quote the author of the article, "What happened last week was inevitable, and anyone saying differently is still lying to you."

[To the others, can anyone explain the 'beijing biden' thing? is it one of those off-right things? like covid not being dangerous? or masks are oppression? would ask him to explain but that's too much like asking a heavy one-legged gal to a slow dance.]

BTW: give some odds on the '22 and '24 races!

* crickets riding tumbleweeds *

ˣᵀᵃⁿᵍˡᵉᵈ ᵀʷᶦˢᵗᵉᵈ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵀᵒʳⁿ ᵀʰᵒʳⁿˢ

TangledThorns said:

Where are the Democrats to defend dear leader Beijing Biden?


That being said, the Democrats are doomed in 2022.

Oh, and in 2024 too!

As US Withdraws from Afghanistan, Refugees Must Be Evacuated

luxintenebris jokingly says...

first: a small request; Bob, use a spelling/grammar program.

second: a sincere observation; when has TT ever mentioned Afghanistan before? checked only the last 10 years of his posted comments.* Nix. Nil. Notta. More dead air than normal.

* [the Beck prediction is in the same league as bob's 'landslide' prognostication. the swing & miss league.]

then a few questions about his contentions...

- now he is concern about the Afghani women? too weird coming from our own Tali-ban-abortion tribesmen.
- would he know the mechanisms of the 25th? what the requirements are? obviously, stupidity isn't one. (orange you glad?!)

none of the events should have surprised anyone. personally, it was a bit like déjà vu. although not lived through, but seen easily with the mind's eye. highly predictable by many, long ago, and not so much psychic ability as an inevitability.

believe that the US presence did make an impression on the Afghanis. just hearing today's Taliban leadership words are so unlike those 20 years ago it's heartening. remember these were the folks that blew up historical items in the name of Mohammed/Allah. total trocklidites. at least they've learned PR and some knowledge of how the rest of the world views them.

will know how successful, if the country moves to the 17, 18, or 19th century? how will they keep the boy/girl on the opium farm after they've seen the big city?

what should happen, not in another country, but this one, is that the USA returns to a draft. or some required national service. the 'privatization' of the military and the all-volunteer service is a corrupt failure.

too many times, too many people talked about iraq/afghanstan and knew of NO service person serving there.

return it back to a collection of representation of ALL sections of the American people. when we don't know a single person in the conflict, the majority loses connection.

then, what should have been 3 years becomes 20 years.

can't find the speech but Geo Mason once talked about this very situation. essentially, he said; right now all levels of society are present in our fight for freedom, but what about the future?

he questioned whether the defense of the country would continue to be all citizens or descend into 'higher-ups' calling the shots and the lower in society actually doing the fighting and dying.

the last two wars have answered this.

'draft dodger' use to be derision, now it's a class of people.

(clinton, bush jr, trump...just to name a few)

in short, we ALL should have had a literally 'dog in the fight' that affects ALL of us. then, maybe, it ends when it is supposed to...or we try to lead by example instead of pounding bombs on people that don't want 'our way of life'...or we aren't so easily mislead as citizens.

it could be the one very powerful connection for ALL of the American people to keep ALL of US united.

* * * *
this is where I'd put a (but can't find an example of it) David Letterman monologue link where he said (believe it was Iraq, but still good as a comment on Afghanistan) to the effect of..."And the administration says we're going to bring democracy to them, upgrade their infrastructure, and improve their schools! And they say if it works there we're gonna try it here!"

so instead, something for the kids...

2011. not a new thing kiddies. roll that reality over your blistered tongues.

A brush with fentanyl almost killed this deputy trainee

newtboy says...

So many problems with this propaganda piece, now admittedly produced by the Sheriffs to show how dangerous their jobs are....just like almost everything police say, self serving lies.

I'm gonna add *lies and *debunked since all medical professionals agree this is not what a fentanyl overdose looks like in numerous ways and is almost certainly staged by terrible actors.

DOPESICK Official Trailer (2021)

newtboy says...

How long before Hulu makes a movie about insane anti vax cultists who don’t believe COVID is dangerous but when they get COVID are over running the medical systems in red states where vaccinations are falling behind to the point that no other illnesses or emergencies can be dealt with and even responsible vaccinated people are dying from lack of medical care, dying from non life threatening injuries and illnesses that minimal care would have prevented, but hospitals are full and clinics closed because their personnel were needed at local hospitals?

Can we please create a policy that, without a vaccine “passport”, no patient is allowed in any hospital that takes a dime in public funding? Let the right wing denier cultists die from the disease they deny exists, they said they gladly would, but in the quarantine cages set up in parking lots, not at home, not in hospital beds, but under freeway overpasses and lower level subterranean parking lots. No responsible vaccinated citizen should be turned away to serve the deniers like is happening in red states today, but they can’t be allowed back in public for weeks at a minimum.

NYPD Blue - This Is A Workin' Man, He's Not Stickin' Nobody

cloudballoon says...

That's just fantasy. Name ONE TV cop shows that's not PR for the Blues? At best, I hope this clip serves as an instructional video for the IRL cops. At worst, it's pure whitewash.

I pretty much watch any type of TV BUT cops shows except the British ones and the mystery whodunit mini-series like the recent Mare of Easttown.

I'm extremely glad that I live in Canada, and I live in a Toronto suburb, I don't need to fear police officers because I don't see them walking beats on main streets, they're just usually in their cruisers and/or hiding around dark/down-hill intersections to catch speeding cars. But Toronto downtown is another story I think, I see the occational news reports of police harrassment of PoC just like those in the US. But far, far less fatal.

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