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The Lord God Speaks thru Robertson-2011 predictions

gwiz665 says...

Lies because he's full of shit. He speaks like a soothsayer of the olde times. The reckoning he indicates is merely a politics, trying to get the Christian Right to vote republican. He did not "speak with god", no one speaks with god - he is a charlatan trying to drag money out of people who actually believe. Don't be suckered in by a false prophet.

*debunked *money
>> ^bobknight33:

Why lies? The man has done nothing to indicate this . He believes in GOD. There is nothing wrong with that.
>> ^gwiz665:

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Have you noticed a certain knee jerk reaction to certain topics on the Sift? Religion certainly provokes it.

I don't agree with the vocal group's position on Wikileaks, but have decided to stay silent. It isn't worth engaging on the topic. It'll just rile them.

Trying to figure out why the tag lies was put on this particular video, it probably has to do with a difference of opinion as to whether it is "truthful" that God actually spoke to Robertson. There are plenty of folks who believe in God who would not agree that God speaks especially to Pat.

In reply to this comment by bobknight33:
Why lies? The man has done nothing to indicate this . He believes in GOD. There is nothing wrong with that.

>> ^gwiz665:


The Lord God Speaks thru Robertson-2011 predictions

GeeSussFreeK (Member Profile)

Payback says...

Wasn't angry. Capitals and other formatting just used for effect. I apologize if I came off that way.

In reply to this comment by GeeSussFreeK:
You lost me completely. I understand the difference between legal and illegal. There is no meaningful distinction between something that has been decriminalized and legal. People use "decriminalized" to still place the moral bad sign on something while advocating it's non-criminal status; a way of labeling something bad and yet having it be legal. The phrase is all about having your moral cake, and eating it too. Didn't mean to excite your anger there, was just asking what you saw as a difference, if any, between something that is decriminalized, and something that is legal, because for me, it is semantically the same.

Hell Freezes Over! Pat Robertson Endorses Pot Legalization

Duckman33 says...

>> ^curiousity:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since August 1st, 2008" class="profilelink">GeeSussFreeK
This is bad in two ways: (1) the can be cut with harmful (varying degrees) substances to increase overall profit and (2) this can greatly affect the strength of the substance - which leads to accidental overdoses.

I'd like to see someone cut by buds with anything without me noticing it.

Love it when the replies get all messed up like this...

Hell Freezes Over! Pat Robertson Endorses Pot Legalization

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^curiousity:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since August 1st, 2008" class="profilelink">GeeSussFreeK
It is still illegal when it is decriminalized; it is typically that the punishment moves from the criminal justice system to a one that typically focuses on harm reduction for the individual caught. In a way it is like being taken to civil court instead of criminal court - you could have some punishment, but the risk of going to jail is gone.

Article about how Portugal's decriminalization works:

Interesting! You see, that is a misconception I had about decriminalization, that it was in essence removing all consequence from said action. Didn't realize it just changed it to a fine instead of time. Still less than ideal, and even more prone to abuse I would think...but a move in the right direction.

Duckman33 (Member Profile)

Hell Freezes Over! Pat Robertson Endorses Pot Legalization

GeeSussFreeK says...

You lost me completely. I understand the difference between legal and illegal. There is no meaningful distinction between something that has been decriminalized and legal. People use "decriminalized" to still place the moral bad sign on something while advocating it's non-criminal status; a way of labeling something bad and yet having it be legal. The phrase is all about having your moral cake, and eating it too. Didn't mean to excite your anger there, was just asking what you saw as a difference, if any, between something that is decriminalized, and something that is legal, because for me, it is semantically the same.

>> ^Payback:

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
I understand the political difference, in the world of real things, I don't understand there to be any difference. What do you see as the big difference?

No big difference? Illegal is NOTHING like criminal, but nor is it LEGAL.
Would you want to walk beside, or ride a bike along, a street after speeding was deemed legal?
How about driving in a city that legalized running red lights and stop signs?
How about investing when the SEC legalizes misleading advertising for brokerages? skip that, already done...
How about eating store-bought food after the Food and Drug administration legalizes the use of the myriad substances they've banned throughout the years as poisonous or carcenogenic?
HUGE difference between legal and illegal. It's not as big a difference as between legal and criminal but, it's still a real, marked difference.
Mr. Robertson is just one of those people who has admitted that parking in a handicapped space doesn't deserve 5-7 years in prison.

Hell Freezes Over! Pat Robertson Endorses Pot Legalization

Payback says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
I understand the political difference, in the world of real things, I don't understand there to be any difference. What do you see as the big difference?

No big difference? Illegal is NOTHING like criminal, but nor is it LEGAL.

Would you want to walk beside, or ride a bike along, a street after speeding was deemed legal?
How about driving in a city that legalized running red lights and stop signs?
How about investing when the SEC legalizes misleading advertising for brokerages? skip that, already done...
How about eating store-bought food after the Food and Drug administration legalizes the use of the myriad substances they've banned throughout the years as poisonous or carcenogenic?

HUGE difference between legal and illegal. It's not as big a difference as between legal and criminal but, it's still a real, marked difference.

Mr. Robertson is just one of those people who has admitted that parking in a handicapped space doesn't deserve 5-7 years in prison.

Hell Freezes Over! Pat Robertson Endorses Pot Legalization

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^Payback:

To be fair, Robertson never said he was for legalizing pot, just decriminalizing it. BIG difference.

I understand the political difference, in the world of real things, I don't understand there to be any difference. What do you see as the big difference?

Hell Freezes Over! Pat Robertson Endorses Pot Legalization

Hell Freezes Over! Pat Robertson Endorses Pot Legalization

Hell Hath Frozen Over: Pat Robertson on Decriminalizing Pot

NetRunner says...

>> ^poolcleaner:

>> ^NetRunner:
It's a Christmas miracle!

God bless us, every one!
Wouldn't that be awesome if Christians became the new hippies and started living on little farms, growing marijuana?? I would love to buy Jesus weed.

What a Utopia! Christians, who actually know that Jesus said we should love the poor, and who understand that even if God gave man dominion over the world, that doesn't mean we should rip it apart, poison it, and burn it at every opportunity.

Instead of "God hates fags" on Church signs, we would see "BONG HITS 4 JESUS!"

Hell Hath Frozen Over: Pat Robertson on Decriminalizing Pot

poolcleaner says...

>> ^NetRunner:

It's a Christmas miracle!

God bless us, every one!

Wouldn't that be awesome if Christians became the new hippies and started living on little farms, growing marijuana?? I would love to buy Jesus weed. There would be Christians on sidewalks in cities doing tarot card reading and henna and working on progressive hard rock and blues albums with lyrics about Jesus fighting hordes of demons during the apocalypse.

God, I am really high.

blankfist (Member Profile)

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