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hpqp (Member Profile)

Sesame Street: Cookie Monster - Share It Maybe

SDGundamX says...

I read this in a book somewhere: the Sesame Street staff are constantly doing focus studies with real kids, measuring things like how long they watch before getting distracted, what they focus on when watching, what they remember after watching, etc. and one of the things that came out of their studies was that kids pay more attention and learn more if an adult is watching the show with them. But in order for an adult to sit through an entire show with a child, the adult also has to be entertained as well. Hence the pop-culture references (including stuff kids most likely have never seen).

Pixar does a great job with their movies along these lines as well by providing jokes only adults are likely to get mixed in with the more slap-stick stuff for the kids.

>> ^RFlagg:

I recall pop-culture references during the 70s, so parody is one of their mainstays. I find it odder when they parody of stuff the kids most likely never saw or know:
True Blood (True Mud):
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Mad Men (they left the title Mad Men for that one)
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Monsters University Teaser (Pixar)

spoco2 says...

>> ^dag:

Anyone else getting a bit tired of Pixar franchises? Maybe it's because my kids are growing out of them - but I feel like most Pixar movies these days are just cash registers for Disney.

Well, Cars 2 was crap. But then Cars 1 was the low point of Pixar at the time it came out.

I'm saddened that the days of every damn thing they produce being gold, but as long as every so often they bring out a Wall E or Incredibles or Toy Story, then I'm happy for them to make bucketloads of cash as well.

Monsters University Teaser (Pixar)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Anyone else getting a bit tired of Pixar franchises? Maybe it's because my kids are growing out of them - but I feel like most Pixar movies these days are just cash registers for Disney.

Pixar short - Lifted

Monsters University Teaser (Pixar)

kceaton1 says...

Some of you that get the blank screen, try right clicking and going into settings and turning of hardware acceleration. It may or may not work, or like was said, try restarting it. Make sure to restart the video too, duh... (This especially works for those of you getting the "green screen" as well--same thing restart the video as in, reload the webpage if a simple restart on the video doesn't work!)

What in the hell would Disney be doing without Pixar (and that hilarious lawsuit)? They'd have ABC (or would they?) and have enough money left over from Lost to make three movies, tops.

How Toy Story 2 was almost entirely erased

Pixar's Brave - Trailer 3

Pixar's Brave - Trailer 3

RFlagg (Member Profile)

Pixar's Brave - Trailer 3

jmzero says...

Pixar is so superior to Dreamworks in every way.

Mostly agree - but I'd take the best Dreamworks Animation movie (How to Train Your Dragon) over the worst Pixar one (Cars 2) - and maybe even Kung-Fu Panda over Bug's Life.

Overall I think the gap is closing (animated movies are so much better than they used to be that it hardly makes sense). That said, Brave looks amazing: well acted, has an interesting setting, and really ups the ante on animation quality (compare the hair in, say, The Incredibles to the hair on this girl).

Pixar's Brave - Trailer 3

Pixar's Brave - Trailer 3

Pixar's Cereal Bar

Lie Detector

FlowersInHisHair says...

I hated this
Ok, fine, I loved it like I love sexy blonde girls.
Sigh. OK. Fine. I loved it like I love ginger-haired muscly-thighed rugby-playing men with who like fine wines and crying at Pixar movies with me.

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