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Large car-sized drone spotted in Las Vegas

The Boeing Doomsday Boeing E-4B Nightwatch

cloudballoon says...

What would I do if I'm an American far right "Christian" seeing it taking off? CELEBRATE! They're a-OK with re-electing Trump and all the rapists & unqualitified TV personalities to the cabinet posts that Trump can find. What do these MAGA people care? Bring on Doomsday! Yeehaw!

The Really Dark Truth About Bots

newtboy says...

Back when people read books this would be called Orwellian.
Today it’s called Tuesday.
Sadly, a huge segment of the population has accepted being lied to as normal, even preferable….otherwise no one would be stupid enough to get their “information” from random social media sources….but as we know some do.

Rage Against New Zealand

newtboy says...

I love a good real angry haka, and I’m only disappointed it wasn’t followed by dozens of half naked warriors wielding war clubs rushing in and braining the representatives who put forth the bill she’s protesting.

What she’s tearing up there is a bill creating a new interpretation of the Treaty of Waitangi which was signed in 1840 by the British and 500 Māori chiefs to describe how the government(s) would operate and what rights the native people would retain….but those rights would be curtailed and limited to the point of being wiped nearly out of existence with any civil/tribal rights expansions won in the last 184 years erased by the new “interpretation”.

Needs more rage.

Ben Stein - - Ferris Bueller's Day Off

newtboy says...

*doublepromote a *quality and pertinent bit of information I wish more people learned in school.
Tariffs don’t stimulate economies, they stifle them and start trade wars that are always losers for consumers, they add a national sales tax to any tariffed imports, and the countries targeted always reciprocate making it hard or impossible to compete on the international markets and hurting American companies.
Our last Trump tariff/trade war with China was a horrific failure costing hundreds of billions of dollars, hurting American farmers (had to bail them out for $50 billion more and thousands closed shop), manufacturing, supply lines, and consumers…all for absolutely nothing gained.
Get ready for round 2 to feel like Glass Joe was replaced with Tyson…up to 200% tariffs across the board are going to absolutely destroy the economy in extremely short order.

Also Ben Stein’s birthday

Henrik Zeberg On U.S. Markets - It's Going To Get Ugly

bobknight33 says...

From Zero hedge article.

"They Just Got Handed Fraudulent Books" - Ed Dowd Confirms Our Warning That Trump Is 'Inheriting A Turd Of An Economy'

Former Wall Street money manager Ed Dowd is a skillful financial analyst who said in May the economy was skidding. Now, Dowd predicts the economy is poised to “roll over” and soon.

"I have never seen such blatant manipulation of government statistics.

There is government spending and government hiring to paper over what is truly a bad economy for the average man. When I was asked prior to the election who do you think will win the election, I said Trump has already won, according to the economic statistics. That’s why he won. Bobby Kennedy helped along with Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, lots of people switching and what have you. What really got Trump in was the economy, the real economy, not the stock market.

It was not the ‘everything is hunky-dory’ pablum from the mainstream media.

The real economy has been rolling over, and we are just waiting for the financial markets to figure this out.

When they do, Trump is going to inherit a turd of a financial market crisis.

Government statistics will be updated, and it will show we started a recession sometime this year...

newtboy said:

TLDW- I wouldn’t believe anyone who’s going to pre-blame Biden for next summers planned recession/depression anyway.

The people who will be in charge like Elon and Trump say their plans will likely cause a depression next summer….believe them.
If they deport 10% what they say they will, it will cause a depression, and explode the debt.
If they enact the tariffs they say they will, it will cause a depression and a trade war.
If they end the ACA without a replacement (but we have a concept of a plan for thinking about a replacement…in two weeks) it will cause a depression and public health crisis.

Markets rode consistent record highs under Biden. America decided it was tired of winning.

Henrik Zeberg On U.S. Markets - It's Going To Get Ugly

newtboy says...

TLDW- I wouldn’t believe anyone who’s going to pre-blame Biden for next summers planned recession/depression anyway.

The people who will be in charge like Elon and Trump say their plans will likely cause a depression next summer….believe them.
If they deport 10% what they say they will, it will cause a depression, and explode the debt.
If they enact the tariffs they say they will, it will cause a depression and a trade war.
If they end the ACA without a replacement (but we have a concept of a plan for thinking about a replacement…in two weeks) it will cause a depression and public health crisis.

Markets rode consistent record highs under Biden. America decided it was tired of winning.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Your evidence?
Russian bloggers on twitter?
Beyoncé, Lizzo, Megan, Eminem, the Harris campaign and official campaign financial records all say it’s 100% bullshit spread from Twitter accounts.
You bought and repeated another stupid lie without checking it out, because you don’t care if it’s true you just love to talk shit like a spoiled little girl.

The Harris campaign, as of Oct. 17, lists only one endorsement-related expenditure — for $75 — in its Federal Election Commission financial reports. It was made to the League of Conservation Voters, a pro-environment nonprofit, in June, when President Joe Biden was still running for reelection.
Sorry, not sorry, liar, another stupid lie debunked as soon as you spout it.

Why is it that you continue to buy every stupid lie you’re sold and never are embarrassed or apologetic when your stupid insulting lies are proven to be lies? Must be because you have no morals or ethics left, and we’re never smart.

By comparison….
The felon’s campaign finance records showed he had to pay actors to pretend to be auto workers, union workers, blacks for Trump, etc…paid people to show up at his rallies and post a picture to prove it, etc…Elon had to pay millions for votes (and is being accused of hacking the election using Starlink to edit the data it transmitted, then crashing the satellite to erase the evidence…14 million missing votes, recounts started!)…every single relationship he’s ever had including familial has been transactional.
If you actually had a problem with that, you wouldn’t support the felon who only has paid spokespeople who make millions themselves…parking lot attorney Alina Habba?!? How many millions did she get paid?
Even Melania had to get paid $250000 to stoop to speaking for 15 minutes to support her husband.

THAT is a LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!

You also have conceded that you expect every metric of the economy to be worse under Trump than it has been under Biden, you can’t come up with a single measure you expect to improve in the next 4 years…and have telegraphed your nonsensical intent to blame Biden for Trump’s economy and accept no blame despite holding full control of all 3 branches of government. If only your people had been honest about that before the election things would be different.

bobknight33 said:

Kamala paid Beyoncé $10 MILLION to publicly support her!!!

$5 MILLION for Megan Thee Stallion
$3 MILLION for Lizzo
$1.8 MILLION for Eminem

These fake relationships is what you guys wanted in the government? People paying people to act like they like each other.

A Billion $ campaign and she still LOST.

That is a LOSER!!!!!!!!!!

Backwards Truck

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Now he’s jacking off and giving head to the microphone on stage before claiming the 1/3 full stadium is 110% capacity overflowing and nobody is leaving (then the camera moved and showed the 2/3 empty arena and hundreds of people filing out).
This is your “best”. These are your “truths”. This is the man you pinned all your hopes on and give your unthinking support.
He’s even losing Iowa!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Daniel Miller- Another maggot caught committing voter fraud already, used the absentee ballot for her dead mother to vote for the felon in Minnesota.
Once again, lots of instances of individual voter fraud already found this election, so far all of them maga.

Jesse Lutzenberger- repeatedly punched a 69 year old poll worker for telling him to remove his campaign hat at the polls (wearing campaign gear or signs at polls is a crime in Texas). He’s by far not the only one…fat ugly bitches removing their ”I’m voting for the felon” shirts to vote in their underwear while cursing and spitting at poll workers is the norm for your fat ugly disgusting women.

Valerie BianCanello- The RNC official arrested at the Pennsylvania polls for repeatedly harassing voters in line to vote and screaming at them about who they have to vote for.

Charles Pierce - Redding Ca landlord who stole 4 tenants ballots and used them to vote for the felon then was stupid enough to brag about it on Twitter.

Seems a lot of you understand there’s no way you can win the election without massive frauds and violent intimidation….and even with them chances are increasingly slim.

Also today the campaign announced there will be no FBI vetting of his cabinet for security clearances because he knows the people project 2025 has lined up for him can’t pass one and many are unregistered foreign agents….kinda like Jared Kushner.

The campaign itself insulting all Puerto Ricans and all Latinos on national tv, calling them all garbage, is just amazing. Being a fascist Nazi wasn’t enough it seems, he needed to ramp up the hate at exactly the worst time. Good job. Before you try to excuse it as one comedian making jokes, the campaign read and approved every disgustingly racist word said on stage that night before the event. They approved calling American citizens “garbage” and Latino American citizens “breeders who don’t pull out, they just cum inside…like they do your country.” and talking about “carving watermelons” with the black guy for trump for Halloween.
THEY APPROVED IT ALL. It is crushing you. Puerto Rican voters are now polling >90% Harris, nearing 100%.

Trump Melts Down As Fox News Turns On MAGA

newtboy says...

Utterly ridiculous twaddle from a delusional cultist that’s all in on the loser felon just like he went all in on Tesla in November ‘21 at $400 a share.

The double standard exists, but is skewed so far right to sane wash his insanity constantly it’s dizzying.
He can be totally lawless, she must be totally flawless. That is absolutely how they are treated by the media.

An analysis from the extreme right wing hyper biased Media Research Center? Get real, you expect anyone outside the cult to give it a second’s thought?

For instance, every single broadcast media outlet gave some version of the headline “Trump speaks to packed house at MSG” despite photo and video proof he didn’t fill the stadium 1/4 full and entire rows of seats on the floor, right in front of the stage were empty, along with entire sections of seats and possibly the entire upper section. They reported that Harris filled the 30000 seat arena in Houston to capacity and beyond, but didn’t report the 1.2 million who tried to attend but couldn’t get tickets. Talk about lopsided coverage, real honest coverage would have asked what kind of piss poor planning led to this racist nazistic fiasco in NY, and why didn’t Harris book a bigger arena. At the same time they tend to repeat Trump’s claims about Harris without correction, just “he said ….” and leave it at that despite being easy to contradict his every dumb lie of the moment.

The main reason for the imbalance…your guy is a 34 time convicted felon, nearly 80 year old incontinent dementia patient with malignant narcissism, an adjudicated rapist, the self described partner in crime with Epstein and lover of quite young women just like Epstein (his words), fomented a coup and says he will again, stole top secret nuclear files and definitely gave them to Putin during one of dozens of illegal negotiations in private since leaving office, hasn’t strung together a cogent or true sentence in 8 years, and directs his cultists to physically attack the press as the enemy of the people…then wonders why they dared to actually report what he actually said in context and without deceptively editing it to look sane.

Ohhhh…a right wing blog repeated it? Must be true then. Never mind. 😂

bobknight33 said:

TV Hits Trump With 85% Negative News vs. 78% Positive Press for Harris

One week before Election Day, a new analysis from the Media Research Center finds that broadcast evening news coverage of the 2024 presidential race has been the most lopsided in history. Since July, ABC, CBS and NBC have treated Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris to 78 percent positive coverage, while these same networks have pummeled former Republican President Donald Trump with 85 percent negative coverage. (See Methodology explanation at the end of this post.)

The difference in coverage between the two candidates is far greater than in 2016, when both Trump and then-challenger Hillary Clinton received mostly negative coverage (91% negative for Trump, vs. 79% negative for Clinton). It’s even greater than in 2020, when Joe Biden was treated to 66 percent positive coverage, vs. 92 percent negative for Trump.

The main reason for the imbalance: Since July, the Big Three have swamped their audiences with more than 230 minutes of airtime — virtually all of it negative

A Place For Trump

newtboy says...

Nice (shocking really) that you have finally accepted your boy will lose this election, but it’s incredibly delusional to believe he will live 8 more years or be capable of standing or speaking in 4…I don’t think he’ll be alive next election, 4 years of prison will be 3.95 years longer than he can take, and he’s facing decades.

Biden/Harris have done infinitely better on the economy…no negative gdp, no double digit unemployment, new businesses outpacing failing business handily, ports open, trade wars ended, roads and bridges and internet and infrastructure invested in heavily which is excellent for the economy short and long term, wages up, inflation down, there’s not a single metric where your sickly fat boy even comes close to a tie, much less comes out ahead…not even if you forget 2020.

You have clearly completely forgotten how certain you were in 2020 that a Biden administration would mean guaranteed depression in 21, then 22, then 23…this year you finally gave up on that fantasy but moved the goal post to 25, and you think anybody’s listening? 😂 Silly silly little boy, people stopped listening to your cries of “WOLF” years ago, only your fellow cultists hear you.

100% of domestic terrorism in the last decade was committed by maggots, some as false flags trying to blame Dems but not most….most were direct attacks against America. There have been dozens if not hundreds since the golden escalator ride.

It’s impossible for something to “start back up” if it never existed, just as it would be impossible for it to “start back up” from maga since the violence has never ended from your criminal terrorist party, neither has the cheating.

Trump will what? End elections? Declare victory despite losing by over 20 points? Go full Nazi? Make homosexuality a death sentence? Hand Alaska to Putin? Direct the army to round up political rivals for extermination? WHAT? 😂
Trump will lose, then go to prison and die there.

Such a delusional little man you are, never coming close to reality or a complete thought, only cut and pasting the Russian produced propaganda prepared for you.

bobknight33 said:

When the economy crashes under the next POTUS, Trump will be a better leader to get America out of the Biden / Harris inflation mess.

Trump will and the Violence from the left will start back up.

Legal Eagle summarises why Americans should vote for Kamala

ReverendTed says...

Boy howdy, I hope he loses again, but even then the problems that allowed his rise (the polarization and bifurcated post-truth echo chamber media) will still exist.
I'd love to believe that him losing would be a wake-up call to the Republican party that you can't nominate someone that sleazy, and you can't enable their little lies early on because it emboldens them to drag you along for their bigger lies later.
But he's doubtless going to get a vast majority of the Republican vote, so I have little hope of that.

I firmly believe that ranked choice voting, or some other similar voting method that doesn't mean voting for the candidate you like best means you're throwing your vote away and handing the election to the candidate you dislike most, is a necessary step in bringing US politics back toward the center.
Also? The Electoral College? It's absurd that we can have an elected president that most people didn't vote for. It's preposterous that half of Texas voters (the Democrats), or half of California voters (the Republicans) don't get a single elector. It's outdated and unnecessary. One citizen, one vote.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oops. So much for Michigan. Disrespectfully 3 hours late because he couldn’t stop blathering on Rogan only to sway to music for 10 minutes again then cut the live speech short by over half because the people who stayed were walking out while he spoke and it made him mad and he was exhausted and didn’t care about them anyway. I wonder…did he strand this crowd without a ride back to the parking lot like he has so many others, only paying for busses to bring people to the event?
Lucky him, his rallies only bring a few thousand people at most that he turned against himself, unlike Harris who brought well over 30000 in Texas.

The live streams were on at the same time….2.2 million watched Harris, 14.7 thousand watched the felon. 1.2 million tried to get tickets for her rally IN TEXAS. He couldn’t fill a 5000 seat arena 2/3 full ANYWHERE.

EXIT POLLING IS >50% Harris <30% Felon.

230 and counting respected practicing doctors (not disgraced Dr Feelgood signing flowery ridiculous letters written by the felon himself) and psychologists have signed an open letter detailing the felon’s untreatable personality disorder - malignant narcissism, which makes him destructive, delusional, deceitful, and dangerous and grossly unfit for leadership in any capacity.

It’s crumbling around you

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