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6,500 Silk Worms build a huge structure made of 26 polygons

braschlosan says...

Read this story -
Silk Pavilion consists of 26 silk polygons which act as the structure of the piece. Made of silk thread laid by a Computer-Numerically Controlled (CNC) machine, the polygons were a template on which to place 6,500 silkworms which produced natural, unprocessed silk patches. The silkworms worked until the whole structure had been covered.

The CNC used an algorithm that had analyzed the patterns in worm-generated patches of silk, and then produced the first level of structure. The silkworms themselves created the second level, working as a sort of natural 3D printer. This gets to the heart of the piece as an interplay between natural and digital construction. The next trend in interior design should definitely be loosing thousands of silk worms on your house and letting them redecorate.

8 Months pregnant woman tasered by police

chingalera says...

The criteria for employment with the local constabulary in the U.S. uses at least a 90 I.Q. as a baseline....Cops don't need to be that bright. Most cops actions are dictated by the survival circuit and are motivated by their hind-brained impulses. You don't really exercise wisdom winding-up a fight-or-flight neanderthal.

gwiz665, are you that naive? If the world was all fluffy kittens and the sky were made of cotton candy then police would be helpful assistants in our societies with duties like earning, old-lady street-crossing assistance badges and traffic-directing patches. Oh, for a joyous world without firearms with puppies and kitties!!

The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.-Isaiah 11:6

And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.-Isaiah 2:4

Yossarian said:

If as a cop you can't cope with a mouthy, pregnant woman without electrocuting her over a minor vehicle incident then you should not be a cop.
These guys clearly don't have the common sense, empathy or physical capabilities for the job.

The Incoherence of Atheism (Ravi Zacharias)

shveddy says...

So what of it @shinyblurry? What does god's perfect, unchanging, gold standard of a moral law have to say about slaughtering toddlers?

Is it written on our hearts that it always is a bad thing, or are there certain allowances made for when those evil little tykes become some sort of threat to God's sovereignty over a patch of Mediterranean coastal real estate?

Voodoo Chile by Hendrix - Live

brycewi19 says...

Just curious. On a technical note, where is the electrical pickup on this instrument? I see that there is a patch cord plugged in to the side but don't see a visible pick up. Forgive my ignorance on the gayageum.

Lazy Game Reviewer Reviews Simcity

EvilDeathBee says...

I wonder who exactly is responsible for turning this potentially amazing game into the shit fest it is now. Sure there are a lot of problems that are simply bugs which patches can fix, but the biggest issues come directly from down right idiotic decisions in the game design that do nothing but drastically limit it.

So was it the Maxis game designers themselves that thought forcing unwanted multiplayer with tiny cites was a great idea (possibly after being in some accident that caused permanent brain damage), or was that EA muscling in with their head up their arse?

Behold The Majesty of Simcity GlassBox Simulation

FlowersInHisHair says...

Yes I didn't have to buy the game (people keep saying that, as if it's news) but the point is I have bought the game. Look, I was in the beta. It was so limited (you could only play for an hour at a time before having to restart, and most gameplay features were unavailable to test) that it was practically useless for determining how the game would actually work on release. I assumed the small city sizes were limited for the beta too. All the things I'm griping about are fixable post-release, and that's what I'm hoping for. My point is, and always has been, that I don't really care about the PR disaster side of things, or the server problems. At least not half as much as I care about the post-release patches that the game now needs.

Quadrophonic said:

I just wanted to point out that the whole sim city launch is not worse than for example the diablo launch, what made it look much worse was the way EA handled the situation.

Also, nobody forced you to buy the game. Problems like the restricted city size or the pathfinding were pointed out by many players who had access to the beta. And you can find these issues in almost every serious review to sim city, so it's not like you didn't have the chance to know that before you bought the game.

Behold The Majesty of Simcity GlassBox Simulation

Quadrophonic says...

@FlowersInHisHair @aimpoint. In my opinion there are two major issues that caused the game/launch to be such a disaster. I am not speaking of technical reasons or gameplay, which are solvable through patches and more game servers. I'm speaking of the one thing you can't change and thats the first impression.

First of all, they advertised the game wrong. They focused on the glass box engine, the general look and in the early stages made it look just like a very good reboot of the series. But old fans of franchise don't get you that many new customers. So they jumped on the social game train, in hopes of acquiring a new set of potential customers. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with that. Players who just wanted to play the game on their own could do just so, just like players who want to build a huge city together with their Facebook friends. At least this was what the marketing made us believe. In hindsight they should have marketed the whole game as some kind of sim city online. Which would have set the right expectations into customers and prevented a part of the huge shitstorm that followed.

Secondly, and this rule should be written in caps, DON'T LIE! Or at least DON'T GET CAUGHT LYING! If you say it needs always on DRM, you better make sure your game only works online.

Saying that DRM is the reason of the Sim City debacle would be very far from the truth. Sure there is a love-hate relationship between players and publishers, especially regarding DRM. But in the end of the day the urge to play the game is bigger than the personal objections against the "evil" publisher.

Because to be honest, this is neither the first game to have an always-online DRM, nor is it the first to have server issues after the launch, nor is it the first game that wasn't as bug free as the user might wish. After that being said, in my opinion firing EA's CEO (which happened this monday) was damage control at the wrong end, they should have sacked the whole PR department.

Hidden Costs Series: Light Pollution

Help Wanted (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It's always nice if it's a time zone that covers a patch that Lucky and I don't have, but definitely not a restriction as Lucky and I are already almost opposite.

coffeejerk said:

I have a question for @dag or @lucky760 regarding the given job offer. Is there a restriction or preference regarding international applicants ? ( timezone issues, ... )

Russian (WTF) Road Markings.

The Science of Pornography Addiction

I Ummmm Wouldn't Park It THERE Du............(never mind)

Khufu says...

Well not terrible... Maybe this is a school project for a CG school and that student could use some feedback?

Car looked good enough, but dark patch should have had more reflection(thus making it lighter and not a black hole) and the real give-away is the animation... it sinks like a brick when in reality a car would float for a while, probably with the engine lower in the water. Google is your friend, lots of real videos of cars in water out there to reference.


History of VideoSift Part IV and Happy 7th Siftaversary (Blog Entry by dag)

PlayhousePals says...

Typing as one of the New Kids On The Sift perhaps I shall have officially earned my stripes by the 10th. Thank you for helping me weather the roughest patch in my life on this fragile orb. Videosift has become my daily touchstone to sanity [uhoh]

Xilent - Boss Wave (music video)

rich_magnet says...

That's a great demo. I had to reboot with a custom autoexec.bat and config.sys to free up enough RAM to get it to run smoothly. I highly recommend everyone run it in one of the VESA modes and use your Gravis soundcard with the latest patches for best effect.

How the Twin Peaks music was written

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Beggar's Canyon