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Fox News "Not Really A News Station"

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Pennypacker, allow me to introduce you to Bill Moyers.

For every vid of Moyers espousing a semi-conservative position, there are 50 of him espousing a fully liberal position. I can find liberals on FOX news that criticized Bush, Republicans, and conservatives but the vast majority of the programming on Fox is still biased to the right. PBS (et al) are biased to the left. Finding the occasional token video that swims against the prevailing tone does mean that the overall position of the organization is not slanted.

Seriously, Murdock "declared war" on this administration long ago.

And CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, NYT, AP, USA Today (et al) 'declared war' on Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush, Bush2 decades ago. And they signed non-agression pacts with provisions for free propoganda services to Carter, Clinton & Obama. So? "News" has been biased to the left for a long time. I for one applaud the presence of at least one outfit that provides desperately needed counter-balance. They're all still cesspools. But combine FOX's conservative slant with super-high ratings & everyone else's liberal slant with low ratings... Between the two some modicum of sanity can be found by fishing in the middle.

you can reference shows like O'Reilly's or Beck's or even 'Red Eye' and with a straight face refer to them and what they do as 'the good fight'?

Yes - because without them all that would exist in the news media would be fanservice. The news media has embarressed itself for over a year with how shameless and desperate they are in thier bias for Obama. In such an environment, this country NEEDS people like Beck, Limbaugh, FOX, and anyone else who can provide the opposing point of view. You don't have to agree with them. But the existance of an adversarial news media in opposition to government is a CRITICAL component of democracy. Quite frankly, you people should be ashamed of yourselves for wishing otherwise. You got it right during the Bush years. "What happened? Your balls drop off? Hmmm?" (Dark Knight quote)

wait wait.. WTF?!?! (Eia Talk Post)

wait wait.. WTF?!?! (Eia Talk Post)

Canada's This Hour Has 22 Minutes Response to Redeye

detheter says...

Open letter to people who think American could succeed in an invasion and occupation of the Dominion of Canada.

Dear loser,

I'd love to see America, launch an attack on Canada, and hold our vast country, which is flipping really cold for most of the year. Canadian Soldiers are well trained modern day combat troops. They train for winter warfare / survival. American soldier huddling in -45 degrees below.

American Soldier: "Hey guys, the unarmored humvee won't start!"
Dude: "Do you have a block heater? It's fucking cold outside."
American Soldier: "What the fuck is a block heater?"
Other Dude: "The thing our military couldn't afford to equip all our vehicles with before they sent us to fight here!"
American Soldier: "Mutha fucking economy!"
Other American Soldier: "Who leaked our massive military renovation of all our vehicles to be able to function in combat situations in a winter weather environment that we couldn't complete in time before we had to sell this war to the idiot public on the prevailing social and political winds??"
First Dude: "Probably someone working on the project that has friends who ARE CANADIAN!"

You couldn't even put protective blast shielding on your vehicles before you ran off to fight in a country that you knew might dissolve into a massive underground campaign of anonymous and sudden violence in close urban combat settings.

By the time that you attempted and failed to route our forces, as you have failed to route men with AK's out of hills in Afghanistan, although you have a much larger force stationed there than we currently have offered to assist you for some idiotic reason and sacrifice our blood for your former political policy, as well as trying to occupy a land mass second only to Russia, with harsh, inhospitable terrain, and a populace utterly hostile, betrayed, and proud people who would, don't get me wrong, some would, but depending on the severity of your attack and occupation of civilian centers, would not help you in any way, as nobody would work, and you would have to pacify all the young men that I know would resist such a thing.

Your country would have lost the domestic, foreign, and political capital to continue to wage war on an obviously peaceful, well liked nation of the world community. Germans, Japanese people, Brits, French dudes, South Americans, North Americans, and people who play on XBox Live would fucking hate you from every corner of the globe. It would be seen as a monumental error in human history, where two well build and structured, peaceful, healthy, and productive nations on this fucked up rock collide and utterly destroy each other. Your nation rich, but divided left and right to the point of riot and civil war, and ours waiting for you to leave and realize that a move such as war would constitute the birth of a new fascist state in the US of A, where occupation and domination are acceptable means of preserving your standard of living.

You think that the left wing half of the country would ever support a war like this? It's unthinkable. You'd destroy and destabilize what is your main trading partner, and sow chaos on the North American continent. With your military withdrawing from Iraq, and losing in Afghanistan, and with your bleak economy, you would become overstretched, your economy may fail, and you lose the ability to defend the territory you destabilized from an advancing Russia, intent on claiming your abandoned natural resources that we deny you access to through arson, sabotage, destruction of oil producing facilities (we could always drill for more in Alberta after everyone leaves our country). You would be forced to patrol and defend disputed territory from Russia, who would, by attacking Canada, promise the local populations freedom in exchange for support, and then conquer Canada themselves. Naturally American acquisition of a short fly over the bearing sea, and a boon of natural resources by force of arms would be seen as a provocative attempt to gain enough oil and space for a staging are to launch and destroy Russian forces while not risking American cities as strategic targets for Russian counterattack.

To operate our facilities, you would need to import skilled labor from the US to fill those positions, unless you hold us at gunpoint and order us to work. You presumably believe that controlling us would be easy after you kill our families and at LEAST take from us our loved ones serving in the military. Outrage and dissent would be rampant for a freedom stolen is a rage born. Name one country that you maintain physical and dictatorial sway over on this globe, with American administrators, and American military personnel patrolling the streets? can you? Iraq, the country you are leaving? Afghanistan, another quagmire for the American empire?

Another thing, While you stay in our cities, please feel free to find yourselves at home with our McDonalds, 7-11's, Suburban Houses, and mounds of Americanized consumer junk that you shovel down our throats. I'm sure the treasure's gathered will be worth it. I'm sure gaining more retail space and warehouses, more empty houses, more mouths to feed and policing our cities, and all those good things that come along with occupation would be worth it. Might provide some jobs though, eh?


America puts a blockade on Canada. Canada withers economically without US assistance. Canada eventually caves.

a: False.

America withers as Canada denies access to drinking water and electricity to large portions of the US, leaving millions of people high and dry in the dark.

America forms a "security" pact with "Canada", something of a new world order conspiracy theory.

a: Either Or

America is ripped apart internally by Left Wing, and dissent over such a blatant display of the highly unpopular One World Government idea. America could also pull it off, given the state that television has left the brains of all the citizens in both our countries.


Coleco Vision - The Only Gaming System You'll Ever Need

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Deathcow got a Coleco for Xmas in 8th grade. Even though we had a pact that we would both get Atari 5200s so we could trade cartridges.

I've yet to forgive him - especially since the 5200 turned out to be a flop.

WTC - Multiple explosions documented

NordlichReiter says...

/\ Ill echo what SpeveO said. The events of before and after the buildings fell, and even the events transpiring today.

So how do you find the truth? Use justice to follow up on the reports of cronyism, and secret pacts inside the politics. Do not attempt to reason with the buildings. Those are gone. For now, the only thing left is the people that handled the situation. That is where the truth lies, and maybe there isn't any thing at the end of the rainbow after all except failure to be adequately prepared.

Incubus - Dig

eric3579 says...

We all have a weakness
But some of ours are easy to identify. Look me in the eye,
and ask for forgiveness.
We'll make a pact to never speak that word again.
Yes, you are my friend.
We all have something that digs at us,
at least we dig each other.

So when weakness turns my ego up
I know you'll count on me from yesterday.

If I turn into another
dig me up from under what is covering
the better part of me.
Sing this song
remind me that we'll always have each other
when everything else is gone.

We all have a sickness
that cleverly attaches and multiplies
No matter how we try.
We all have someone that digs at us,
at least we dig each other.

So when sickness turns my ego up
I know you'll act as a clever medicine.
If I turn into another,
dig me up from under what is covering
The better part of me.
Sing this song!
Remind me that we'll always have each other
when everything else is gone.
Oh, each other when everything else is gone.


If I turn into another
dig me up from under what is covering
the better part of me.
Sing this song
remind me that we'll always have each other
when everything else is gone.

Oh, each other when everything else is gone. (x2)

Nirvana - Lounge Act (Live 08/30/92)

mizila says...

Funny story: My little brother, my girlfriend and I have a RockBand group (he drums, she guitars, I sings) and it's a lot of fun. The day the Nirvana pack came out, he asked if he could print out some tab on my CPU and it turned out to be the bass tab for this song (he also plays real guitar and bass). I was like, "Oh, trying to learn the new RockBand DLC?" and he had no idea that the nirvana pack was out, just cosmic coincidence.

This song means a lot to me, at about 11 or 12 this album was on permanent rotation on my Walkman, notably during a camping trip our family took. I still remember proudly wearing my Batman Returns hat with it's holographic tag still attached, trying to impress my old role model: my cousin; and my new role model, my new step-brother. I doubt I impressed anyone, but the three of us roamed the campgrounds, kings of the world. And for that one weekend in the woods I felt like I was on the same level as they were. Blasting Nevermind across the campgrounds, pissing off anyone within earshot. Male bonding at its finest.

This song was my realization that I would forever be showing my non-conformity by conforming.

Truth - covered in security
I can't let you smother me
I'd Like to, but it couldn't work
Trading off, taking turns
Don't regret a thing
And I've got this friend, you see
Who makes me feel and I
Wanted more than I could steal
I'll arrest myself, I'll wear a shield
I'll go outta my way to prove I still
Smell her on you

Don't - tell me what I wanna hear
Afraid of never knowing fear
Experience anything you need
I'll keep fighting jealousy
'til it's fucking gone

And I've got this friend, you see
Who makes me feel and I
Wanted more than I could steal
I'll arrest myself, I'll wear a shield
I'll go outta my way to prove I still
Smell her on you

Truth - covered in security
I can't let you smother me
Like to but it couldn't work
Trading off, taking turns
Don't regret a thing
And I've got this friend, you see
Who makes me feel and I
Wanted more than I could steal
I'll arrest myself, I'll wear a shield
I'll go outta my way to make you a deal
We've made a pact to learn from who
And ever we want without new rules
We'll share what's lost and what we grew
They'll go out of their way
To prove they still

Smell her on you
They still, Smell her on you
Smell her on you

Longest post I'll ever post, promise.

Ron Paul: The Peoples Champion

Irishman says...

People aren't listening to him because he's talking about real politics, real international policy changes and radical internal political change.

Obviously most Americans would rather spend time being entertained by the stage managed wrestling match of Obama vs McCain, so they can get the satisfaction of seeing who is going to pwn who live on TV, whilst the Brzezinski family, who are the brains behind Obama get in by the back door.

You can read all about Zbigniew Brzezinski's anti-Soviet, anti-Muslim geopolitical agenda in his own book, "Second Chance: Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Superpower"

Yes, read in his own words how Brzezinski destroyed the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, how he plans to take apart the Russian Federation and use Afghanistan to build an impregnable US military base against China, Russia, and whoever else stands in his way.

Better read it in fact, because it is going to be the manual for the Obama presidency. Or dismiss it as a conspiracy theory. Your country, your choice.

Ron Paul was the correct answer.

Jews divided over Ahmadinejad at UN Assembley

Red says...

Zionists have made a pact with the devil: namely with western interest in the region which now poses Israel as a threat to their surrounding. The drama of the Jewish people is perpetuating itself. The Jewish question hasn't find an answer. Maybe for they didn't listen to the answer, proposed and followed by Marx and many other : for the Jews and all the humanity to free itself from religion once and for all.

Ron Paul interviewed by The Real News

my15minutes says...

>> ^NetRunner
^ Ya missed the biggest of the bunch, though I didn't frame it in the form of a question...

probably why i didn't treat it as one. as originally phrased, i thought you were just making a preamble to your questions.
S Korea, sure. different situation, and you'll typically find wiggle room there among libertarians, myself certainly included.
but yeah, main point being, most would be like Germany. hard to justify, yet never a choice offered to the american people.

and yes, i'd not only want to withdraw, but i would want to talk to everyone in NATO about the idea of simply disbanding it, for the reasons i mentioned. what's NATO there for, without the mighty USSR/Warsaw Pact in opposition? is it now the Everyone But Russia club?

> Also, what should we be doing specifically about Iran?

how about, not float the idea of invading them every other weekend, just to feel tough? then we could stop pretending that it wouldn't mean a draft. what has iran done, that anyone here should be willing to kill or die for?
i'd treat iran like any other neighbor on this planet, near or far. trust, but verify.

A hypothetical (Blog Entry by jwray)

jwray says...

At that time, Chinese were already being massacred by Japan, so there is no way that a preemptive US bombing of Tokyo would have angered China. And after the signature of the Tripartite pact, Japan essentially became Britain's enemy, so Britain would not object to a US preemptive strike on Japan.
But Russia is different. If for any reason Hitler and Stalin had decided not to backstab each other, the war would might have been lost by the allies. If the USA had entered the war too soon, Hitler might have postponed or canceled Operation Barbarossa.

Electromagnetic Pulse Attack Threat Raised in US Congress!

srd says...

Not surprising really. As people get older, they fear the new and unknown more. Listening to his talk, it shows how little he actually understands EMPs ("like a lighting strike, only different").

What strikes me as odd though is that nuclear space- and airbursts have been known to produce EMPs for decades, and they have been part of the strategies of both NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Why suddenly raise a ruckus over something that's been known for what, about half a century?

Kings Of Leon - The Bucket (Live)

alien_concept says...

I'll be the one to show you the way
You'll be the one to always complain
Three in the morning come-a bang bang bang
All out of fags and I just can't wait
Cancel the thing that I said I'd do
I don't feel comfortable talkin' to you
'Less you got the zipper fixed on my shoe
Then I'll be in the lobby drinking for two


Look at the shakies
What's with the blush?
Fresh off the plane in my fuzzy rush
Everyone's gathered to idolize me
I hate the way you talk your Japanese scream
It's been too long since I left the shed
You kick the bucket and I'll swing my legs
Always remember the pact that we made
Too young to die but old isn't great


I'm-a gonna show the way
I'm-a gonna show the way
I'm-a gonna show the way


mas8705 is 8605 stars short of being gold8705! (Sift Talk Post)

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