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Senator Jeff Flake Eloquently Addresses Our Political State

bobknight33 says...

Good speech but to lay this at the feet of the POTUS is BS.

This debasing of discourse of our government leaders have been slipping for years.

Republicans have been cowards for decades. This is why they constantly loose. Current POTUS is not a politician with a lawyer background, held by the standards of decorum set by that profession. Trump is a NYC citizen who doesn't take crap and willing to fight back, which he does. Sorry that he does not fit the political mold of smooth talk lying out both sides of their mouth. Trump just the same bullshit artist as any politician just not as smooth.

Bump Fire Stocks

Jinx says...

Ban semi-automatic weapons?

How reasonable is it to legislate to control clip capacity? As in, is it practical, not is the law actually passable, because with the current POTUS I'd be surprised if any sort of gun control was possible.

Tbh I still feel that even without 900rpm the capacity for a single bad actor to snuff out lives with a semi-auto rifle and 30 round mag is enormous. Doubtless they'd be people alive today who aren't now if he didn't have a bump stock... but it'd still be another mass murder with far too many people having to bury their loves ones. Idk. Progress of a sort maybe...

Shannon Sharpe on Trump, NFL and Protest

Jinx says...

An anthem that often has "brave" replaced with "chiefs". The flag that is worn as boxer shorts or used to sell cars. Good 'ol 'murican Paytrism.

Yah well, maybe there wouldn't be so much fuss if the POTUS wasn't trying to dictate to a company what their rules of conduct should be. NFL players aren't civil servants.

Unity by itself is no virtue. Nothing gets done by holding hands and singing some nationalist kumbayah. You sing your little song so you can feel like you are supporting vets while they come home from foreign lands and get...what? They can't pay their bills with your gestures.

bobknight33 said:

Nothing to do about racism just good old American patriotism..

I can't go around wearing a Trump or Obama hat while on the job as I meet customers.... Company dictate rules of conduct. Politics do not belong in the work environment.

Trump is only properly pointing out how ungrateful some are by disrespect the very unity of America activity of standing for the National Anthem..

Sales of NFL tickets and clothing and ESPN ratings will dictate the true direction of this .

Vicente Fox is Running for President of the United States

bobknight33 says...

A Mexican businessman is good enough to be the Mexican president but Trump is not good enough to be POTUS.

The man who ran a corrupt country for 17 years that is still so bad its people are leaving in droves.

Fox falls from grace amid corruption probe but You select him over Trump.

America should have kept Mexico way back when invaded it. It would be a better place today.

Of course this is from @newtboy. Supporting any other Country but America.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Has A Blunt Message For Nazis

JustSaying says...

Am I my father's keeper?
How the fuck can anyone bear responsibility for anything that happened before their birth? If you're not around to even form an opinion, you can't bear any responsibility.
That said, even if you're around, there's a reason we consider children and adults to be very different when it comes to responsibility.
Therefore it wouldn't matter if Arnold mentions it or not. He spoke his mind and said clearly what he thought. It doesn't matter what his Daddy would've thought or who he was. The Nazis of today are the problem, not the ones who are dead.
And of course, those who are unpatriotic enough to sympathize with Nazis, like your PotUS, Mr. Trump. A proven racist. A traitor to the american people.

bobknight33 said:

Exactly.. But if he did mention it he would add another dimension of condemnation to the Unit the White party.

That being said I am glad you agree the sins of the father stops at the father.. You do agree to that correct? Lord help me if I'm wrong seeing how much of a leftest nut you are. Answer?

"Trump has no desire and no capacity to lead the world'

Asmo says...

Entirely true, but not entirely unexpected. America (and by that I mean the leaders) has spent so long stomping around and declaring itself the leader of the free world that unilateral action without US approval has become somewhat rare.

I'm sure a lot of American's are fed up with the absurd cost of doing business as the leader of the west of course (both financially and in terms of lives lost/time spent), but it leaves an uncomfortable vacuum when the POTUS checks out of the game. I also suspect that many countries are wary about Tump's erratic reactions to whatever they do.

Kudos to Uhlman for saying what a lot of folks were thinking though.

deathcow said:

Don't get me wrong I despise Trump but why didn't that statement come from one of the other 19 countries?

Comey Testifies Under Oath That Trump Lied Repeatedly

Januari says...

The role of the POTUS is absolutely NOT to enforce the laws. This is a wildly false statement, and ignorant even by your already staggering standards.

bobknight33 said:

POTUS is to enforce all laws. Apparently can let some slide as Obama did with marijuana and illegals. I'm sure Bush and Clinton did also.

Comey Testifies Under Oath That Trump Lied Repeatedly

bobknight33 says...

What I think this is not the point. The POTUS is in charge over the FBI and DOJ. POTUS is the boss. This was set up long before TRUMP walked on the stage.

POTUS is to enforce all laws. Apparently can let some slide as Obama did with marijuana and illegals. I'm sure Bush and Clinton did also.

RedSky said:

Do you think the FBI should operate independent from the executive?

Trump pushes aside NATO ally and Preens for the camera

bobknight33 says...

blatantly racist????????????????????????????????????????????
..... Leftest lunatics, like you make everything racist

Obama was a joke of a POTUS, regardless were he was born.

Pushing Liberalism is not an American value, just foolish thought of children.

newtboy said:

I don't want my upvote of your comment to be assumed to be a specific accusation against @bobknight33 of saying things that are that blatantly racist, but for the average Trump supporter, that mindset seems true. Most aren't as blatantly racist as that in public, some are, but it is at least a thought seemingly present in the subconscious of the majority of them, and is absolutely a thought not abhorrent enough to denounce for all but a select few.

For the rest, just change to "classless libtard snowflake doesn't know how to act right, can't wait till we finally get a classy hyper Christian conservative back in the white house"...or any other dismissive insult that allows them to believe in their fantasy world.

Remember, Obama wasn't just invalid as our president because he's black, but also Kenyan, a Muslim, the founder of Daesh, and part/leader of a child slavery pizza ring, etc...... ;-)

Trump pushes aside NATO ally and Preens for the camera

bobknight33 says...

Trump is so dumb that he beat the shit out of the left and became POTUS.

Grow up, shit down, shut up and let real men do what is needed to get America back on track. Hopefully The RINOs can get tossed into the ash heap adn get some real conservatives put into place.

newtboy said:

If he was their boss, it would still be a douchebag, insecure, abusive move to just shove them aside....
.....but he's NOT their boss.....
..making this a pure dick move by a little cry baby that has to be front and center at all times or he throws a tantrum, a dick move meant to disrespect other diplomats and by extension expose his total lack of respect for any non American country.
This is not how you get others to work with you....which is his job.
Fostering dislike and disrespect between yourself and those you must negotiate with is just plain dumb.
Trump is dumb, and not a good negotiator (before you cry "but he's rich", prove it, because he's completely refused to prove he has 2 nickels to rub together....and before you cry "but he's a great businessman" most of his negotiations are actually done by others, to the extent that he doesn't have a clue what's in many/most of the contracts he signs, according to his own sworn testimony, making him the dumbest kind of negotiator and businessman possible).

Boss Trump....yep, like a this boss.

Trump's Shifting Story on Firing James Comey: A Closer Look

bobknight33 says...

Lets get this straight. POTUS TRUMP was told about Flynn and it took 3 weeks before he was fired and the Liberals went off the rails to taking too long and demand an investigation.....

THE SAME DAY(5/9/17) as Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general sends a Memo to POTUS TRUMP indicating all the reasons why Come should be let go and POTUS TRUMP Fires COMEY, as he should have the liberal media goes off the rails and demands an investigation.. Damn if you do Damn if you don't..

Bill Maher - Elizabeth Warren Interview

L0cky says...

That's the great thing about Trump; he's set the trend that skeletons don't matter. I think if Warren runs, she'll bag it easily.

The problem with the Democrat run last time was dismissing Trump's support and why it existed. Warren sounds like she could use that to her advantage next time around.

Personally I think she could be the best potus in a long, long time.

newtboy said:

If only she had joined Bernie as his running mate during the primary, things might be quite different today. Maybe next time.
The right going after her full bore is nothing new, but who knows what skeletons might be hiding.

A Closer Look - Media Fawns Over Trump's New Tone

bigbikeman says...

The only thing about this that grabbed me....
there is an actual theory floating around out there that Donald Trump can't read (google it).


Seriously. Maybe he can, maybe he can't. That's besides the point:
The POTUS is actually staging photo ops to dispel internet theories.

Let that shit sink in.

I don't care what else you might say about Donald Trump, but he is a very, very, small person. He may be the smallest person. You have no idea.

John Oliver - Sweden and Undercovered Stories

vil says...


Nothing happened "last night" and POTUS has no idea what the words he says actually mean.

But they do have higher criminality in Sweden these days than they were used to. And it is not so much not reported on, rather the racial and national identity and names of the perpetrators are being (correctly) not publicised. Frustrating for some policemen and the lynch-hungry mob, but according to the law.

What IS the Unemployment Rate? I've been wondering

bobknight33 says...

We don't know what the "molester in chief"will do.

But we know that the current/past presidents have done very well for the top.

For the last 8 years our POTUS of socially minded champion , fighter of the people has done little to help Joe and Jane Lunchbucket.

Fairbs said:

median income is up, but unfortunately all of the gains (for the last 40 years) have gone straight to the top; don't worry though the molester in chief is sure to fix this with his goldman sachs and exxon buddies

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