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Why you can't compare Covid-19 vaccines

ant says...

My first dose's 15 minutes was fine. Just pain. Nothing blew up.

Mordhaus said:

It is possible. But even the most severe results seem to be flu-like. Your biggest worry with the shot is a negative reaction, which is why they usually request you wait 15 minutes or so after getting it.

Why you can't compare Covid-19 vaccines

ant says...

Ouch. Flu shots were nothing to me. Just minor muscle pain. I wonder if we will suffer with our upcoming dose #2.

StukaFox said:

I got the first dose of Pfizer. The tetanus vaccine I had 20 days earlier was a total bitch. My arm felt like I'd been shot there. It was so bad, I couldn't sleep.

The Pfizer Covid vaccine, on the other hand, made my arm a little tender for a day, and that was it. In fact, the initial shot stung a little more than other shots I've had, but was unremarkable other than that.

Why you can't compare Covid-19 vaccines

ant says...

Got my first dose from Moderna on green St. Patrick's Day. Dang, it gave me a hang over the next day with pain, swollen light red shot area, and tiredness though. I was doing OK until hump day's night. I couldn't sleep well and much too. No fever, vomits, rashes, etc. though. My daily all day allergies actually calmed down for over a day. I'm not looking forward to #2 next month after #1. No J&J since it was very hard to get due to its manufacturing problems from what I read online. I am not going to wait until next month for it.

eric3579 said:

I'm just super happy i'm getting my shot in a couple days I'll happily take whatever they are handing out.

Shivers of pleasure while watching a political PAC ad....

newtboy says...

Bye you lying hate filled rape supporting opiate addict. Burn in hell for eternity.

Rush Limbaugh died today at 70 from lung cancer. I can only hope it caused him 1/10 the pain he intentionally inflicted on others for profit with zeal and glee.

Let's talk about Trump's accomplishments...

noseeem says...

walk in his shoes for a bit.

maybe he's realized he has backed a cheap knock-off of Mussolini (if he watched the video). hopefully, now he (& BK33) are seeing their folly. perhaps even felt shame that Beau tricked him into seeing the light (as a Fox mushroom, that has to burn). in anger/pain the defensive, limp 'get the dem' troll zinger (include bob's failing flailing examples of 'factual data').

lashing out, while trying to excuse the inexcusable.

he [they] got duped. not a pleasant feeling. cognizance dissonance, on a ten-scale, of an 8+.

no expert, but perhaps Beau's example of a trojan horse approach, is a better way of communicating with w/the obstinate. get the defense down, and the message can get through. have hope for 33, but the rigidity of thorns seems too set.

rather change them than charge at them [withhold the capitol fanaticals]. ours is not a caravan of despair.

+ + + + +

but the video was a great presentation! nice execution.

just the fact the present German Chancellor said the Capitol insurgency was comparable to the burning of the Reichstag should make the case also!

no wonder donnie fears the ANTI-FACISTS. they are the Allies to his Axis power.

newtboy said:

Notoriously unqualified. Barely a lawyer.
Notoriously a pure political appointment, not a real judge, never heard a case before her appointment.
Notoriously dishonest.
Notorious political stooge.
Notorious religious zealot.
Notorious for insisting Catholics recuse themselves from death penalty cases because their religion wouldn't allow them to make any decision that was pro death but shouldn't recuse themselves from abortion cases for exactly the same if you disagree with her you should always recuse, but if you agree with her, don't recuse no matter what.

Notoriously awful.
Notoriously incapable of holding a candle to RBG.
Notoriously unqualified.

Time to make the supreme court have 13 justices to negate Trump's court packing.
Deal with it.

The Way of the Iron Crotch

mxxcon says...

Where do they live and what do they do that they get kicked in the balls so much that they need that kind of pain tolerance?

Anjanette Young Humiliated while Naked by Chicago Police

luxintenebris jokingly says...

screwed the pooch. wrong house; innocent social worker; invalid warrant; shut-off body camera at crucial point; obvious cover-up and no one bother to cover her nudity even when it was more than evident that she lived alone and wasn't the perp (or his gal).

should be a financial spanking for the city, and heads rolling - but none of that negates this woman's experience. what is 'fall off a log' easy for some is hard for ̶b̶o̶b̶ others to grasp. she didn't deserve this. she is a SOCIAL WORKER which damn near a religious calling. as good as a nun in my head.

what money she may receive is very, very unlikely to be worth the time, pain, suffering, and trama. plus, she's likely now, by default, a public figure. open to strangers comforting (welcome or otherwise) and scorn by the total mutts that ̶s̶u̶p̶p̶o̶r̶t̶ ̶d̶e̶r̶a̶n̶g̶e̶d̶ ̶D̶o̶n̶n̶i̶e̶ have difficultly w/empathy or daily deliberations.

but personally don't understand most of this. professionals that don't know their own business; sieges into homes; or thinking a victim has just won the lottery. covering up only adds to the pile.

do know that trying to explain sunshine to ̶b̶o̶b̶ a blind man isn't worth the ROI. cut the losses and ignore the ̶t̶r̶o̶l̶l̶ elephant in the room (like that Progressive commercial*, "We all see it...we ALL see it").


newtboy said:

When it’s a white household searched with a “valid” warrant after police calmly waited at the door over 1/2 an hour, you said “ When governments fear the people, there is liberty.
When the people fear the government, there is tyranny”.

When it’s a black household violently invaded without a valid warrant, door smashed, naked victim handcuffed at gunpoint for an hour, and the police hide the evidence for over a year with even the mayor complicit in the coverup you say this...” An hour of shame for a retirement package. Not a bad trade.”

How, exactly, do you convince yourself you aren’t a total racist troll?

Kurstin X Grohl: The Hanukkah Sessions: Night Four

Kurstin X Grohl: The Hanukkah Sessions: Night Four

Snake Dick

BSR says...

With a gun, you skip past the trifecta of humiliation and pain brought to you by, girls.

admiralronton said:

And... how was that more effective than the gun she had to his head?

(Answer: it wasn't. My guess is they just really wanted to make a film called "Snake Dick")

I can't walk past this snake...

Bill Maher's election predictions on Jimmy Kimmel

diego says...


I would add that science/doctors have been pushed out by the administration from day one, to the point that they use it to attack biden ("he's going to listen to the scientists!")

also, the inconsistency he is referring to for example in restaurants and flights, is entirely driven by economics, not science. Those are two of the hardest hit industries worldwide, you have a president who has made it clear he prioritises business over public health, of course they made some theatrical protocol to make it seem safer when really, its not.
(same in my country, and having a bakery myself have had to do the same stupid dance).

Pointing at the survival of christie, trump or any other celebrity, no matter how overweight, old or whatever, is not analogous to the experience of normal people who cant afford that level of treatment, most wouldnt have access to it even if they could afford it. not to mention that we dont even really know long term effects for survivors, including importantly how long the immune response lasts.

That whole segment just came off as the typical selfish "i dont think this will kill me, lets get back to normal" BS. Weve known for a long time now that what makes coronavirus dangerous isnt its mortality rate, its the combination of a long asymptomatic incubation period and airbone transmission that make it highly contagious, when hospitals collapse the mortality rate spikes.

I actually agree that we have to learn to live with this because i dont think a vaccine is nowhere near close to ready for global deployment, but i thought his arguments were terrible and his focus selfish.

***finally anecdotal experience here in Chile, 3 friends have gotten covid-
44 year old, former national team field hockey, good shape
41 year old, former point guard national team basketball, good shape
38 year old, professional poker player, overweight bordering on obese.

the 44 year old was in the hospital for 12 days, no ventilator, felt aches and pains for a solid month after going home
the 41 year old was in the hospital for 28 days, ventilator (and the induced coma that comes with it), still feels physically drained
the 38 year old had a fever for 3 days and never went to the hospital, is feeling fine

Between different strains and different body/blood types, comparing one case to another doesnt seem to work

cloudballoon said:

I think Bill's attack on the science/health experts is misguided.

Not that Bill's wrong, mind you. IF you have a good internal (immune) system you'll have a better chance of fighting it off, but

1) that's NOT a guarantee you won't get sick.
2) DOESN'T mean you won't help spread it by being all gun-ho about it, and
3) USA being what it is -- the number of over-weight, obese are just staggering -- what's the point for the health experts to say/shame people with, er, "their pre-conditions" are to blame NOW? How's that gonna help?

Besides, the health experts have been promoting healthy, active living for ages. They're not "cowards" because the people don't listen to them.

It's mind-bogging to me how narcissistic and self-centered American society is. If people just pay any attention outside of American media, they should know how to handle Covid-19.

Trump: Biden Will "listen to the scientists"

noseeem says...

in general, hindu eschatology resembles the big bang/crunch. the cycle of expansion from a single point only to collapse to another single point and another expansion. these cycles are billions of years apart. (also some idea - that's too fuzzy to recall in detail - about matter changing and slipping into an alternative dimension might be a model of the great beyond)

will use Russell Bertrand - although not a poet, have read poetry that echos this thought (not gonna search) almost verbatim - when he said, “The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.” this was pretty much summed up the Dunning-Kruger Effect. (

the other you noted. meditation is healthy. of note, Sufism tends to focus on intense focusing, in music and song...and some of the musicians are peachy keen

and the poetry is beautiful (EX: Rumi). so religion has spawned some good things, too.

in short, religion is no more destructive than the person implementing it. do believe in ideas. whether it comes from a white cassock or lab coat. such is the freedom to keep a mind free.

or take it up w/René Descartes*. he seemed to be better at it than I.

*Descartes died when he was run over by a horse-drawn coach. This is where the saying "Don't put Descartes in front of the horse."

BTW: Earle song?

newtboy said:

Yes, some brains rot faster than others, but religion is like aerating the compost and adding lime, it accelerates the rot of all minds exponentially.'re going to have to provide more details when you say some astrophysics resembles Hindu theology. I studied Hinduism and astrophysics and see no correlation.

Some religious practices, like meditation, are supported by psychology as beneficial, but absolutely not for the reasons the religions claim, and most aren't supported by science by any stretch of the imagination.

Not a single supernatural claim from any religion is supported by any real science, maybe by pseudoscience, but that's not science, it's snake oil salesmanship.

Give specific examples of poets that perfectly described specific areas of psychology without any evidence to extrapolate from please, that's a wild claim to make without evidence. Please don't say Nostradamus.

What "source" are you referencing, you listed none I can see.

That which can be claimed without evidence can be discarded without evidence.

Notre Dame Faculty Pens Open Letter To Delay Hearings

newtboy says...

You're kidding. You can get good care (I assume anything non surgical?) For $1800 a year and you don't?!? I pay that three times over for insurance that pays almost nothing until I'm $4500 out of pocket, and compared to today's market here that's a bargain.

Here I'm lucky to have a doctor at all. We have a huge shortage, always have since I've lived here.

Do you really see it getting better without the aca? Can you tell me why, since normally any improvements wouldn't go to patients or level of care but instead to higher profits?

I sure don't recall when advancements of any kind led to lower health care costs on thought was the aca just spread the pain of paying for the indigent, and gave them preventative care to lower their need for expensive treatments we pay for either way, with higher insurance rates covering care for the poor and lowering overall costs or with higher care cost, leading to higher insurance and more unhealthy poor skipping out on higher bills.

I absolutely think single payer is best. Costs can be negotiated by the entire country, leading to lower costs. Everyone gets basic care, no one skips on their bill, leading to lower costs. 20% that the insurance industry takes from every medical dollar goes away, leading to lower costs. Like other nations with universal healthcare, anyone who chooses can buy supplemental insurance that covers better, more comfortable care like private rooms or choice of top doctors, so nothing's lost for patients. The only issues I see are ideological.

Mordhaus said:

Yeah, I can only say for certain what has happened here. Most doctors that run private practices and are rated well slowly started transitioning to either a service that charges a large amount of money per patient per year, in addition to insurance, or they simply posted on their website they no longer accept insurance. They call it direct primary care, like you pay a fee per month.

My doctor joined a concierge service called MDVIP. I just checked and he lowered his rates to 1,800 per year per patient. Whether you go or not. He was a great doctor, but I refuse to pay 3600 per year for my wife and me to see a doctor. Not when they will bill our insurance as well for any actual visits/treatments.

Instead we had to switch to Austin Regional Clinic, who has an amazing lab and bloodwork team, but the doctor situation is as I mentioned before. There is no feeling that I have a personal doctor. Usually they schedule me with whichever one is available or a PA. Every time I have to re-list what meds I am on and what existing conditions I have because they don't remember. You would think they could look at a chart, but they are so busy every time. It's like sex in high school, in, out, and thanks for coming.

We've tried some others, even a few private practices, but none have been up to par. All of them seem to be super busy and have trimmed their staff to the bone.

If the ACA isn't changed or doesn't go away, I don't see it getting any better.

The World's Worst Oil Related Disaster You've Never Heard Of

newtboy says...

Screw the money, it won't save or rehabilitate the poisoned zones. Instead arm the Amazonians with military grade weaponry, and legalize the execution on anyone involved from rig workers to lawyers for Texaco/Chevron to the CEO and their descendants, wipe their DNA from the planet. It will never happen again if we give them what they deserve, slow painful death by massive petroleum poisoning.

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