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Sports Anchor Wins Lotto Live On Air

Sagemind says...

3,088 prizes available to be won. Retail value of all prizes is $3,375,790 and is based on the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price as provided by our suppliers at time of quoting and includes related taxes.
-Prizes are tax free to Canadian residents.
-The cost of tickets is not tax deductible.

4.1. What is gross revenue?
Gross revenue is all monies generated through a gaming event, including total sales and interest income. Gross revenue minus prize costs and other expenses equals net revenue.

Expenses must not exceed 25 per cent of the actual gross revenue of the ticket raffle. Prize costs are not included in the 25 per cent maximum expense calculation.

Remember amount of money taken in does not equal profit. The profit after overhead was 2.2 mil
Overhead would include, Gaming License, Advertising costs, mail outs, tv ads, printing, office space, office staff.

Taxes - In Canada, all taxes are paid by the raffle holders.
I've looked everywhere but can't find the payable amount of taxes but from experience, I've heard it's around 40-50% but that number could be out-of-thin-air.


Dennis Ritchie - Father of C and UNIX is Dead

Sylvester_Ink says...

A lot of the features people seem to think would improve C are the features that would completely defeat the purpose of the language. Adding object-oriented features would add overhead (and OO features can be imitated through coding techniques anyway). Adding exception handling adds HUGE overhead. Adding garbage collection, like Java? Ridiculous amount of overhead. Methods for catching dangling references: more overhead. Pretty much anything you do add is going to degrade the language for its specific purpose.

Now if you can afford to handle some of that overhead, you have C++ as an alternative, which was made to introduce some of those extra features, yet still maintain its speed. And this is what many projects do. The Linux kernel needs to be as fast and efficient as possible, and so it uses C. On the other hand, there are desktop environments like KDE that use C++ instead to take advantage of those extra features and aren't as concerned with raw speed considering the environment they run in. And this continues all the way up to higher level languages.

As for insecurities and bugs, there is no reason to blame the language. Even in the hands of a good programmer, any language is a liability. Java is the perfect example, due to its enormous adoption in the early 2000s. There are TONS of Java programs out there that are insecure, buggy, and error-prone, and yet one of the goals of the language was to minimize this. Is it easier to make these mistakes in C? Of course! But it's nonetheless a necessity in the programming world.

Just take a look at the Linux kernel. It's written ENTIRELY in C, and yet it's certainly more stable and secure than the Windows kernel, which is a combination of C and C++. (And go ahead and suggest to Linus Torvalds that it should be switched to C++ or some other "more modern" language. He'll give you a nice 10 page essay on why you're wrong.)

Oh, to add to that, most of the drivers written for your computer are written in C.

The point is that C is most definitely NOT past its prime, and in fact due to the embedded systems industry, it's getting a resurgence.

Fox News: Han Solo's Millenium Falcon discovered using sonar

Karl Pilkington meets Warwick Davis...hilarity ensues

arghness says...

>> ^Shepppard:

Alright, is it sad that I want to see his kitchen now?

Me too! He must have very little storage under his work surfaces, and can't easily reach up to overhead cupboards either.

I'd definitely go with Stephen Merchant's height if forced to make the decision (I'm quite happy with how I am).

Nerdrage: Mac OS X Lion rant

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I agree with most of your points. I would like to make a small defense of the inability to change things in OS X. With mutability can come a lot of overhead and chaos. There is something to be said for an iron hand on the tiller of user interfaces - but only if you trust the group making decisions.

I am not a UX expert. Up until Lion I trusted the UX people at Apple to have a better idea about how humans can optimally interact with a computer. For the most part, I think they were right. Up until Lion - now I think I'm starting to be sold a crock. The decisions they have made don't seem to be based on making efficient interactions happen - but instead about some grand unified melding of Macs and iOS devices. It's bullshit.

The mandatory click to focus thing is really a taste thing. For me, personally it drives me batty. I don't want focus until I've clicked.

Bouncy in your face icons - agreed, annoying - but not as bad modal windows you have to dismiss.

>> ^srd:

>> ^dag:
Up until Lion I would completely disagree with you and say the UX of OS X is simply the best. Yes, I'm talking against Windows 7, Gnome, KDE et al. Now however, I'm starting to cast a wandering eye back towards Linux.
Windows 7 however, is a frigging awful experience any way you slice it. It's stupid little things like the alt-tab selecting whatever window is in the background when really you just want to cycle through the icons. Also, I can't believe they still haven't killed the dysfunctional bloatware ridden system tray. The retarded nanny-ware labyrinth that has to be navigated to connect to a wireless network makes my eyes bleed.
The way I'm feeling now is that all operating systems suck hard, but OS X sucks a little less, at least until Lion - which, again, is starting to suck much harder for all the reasons outlined in this video - and more.

Gnome, KDE, Windows et al have been scampering after the OSX UX for some years now, and I agreee have been doing it rather badly. And this is a trend I'm very skeptical of. However, if you like the workflow that OSX/Quarz imposes, I'm sure you can be happy with it. Where I take exception is having no choice except for what some people in a meeting in Cupertino decide is how I should do my work.
Things that really put me off:
- Menu bar at the top of the screen instead of attached to the individual application... Sure, thats traditional on apple computers and that made sense back in the days when the Mac didn't have real multitasking. But nowadays it's just terribly confusing and imposes longer mouse travel distances.
- Mandatory click-to-focus, which can be seen as a neccessary corrolary of the previous point. I've been using the focus-follows-mouse model (without raise-on-focus) for 15 years now and the difference is jarring. Imagine having to click away an overlay on each and every page you go to in your browser.
- Bouncy in-your-face animations and notification boxes that are reminiscent of Paperclip. Shut up already and get out of my face, I'm trying to work, not playing a game of whack-an-icon.
- Apple marketing OSX as 64 bit but delivering it in 32 bit mode and not telling you until you a) find out by accident and then b) spend 10 minutes gooling around until you find the command to switch it to 64bit default mode (no GUI level preference here for whatever reason).
I'd be a lot happier if I had a choice. Either by having real preferences that goes beyond what color scheme do I want and in what way do I want to stroke my touchpad to do what. Or open up the possibility for alternative window managers.
For all the "think different" attitude that Apple likes to spread, the OSX ecosystem seems to be hard at work to remove individual preferences. Apple turned into the opposite of what the 1984 commercial implied.
Dag, if you're looking at linux again, both KDE and Gnome (especially Gnome 3) are IMO horrible too. If you don't like them, give XFCE a go. I've been using it since '03 IIRC, when I grew tired of Blackbox. And you'd be in good company too

Guy robs Bank For a $1 Hoping For Jail Health Care!

Porksandwich says...

>> ^blankfist:

When's the last time you've ever heard a doctor or nurse give you dollar amount for your visit? Not often, because all we care about is the copay, right?

Well I think that's part of it. But I know why they don't give a dollar amount. It's because every person on the planet could have insurance but through different companies, and they all have different "agreed" payments for procedures. I get a kick out of getting a test that I was thinking "oh this is probably worth about 50 dollars worth of someone's time", and seeing that it's billed at about 120, but then insurance sets aside 60 of it, pays 20 and I end up paying 40. Sure they SAVED you 80 dollars on the test cost, but that test wouldn't cost 120 if they didn't negotiate like they do.

I worked for a billing agency for a few months a number of years ago, and I overhead one of the doctors talking to head of the billing department on a job site (I was doing IT work). The head guy told the doctor that they had to pick from 5-6 categories for what they agree to take for payment on procedures, they advised the doctor to take the highest payout. Doctor balked at the idea of charging so much for procedures that were more in line with the first or second column of like 5-6. Head guy tells the doctor that the negotiation only takes place every 5 years or so, so what it may cost now won't be what it costs in 3 years. So you have to take the higher rates unless you want to pay part of every persons procedure in 3 years. And also with this agreement, the doctor can't make patients any discounts unless they also offer those same discounts to the insurance companies. Told the doctor to offer people (uninsured or not choosing to use insurance) a discount if they paid same day, because insurance companies can't pay same day. This was a small and as far as I know unaffiliated practice in a mostly rural area....practice was attached in a seperated section of their house.

And it's pretty obvious how bullshit all of it is when you see it in practice....badmouthing it as someone whose trying to make a living at it probably means you'll be out of business due to pissing someone off who makes payments or losing out on a slew of customers.

The new see-through airplane of the future

zeoverlord says...

In the future because of security reasons everybody will have to be naked in order to board a plane.
>> ^ponceleon:

Cool, but doesn't seem practical... for one, it appears that in the future people don't bring 20 carry-ons and fight for overhead compartment space.

The new see-through airplane of the future

GDGD says...

>> ^ponceleon:

Cool, but doesn't seem practical... for one, it appears that in the future people don't bring 20 carry-ons and fight for overhead compartment space.

That is what the teleporters are for? Unsafe for living things at the time obviously.

The new see-through airplane of the future

krazyety (Member Profile)

What Is It Like To Have A Tornado Pass Overhead?

flechette says...

Looks like they live in an apartment complex, so it's doubtful they have a basement. I think when he did move back from the window, he went to either the kitchen or the bathroom. I heard a lot of 'oh my God' and 'it's dangerous.'

>> ^shagen454:

I just don't understand why they didn't go into the basement, these people were playing with their lives for no apparent reason.

Stop Torrenting!

shuac says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^entr0py:
I love how the pirate has no friends, no living room and no overhead lighting. Just an empty cereal bowl and a portrait of a dog for company. This man needs some movies to keep him going. Don't deprive him of that.

Yeah my friends and I torrent wrestling shows and get together on weekends to watch them all. It's fun, socializing, we even go places sometimes and watch them on the way to say San Francisco.

San Francisci? So how'd ya came? Didja drove & didja flew?

If you "get" that reference, then I'll eat my hat.

Stop Torrenting!

Yogi says...

>> ^entr0py:

I love how the pirate has no friends, no living room and no overhead lighting. Just an empty cereal bowl and a portrait of a dog for company. This man needs some movies to keep him going. Don't deprive him of that.

Yeah my friends and I torrent wrestling shows and get together on weekends to watch them all. It's fun, socializing, we even go places sometimes and watch them on the way to say San Francisco.

Stop Torrenting!

entr0py says...

I love how the pirate has no friends, no living room and no overhead lighting. Just an empty cereal bowl and a portrait of a dog for company. This man needs some movies to keep him going. Don't deprive him of that.

Obama Speaks Candidly on Unknown Open Mic

MaxWilder says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^MaxWilder:
>> ^joedirt:
>> ^MaxWilder:
You gotta be brain damaged if you think that health care bill would have passed without Obama pushing congress. He worked his ass off, and like he said, paid a lot for it politically. He has earned the right to call it his.

You gotta be REALLY brain damaged to think there was any health care bill passed.
No health care bill was ever passed. There was a giant health insurance bill that mandates everyone pay corporations with nothing in return. That passed.
Tell me again about improved health care.

Sigh. Fine. I will tell you about improved health care.
1. An end to pre-existing conditions causing denial of coverage.
2. An end to recissions.
3. An end to lifetime benefit caps, and annual caps end in 2014.
4. Rebates to help close the prescription drug "donut hole".
5. Tax rebates for businesses with under 50 employees to offset the costs.
6. Children covered by parents insurance until age 27.
7. Preventative care without copay.
8. Greater transparency in insurance overhead.
9. Appeals process for coverage denials.
10. New procedures to root out fraud and waste.
11. Medicare expansion to rural areas.
12. New standards for non-profit organization efficiency.
... and many, many more.
I'm not saying it's the best. I'm not saying we shouldn't keep fighting for better. But this is a serious improvement over what has been going on lately.

I'll grant you improvements. But it merely shows what a failed democracy we live in because this is not what the American people wanted or supported in a large majority before and even after the bullshit propaganda campaign.
For attempting to make things better Obama gets a "Good for you" other than that it's like Bill Clinton for me...just because you're better than the Bush that came before you doesn't mean you're any good.

I quite agree. Obama is a disappointment in many ways. But let's be honest. The health care "debate" served to highlight what a bunch of morons we live among. As long as there are so many gullible idiots that believe in death panels and the "horrible" universal health care plans in almost every other civilized country, we can't expect much better. Obama was overhyped. We only get the leadership we deserve. And we don't deserve much. In my humble opinion, we were damn lucky to get anything positive out of the whole fiasco.

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