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When pandas attack!

(Deleted Post)

djsunkid says...

...And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this Thy hand grenade that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy." And the Lord did grin and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats and large chu... [Whereupon the friar is urged, "skip ahead a bit, brother"]... And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it." Amen.

OK, so the Saddam video is officially "out there"... (Sift Talk Post)

theo47 says...

I'm sorry you thought I was a dick to, wait - no, I'm not.

You people are acting like if it isn't on VS, it isn't on the internets. Or that scrubbing anything from one site means 1984 conspiracy theories and paranoia.

There's plenty of places for you to get your jollies off watching people have sex, get killed, or whatever - but the Sift holds itself up to a different standard.

If you had to pay to see VS content, then maybe the content rules (so simple and plain an orangutan could follow them) could be let go. But as a site looking to appeal to a broader audience (not to mention advertisers), this is the way it is. Deal.

Monkey pwns tigers

BayAreaGuy says...

That's actually not a monkey. It's a gibbon. They're members of the lesser ape family. Humans, chimpanzees, orangutans, and gorillas are great apes, and these little guys share the lesser ape category with siamangs.

Monkeys can't hang from limbs like that because they don't have rotating shoulders. Their sockets are like a dog or cat, because they skitter about on TOP of the limbs, rather than hanging from them like the apes who are generally larger.

Kirk Cameron: The Evolution Zone

jayhawks71 says...

Wow, Kirk Cameron, now there is a source that I would accept less readily that the Bible.

Claim #1 - Why are humans and apes similar - they have a common "designer"
Response: Perhaps they have a common ancestor, as evolution claims; no need for an additional, non-parsimonious designer.

Claim #2 - Interviewing "believers" in evolution.
Note the sarcastic response of the blonde college student. Why didn't they go to the "experts?" They seem to conclude that because these people don't have detailed answers, therefore evolution is wrong and they believe it on blind faith. I wonder how many people that believe in God could tell you chapter and verse (or even who said) of biblical passages. By that same logic, I suppose we can dismiss the bible, because its believers pretty much know jack about what is in it.

Claim #3 - "Does THIS PROVE that man evolved from apes?"
Response: Only the creationist trying to make claims about the invalidity of evolution claims to believe that man evolved from apes.

"Humans did not evolve from present-day apes. Rather, humans and apes share a common ancestor that gave rise to both. This common ancestor, although not identical to modern apes, was almost certainly more apelike than humanlike in appearance and behavior. At some point -- scientists estimate that between 5 and 8 million years ago -- this species diverged into two distinct lineages, one of which were the hominids, or humanlike species, and the other ultimately evolved into the African great ape species living today."

Claim #4 "Apes aren't our relatives, they are a completely different species" Their evidence, that the orangutan tries to eat their salad ("covets their salad", something the purposefully made different than what the orangutan has. It acts like a "beast untrained").

I suppose small children are also not related to humans, a different species perhaps; they too act like this so called "beast untrained." They "covet" things that they do not have and grab for objects; they do things such as defecate on themselves. They throw things as well; perhaps some training can get their "beast" to make facial experessions mimicking Kirk Cameron.

Interestingly, they also say that the orangutans don't form themselves into orchestras. Neither do children, now without guidance for sure.

Claim #5 - Something is not in the fossil record and "proof" of a claim.
First, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence and certainly the false dichotomy that "evolution is wrong, therefore Biblical creation must be correct" is absurd. Also, scientists do not "prove" something to be true. They provide evidence in favor or against a particular claim.

Claim # 6: "Experts" speculation about evolution as support that evolution is foolish.

Ernst Chain (not ERNEST as they put in the video) and others. Speculation by experts does not make their claim valid. Sir Isaac Newton , clearly a great thinker spent much of his days as an alchemist trying to change lead into gold; just because someone is a 'great thinker' does not mean that all his or her ideas are valid.

Claim # 7 "Man will believe anything as long as its not in the Bible"
Better yet, man will believe anything, period, including that a text which has how many versions and ambiguities in the very words that are used was "divinely inspired!" Why SHOULD man believe the Bible? Because it provides the simplistic "god did it" response? OK, now we can move on and continue making our widgets, all of the necessary knowledge can be summed up in "god did it."

Why don't they tell you who the biologist with the PhD is? Why don't we hear more than what they clip?

Are they trying to be "anti-intellectual?" Yes. They select "proof" of their side (the confirmation bias, clearly unscientific.)

At the end, ahhhh we get to the real point. See, there is no "evidence" presented in this video, just some carefully selected and edited clips.

Kirk Cameron....enough said.

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