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white boyband trio sings about going down on black urban boy

Willie Smits: How we re-grew a rainforest

Bulldog Babysitter Loves young Orangutan

Bulldog Babysitter Loves young Orangutan

This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

alien_concept says...


1) Season - Spring, nothing better than that fresh smell in the air after shitty winter is through
2) Place in the world - Paris has the most atmosphere
3) Children's book - Matilda by Roald Dahl
4) TV Series - Lost, Spaced, Skins
5) Word - flibbertygibbet
6) Film - Hundreds, but a couple would be Donnie Darko and City of God
7) Curse - prick, cockwipe
Creature - Orangutan
9) Past time - Finding fun stuff for my brats to do so I can do other fun stuff
10)Person - My friend, she's weird and fabulous in equal measure

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Dogs, cat's are bastards. I have 2, i'm fully aware
12) Sweet or savoury - Savoury
13) Cereal or Toast - Cereal
14) Tan or pale - Tan
15) Shoes or barefoot - Barefoot even when inappropriate
16) Desktop or laptop - Desktop
17) Drive or walk - Drive
18) Drama or comedy - There is more good comedy than good drama around, but when you get a decent drama that would win
19) Sex or food - Sex, burn some calories. Food, stuff my face. Sex, sex sex, more food.
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Easily Futurama

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - Lately it would have to be this
22) A great comment on one of your vids - Hahaha...this bitch is dumb. She's so dumb that she doesn't realize that his work with the Beatles has given him the "free pass". He could pretty much murder her on stage and walk away, a free man, as long as he followed it up with "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."

23) Most off the wall member - thepinky by far
24) Favourite user name - Octopussy, fissionchips
25) Your most used channel - Music
26) Personal dumbass moment - Completely missing the point of a post, giving it the large one with a comment about it, hence losing my mojo and making me temporarily want to die
27) Best avatar - Kulpim's old Star Trek avatar
28) Partner in crime - evil_disco obviously and a crush or two
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem- Yeahhh, my friends have no choice but be subjected to whatever i'm interested in at the time
30) Idea for the site - Removing some of siftbots comments would be great

About you

31) Where do you live - Dorset, UK
32) Smoker/non-smoker - Smoker, but barely
33) Left or right handed - Right
34) Hair colour - Dark brown
35) Relationship status - Single with affections
36) How tall - 5'4
37) Children - Two, girl 9 and boy nearly 6
38) Ever had an operation - yes, I have scars and everythin
39) Best feature - Personally i'd go with eyes
40) Use four words to describe yourself - stoner quit, still confused

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Oscar Wilde
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - UNICEF
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon -
44) Relive a moment in your life - Finally managing to get my ex to fuck off
45) Have a superpower - Flight
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - Is there life after death
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Leaking copious amounts of breastmilk in public
48) Be president for one hour - Check the Area 51 files
49) Delete a period in history - The slave trade
50) Achieve one thing - To be a paramedic

How Do You Deal With "Trolls"? (Geek Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

How to deal with trolls?

1. Give them avatars of B-list celebrities, like David Spade or Steven Seagal, that way they can be easily identified.
2. Keep posting talks like this regularly, that way they'll come into the open to identify themselves by saying IT'S THE INTERNET. Any time someone even remotely suggests that we should treat each other with the tiniest bit of respect, they will immediately be incensed and start whining.
3. Make sure that no one can ever discuss or even allude to the Nazis EVER AGAIN, unless we are actually talking about REAL Nazis (you know, the ones who systematically exterminated millions of people during World War II). That way they'll have no arguments at all:

First they came for the racist trolls and CP, and we rejoiced. Then they banned the ad-hom personal attacks, and we rejoiced. Then they came for the threadjackers, pointless posts and anything that upset people, and the newer members rejoiced. Then they came for those who criticized the f-cking kitty dominoes bullshit videos, they came for those who downvoted three times in a row, they came for those who swore or misabused their powers.

Finally, all that was left was the power-hungry tattletales who took over videosift and their lameass videos that mostly suck.

I know it's easy to confuse persons who want polite discourse with the Einsatzgruppen, so I fear this step is necessary.

Hypocrisy is :

Dog and kitty
Another kitty
Yet another kitty
Would you believe another kitty?
OMG, another fucking kitty
Squirrels and kitty
Orangutan and kitty

Whassa matter, joe? Did your kitty run out on you, so now you hate ALL cute little critters? Or have you never recovered from your gall bladder removal?

evil_disco_man (Member Profile)

Women and VideoSift: Why I'm a feminist. Guys, I quoted you. (Terrible Talk Post)

Laughter Chain -- laugh at the last laugher and pass it on!

Proof of Creationism!

Crosswords says...

"Humans did not evolve from apes; humans and apes evolved from the same ancestor which was some third thing."

Actually people did evolve from apes, just not the apes as we know them today. Meaning we did not come from chimpanzees, gorilla or orangutan. People are still considered apes, as are all members of the Hominoidea family. The ancestors of the homo genus (animals that are considered human) developed from apes (are/were apes). Somewhere way back there, there was some proto-ape from which all apes evolved. Human like things came much much later.

Other than that I agree and understand what you were trying to say, I just felt the need to inform on what I thought might be a misunderstanding.

Monkey see, Monkey.... pee?

Birth of a baby orangutan

Monkey see, Monkey.... pee?

Awww, an orangutan and a kitty

How Chimp Chromosome #13 Proves Evolution

sometimes says...

Art Said:
I have a question. That marker in there is the same as the chimps but is the dna on both sides of that marker consistent with the dna from the two missing chromosomes? If not than this marker may be nothing more than a section that looks like the section that they where looking for but has a different practical use. Dna as a whole section can be easily compared so this should probably be a yes or no.

Just my first thought on it.

Of course they line up.

Only an absolute moron would release such findings and not do a basic check like that. Scientists, especially geneticists, tend to be a little bit on the smart side, and tend to do their best to not present easily disprovable material.

The similarities are also there with Gorillas and orangutans.

This is relatively old information in the world of genetics.

Also, look at google: (has pictures) (more pictures) (from 2003)

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