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Michael Cohen LIED AGAIN in TRUMP TRIAL says Ex-Lawyer

newtboy says...

Yes, you are a loser in the eyes of leftists, bigots, righties, inclusives, centrists, the intelligent, the educated, and the rational…there are many on the sift and in life, they all see you, loser.

I can deny he lied under oath, or at least that that has been proven…you have no evidence that he did, only the unreliable memory of a disgraced maga lawyer who suborned perjury before claiming so. Nothingburger Royal with cheese. Still would be a nothingburger if he went under oath and testified to his claims, but he won’t.
You think the accusation that he talked about being harassed means he absolutely didn’t talk about the payoff…because you have never talked about two things in one call?
This is not the gotcha you believe it is. Even if the disgraced ex lawyer speaking not under oath making this accusation was correct about the specific phone call, highly suspect but giving him the benefit of every sliver of doubt, his contention doesn’t even contradict the testimony that he spoke to Trump on that call, and even if it had (and again, it did not) this was one call among many others from 8 years ago he might be recalling happening at a slightly different hour on the same day during one of the dozen calls they had that day.
It doesn’t impeach his testimony in any way, nor any of the evidence Trump knew exactly what he was doing and knew this was criminal, evidence including texts from Trump and audio recordings of Trump discussing the crime.
If Cohen was making it up as you claim, he has plenty of other calls they can’t deny or explain away he could have said were about the details of hiding the secret payoff to hide sex with a porn star while married and dating a playboy model on the side, instead he testified honestly to the best of his recollection…which further enforces the idea he’s now being honest (has been since he left Trump’s employment).
Wait for re-direct. This minutiae will evaporate into pure warm zephyrum and you will still be grasping at straws…loser.

bobknight33 said:

I'm a loser in the eyes of leftest bigots. There are many on the sift. You being 1 of many.

That being said you can not deny what this guy said.
Can you deny that Cohen lied again under oath the other day.
The most important link to Trump was a recorded call, suspect as it is.

Cohen provided the date and time of this call any yet on Cross this lie was corrected. This "link" call was about a crank caller harassing Cohen and he asking Trumps bodyguard to take care of it.

Total fail that even CNN is WTF about this.

So If I am the piece of shit for pointing out truth, that has to make you a much lower commie turd. you and newt need to take you head out of you asses and start looking around.

Michael Cohen LIED AGAIN in TRUMP TRIAL says Ex-Lawyer

bobknight33 says...

I'm a loser in the eyes of leftest bigots. There are many on the sift. You being 1 of many.

That being said you can not deny what this guy said.
Can you deny that Cohen lied again under oath the other day.
The most important link to Trump was a recorded call, suspect as it is.

Cohen provided the date and time of this call any yet on Cross this lie was corrected. This "link" call was about a crank caller harassing Cohen and he asking Trumps bodyguard to take care of it.

Total fail that even CNN is WTF about this.

So If I am the piece of shit for pointing out truth, that has to make you a much lower commie turd. you and newt need to take you head out of you asses and start looking around.

surfingyt said:

bob is a disgraced moron. he only provides fun in that hes such a loser.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It must be so frustrating that you (maga) have so thoroughly destroyed your credibility that no one even cares about your lies trying to shield the disgraced ex president from crimes he has repeatedly bragged about publicly and now are trying to pretend he didn’t pay a porn star to hide his tryst with her from voters, then falsified business records to hide the payment. Maybe you shouldn’t have spent the last 8 years screaming bloody murder about all the wolves then laughing when help arrived. Now people are hoping there is a wolf and that it eats you and yours…but no one is coming to check.

PS- Where’s Barron?

PPS- since you seek the truth, it’s “it’s” when you are shortening “it is”. “Its” is the possessive word, like "his" and "her," for nouns without gender.

PPPS- Outside court Trump said he had an illegal NDA….likely a slip of the tongue or misstatement, but that’s what he said. He also said “maga is being punked by Ashton Kutcher….I think I know what that means” but he doesn’t, because he is the prank on you, you are being punked by Trump, he absolutely didn’t get that.

Finally some supporters showed up for him and they released a truckload of penis balloons on NY…for the children. (This is a crime and immoral). I’m guessing the anti Trum protestors will bring mushroom tip balloons for Trump soon, the full shaft and balls penis balloons definitely aren’t representative of him.

Alito has been caught with photos of him flying an upside down flag during the attempted coup to signal his support for the fake “stop the steel” (because you can’t spell “steal”) movement that became an anti American anti democratic terrorist gang that tried to end democracy in America on Jan 6. Just like the criminal Thomas. If they both don’t recuse themselves from any Jan 6 case, they may as well disband because they will prove themselves to be not judges but partisan political operatives, and when Dems take the other two thirds of government they will all be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and replaced, including the fraudulently appointed Comey and Kavenaugh. Bye Felicia.

Michael Cohen LIED AGAIN in TRUMP TRIAL says Ex-Lawyer

bobknight33 says...

Why would I listen to this twaddle? The only thing to “learn” is how delusional you are. I can reasonably downvote based on the source,

Former Attorney and Deputy Chief of US District of SDNY.

Its for those seeking truth,
Not for those who do not care about this principle, like you.

newtboy said:

Man enough to listen to whining propaganda? 😂 I’m not infantile enough.

😂 Michael Cohen Lied Again in Trump Trial Says Disgraced Ex Lawyer Who Helped Him Lie To Congress For Trump The First Time When He Was Convicted For Lying 😂

“Says ex lawyer”! 😂 you fucking idiotic moron. You can’t even find a maggot who hasn’t been disgraced to make these idiotic claims? 😂
He was Cohen’s MAGGOT lawyer while Cohen was still Trump’s loyal “fixer”, defending crimes he committed for Trump while Cohen was Trump’s lawyer, crimes comitted at Trump’s order and for his SOLE benefit, defending him because he was tied to Trump, now slandering him because he’s testifying against Trump and Costello himself, putting Robert Costello and Trump personally deep in the plots to deceive congress. He is not reliable, he was the lawyer who tried to help Cohen get away with lying to congress and failed…and he’s still making up nonsense. Let’s see him testify to this under oath in a court where perjury has consequences….won’t ever happen, not that it would make a difference if he did.

If he perjured himself in any way, Cohen will go back to Rikers…so I doubt it. Everything salient he testified to was pre-corroborated with incontrovertible evidence already admitted, mostly evidence unwillingly provided by the defense like texts and emails. No finding of fact rests on Cohen’s testimony, it merely confirms evidence already submitted to the court. 😂

Why would I listen to this twaddle? The only thing to “learn” is how delusional you are. I can reasonably downvote based on the source, this disgraced lawyer in mom’s basement who loves to mislead morons like yourself and has been debunked every time, now talking about another disgraced lawyer who defended Trump’s fixer for crimes he committed for Trump …defended him and lost. Find a real source, not a ridiculous idiot and co-conspirator that has been caught lying a hundred times already and whose position has already been tried in court and failed miserably.

You haven’t ever had anything worth 20 minutes of my time, or even 10 at 2x…still I watched (skipping most of the idiotic commentary)…as expected you still didn’t have anything worth 29 seconds, much less 20 minutes.
Watched, another nothing burger royal. Downvoted.
Next time you post this braying moron you don’t get to waste my time, just insta downvote.

Ps5 Where’s Melania?

Michael Cohen LIED AGAIN in TRUMP TRIAL says Ex-Lawyer

Even CNN believes Cohen is a failure of a witness.

newtboy says...

Who are you trying to convince, @bobknight33? If it’s anyone but yourself, you failed, and will continue to fail because you are not one bit trustworthy and neither is anything you post.

Police Hold Woman In Fire Ant Bed On Purpose

newtboy says...

Personally, in a just world, I think they should all go to their graves cursing her name after some Native American style justice (buried alive in an ant bed with your eyelids cut off springs to mind as fitting).
Sadly we do not live in a just world, and instead of being held to a higher standard they will be held to no standard at all and they will never see any repercussions for torturing her for contempt of cop.

moonsammy said:

"While I forgive the officers for their actions that day..."

WTF WHY?!?! I can't begin to imagine they've done anything to show remorse, or that they've learned and will change their behavior. I would go to my grave cursing their names, bunch of sadistic assholes.

That's all for today, yolks!

moonsammy says...

Real "I ate all the Halloween candy" video vibes here. Perhaps I'm just a fun hater, but I'm very not a fan of the genre. Feels like the ask for participants is "please slightly erode your parent-child relationship to entertain strangers." Maybe the kids feel fine about it after the fact, but on some level there's got to a tiny bit of "my parent is willing to hurt me for the benefit of others" encoded into their mind forevermore.

Michael Cohen LIED AGAIN in TRUMP TRIAL says Ex-Lawyer

newtboy says...

Man enough to listen to whining propaganda? 😂 I’m not infantile enough.

😂 Michael Cohen Lied Again in Trump Trial Says Disgraced Ex Lawyer Who Helped Him Lie To Congress For Trump The First Time When He Was Convicted For Lying 😂

“Says ex lawyer”! 😂 you fucking idiotic moron. You can’t even find a maggot who hasn’t been disgraced to make these idiotic claims? 😂
He was Cohen’s MAGGOT lawyer while Cohen was still Trump’s loyal “fixer”, defending crimes he committed for Trump while Cohen was Trump’s lawyer, crimes comitted at Trump’s order and for his SOLE benefit, defending him because he was tied to Trump, now slandering him because he’s testifying against Trump and Costello himself, putting Robert Costello and Trump personally deep in the plots to deceive congress. He is not reliable, he was the lawyer who tried to help Cohen get away with lying to congress and failed…and he’s still making up nonsense. Let’s see him testify to this under oath in a court where perjury has consequences….won’t ever happen, not that it would make a difference if he did.

If he perjured himself in any way, Cohen will go back to Rikers…so I doubt it. Everything salient he testified to was pre-corroborated with incontrovertible evidence already admitted, mostly evidence unwillingly provided by the defense like texts and emails. No finding of fact rests on Cohen’s testimony, it merely confirms evidence already submitted to the court. 😂

Why would I listen to this twaddle? The only thing to “learn” is how delusional you are. I can reasonably downvote based on the source, this disgraced lawyer in mom’s basement who loves to mislead morons like yourself and has been debunked every time, now talking about another disgraced lawyer who defended Trump’s fixer for crimes he committed for Trump …defended him and lost. Find a real source, not a ridiculous idiot and co-conspirator that has been caught lying a hundred times already and whose position has already been tried in court and failed miserably.

You haven’t ever had anything worth 20 minutes of my time, or even 10 at 2x…still I watched (skipping most of the idiotic commentary)…as expected you still didn’t have anything worth 29 seconds, much less 20 minutes.
Watched, another nothing burger royal. Downvoted.
Next time you post this braying moron you don’t get to waste my time, just insta downvote.

PS-Where’s Melania?

bobknight33 said:

ok @newtboy don't watch and downvote

Or watch and learn. Are you man enough?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump is apparently begging to be put in jail.
A reporter actually watched him in the courtroom going over the talking points his maga friends planned to give outside the courtroom and editing them, then handing them back to his supporters who went outside and read them to the press. The quotes he edited that they repeated to the press were often violations of the gag order…that’s not what he edited out. Somehow he thinks this isn’t directing others to make statements in violation of the gag order…or he understands it’s a major direct violation and is begging for jail. His lawyers are not stopping this, they know for certain it’s a violation that will get their client another contempt charge. What are they doing? Playing to lose?

Still waiting.

PS- Trump has screwed himself by agreeing to Biden’s debate rules. 1 on June 27 hosted by CNN, one in September hosted by ABC…both in studio with no crowds to disrupt and interrupt, both with microphones that are muted when the candidate’s time is up. It’s going to be so incredibly disastrous for Diaper Don. He’s already trying to back out by tweeting that he agreed to a debate on Fox…
Biden didn’t , and that’s not the debate Trump agreed to either.

S&P and Nasdaq are at record highs, DOW hit 40000!!! (remember how you and Trump swore the markets would crash if Biden was elected?) , inflation is still falling (in stark contrast to the high inflation created by Trump money printing policies), food and other prices are now flat or FALLING (in stark contrast to the high inflation and empty shelves Trump delivered), there’s a massive “startup” boom of new companies (in stark contrast to the massive business slump with hundreds of thousands of businesses closing that Trump delivered), unemployment is still at record lows for a record time frame (in stark contrast to the record high unemployment Trump delivered), wages are still outpacing inflation significantly (in stark contrast to the wage slump Trump delivered), gdp is still climbing (in stark contrast to the NEGATIVE GDP Trump delivered), the Biden economic boom is booming harder with every report, and your fake news outlets are having a harder and harder time pretending all the excellent economic news is bad and things are just about to fall apart. 😂 Of course, you still believe them, but very few are as deeply embedded in their own colon as yourself and even maga is realizing they’re being lied to constantly and grifted off.

Side note- in the last 15 years, Trump has paid more for sex than he did in taxes to America. 😂

Florida MAGA Man Finds Out He’s Not A Citizen

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Two GPT-4os interacting and singing

newtboy jokingly says...

No glaring grammatical errors, properly used three syllable words, actually reasonable and correct descriptions of what’s actually there, capable of rational informative conversation….so not bob.

BSR said:

Soooo... Bob?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I know you brainless ijits are confused by everything.
Someone needs to tell you…co-opting the infantile “let’s go Brandon” and turning it into “Dark Brandon” was genius. Co-opting the factual “Diaper Don” nickname and keeping it “Diaper Don” to show his virility because “real men wear diapers” is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard of.
Typical maga

Bonus- There’s another election interference case being built against Trump for secret payments to pregnant women he fired from his campaign during his 2016 campaign paid through shell companies to hide the payments as “legal services”. Sound familiar? Jason Miller is listed as the father. She got millions (reportedly $4.2).
Just so you know, his trials are only for the KNOWN FELONIES the courts can PROVE he committed. There are dozens if not hundreds of felonies he could be charged with and prosecuted for, but maybe not convicted, often by running out the statute of limitations, not because he didn’t commit the crimes. He isn’t even saying he didn’t do it anymore, he’s saying when he commits felonies it’s not a crime.

Trump lost again in court, lost his latest appeal of his NY gag order, which the courts have repeatedly upheld as reasonable and completely legal despite his tantrums.

I would ask if you are embarrassed for buying the obvious lie about Trump’s NJ crowd, claiming the half full event had 4-5 times the maximum capacity of the venue, but I think you are incapable of embarrassment or you would have gone away in shame years ago.

Two GPT-4os interacting and singing

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Again, because I know you have reading comprehension problems, the maximum capacity of the rally venue was 20000. It would be physically impossible for there to have been even 30000, but it’s clear the venue was only half full at the peak, and far less once Trump started his rambling disjointed speech.
It was not ever full, it may have been 10000 at the peak, with most leaving when Trump came out.
Trump sycophants are plastering the internet with pictures of huge crowds they claim were attending the rally…crowds from other events like a Rod Stewart concert in Brazil with over 3.5 million attending and other music festivals in other countries from decades past having nothing to do with Trump. They do this because they know idiots like you will see them and without thinking “hmmm….that doesn’t look like the same place, and that’s way too many people in that photo” you think “now I have proof it was 100000, time to rub those libtards noses in it”. They are always correct, you are always too dumb and lazy to verify what you are told and too gullible to ever question those who tell you what you want to hear despite being misled by them EVERY SINGLE TIME.
You are so insecure as a cult you feel the constant need to lie about your cult leader’s victories that are always in fact and reality defeats…you know this or else you wouldn’t lie for him constantly.

Let’s also not forget at his rally he went off script to heap lavish praise on his friend, the late great Hannibal Lecter before for the thousandth time telling his favorite poem “the snake” which he twists into a racist dehumanization of immigrants, but which is actually a song written by a former Black Nationalist and member of the Communist party about people like Trump (he is the snake)…kinda like Rich Men from Richmond turned out to be about Trump but you were too dumb to see it.

These are the liars feeding you nonsense, you are the moron lapping it up and screaming for more as the fact free diarrhea squidges around your cranium to reach your anus. It washed your brain out years and years ago.

Bonus- the poster woman for Trad Wife life is now a single mother 100% denouncing the lifestyle she had promoted as horrifically abusive near slavery that doesn’t have any positive benefits for women or children at all.

bobknight33 said:

The Orange Maggot got estimated 80,000
Biden biggest event? 500?

Take you head out of you ass, wipe the shit off you eyes and ears and truly listen.

But your a lost cause. You love begin buried in shit.

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