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Gasland (full film)

kronosposeidon says...

I'm in and out of the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission building in Casper about a few times every month, and all I see are businessman from the petroleum industry (including Encana fucks) bitching about not getting enough permits to drill. And I don't care how much the state increases the number of permits, it's fucking never enough. They view them as a goddamn birthright. Of course these guys drive there in their Hummers, so they probably each need a well just to fill their gas tanks. I even heard one of those assholes complaining that Nixon would never have signed the Clean Water Act if he knew all the regulations it was going to create. Makes you want to scream.


A High School guitar choir plays the Jurassic Park theme

shuac says...

>> ^Sarzy:

THEM'S FIGHTIN' WORDS. Seriously, I was obsessed with this movie when it came out. I saw it theatrically eight times, which is still a record for me. I actually bought the soundtrack, which I almost never do. I even bought the music book so that I could attempt to play the theme on the piano, even though my piano playing skills were basic, putting it kindly. I haven't seen the movie in years, so I don't know how well it holds up (I'm almost afraid to revisit it, as I'm fairly sure I won't find it as mind-blowingly great as my 11-year-old counterpart). But I know the soundtrack holds up -- there's an sense of awe and a majesty to it that I just love, and I definitely think it's among Williams' best work.
>> ^shuac:
One of Williams' least inspired scores. Get back to me when they do Superman.
My favorite YT comment: The asian kid in the white shirt with guitar was the best!

Oh come on! It's far too simplistic for me. Boring changes with a weak narrative thread (melody). I don't think it fits with the film's subject matter very well either. I don't hear much awe. I hear something similar-sounding to awe: yawn.

Look at his wins (scores that matched up very well with the films): Jaws, Star Wars, Superman, Raiders of the Lost Ark, JFK, Nixon. Nixon is especially good, so much so I bought the soundtrack. The main theme **IS** Nixon, it's that fucking good.

Anyway, it's a matter of taste and I happen to know you have excellent taste in films. You're just wrong about *this*.

TDS: Word Warcraft

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

Obama's entire political career has been built on the premise of "lie and repeat so often that people eventually just believe it". Everything Obama ever said about 'stimulus' and 'transparency' and 'economic experts' and yadda yadda yadda is fundamentally rooted in the principle of telling a bunch of complete bullcrap and just expecting everyone to believe it.

See, here you say the exact same thing twice, one sentence directly after another. It's complete bullshit and yet somehow you believe it. It's exhausting.

Oh, and Nixon was almost half a century ago. The dems have moved on. Using it as a tit-for-tat example doesn't really work.

TDS: Word Warcraft

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

All I'm saying is that for the last ten or so years, the republican political philosophy seems to be to lie and repeat so often that people eventually believe it, and it seems to be working on a lot of Americans. So in short, I'm not really saying that republicans are like Nazis. Just that their political philosophy of late has seems to resemble that of Hitler's propaganda minister.

Well - OK - fair enough I suppose. However, this particular charge is true of both political parties. It can hardly be said that the GOP's political message machine is something that just appeared out of nowhere. If anything, they are doing nothing more than aping what the Democrats have done since Vietnam and Nixon. When it was learned that hyperbolic television news commentary could bring down political figures, the political world has been dominated by a methodology that "resembles" a propoganda machine.

So calling only the GOPs media methods naziesque is an incomplete picture that implies guilt only exists in one corner - which is hardly correct. The Democrats mastered the politics of personal destruction long before the GOP ever got there. Obama's entire political career has been built on the premise of "lie and repeat so often that people eventually just believe it". Everything Obama ever said about 'stimulus' and 'transparency' and 'economic experts' and yadda yadda yadda is fundamentally rooted in the principle of telling a bunch of complete bullcrap and just expecting everyone to believe it.

WikiLeaks Has Proven the First Amendment is Dead and Gone

WikiLeaks Has Proven the First Amendment is Dead and Gone

WikiLeaks Has Proven the First Amendment is Dead and Gone

bamdrew (Member Profile)

Barbara Bush gives her opinion of Sarah Palin

Duckman33 says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Eisenhower -- lost to history
JFK -- low taxes, strong national defense. Would be a Republican today.
Nixon -- had the grace to step down. Did not authorize or know about Watergate break-in.
Ford -- RINO who tripped alot.
Carter -- Worst President until You Know Who.
Reagan -- Pride returns to America. Economic boom. Enemies given beat down. Made left look like fools.
Bush 41 -- almost won Iraq War, then didn't. Wimp taxocrats rolled over. "No new taxes." Crucified by pre-internet media/entertainment complex. Now heralded by liberals as he is harmless.
Bill Clinton -- convicted felon. Genuinely cares as shown by million-dollar speaking engagements and cheating on wife. Also, forced himself on women and if they didn't comply, had them fired. I thought liberals protected and cared about the "little guy". Filth only cared about his Little Guy.
Bush 43-- RINO aka "halfservative" who rubber-stamped all spending but still a cause célèbre of liberal apoplexy to this day
Obama -- You Know Who. Clueless, corupt community organizer fools the fools: funny movie premise, not funny in reality.

ROTFL! That's some funny shit.

Barbara Bush gives her opinion of Sarah Palin

jwray says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Eisenhower -- lost to history
JFK -- low taxes, strong national defense. Would be a Republican today.
Nixon -- had the grace to step down. Did not authorize or know about Watergate break-in.
Ford -- RINO who tripped alot.
Carter -- Worst President until You Know Who.
Reagan -- Pride returns to America. Economic boom. Enemies given beat down. Made left look like fools.
Bush 41 -- almost won Iraq War, then didn't. Wimp taxocrats rolled over. "No new taxes." Crucified by pre-internet media/entertainment complex. Now heralded by liberals as he is harmless.
Bill Clinton -- convicted felon. Genuinely cares as shown by million-dollar speaking engagements and cheating on wife. Also, forced himself on women and if they didn't comply, had them fired. I thought liberals protected and cared about the "little guy". Filth only cared about his Little Guy.
Bush 43-- RINO aka "halfservative" who rubber-stamped all spending but still a cause célèbre of liberal apoplexy to this day
Obama -- You Know Who. Clueless, corupt community organizer fools the fools: funny movie premise, not funny in reality.

You're provably wrong:
JFK -- The top income tax rate was 91% during his entire term. That's higher taxation than even the left wing of the Democratic Party would propose nowadays:
Nixon -- Listen to his tapes, for fuck's sake. He was a psychopathic thug with no respect for the law.
Reagan -- Took credit for things that had nothing to do with him, i.e. the Soviet Union collapsing under its own shitty policies.
Clinton -- For debunking the felony conviction nonsense, check

Barbara Bush gives her opinion of Sarah Palin

MonkeySpank says...

If we put a NOT chip in your keyboard, your statements will be absolutely right all the time.

>> ^quantumushroom:

Eisenhower -- lost to history
JFK -- low taxes, strong national defense. Would be a Republican today.
Nixon -- had the grace to step down. Did not authorize or know about Watergate break-in.
Ford -- RINO who tripped alot.
Carter -- Worst President until You Know Who.
Reagan -- Pride returns to America. Economic boom. Enemies given beat down. Made left look like fools.
Bush 41 -- almost won Iraq War, then didn't. Wimp taxocrats rolled over. "No new taxes." Crucified by pre-internet media/entertainment complex. Now heralded by liberals as he is harmless.
Bill Clinton -- convicted felon. Genuinely cares as shown by million-dollar speaking engagements and cheating on wife. Also, forced himself on women and if they didn't comply, had them fired. I thought liberals protected and cared about the "little guy". Filth only cared about his Little Guy.
Bush 43-- RINO aka "halfservative" who rubber-stamped all spending but still a cause célèbre of liberal apoplexy to this day
Obama -- You Know Who. Clueless, corupt community organizer fools the fools: funny movie premise, not funny in reality.

Barbara Bush gives her opinion of Sarah Palin

quantumushroom says...

Eisenhower -- lost to history
JFK -- low taxes, strong national defense. Would be a Republican today.
Nixon -- had the grace to step down. Did not authorize or know about Watergate break-in.
Ford -- RINO who tripped alot.
Carter -- Worst President until You Know Who.
Reagan -- Pride returns to America. Economic boom. Enemies given beat down. Made left look like fools.
Bush 41 -- almost won Iraq War, then didn't. Wimp taxocrats rolled over. "No new taxes." Crucified by pre-internet media/entertainment complex. Now heralded by liberals as he is harmless.
Bill Clinton -- convicted felon. Genuinely cares as shown by million-dollar speaking engagements and cheating on wife. Also, forced himself on women and if they didn't comply, had them fired. I thought liberals protected and cared about the "little guy". Filth only cared about his Little Guy.
Bush 43-- RINO aka "halfservative" who rubber-stamped all spending but still a cause célèbre of liberal apoplexy to this day
Obama -- You Know Who. Clueless, corupt community organizer fools the fools: funny movie premise, not funny in reality.

Barbara Bush gives her opinion of Sarah Palin

jwray says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Oh yeah, these idiots. Thanks for Filth Clinton, wimp!

Eisenhower -- loses a lot of points for authorizing Operation Ajax and other foreign policy blunders.
JFK -- loses major points for that bay of pigs fiasco and Vietnam.
Nixon -- the biggest psychopathic douchebag ever to get himself elected to the presidency.
Ford -- well, at least he appointed John Paul Stevens.
Carter -- At least he had sensible foreign policy, rolling back imperialism. Stagflation was triggered by high oil prices which were caused by OPEC.
Reagan -- ignorant bigot who tripled the debt.
Bill Clinton -- was the best president we've had since Truman. Genuinely cares about helping people as evidenced by what he's done after the presidency, unlike all the recent republican presidents.
George Bush -- Worst president since Andrew Johnson.
Obama -- Pretty lame so far. Keeps trying to play nice and compromise with republicans while they spit in his face and make increasingly extreme demands. Caved in on almost all his campaign promises without even putting up a fight. He should turn the tables -- threaten to veto funds going to the the state/district of any republican who threatens to filibuster good legislation.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

NetRunner says...

>> ^blankfist:

I doubt anyone can or should call Democrats left.


Also, during the Bush Presidency, did we forget all the anti-war protesters storming public meetings and carrying signs and yelling? It's the same really. Both sides feel there side isn't doing enough to "fight back".

This is the only part of your comment I agree with. Democrats are only "left" by way of comparison, not because they're actually left of center in any measurable way. Democrats today are to the right of Nixon on many, many issues.

>> ^blankfist:
[T]he whole left vs right paradigm is arbitrary and makes no sense currently. The terms 'right' and 'left' were created based on where political factions were seated in the Assembly during the French Revolution of the late 18th Century. On the left sat the National Party in favor of the Revolution and on the Right sat the Royalist Democrats in favor of a Constitutional.

You left out a word at the end of that sentence. Monarchy. Constitutional Monarchy.

Which is to say, left vs. right was borne out of a division on whose interests should take primacy, those of the nobility and the church, or the commoners?

That's how the parties still divide up today, you just have a lot more propaganda out there trying to muddy the issue.

>> ^blankfist:
I say the right vs. left scale should be total government on the left and no government on the right.

The old left-right struggle was basically a question of whether the landed nobility should get to have total authority (since they owned all the land), or whether authority should flow from rule of law set by an egalitarian democratic process.

The left pretty much won that fight, and ever since the right wants to make the government the enemy, because it gives commoners some sort of power over them.

That's why the royalists want you to believe that they're in a noble struggle against "government" in favor of "meritocracy", because now they need popular support for their cynically self-serving power grab.

It's the modern-day noble lie. The rich deserve all the power because they say they earned it with their own individual industriousness, never mind all the evidence to the contrary. And don't you dare ask questions about whether it's right that any one man should have so much more power than another, it's a sin to question those of noble birth just engaging in class warfare.

The old definition of left & right is still apt, it's just that the right has to pretend it's about something else now.

>> ^blankfist:
I also think the Dems have showed their teeth just as fervently as the Republicans. I mean, yeah, the tea party takes the cake, but Bill O'Reilly is tame these days next to Maddow and Olbermann.

You obviously don't watch any of those shows.

TYT - Origins of the Drug War

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