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newtboy (Member Profile)

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newtboy (Member Profile)

HBO Mario Kart Trailer - SNL

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

First Look at Nintendo Labo

SEGA's 3 Biggest Mistakes | Gaming Historian

Mordhaus says...

The funny thing was that after the genesis, they almost always neglected to have a solid library of games available for their hardware. The game gear was incredibly more capable than the gameboy, but they didn't support it with titles. Same as the nomad. If they could have managed to swing one of their portables into being a viable nintendo competitor, they might still be around.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer (Official)

4K 60fps Photo Realism With Unreal 4 Engine

notarobot says...

Exactly. At a time when Microsoft and Sony were pushing graphics, Nintendo nailed gameplay.

"I'm cheap, and fun."


SFOGuy said:

so, one thought; the original Wii was success without having the highest graphics, but offering great games and an original experience.

And---while I look forward to great engines (though water and skin and hair are still so hard to get right)--the story and the mechanics are more important to me...

artician (Member Profile)

Nintendo for the Technology-addicted!

RedSky says...

Could be interesting.

I would normally say for something like this, it comes down to the graphical power of portable vs. console mode (and the footage in the video makes it seem like performance slowed to a crawl), but Nintendo have generally cranked out good first party games even on low spec hardware. 3rd party support might be a different question.

Also, the two controllers tabs separately split from the screen looks awkward as hell. Like seriously, the part where the guy was using it on the plane looked super awkward, almost like a parody video.

How free games are designed to make money

yellowc says...

Well I'm glad she added that Pokemon Go has a fairly reasonable model, I feel like that was the strong hand of Nintendo.

If you take away location differences, which there is a glaring issue with at the moment. Two players in the same reasonably supported area, the major difference in needing to spend money is how much you want to walk and that's the core of the game.

So if you want to play the game as designed (with no false limitations), you can generally play for free.

She's also not wrong that because of all that, I actually was inclined to make a purchase, it was small and I spent it on the non-expendable upgrades but I've been pretty anti-freeium in the past, so it was a big step for me to give such a game money.

I think Pokemon Go has certainly obliterated that 1-2% pay money statistic. I'm positive reports will eventually show it had a much higher stat.

It's not a saint, you can still gain a sizeable advantage by spending a lot of cash and these elements are still very much targeting the addiction of whales (expendable, short durations, element of luck with egg hatching). But it is a refreshing change for how they treat the "other" group of players.

The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild Trailer

artician says...

Looks nice, but Zelda really doesn't have anything left to say, it seems. Just looks like Twilight Princess again, and... I just don't care about that. Oh Nintendo...

Half-Contra (Contra NES Remade In Half-Life 2 (HL2))

Microsoft in #s

The weird virtual reality of Google's Project Tango

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