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Bobcat Vs Rattlesnake

Traffic Stop

bobknight33 says...

No newt this is the lefts imagined fear.
Don't worry killing babies is still a thing.

Spin and fear is all the Democrats have to get votes.

No plan just fear.

newtboy said:

Since it's exactly what the right promised to do, and the reason they broke all norms and precedents to pack the supreme court with anti choice judges, I don't understand your misplaced dismissiveness.
Shall I guess which side of the issue you stand on?

Trump Crime Family

Judge Barrett isn't worth considering

luxintenebris jokingly says...

trollboy? that's rich. (bezos rich)

that 1 basic question is on every american naturalization test. so it's a big miss. could rattle off that answer now and since jr. h.s.

with notes? most questions were dodged. same formula, same answer. so that's debatable.

"Who among us can do that? Who has done that?" they dropped the charges if that's what your asking!

lambast newt for orange rage then 🦜 mousse-lini's venom?

you're too funny to be funny.

...though i do admit i have been to a debauchery party...

bobknight33 said:

Trollboy She is qualified and worthy of the position.

She missed 1 basic question in 15 hours+ of hearings with out notes.

Who among us can do that? Who has done that?

I realize you don't understand this stuff because all you see is orange man bad. Blind rage has indeed blinded you. OR maybe you just prefer the party of debauchery, keeping black people poor ,uneducated in crime/rat infected Democrat cities.

MEGA landslide 2020

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Your so full of Bull shit Newt.

A leftest Tool delight

newtboy said:

WARNING- Don't click Bob's links without a vpn, super virus protection, and credit/identity theft insurance. He's linked to fake sites that were actually virus hosts multiple times.

Derp. Now 13 with way more being investigated, perhaps one wasn't so pro Trump as you but he still proudly followed Trump's instructions to stage an armed takeover of federal buildings with the others (something that sent you into a frothing rage when you claimed antifa had done the same, but unarmed), the rest were hard core trumpsters, and that one wasn't voting anarchist, he voted trump.

So sad, little Bobby, you think that having one only half trumpster makes this not a right wing pro Trump terrorist group, but if they had one Muslim it would be a jihadist group, wouldn't it. If they were anarchists, they would be a left wing terrorist group. If they had one black man they would be a blm terrorists group. But one not pure Trumpster and they aren't right wing terrorists. This is why no one here listens to your hyper partisan, factless propaganda, and no one anywhere with an IQ over 75 believes you.

Poor poor wittle Bobby, bad facts make Bobby cwy huwt.

Guy has a truly horrible airport experience

StukaFox says...

Newt, you don't know the half of it. The reason they need a bail-out? Two words, my friend: stock buybacks.

Back in '16, good ol' AA was ~$20 BILLION in debt. Yes, their DEBT was larger than the GDP of some nations. Bad situation, right? What to do, what to do -- HEY! I got it! Let's spend NINE FUCKING BILLION on stock buybacks. In doing so, they turned $5b in reserve cash into $550 million. Trump himself couldn't have fucked this up worse if he tried.

It gets worse. Here, I will quote from Forbes:

"The numbers boggle the mind. American Airlines spent nearly three times its current value on stock buybacks over the last six years."

It gets even worse from there.

Over the last ten years, AA spent ~$13b on stock buybacks. You know what their free cash flow was over the same 10-year period?

-$7,935 million.

That's not a typo. Their free cash flow, unique among all major airlines, is NEGATIVE. The number on their -negative- cash flow is greater than the -positive- cash flows of Jet Blue and Alaska combined.

Guess where that money went?

Shareholders? Nope.
Employees? Nope.
Improvements to the business as a whole? Nuh-uh.

If you guessed "The CEO's pocket", you win a $4 Snickers bar. If you also suspect that any bailout will end up in the same place, I'm throwing in a free Baby Ruth or an Abbazabba (your choice).

That's right: your tax-paying American ass is going to bail out these cocksuckers not to save jobs -- no fucking chance in Hell that's going to happen -- but to make Doug fucking Parker, an asshole of utterly legendary proportions who made $11.5 MILLION in 2019 thanks to those buybacks, even fucking richer.

There's not enough Prep-H in the world to compensate for that level of ass-fucking. And you WILL smile when you're getting raped, otherwise it's getting stuffed in your mouth afterwards.

(BTW: when they started this financial cocksuckery, AA was ~$60 a share. On Friday, it closed just below $13. Dough Parker still made money. The funds, including pension funds, who invested in AA @ $60? Not so much.)

newtboy said:

And they think they deserve ANOTHER multi billion dollar handout/bailout from taxpayers, another socialist handout for free, no strings attached at all, but won't commit to upgrading service or even keeping employees employed (considering their competence level, that's reasonable, a monkey on meth would do better).

Let's talk about making the debate more fair for Trump

dedstick says...

Hmmm, must say I had not considered this as a strategy going forward. Trust the Newt to insightfully predict the "pubs" next move. We shall see.

newtboy said:

Sadly, or maybe not sadly, that's going to be the last debate since Trump claims to have Covid now. I bet Pence tests positive before his debate too.

newtboy (Member Profile)

The Supreme Court: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

bobknight33 says...

Newt your just a gullible tool of the left.
Dems are trying to cheet with main in voting. Americans wont stand for it.

Biden Tax plan, No thanks. MEGA Landslide 2020

newtboy said:

Stop projecting.
Who is Bides?
It's Trump who they clobbered, and who went back on hands and knees, mouth gaping wide, begging for their interference in the election because Biden scares him silly. "Please, look into Joe....I'LL SUCK YOUR DICK AGAIN." Your hero, Captain Loanspurs (credit to BSR).

My Waffle Wedded Wife

My Waffle Wedded Wife

Squadron of Canadair CL-415 fighting fire in high winds

Trump and the GOP Rocked by Bombshell Woodward Tapes

bobknight33 says...

I claim BS when BS comes up. With the fake news it every day. So yea I use it alot.

Newt you must be a leftest tool. you allways quick to respond as if this is you only job to squash truth.

newtboy said:

You need a new line, Bobby. It gets old hearing that exact response a few times a day as each new scandal, deadly lie, health issue, and leadership failure comes into the spotlight.

We know absolutely nothing will make you change your blind worship of him, not even if he was eating babies alive on live tv while fondling them, nothing. You don't really need to jump up at every story and deny it, but feel free if the compulsion is overwhelming, it only serves to remind everyone how delusional you can be.

He lied about the danger and the need for caution, Americans died as a DIRECT result of following his specific directions to not distance and not mask up...died by the hundreds of thousands and permanently horrifically disabled at 3-5 times that many with destroyed lungs and brains, with those numbers expected to double by the new year....and he continues to lie.
It's only a non story to America's enemies. To real Americans, it's near genocidal in scope and criminality.

Trump Lashes Out Over Report He Insulted Fallen Soldiers

bobknight33 says...

You are right Trump should have cam clean and step up to the mic and say We are Fck. many will die. take shelter

newt, a good leader brings calm to the nation.

Yet another non story.

Every other day some new fake story to come .

newtboy said:

Like the fake story about him knowing personally how deadly and transmissible Covid is in January but telling people it wasn't deadly or a danger that he's admitted now that the tapes are public but denied for 6 months?

Too bad for you you're just parroting another right wing media lie, Bobby. That's why you can't find it reported anywhere besides right wing opinion "news".

What he said is....
"Goldberg then conceded that questions about anonymous sources were “reasonable” to raise, adding that he thought it was fine to “ask why people who have had direct exposure to Donald Trump, who know what Donald Trump has said, who know what Donald Trump has done, but won’t simply come out and say it.”"

The reason is obvious, they don't want their families threatened and attacked by rabid right wing terrorists like others have been.

You have no problem repeating anonymous lies Trump tells you he heard someone is saying on the internet, you know, like vaccines are made from alien DNA, hydroxy is safe and works against Covid, and illness is caused by demon jizz, but when literally dozens of current and former high ranking officials and military all confirm the stories, the fact that they rightly fear retaliation from Trump and the Trumptards only shows they're paying attention. He and your ilk have threatened and attacked every whistleblower he could find....and their families. Remaining anonymous is smart and reasonable....and protected by law.

Not surprisingly, yesterday he was bragging about how he spends his day working so hard for you....9 hours watching Faux opinion tv a day which barely leaves enough time to tweet 200 times before night night time. When does he take the time to lead? Saving that for his next term I suppose.

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