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Master of the Flying Guillotine

Home Made Paper Plate Speakers?

spoco2 says...

>> ^wormwood:

Mythbusters bust a different project, which pretty obviously would never work and didn't really need busting. This project is awesome though. I love how he scavenges the wiring--a really creative solution. Hotglue FTW!

Exactly, a bit disingenuous to say he un busted the myth. He demonstrated you can make a speaker for that money, but it is neither 'hi def' (the original claimed that) nor anything you'd actually want to use.

And to be fair, you can pick up reasonable speakers for a buck from garage sales, trash and treasure... all over the place.

Still, it's a nice little science demonstration of the basics of a speaker.

Home Made Paper Plate Speakers?

MythBusters Cannonball Experiment Gone Wrong Hits Houses/Car

Supersonic Jets Shatter Building Windows!

Shepppard says...

>> ^SFOGuy:

Very interesting---Does anyone remember the Mythbuster's episode where they tried to do this in the desert with a cooperating jet fighter? I think Adam was in the fighter and Jamie in a little shack with windows that they built on the ground...
To my recollection, the last, lowest, fastest pass busted a window in a shack too! (they should do the myth again with en entire sheet glass wall...)

I believe that the Mythbusters episode still maintained a "safe" altitude. I don't think the blue angels ever got within 100 feet of the ground for that, and those planes were about that.

Supersonic Jets Shatter Building Windows!

SFOGuy says...

Very interesting---Does anyone remember the Mythbuster's episode where they tried to do this in the desert with a cooperating jet fighter? I think Adam was in the fighter and Jamie in a little shack with windows that they built on the ground...
To my recollection, the last, lowest, fastest pass busted a window in a shack too! (they should do the myth again with en entire sheet glass wall...)

How Do Pain Relievers Work

Asmo says...

>> ^Auger8:

I actually thought that only worked with chemical burns guess that's what I get by learning medicine from Fight Club. lol.
>> ^vaire2ube:
Perfect. This helped me understand why acetic acid in vinegar helps with burns ... by neutralizing the substances leaked from damaged cells and stopping the spread of the burn effect to other healthy cells.
I couldnt find a clear mythbusters type explanation on vinegar and burns, so looking up what happens with damaged cells/pain interactions got me farther.
"It takes the heat away from the burn" ... "It neutralizes the burn" ... weren't quite doing it for me.
Anyway thanks info!

That was vinegar neutralising the lye (strong caustic soda) which is a base and was dissolving the skin/subcutaneous fat, not soothing the burn.

How Do Pain Relievers Work

Auger8 says...

I actually thought that only worked with chemical burns guess that's what I get by learning medicine from Fight Club. lol.
>> ^vaire2ube:

Perfect. This helped me understand why acetic acid in vinegar helps with burns ... by neutralizing the substances leaked from damaged cells and stopping the spread of the burn effect to other healthy cells.
I couldnt find a clear mythbusters type explanation on vinegar and burns, so looking up what happens with damaged cells/pain interactions got me farther.
"It takes the heat away from the burn" ... "It neutralizes the burn" ... weren't quite doing it for me.
Anyway thanks info!

How Do Pain Relievers Work

vaire2ube says...

Perfect. This helped me understand why acetic acid in vinegar helps with burns ... by neutralizing the substances leaked from damaged cells and stopping the spread of the burn effect to other healthy cells.

I couldnt find a clear mythbusters type explanation on vinegar and burns, so looking up what happens with damaged cells/pain interactions got me farther.

"It takes the heat away from the burn" ... "It neutralizes the burn" ... weren't quite doing it for me.

Anyway thanks info!

Freddie Wong Does the Cinnamon Challenge

FrostBoss: Spin your drink like a boss

KnivesOut says...

Well it makes some sense, in that it's increasing the contact between the liquid and the sides of the can, and it's rapidly decreasing the temperature of the can by increasing the contact between the can and the ice.

Also, I remember a mythbusters episode where they tested various methods for rapidly cooling drinks, and the fastest predictable method was salted ice, thereby lowering the freezing temperature of the water, essentially make it colder than ice. The other side effect was that the salt turned the cooler full of cubed ice (and therefore full of air gaps) into a cooler full of icy water. I think the principle is sound.

Still, its a dumb invention, considering how simple it is to cool drinks in lower tech fashions.>> ^Peroxide:

Can anyone with a physics degree confirm that this isn't nonsense?

Hey Look What We Have Here! Cow in 'Ennis Supply'

Starter Fluid Tire Inflation [MythBusters]

Grimm says...

People keep saying this...and people keep not supplying any evidence to back it up. Where is the video that shows this method keeping the tire inflated enough to support the weight of the vehicle?>> ^poolcleaner:

Not busted. Someone needs to write these asshats. I almost always hate when they cut to these 3 teamed up to do lesser myth busting...

IAMA - Penn and Teller Answer's Top 10 Questions

Yogi says...

I liked Bullshit, but a lot of the times they just has their science off. It's about entertainment...just like Mythbusters I don't expect them to get it 100% right.

The problem I had was with their 9/11 Show which was utterly stupid. They took the most idiotic people ever to make the case that there was a conspiracy. Ok cheerypicking but whatever. The crime they committed intellectually was getting a Firefighter that lost his friends in 9/11 to make the case that it wasn't a conspiracy. It was pure emotional blackmail, and it wasn't intellectually honest. They could've shut down soo much conspiracy nonsense but instead they just looked like morons.

Starter Fluid Tire Inflation [MythBusters]

rottenseed says...

That's very true. The simple fact that because the pressure of the tire off the rim is going to be normalized with the atmospheric pressure, even if you seated the tire back on manually, you'd have a zero pressure delta between outside the tire and inside. For a tire to run properly, usually you have to have a difference of approximately 30 psi. So yea, case closed. THANKS!>> ^messenger:

That might work better, but to pressurize a tire, you need significantly more gas than just the little bit that comes out of the spray can, and it must be at ambient temperature too to count. Clearly, the only reason this inflates the tire at all is the heat. Here's a thought experiment that disproves the "stays inflated" myth:
Consider that you need to have much more gas inside the tire than outside for it to stay inflated at ambient temperature. Before lighting the gas, there's the same pressure inside and outside the tire because the two areas are contiguous. When she lights the fire, the gas inside expands rapidly, and lots of it escapes, so now, while there's a greater volume of gas inside the tire than before, this is due to a greatly reduced density, so there's actually less gas inside than before, which is why there was a vacuum. Using heat, there will always be less gas inside than before. It's not even worth experimenting. The only way something like this could work is with compressed gas, which you certainly wouldn't want to do because that would blow the tire up if it were lit on fire.
I think there are self-inflating tires already on the market that have compressed gas cartridges built in, triggered by a sensor that fixes flats by spraying a sealant inside, then lots of pressurized gas, probably CO2. They don't use fire.>> ^rottenseed:
So the limiting reactant would be the starter fluid and the air in the tire. Oxygen to be more exact. Because you want enough forces to seat the tire, but not so much it removes all of the gases from the tire, maybe they should have tried less starter fluid. If that's depleted in the reaction quickly leaving enough energy to seat the tire, but also enough oxygen left over from the reaction, you might end up with a working tire.
Somebody please double check my thought process, but I think it's definitely worth more experimentation.

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