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'Mutiny' Over Pot

shinyblurry says...

Although Montana is rather conservative about most things, on the marijuana issue it is suprisingly liberal. There is medical marijuana there for one thing. It's just about as easy to get medical pot in Montana as it is in California. They also have shops that sell all the latest and greatest strains, and even delivery service! It's probably the proliferation of medical marijuana throughout the state which contributed to this, as well as Montana being extremely anti-government. The natives there don't like the Government telling them what to do, or how to run their lives. It may be the nexus of these two things which caused this to happen.

Strangest Place Dan Savage Has Had Sex

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'dan savage, university of montana, q and a, statue' to 'dan savage, university of montana, q and a, statue, vatican' - edited by SlipperyPete

ronavera789 (Member Profile)

gelajonan (Member Profile)

My hometown newspaper has a nice sense of humor.

Lann says...

@xxovercastxx I think it's the hardcore layer of ice at the bottom. Montana is so dry it usually freezes first and then snows leaving powdery snowpack. This last week it sleated and then snowed leaving the city as a bumper car arena.

zeth_rb (Member Profile)

laura (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Billings Montana Tornado Forming.

Billings Montana Tornado Forming.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Billings Montana Tornado Forming.

Lann (Member Profile)

Billings Montana Tornado Forming.

Billings Montana Tornado Forming.

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