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Kid Gets an Ipad to the Face

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^critical_d:

I am the youngest of 6 kids with a 7 year difference between me and the next in age. They were merciless in their teasing and it's amazing I didn't smash my Atari 5200 into their face too. (we didnt have ipads back then). Now that I am older and slightly more mature, I can put this all behind me. I let go of the anger and resentment because I realized that in order to move have to look forward. I have a huge family and I love every one of them, that does not mean I have to like them.
You should let it go. If not for the ones you teased, then for yourself.
>> ^Boise_Lib:
I'm an older brother.
I was a bully and like all bullies I was a coward.
The older brother will remember this for his whole life--and will always regret it.
And now thanks to Mom and Dad posting the nanny-cam footage online this video will haunt him for the rest of his life.

I thought I had let it go.

Kid Gets an Ipad to the Face

critical_d says...

I am the youngest of 6 kids with a 7 year difference between me and the next in age. They were merciless in their teasing and it's amazing I didn't smash my Atari 5200 into their face too. (we didnt have ipads back then). Now that I am older and slightly more mature, I can put this all behind me. I let go of the anger and resentment because I realized that in order to move have to look forward. I have a huge family and I love every one of them, that does not mean I have to like them.

You should let it go. If not for the ones you teased, then for yourself.

>> ^Boise_Lib:

I'm an older brother.
I was a bully and like all bullies I was a coward.
The older brother will remember this for his whole life--and will always regret it.
And now thanks to Mom and Dad posting the nanny-cam footage online this video will haunt him for the rest of his life.

Kid Gets an Ipad to the Face

Boise_Lib says...

I'm an older brother.
I was a bully and like all bullies I was a coward.
The older brother will remember this for his whole life--and will always regret it.
And now thanks to Mom and Dad posting the nanny-cam footage online this video will haunt him for the rest of his life.

berticus (Member Profile)

Movits! - Sammy Davis Jr

LarsaruS says...

Translated lyrics from

Born in the 80′s
In the middle of it
Then I was just the child, or maybe the grandchild
Not at all interested in tomorrow
Reality, really?
Yeah, whatever
Back then it was Abbey Road, Plura and Rolling Stones
on the grammophone ’til the day I moved away from home
Now it’s Evert Taube, Dylan, Common and Wailing Souls
Wonder where the inspiration’s coming from
They say I sound Oldskool baby
Like Frank and Sammy Davis
Sing in the rain like Gene Kelly
No, I just can’t believe what they say
but they tell me it was better way back in the days…
Not the one to be strivin’ backwards
But black shoes after 6 PM
I bought sneaks for half of the money
the rest I put in the matress, savin up for a rainy day
No, if thats the way it’s supposed to be
Ain’t really got nothing between the sheets
Meanwhile the oldfolks dream ’bout Jerry Lee
Gamblin away their pension on lottery
The house catches fire – For example
Call the firedepartment – Call the police
Lawyers – Lord Jesus,
Just as long as I don’t miss the reruns
of The Man From Uncle
Garfunkel and Simon
I grew up on A-team, Airwolf and MacGyver
cause I’ve heard from the elders
that everything was better back in the days
even the weather
This is what we in Luleå call a James Brown Moment:
They call it a daydream, sayin it was different
But grandma, it’s allright
That I should grow up, cut my hair and get a job
and not tryin to be James Brown
But was it not the same,
For young mom and dad, when it happened,
Woodstock, back in the 70′s
or was it maybe 69′
im just wonderin’
if it wasn’t just really all the same?

17-year old honor student pistol whips her mother for a car.

Sagemind says...

What is it about youth who think they can just beat and abuse their parents - their own mom and dads - What the hell - It seems there is a major epidemic of teens who feel entitled to everything their parents have and never have to do anything for themselves.

Have you seen underarm thermometers, because I sure haven't

Sagemind says...

I would be like so Aaaaaaarrrraaaaaaa............ Ummmmm..........

Years ago I worked at 1700s photo Studio in Barkerville BC.
We dressed people up in old time costume and took sepia toned photos.
At one point, I was helping a German family get changed, I handed saloon girl costumes to the two 17-19 year old daughters (thinking they would wait until I left) and they just whipped their tops off in front of me. I didn't know what to say as I pulled out costumes for the mom and dad.
I looked and wanted to look some more but it's quite awkward when the dad is standing right there.
Totally caught me off guard. - It was a good day!

MaxWilder (Member Profile)

Majortomyorke says...

Very well said. Thanks for taking the time to explain the difficult position of seeing the irrational behavior in others and how that can tend towards a feeling of personal superiority. Modesty, while ideal, can be difficult to maintain.

In reply to this comment by MaxWilder:
Let's get some terms straight:

Atheist - Anybody who does not believe in a specific religion. This includes those who call themselves agnostic, secular, non-religious, or skeptic. These groups use other words because they fear the negative stereotype associated with the word atheist. It just means that you don't believe. That's all. Maybe you even think that it's possible, but so unlikely that you will live your life without it. That's still atheism.

Strong atheism - Anyone who firmly believes that there is no supreme being. Yes, this is a type of faith, since there is no proof one way or the other. But these people are actually rare. Most atheists are simply saying that the God of Abraham (Christianity, Judaism, Islam), Hinduism, Shintoism, and anything else that requires magical thinking are nothing more that stories made up by human beings.

Anti-theist - Anyone who advocates for the end of religion and magical thinking. Of course there are many atheists who fall into this category, but there are also many who don't. You may know many atheists but are simply unaware of it, because they never talk about religion. It's just not a part of their lives.

I agree that anti-theists can be very annoying because anybody who is outspoken can be very annoying. But their cause is vital as long as there are religious nuts trying to inject religion into so many aspects of our secular government. If the evangelicals would go away, the loud anti-theists would disappear overnight.

And in regards to atheist arrogance... When you are ten years old and you know that Santa Clause doesn't exist, it's very hard not to feel superior to your seven year old sibling who still believes, and writes him a letter, and tells the guy in the mall what he wants, and stays up late on Christmas Eve trying to catch a glimpse. It's obvious to you that the presents come from Mom and Dad, not some fat guy in a red suit that magically visits every home in one night. Magic doesn't exist. The story doesn't fit with what you know of the real world.

It's the same way with atheists. Even though I bite my tongue around friends who are religious, it's hard not to look down on them and think of them as immature. Wishing doesn't make something true, praying doesn't make things happen, and a beautiful sunset or rainbow is not a miracle. And every time I hear somebody praising God for something good in their life, I can't help but think about all the real things they should actually be thanking, like their family and friends, their job, or even their own hard work. Some atheists are better than others in hiding this feeling of superiority, but it will always be there. And with good reason.

Atheism: Not a 'Cranky Subculture'?

MaxWilder says...

Let's get some terms straight:

Atheist - Anybody who does not believe in a specific religion. This includes those who call themselves agnostic, secular, non-religious, or skeptic. These groups use other words because they fear the negative stereotype associated with the word atheist. It just means that you don't believe. That's all. Maybe you even think that it's possible, but so unlikely that you will live your life without it. That's still atheism.

Strong atheism - Anyone who firmly believes that there is no supreme being. Yes, this is a type of faith, since there is no proof one way or the other. But these people are actually rare. Most atheists are simply saying that the God of Abraham (Christianity, Judaism, Islam), Hinduism, Shintoism, and anything else that requires magical thinking are nothing more that stories made up by human beings.

Anti-theist - Anyone who advocates for the end of religion and magical thinking. Of course there are many atheists who fall into this category, but there are also many who don't. You may know many atheists but are simply unaware of it, because they never talk about religion. It's just not a part of their lives.

I agree that anti-theists can be very annoying because anybody who is outspoken can be very annoying. But their cause is vital as long as there are religious nuts trying to inject religion into so many aspects of our secular government. If the evangelicals would go away, the loud anti-theists would disappear overnight.

And in regards to atheist arrogance... When you are ten years old and you know that Santa Clause doesn't exist, it's very hard not to feel superior to your seven year old sibling who still believes, and writes him a letter, and tells the guy in the mall what he wants, and stays up late on Christmas Eve trying to catch a glimpse. It's obvious to you that the presents come from Mom and Dad, not some fat guy in a red suit that magically visits every home in one night. Magic doesn't exist. The story doesn't fit with what you know of the real world.

It's the same way with atheists. Even though I bite my tongue around friends who are religious, it's hard not to look down on them and think of them as immature. Wishing doesn't make something true, praying doesn't make things happen, and a beautiful sunset or rainbow is not a miracle. And every time I hear somebody praising God for something good in their life, I can't help but think about all the real things they should actually be thanking, like their family and friends, their job, or even their own hard work. Some atheists are better than others in hiding this feeling of superiority, but it will always be there. And with good reason.

"Mom & Dad" Tales Of Mere Existence

Dan Dennett: Ants, terrorism, and the awesome power of meme

Don_Juan says...

God? God? The very label is a meme. The FLYING SPAGETTI MONSTOR laughs at the label "God"! Look in front of you. What you see is what exists. If you see "God", you've been tokin' too much. Get over it Ooooh! Ahhhh! There MUST be something out there and everywhere to replace Mom and Dad!

Girls Suck at Video Games

kronosposeidon says...

So you just don't buy it, based on your personal experience, right? You're generalizing trends based just on what you've seen and what you've experienced in your own home. This is a logical fallacy based on converse accident. You even say in your second statement, "First of all, maybe my house is different..." So right there you're admitting that your situation may be the exception rather than the rule. And it most certainly is.

First of all, the gender wage gap exists:

1. Women’s Earnings Fall; U.S. Census Bureau Finds Rising Gender Wage Gap
2. Statistics Canada: Average earnings by sex and work pattern
3. Statistics Norway: Gender Gap
4. Swedish National Mediation Office: Report examines gender pay gap

And there are more studies where those came from.

Secondly, in most cases (but certainly not all), women do more child rearing and housekeeping in two-income households. (I know this isn't the '50s. I never said it was, nor even came close to implying it. If it were the '50s then most households would be single-income.)

1. Time Crunch for Female Scientists: They Do More Housework Than Men
2. Working women do more chores than men
3. Women Do More Housework, Men Less Upon Marriage
4. Single women 'do less housework'
5. Married women unite! Husbands do less housework

And so on.

Equality has not been reached yet for most women in most careers and in most households. The video above tells a small part of this story, in an incisive manner. Though some may suggest that it is, it is not sexist to point out sexism, just like it's not racist to point out racism. To live in denial of the facts does not help solve the problem.
>> ^Sagemind:

I was hoping not to get into the whole gender argument but I have to chime in.
First of all, maybe my home is different but...
Yes, I find this comparison way off.
When my kids were babies, I took just as much care of them as my wife and sometimes more so.
I was the one who got up in the night with them, even when my wife was on maturity leave.
I changed the diapers most of the time.
I was working low paying jobs while my wife made a good union wage.
At one point, It was I who had to quit my job to be home with them while my wife worked.
I do almost all of the cooking.
Until my current job, my wife's income almost doubled mine
I could go on and on but the point is, many of my friends are the same. The 50s roles of mom and dad don't exist any more. Life has become a two income home for most of us and many cases, we work extra jobs on the side just to make ends meet. (3.5 income home). In most homes I know, the dads are very active in raising the children and keeping the house clean etc.
I understand this "Men with higher incomes world exists, I've just never seen it. I see many wives and woman in general out there in the work force making the same wage as the men. I know of many men out there that can't get a decent job that pays above poverty level and many more women out there with good union paying jobs. Yes, I've seen some women out there that don't work and stay with the children - out of choice - My wife hates working (as do we all), and would rather be at home full-time with the kids.
Life just doesn't work that way - we have to pay bills in a world where 2, 3 and four income households are becoming the norm. If in some fantastic world, I managed to double my wage and bring home enough money so my wife could quit working and be at home full time, wouldn't that skew the statistics? I would be that man who made more money than the woman, and she would be that woman who (choosing not to work) made less money.
But it doesn't matter, I don't live in a world where a single income can pay for a family of four.
We both work, We both volunteer, We both look after the kids and we both look after domestic chores. We both have the capability to make the full paycheck. I'd say we both have the same privileges of status.
Out of the fist ten friends that come to mind, the wife make more money (or equal amounts) in seven of those families.
In one, the wife doesn't work due to depression and stays home with the kids.
One works part time - and stays home with the kids by choice
And one just makes less money because of the choice of job she chooses.
So, for the average family, I just don't buy it. Maybe it used to be true but in today's world, if one spouse makes less money, it's because they made a choice at some point to either take a lower paying job or didn't train for better.
While there are many excuses, we are way past the days where we can blame domestic life as an excuse to hold women back. Just as there are many excuses as to why some men are the same.

>> ^kronosposeidon:
^Maybe you haven't heard, but women still do the majority of child rearing and housekeeping in 2-income homes.
And the score indicates that women make less money not because of their additional responsibilities at home, but because of sexism. Maybe you also haven't heard, but women make significantly less money than their male peers.

Girls Suck at Video Games

Sagemind says...

I was hoping not to get into the whole gender argument but I have to chime in.
First of all, maybe my home is different but...

Yes, I find this comparison way off.
When my kids were babies, I took just as much care of them as my wife and sometimes more so.
I was the one who got up in the night with them, even when my wife was on maturity leave.
I changed the diapers most of the time.
I was working low paying jobs while my wife made a good union wage.
At one point, It was I who had to quit my job to be home with them while my wife worked.
I do almost all of the cooking.
Until my current job, my wife's income almost doubled mine

I could go on and on but the point is, many of my friends are the same. The 50s roles of mom and dad don't exist any more. Life has become a two income home for most of us and many cases, we work extra jobs on the side just to make ends meet. (3.5 income home). In most homes I know, the dads are very active in raising the children and keeping the house clean etc.

I understand this "Men with higher incomes world exists, I've just never seen it. I see many wives and woman in general out there in the work force making the same wage as the men. I know of many men out there that can't get a decent job that pays above poverty level and many more women out there with good union paying jobs. Yes, I've seen some women out there that don't work and stay with the children - out of choice - My wife hates working (as do we all), and would rather be at home full-time with the kids.

Life just doesn't work that way - we have to pay bills in a world where 2, 3 and four income households are becoming the norm. If in some fantastic world, I managed to double my wage and bring home enough money so my wife could quit working and be at home full time, wouldn't that skew the statistics? I would be that man who made more money than the woman, and she would be that woman who (choosing not to work) made less money.

But it doesn't matter, I don't live in a world where a single income can pay for a family of four.
We both work, We both volunteer, We both look after the kids and we both look after domestic chores. We both have the capability to make the full paycheck. I'd say we both have the same privileges of status.

Out of the fist ten friends that come to mind, the wife make more money (or equal amounts) in seven of those families.
In one, the wife doesn't work due to depression and stays home with the kids.
One works part time - and stays home with the kids by choice
And one just makes less money because of the choice of job she chooses.

So, for the average family, I just don't buy it. Maybe it used to be true but in today's world, if one spouse makes less money, it's because they made a choice at some point to either take a lower paying job or didn't train for better.
While there are many excuses, we are way past the days where we can blame domestic life as an excuse to hold women back. Just as there are many excuses as to why some men are the same.

>> ^kronosposeidon:

^Maybe you haven't heard, but women still do the majority of child rearing and housekeeping in 2-income homes.
And the score indicates that women make less money not because of their additional responsibilities at home, but because of sexism. Maybe you also haven't heard, but women make significantly less money than their male peers.

Naked MILF playing Rock Band

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Outside nudist colonies- body modesty is a prevalent trait for most adolescents - you can blame corrupting society - but it exists.>> ^Bidouleroux:

Being conscious of what? Only peer pressure from the non-naked outside world (which equates nudity with sex) makes teenagers insecure around naked people. Children of nudists generally don't grow up to be "conscious" of their and others' nakedness. When you've seen and have been seen by thousands of naked bodies, nakedness becomes a non-issue.
Also, Freud is pants.>> ^dag:
Why is everybody sexualizing this? Nudity around your kids is not a harmful thing. What most of the books say is when kids start being body conscious, that's when mom and dad need to put clothes on around the house. And I think I liked your first title better, BMG.

Naked MILF playing Rock Band

Bidouleroux says...

Being conscious of what? Only peer pressure from the non-naked outside world (which equates nudity with sex) makes teenagers insecure around naked people. Children of nudists generally don't grow up to be "conscious" of their and others' nakedness. When you've seen and have been seen by thousands of naked bodies, nakedness becomes a non-issue.

Also, Freud is pants.>> ^dag:

Why is everybody sexualizing this? Nudity around your kids is not a harmful thing. What most of the books say is when kids start being body conscious, that's when mom and dad need to put clothes on around the house. And I think I liked your first title better, BMG.

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