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How to survive a knife attack

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

2 more Trump officials have corroborated the limo story (not that it’s about anything besides character) and verified that Ornato is a well known liar that has repeatedly made public statements for Trump’s benefit that were complete fabrications made to hide the truth about Trump’s actions or orders. That’s 3 officials and all but 2 of the secret service.

No, throwing a tantrum and grabbing for the wheel isn’t something he’ll be charged with, but like any court, it goes to credibility, and destroys Trump’s, and his lackeys, meaning they won’t be able to give any legal defenses because anything they say is suspect and should be discarded by the courts. They should have just kept quiet until the actual trial.

I would bet that’s why you won’t see them try to force them to testify despite their “offer”. They wouldn’t have any testimony to give beyond lies and pleading the fifth, like nearly every other Trumpist.

Ruh roe, Sarah Mathews, deputy press secretary that quit on Jan 6 in disgust, scheduled to testify publicly July 12. Don’t miss it, or you won’t know why you’re trying to discredit her on the 13th. I’m sure, suddenly, she’ll become someone Trump barely knew, a never trumper, a closet liberal, who is only making up more lies to stop “hands so teeny Mousolini” from running in 24, like the dozens of other administration officials that testified.

City of Akron responding to the shooting of Jayland Wlaker

newtboy says...

It’s insane you think this video provides justification for 90 shots, 30 of which missed from point blank range, without ever seeing any weapon at all.
(Edit: I must say, the flash from the window looks like a flashlight, not a gun. Guns don’t shine a beam of light onto the street. Let’s see the video, not a single frame that’s inconclusive.)
Also interesting how when it’s police vs unarmed black man you believe police without question, when it’s police vs armed white supremacist Trumpists the police are deep state liars making up crimes every time.
Remember, police went to the Supreme Court to have the right to lie to you, even in press conferences, and they do. Ask Uvalde.

bobknight33 said:

Start at 3:14

Millennials Are Still The Stupidest Generation. Brad Upton

TheFreak says...

I think what he's missing is that it wasn't the Millenial kids who asked for an overly insulated upbringing. It was their Boomer parents who put up all the guardrails and made all the rules to protect them from getting their bodies or feelings hurt.

Let's be clear, there were 2 versions of Boomers (early and late):
Boomer 1.0 raised the GenXers and they didn't give a fuck what tree we fell out of or who made fun of us in school.
Boomer 2.0 raised the Millenials and I'll never hate on Millenials because their parents were fuuuuuuuucked up protective.

Joe Biden's Actual "To Do List"

robdot says...

Trump said windmills cause cancer and vaccines cause autism. And covid would just go away,then,a million people died. He missed,by a million people.

Russian soldier caught with his pants down

cloudballoon says...

Is that an intentional miss, or? The payload seems very light or not weighted for a more controlled vertical drop. Besides, looking at the rather static foliage, wind speed seems minimal. Seems like the drop is just meant to - or barely just powerful enough - to scare and not kill.

Rent: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

luxintenebris says...

sorry to hear your father has passed. truly. been there.

imagine partnering that w/the Jan 6 hearings, that'll make two men you admired, being lost to you.

'tho sounds like your father is the only one worth missing.

condolences on your loss.

congratulations on the gain.

bobknight33 said:


With my dad passing last month he left me to deal with his rental house.

Dad, being a racist white Trump supporter screwed his tenant, which are black . That's how Trump supporters roll, right? [edited for brevity]

Honest Trailers | Halo

Amazing New Japanese Hanabi Fireworks

Wet Leg - Chaise Longue

moonsammy says...

What if it comes with a contractual requirement that you personally stop engaging in any activities which might infringe on their exclusive right to worry your mother? Feels like a trap to me.

Why is this tagged NSFW? Am I missing something racy beyond implications in the lyrics?

newtboy said:

I would like you to assign someone to worry my mother, thank you. That’s going to free up some time for me.

The Dutch Know How To Party

Foggy Brittany warming up in the morning sun

Florida Man Brings Knife To Gunfight

luxintenebris jokingly says...

Too bad neither bothered to bring a once of sense, self-control, or a gram of grey matter to the meeting.

Have too many tales to tell of seemly suicidal motorcyclists. Almost got one. Just missed. Happy that I did. Found no point in stopping to ask him to thank me.

Border Collie herds sheep onto the porch!!

Stealing Homes

newtboy says...

If this wasn’t Stossel, I might upvote, but because it is him, I’m feeling relatively certain that his eventual conclusion is faulty and many facts are just wrong. Remember, he’s the person who sued Facebook when he claimed the 2020 forest fires were primarily caused by forest mismanagement not climate change and Facebook labeled it “Missing Context. Independent fact-checkers say this information could mislead people.”

It’s a near certainty that salient facts are being hidden to make it seem local government is stealing houses over $8 bills. That is how Stossel “reports”. For instance, any loans, mortgages, judgements, fines, outstanding bills in collections, overdue taxes, the cost of seizure, the cost of the sale, the cost to bring the home into sellable condition, etc are all paid from the proceeds before the “owner” would have any claims….and the government gets to estimate the value at seizure and set the starting auction bid accordingly.

The IRS seizes homes around 300 times per year, most are worth less than the debt owed.

Asset forfeiture is wrong. It’s legalized theft. I wish I could trust the source enough to support this video.

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