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The Duality Of MAGA

surfingyt says...

you kidding? boob the moron and his dumbass family are in the video above. the only thing missing was pro-russia, anti-america rhetoric. republicans are gonna force our allies to face russia themselves and will pull us into WW3 (or is it 2, trump?) because "LeTS gO BrANDon!"

republicans are short bus trash.

newtboy said:

Where’s @bobknight33?

Blue Lagoon (Iceland)

newtboy says...

Um…it is NOT sea water…wtf!?
This is the outflow of Iceland’s largest power plant that runs on geothermal hot springs/steam.
It’s amazing, and so popular it can take months to get a reservation, and the line to get in without one can be hours and hours long….outside in Icelandic weather.
Sadly, it may be gone soon. Recent eruptions are very nearby and may have already damaged the pools and buildings, and it is forecast to be overrun by lava soon. If you never got to see this, you missed out on a huge bit of Icelandic culture.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oops. “I can fake being smart” Habba forgot to appeal the loss of his presidential immunity in civil cases by Feb 15. When asked about “Blasingame” she didn’t know what it was (it’s the case that stripped her client, Trump, of immunity in December!).
If he doesn’t have civil immunity, he definitely doesn’t have criminal immunity.
There is no appealing missing the deadline. He just lost any case for his immunity, onward to trials!

This means the civil suits about Jan 6 by representatives and police can proceed too.
Thanks Habba. Worst attorney in America! Congratulations on being #1!

Oh no! One of the main pieces of evidence used by the special prosecutor to prove Hunter was on drugs when he bought a gun, claimed to be a photo of cocaine Hunter sent to his doctor but was in fact a photo of sawdust put in lines by a carpenter who used work to overcome addiction, with text suggesting Hunter might as well. One more time the special prosecutor is caught misrepresenting evidence to impugn Hunter. There are many. He’s going to own them when he sues for misconduct. Another MAGA witch hunt falls apart with no witches, just little girls accusing their rivals. 😂

Magician Flying Over The Grand Canyon!

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Awwww….does it huwt youah wittle heawt to heah de twuths?

Baby shouldn’t pick fights then cry about it.

Trump brought it up, toddler. Don’t throw yards of stone when you live in a sugar-glass house. Especially don’t whine like a bitch when all your windows end up broken.

Why doesn’t he focus on real issues instead of festering on personal attacks that make no sense like bringing up Haley’s husband not campaigning but omitting that he is deployed overseas in the military, not avoiding her at all costs because he despises and distrusts her…but Melania is missing because she despises, distrusts, and doesn’t respect Trump, not because she is unavoidably indisposed.

Trump’s wife(s) hates him and knows he was a terrible president and a repeated rapist and cheater and smells like a sewer, that’s why she won’t be seen with him and won’t campaign for him. Guaranteed part of her prenup is she is barred from saying anything negative about Trump in public or she gets nothing in the upcoming divorce, that’s the only reason she isn’t campaigning for Biden and living with Hunter. You know it’s true.

bobknight33 said:

Why do you waste your time on non issues?

Just focus on real issues like Democrats only care about getting illegals in just to have more Democrat voters. You don't count only illegals matter to that party, yet you fester on Mrs Trump not showing up.

President Biden Delivers Remarks

newtboy says...

Biden had full clearance when his staffers stored documents he was allowed to have that were not labeled classified but turned out to be. None were near the level of classification of the nuclear secrets Trump intentionally stole, none were even clearly labeled classified. He had no knowledge of them being stored there, and thought they were in the national archives, still he did a search himself and discovered them and immediately turned them in, allowing the fib to search for more without warrants.
As POTUS Biden can pardon himself for past mistakes anyway. 😂 He could also pardon Hunter if he wished.

Senators can have security clearance too, dummy…especially if on committees like the foreign relations committee. Derp.
There is no indication that he ever procured documents he didn’t have the clearance to handle.

Trump wasn’t potus so had no remaining clearance or right when he intentionally stole thousands of well labeled highly classified highly sensitive docs on his way out of the whitehouse, and at no time was he allowed to possess them legally outside a SCIF. He was notified by the national archives and he lied about taking them, refused to return them, then lied about having returned them. He knowingly retained them and kept them in unlocked public areas where the public had unfettered access to them proven by the multiple photographs guests took of them. He actively hid them repeatedly when notified of an upcoming search the fbi had to get a warrant for because he refused to let them search for missing documents they knew he had without one. He then tried to erase and destroy the security tapes that prove he did everything I just accused him of, he even ordered a pool be pumped into the room housing the security servers in an effort to destroy evidence, but was so incompetent that they were easily recovered.

Your bulb burnt out 9 years ago when a racist tv idiot and convicted con man announced his candidacy and you said to yourself “that’s my ride or die for life, I just love that man so much it hurts”…but it was just a 5 watt black light bulb to start with….very dim.

bobknight33 said:

As a POTUS Trump is allowed to have classified docs.

Senators ( Biden) are not allowed.

The bulb in this man is dim and fading.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh, @bobknight33, they found the culprit that made the fake Biden robocalls in New Hampshire.

PS- I love how Trump reminded everyone how disastrous 2020 was, and how mentally feeble he is by bringing up “supply change” on OAN, claiming “no one had ever heard of the supply change before Biden” (he meant supply chain)…clearly forgetting that “supply chain problems” entered the current lexicon in 2020 when store shelves actually were bare because factories and ports shut down leading to SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES. No TP, no sanitizer, no medicines, no eggs, no milk, no pork (NO BACON!), ports closed, cargo ships waiting offshore by the thousands, trains full of cargo left in bad neighborhoods for thieves to empty because there was no one to unload them at warehouses and no place to store them, neighborhoods near ports absolutely filled with abandoned truck trailers for the same reason…all under Trump, suckers!
THANKS TRUMP for reminding your low IQ voters with no memory that “supply chain problems” were first created by Trump who botched Covid worse than any other leader on the planet. 😂

Oof…the failed impeachment just keeps getting better. We now know what Greene was talking about when she claimed the Democrats “hid” one of their members who ruined their little vote… Rep. Al Green of Texas was having surgery and the vote was scheduled to try to make sure he couldn’t vote, but he left the hospital and voted, ruining the tie vote they expected which would have let the speaker cast the deciding vote. Yet another sneaky underhanded MAGA attempt to subvert democracy foiled. D’oh!

😂 No immunity for Trump really has MAGA shitting their pants. Good job Trump, now you either get denied by the Supreme court and likely start in June and end your treason trial in September or you get them to hear you (and again rule against your obviously wrong interpretation of checks and balances as defined in the constitution) and his trial should end in late October, far too late to replace him on the ballot but with him disqualified…leading to massive landslides across the board for Democrats as MAGA doesn’t show up to vote if they can’t vote for Trump. 😂

Bonus- Residents of Eagle Pass Texas now say they are far more worried and afraid of the out of control angry nutjob MAGgots that showed up there than the migrants.

Oops Project Veritas again admitted lying about voter fraud, this time a fake accusation about Pennsylvania post masters mishandling ballots.

OH SWEET ZOMBIE GEEBUS! Look up MAGA loser Solomon Peña who lost his election in 22…he of course baselessly claimed fraud and tried to intimidate election officials to not certify the election, intimidate them by shooting their houses up, in one case missing a Senator’s 10 year old by inches as she slept.
Now both his first and his second hired attempted assassins have plead guilty to shooting up election officials houses at Peña’s direction (he paid them to do it, and personally shot up some of the houses with them). They could both get life.
Another day, another MAGA bunch of terrorists.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

$83,300,000.00 MORE for Carrol…on top of the $5 million in escrow now awaiting his first appeal. LOSER!

Trump has to pay before he can appeal…you think he has it?

She could legitimately already have another case for what he’s said about her publicly during trial, let’s see if this is enough to shut him up. I doubt it, so get ready for more.

Being a douche bag rapist sure is expensive!

Edit: As a bonus, the financial monitor in his business fraud case has made her report, saying even under court monitoring his financial statements are either/or completely missing, incomplete, repeat with errors, and/or contradictory. Estimates for the judgement are topping $500,000,000.00, and complete divestment from his businesses/properties in New York. He doesn’t have it. Better make more donations.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Two days after being directly personally implicated in multiple cases of child rape through the Epstein documents, at least one dropped because Trump’s terrorists (like you) threatened the 13 year old victim and her family with torture and death and the now young woman wasn’t prepared to be responsible for her family’s injury or death so she walked away from her case, Trump on stage decided it was a good time to start commenting on his audiences “good looking children”.

Imagine if Biden said that the string of nonsensical accusations you would be making about Biden who has never been credibly accused of any abuse, contrary to Mr 26 (now 27 including the 13 year old) who has been accused by nearly every woman he’s known and has been repeatedly recorded bragging about his sexual abuse of multiple 14 year old girls (why he bought miss teen America).

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh….so you were w-w-w-wrong about him not being mentioned? 😂 😂

😂 I’m certain you cannot admit that….in fact you are already making up lies about what’s in it to twist and turn away from admitting exactly that…but reality is you said he’s not mentioned and he is, prominently and repeatedly all throughout. 😂

Did I say there were accusations of Trump’s child molesting in the affidavits? No. I said that information came from his (Epstein’s) plane logs from 94-98 released long ago….
…there absolutely is stuff in there about Trump messing around with young girls you fucking tool. One of the affidavits was from the 13 year old girl that accused Dershowitz, Clinton, AND TRUMP OF RAPING HER. She since recanted, citing MAGA terrorists threatening her life and her family and her desire for safety overriding her desire for justice, but those accusations absolutely ARE in the information just released. She claimed there are tapes of all of it…including Trump. There may be more, but I know for certain that is part of the stuff just released.

The things I said about Epstein at Maralago came from the article I linked (and many many others written at the time).
Try again loser.

Fuck you love to make up paper tigers to put down….they’re the only kind you have a chance against. Try again, sucker. Trump continued his best friend relationship with Epstein for years and years and years after he was arrested for child rape/prostitution and he plead guilty. That did not end the relationship, they continued partying until months before Epstein surrendered for prison…LONG after he admitted running the child prostitution ring for people like Trump for the entire time he and Trump were partners in crime as THEY put it. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy, he’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.“. No clearer admission has ever been made. Trump was clear that he knew Epstein liked young girls (and we know how young), and Trump admitted he shared that trait with him, and that’s far from the only time he admitted it. They remained friends and party partners until 2008….and we all know exactly what kind of party Epstein was into and it wasn’t “dances with wives” kind of parties.
Never forget how Trump bragged about buying the Miss Teen USA pageant specifically so he could go into the dressing rooms of the 14 year old girls while they were naked and no one could force him out as the owner, and “joked” about his obligation to sleep with every contestant….this is on the record and publicly broadcast repeatedly on multiple live Howard Stern shows he was on. His pedophilia is not a question, it’s public knowledge you turn a blind eye towards.
Also never forget Dershowitz was a strong advocate for getting rid of statutory rape crimes altogether (legalizing child rape) or at a minimum making the age of consent 15…keep that in mind as he denies the reports of him on Child Rape Island.

I’m not your son, kid. You are so far below me intellectually you barely seem out of kindergarten most days, and your complete lack of a grasp of English backs that up constantly. Don’t ever be so delusionally disrespectful you call me “son” ever again, boy. You aren’t my son, if you were I would disown you then retroactively abort you.

Keep fighting those windmills, Don Quixote…cutting down your paper tigers like a hero. I hope it makes you feel like a big man, something impossible in reality so you live in a delusional fantasy.

While I doubt you’ll watch it, this has some revealing information…

Edit: You know who actually wasn’t mentioned at all….Joe Biden.

bobknight33 said:

So Trump and Mar A Lago was mentioned. But nothing to do with messing around with young girls.

Fuck, you got another nothing burger.
Keep fishing my son, keep fishing

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More exposing highly classified documents by Trump…this time the entire multinational investigation into the massive election interference in 2016 by Russia (for his benefit and the nations detriment), including the highly classified methods and personnel we and our allies used to get information out of Russia …that was the highest level of classification, (so sensitive even the notes of agents who viewed it were kept in a secure safe in a secure area of the CIA) that Trump ordered copies of in the last days of his presidency and THOSE COPIES WENT MISSING AND ARE STILL UNACCOUNTED FOR (he obviously sold them to Putin so he could clear house just like the Saudis did, executing hundreds after paying Jared $2 billion).

This is ANOTHER top secret classified document scandal separate from the Maralago scandal of exposing classified documents to our enemies like China and Russia, another outright theft of our nations secrets that does major damage to our national security and our relationship with international allies who have more evidence Trump can’t be trusted with sensitive intelligence, more treason, and one more reason why Trump and his entire treasonous MAGA administration should be in front of a firing squad and not a teleprompter looking for votes and donations.

But I know, no amount of blatant undeniable treason could penetrate your blinders to convince you of Trump’s overwhelming guilt on at least 91 charges of treasonous activities, just as no amount of proof Joe never sold influence to anyone would ever convince you he’s not guilty of something. Facts simply don’t penetrate your thick skull…ever.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ziegler himself is now calling out the hypocrisy of those in his party who are calling for him to step down for (allegedly) raping the woman he and his puritanical book burning wife often had 3 way sex with, but who didn’t call for Trump to step down from his candidacy and party leadership when he was found guilty of raping a woman, but it’s no surprise since you didn’t care when Trump was bragging about routinely sexually abusing women and 14 year old young girls (look it up, he bragged repeatedly in public about miss teen USA contestants he told he had an obligation to sleep with and repeatedly forced his way backstage to watch undress while he owned the pageant, more than once on Howard Stern) on tape, broadcast, and it was public knowledge before he was elected in the first place.
Also don’t forget Trump’s friend Roger Stone who is a willing cuckold who put adds on swinger sites looking for “huge hung black Cock” to have deep hard nasty gangbang sex with his wife while he watched.
Yes, Trump’s (complete lack of) morality is now the official GOP position direct from the actual party leadership…immorality deviancy and debauchery are officially main features of the GOP, not minor issues.

PS- Thursday Trump lost his NY appeals of both the summary judgement of guilt and the financial monitoring agreement he’s already violated y secretly transferring $40 million out of the state. Expect more charges….much worse charges than Hunter is facing for exponentially greater and blatantly intentional crimes.

newtboy said:

The chairman of the Florida Republican Party Christian Ziegler is under investigation by the Sarasota Police Department over allegations that he sexually abused (raped) a woman with whom he was allegedly having a menage a trois with, along with his wife, who happens to be a founder of the super religious “please think of the children” Moms for Liberty Group.

Grand Old Party of debauchery…all too often real physical hypocritical debauchery by puritanical fascists with non consensual partners, not imaginary insulting fantasy stories made up by idiots. (Pelosi’s husband’s boyfriend, etc)

His story is this is a fake story created for fame, to do political damage, or to extort money…the problem being she reported it to police Oct 2 and has kept it 100% private and has not filed any lawsuits, so so far is not looking for fame, to do political damage, or money at all. She’s looking for privacy and protection from her rapist boyfriend.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Trump is up in arms over that Lincoln Project ad, he claims they made him look stupid old and fat. I’m pretty certain it was Trump who made Trump look stupid old and fat by being stupid old and fat! 😂

Here’s an older one he didn’t claim was doctored where they use most of the same clips, and he looks like he looked….old, fat, unhealthy, and unsteady.

Bonus- McCarthy is leaving congress in disgrace at the end of the month. So is Bill Johnson. That paper thin majority in one half of congress is down to one.

Extra bonus- Trump’s “best legal people” screwed him again by missing another deadline, again, out of pure laziness… this one to appeal the reinstatement of the gag order before he testifies next Monday (can’t wait for that train wreck), and they totally screwed up the appeal too, asking for a single judge to hear their appeal after a 4 judge panel ruled on it and overrule them. The next step is the entire NY Supreme Court, not one cherry picked judge to overrule a 4 judge panel. Any competent lawyer would know that, no one on Trumps team did. They’re trying an ineffectual council defense, but that means he expects to be convicted first and is so certain of that that he isn’t trying to offer any defense at all, just incompetent attorneys. 😂

newtboy said:

*video of Trump being old, fat, feeble, and exhibiting dementia*


Republicans Start Telling The Truth

newtboy says...

I guess you couldn’t find a loser American with that idiotic a viewpoint that intentionally missed the point entirely. Loser!

In case you really are dumb enough to believe this red herring twaddle, it’s not about saying the word pussy, it’s about him bragging about his long disgusting history of raping and sexually abusing women, giving gifts in hopes of buying a chance to fuck his friend’s wives, paying for sex with porn stars, paying for sex with playboy bunnies, leering at 14 year old girls in their dressing rooms against their will, and being best friends and party buddy with Epstein for decades…all while married, and generally having nothing but distain and a total lack of respect for women…a misogynistic abusive history now codified in legal history, Trump is the only president found legally in court to be an actual RAPIST!
Character matters, especially in the highest office on the planet. That should not need saying, but clearly your ilk has forgotten.

Trump is a MUCH bigger pussy than Biden when the chips are down, he caves every time, he only talks tough and never to his target’s face. His foreign policy was essentially “what would you like” to our enemies…he caved to the Taliban 100% when they were nearly wiped out and handed them back their army and walked away from the Afghan government with a total (unplanned) retreat for instance….why? What did they give us in return? Nothing. He just caved. He’s even afraid to walk down a low angle ramp by himself.

bobknight33 said:

Foreign Trumpist nonsense.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Biden is going to use the insurrection act against high crime red states to take over from their ineffectual far righty law enforcement with the military…hopefully raising their/your taxes to pay for it, possibly “suspending” a few amendments. 😂 Enjoy.

More classic….Hunter agrees to sit for deposition if it’s public, Republicans say no way…
…they’ll only accept a secret behind closed doors unrecorded deposition, because they need to selectively edit, misconstrue, destroy, hide, and then selectively leak “evidence”, and to then weaponize the selectively edited misconstrued leaked evidence, and a public deposition would make that impossible.
Again, MAGA is afraid to do anything in public because everything they do is illegal, unethical, and 100% fraudulent. EVERYTHING.
The Hunter investigations fell apart over and over and over with falsified evidence, witnesses who admitted they knew of no crime Hunter or Joe was even tangentially involved with, and their best “witness” is a missing Russian spy who is known for supplying false information to intentionally hurt America, and who hasn’t been seen in years and whose ridiculous false report was debunked by the DOJ under Trump when Giuliani first produced it.

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